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A Glambert From Taiwan Performs Adam Lambert's Cuckoo For School Final Exam

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, January 21, 2013

Posted at : Monday, January 21, 2013


Anonymous said...

ha ha A+ on the moves alone. I don't know if he'll be a singer but will certainly be working in some job that requires a great personality.

Anonymous said...

What was this all about, performing for a final exam? This is strange, is this a music class?

Anonymous said...

Looks like everyone is having a lot of fun.

Anonymous said...

I'd rather watch this video:
Over and over. And over again.

Anonymous said...

Guy got good personality, do him well I suspect. Did not seem to bother him to use the F word and the sign, at a school I Asume it is a school. Singing was not very good at all, but the clowning around was funny! Maybe to loosen them up for the exsam, who know's these countries really like this album! It was fun wish I had gone to a school like that, great fun!

Anne Marie said...

I haven't heard anyone commenting about Adam and Sir Elton Jon's huge concert coming up June 29th. I can't remember which country it will be in, but not USA. I have seen the ads for it.

Anonymous said...

'Louder, Louder, Louder' when it comes to Adam for sure so the whole world hears him. Adam is so loved in Asia where he has amazing fans.

Anonymous said...

The concert with Elton John is in Estonia on June 29.

Anonymous said...

12:54 you must have missed the thread it was on, we were flailing.

Anonymous said...

I missed it too, someone here said Adam was booked through June, someone ask about that never heard and anwser! Is it just Adam and Sir Elton John, put door concert? How large is it please. Some info please, I missed it too! Sue

Anonymous said...

That was is it an outdoor concert! Not put door concert. A question about the Elton John Concert! Sue p

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choons said...

@10:52am Jeez, I was supposed to go out tonight but started watching the vid and couldn't move from my chair. Couldn't. hit. pause. couldn't save 'til later. Watch. Now.
I have loved him from the very beginning and I just keep falling in love all over again. The Idol clips have amazing close-ups and zooms into his mouth and eyes. I die a thousand deaths and come back for more. My crush is terminal. Don't save me.

Anonymous said...

I get it choons, I.get it

Anonymous said...

Here is the Pop Dust voting link. There is only one more round after this.

This round closes at 9:00 a.m. EST on Wednesday, Jan. 23rd.

Magiclady said...

I get the screen with all of the brackets, but don't see a place to vote? Can someone help?
I seem to be having lots of problems today!

Anonymous said...

7:21 scroll down and it will say vote.

Anonymous said...

@ Magiclady....Scroll down past the brackets and you will find the vote rectangle with a larger picture of Adam.

Anonymous said...


Thanks guys! Worked this time.

Anonymous said...

You're welcome...(7:41...aka...JAK)

Anonymous said...


OMG! It's 4am and I'm vacillating whether to finish this AI8 or go to sleep now.
I already have other links but didn't know you would lead me there again and I just couldn't leave.
Just like @choons, I didn't do what I'm supposed to do. LOL!
And I keep rewinding as always, just can't help falling in love with ADAM, over and over and over. . .


Anonymous said...

Love the girls doing air guitar. LOL! I haven't heard much about Elton and Adam either. Maybe we need an Estonian Glambert to do some translation. The first translations didn't make it clear whether Adam is guesting with Elton's band or opening for him. Does anyone know?

Unknown said...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...