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A Lot More Pictures From Adam Lambert's Birthday Party!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, January 26, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, January 26, 2013


Anonymous said...

Sauli looks uncomfortable...glad BB's mom was there;hope they went home before it got "out of hand".I know David Arquette is sooooooooo funny!That lap dance was what Adam enjoyed the most.-lol!

Anonymous said...

awww my kind of party 20 years ago and I would have been the ringleader. The good ole days.

Anonymous said...

love Adam's shirt and pants, and Looking smexy without a jacket.

daydreamin said...

Oh MY Ashley, I am oficially jealous!

Most excellent video. Some of you probably have seen it before. I don't remember it but I've watched soooo many over the years:
Click HERE

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great party with all of his friends and everybody having fun. Feeling lucky so many pics were shared with us.

Anonymous said...

You can tell how much Adam loves his friends and they love him back. So sweet.

Anonymous said...

From Nile's foundation re Adam's birthday.

The We Are Family Foundation is humbled and excited to share Adam Lambert's 31st birthday on January 29th with everyone! Adam has graciously donated his birthday to us this year. What does that mean? It means that he's asking his fans, friends and family to donate $31 (or any amount you like) to our cause.

Donate $31 or more and we'll send you instructions on how to upload a 10 second video birthday message that we'll put together as the World's Biggest Birthday Card for Adam! Donate less than $31 and we'll show you how to sign the birthday card.

Your donation will directly support We Are Family Foundation's initiatives that empower youth around the globe to help make the world a better place. Just imagine what we can all do together!

Anonymous said...

Why do you think Sauli looks uncomfortable? To me it looks posing picture.. I do however feel that they might not be totally ok but thats me and my bad day feeling. Adam looks happy so mayby they just don`t like to hang together in a party because they do live together and can be there all alone.

Anonymous said...

Amazing what you can tell from one photo of Sauli where everybody in it is making faces for the camera.

Anonymous said...

12:51 exactly what I thought!! I wish I had a talent like that but I have to deal with RL.

daydreamin said...

Another new picture from Adam's bday party:

Click HERE

Anonymous said...

When I'm at a party with my husband I don't hang around with my husband that much cause I see him all the time. I spent time and talk to my friends that I don't see them that often. My husband does the same thing. He hangs out with his own friends at the same party. My friends do the same thing also. That's whole purpose of going to a party, to socialize with your friends not with your better half.

Anonymous said...

daydreaming, I don't think that pic is from the bday party. Different clothes and the guy that tweeted it says it and another pic of somebody else are from Revolver, a club in West Hollywood.

xander tarigo‏@xandertarigo
Happy Aussie Day!! adamlambert simon_says___ @ Revolver

Anonymous said...

WOAH!! The photo with Ashley!!!

What a great night and then some!! Way to go BB!! :-D

Anonymous said...

Is Adam out again? Without Sauli? Is everything ok with them?

Anonymous said...

Another cute pic with a fan. Put your cursor over the bottonm of the pic and all the hashtags show up. It's very cute :) #superstar #grammys #fortunate #pop #greatness #hits, etc etc.

Anonymous said...

2:59, I talked to Sauli yesterday and he said everything is great.

Anonymous said...

Who is that in the middle if it is. Or Sauli? He right there!! Sue

Anonymous said...

Geez, of course that's Sauli in the photo!!

Anonymous said...

You didn`t talk to Sauli yesterday (or any other day). Do you think we are stupid.. And Sue where is Sauli tonights fotos? Sauli is there when birdday party fotos was taken ut I was talking about tonights fotos from Rasputin.

HK fan said...

I go out socialising quite often, but I never have a photo taken...., does that mean I'm not there as there's no proof?? just because we haven't seen a photo doesn't mean Saulis not there....

Anonymous said...

Adam looks GREAT in every picture. He is so photogenic as is his mom. OH MY ASHLEY INDEED.! ....lucky girl

Anonymous said...

Dear 2:59 / 4:19, I think 3:19 was being sarcastic. But yes, 3:19 probably does think you are stupid and he/she wouldn't be the only one.

Adam is a beautiful singer and person. Why bring low-life gossip into places celebrating him and his birthday? Stop being the Perez Hilton of the fandom.

Anonymous said...

This must have been some fun birthday party with Adam, Sauli and his friends. Even Leila was there to celebrate and doesn't she look terrific. Love Adam's shirt and pants also. That lapdance from DA must have been hilarious. Glad to see all these pics and hope it did not get"out of hand".

Anonymous said...

Fun! Fun! FUN!! I want my next birthday party to be just like Adam's, lap dance included!!! lol

Why are some of you so worried about Sauli?!! Is he there, Is he not there, There, Not, There, Not?!! Happy! Sad! Happy! Sad! Our focus should be on Adam!! Adam Only!! After all he's the reason why we're here!!!! Right?!!

Anonymous said...

Jeez, Once again, we see a picture and some people here start to read too much into it. These are party pictures, people. A good time was had by all.

And, oh yeah, Adam was especially smokin' hell-fire hot.


Anonymous said...

It is so awesome that we get treated with these lovely photos of Adam and his loved ones. I consider myself so fortunate to have been given access to these. They are so personel and it makes me feel more connected to Adam. Keep these photos coming! Love them all!...LB

Anonymous said...

I agree this is not right place to talk only Sauli. He is a good gay with warm heart and he support Adam very well. And I understand that someone of us are worried about him also. And he is a human too so it kind a make me angry when people say we should not care about him only Adam.. But mayby there is some other place for that.. I dunno.. and analyzing fotos too much is pointless and can misslead you so much. But we are all doing that also with Adam. Is he happy, who is he with, how he dress himself... So mayby before to blame for anybody about their feelings we all might think we are all the same as Adam would say!

Anonymous said...

2:59 -- Please get lost...

Anonymous said...

Persons who are worried about Adam's and Sauli's relationship should read a comment of Rasputin picture. No interpretation, but eye-witness.

Anonymous said...

2:59 AM: I've seen two pics from Saturday and on the other I see Sauli's face back the other guys, so he was there w Adam. Don't worry, lol!

6:48 AM: If there were only photos about Adam, we would talk only about him. But there are often other people too and then we may discuss about them, like Sauli sometimes. I must confess that I'm not here just because of Adam and Adam only. I don't want to read all the time how beautiful his smile, eyes, hair etc. are (I know it). I'm interested also in his life and his near and dear ones. If I'm not interested, I scroll. That is not very difficult. Of course there are on other sites some Sauli-centrals etc. but nowadays when Adam is out somewhere many want to know with whom he was and so the discussion starts. Scroll babe, scroll!

Anonymous said...


Please don't believe stupid trolls who are just laughing at adam's fans.

Personally I could care less about Sauli - if they are happy good for them and if they go their separate ways then that's fine too.

Anonymous said...

Since day one we have read posts and picture interpretations about Adam´s and Sauli´s relationship ...I guess some people don´t like them being in love!!!! No matter how hard you try to find something not okay with them, they keep on going strong and in love!!! So if you´re some your heart out!

Anonymous said...

9:19 AM I'm just the opposite: If they would break up, I would not care much about Adam. I've een a fan of Sauli since 2007 and Adam has come with him. I love Adam's voice, but I don't always like the way he seems to behave for instance in the clubs now that he is in a relationship. I do care about Sauli's happiness b/c he feels like some little brother to me. If they would break up before March I've decided to sell my ticket to Adam's Helsinki-concert. I'm such a crazy one. My loss, I know. As said, I love Adam's voice and music, but he's not the only brilliant singer in the world and I couldn't care less about him if he wasn't with Sauli (I wouldn't even know him). Sorry! I know he's a fine person (but not a god).

Anonymous said...

I find it so disgusting when people draw stories in less than a second snap shot picture and make final twisted conclusion that yes this is how this person thinks, lives, and acts in his real life.

Be thankful that you got a glimpse of Adam's private time and his special birthday!

Anonymous said...

Ashley . . . you go girl . . don't hold back

Anonymous said...

Just have a nice party BB

Anonymous said...

@9:54am. You should find your own happiness and fall in love. Basically mind your own business and if you are only Sauli fan then go to his fansite. Adamtopia dedicated a seperate section for Sauli news. This is Adam's fansite and most fans are on this site about Adam news. We only care about Adam's happiness. If his relationship makes him happy fine with us. Adam is a happy camper in these pictures so I assume he is doing ok in his relationship.

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about, these pictures are part of Adam's real life, getting drunk to have a good time and I too feel for Sauli having to put up with him behaving like this if the only way you can enjoy yourself is by getting drunk then you really have a problem.

Anonymous said...

When Adam first started dating Sauli you always saw photos of Adam and Sauli together along with Adam's friends but not so much lately, also Adam's friend Danielle wasn't at this party, at one time she would always be seen with him.

Anonymous said...

10:22 cry me a river, Church Lady.

Anonymous said...

10:22am. These pictures are only couple of seconds of Adam's real life and to draw an idiotic conclusion is a crime.

Anonymous said...

Okay people...take a deeeeep breath! Why is it that everytime we see a picture or we don´t see a picture of Adam and Sauli, we start these crazy, bizarre speculations???? They both are affectionate and show that to each other and their friends (mutual friends and friends of their own). They are smart enough to know that there is no pleasing us no matter what they do. I hope they are not even trying and focus on their real life.

Anonymous said...

Sauli has been there almous always when they have been same place at the same time. He was bd-party, he was last night at Rasputin. He is behind the gays in first picture. He has been every show Adam have been lately.. What do mean he is not there? Mayby he is not every picture and mayby it is his choice. If the pictures are with fans why should he be in them. Are people boring or paranoid I really don`t understand. And I do care about them both!

Anonymous said...

10:34 It takes a lot more than this to make me cry, and if you don't approve of my opinion of which I have a right to have then that's your problem.

Anonymous said...

10:13 AM: My (9:54 AM) love life is not your business. I come to this site to see Adam news as long as he is w Sauli and no one can stop me, lol. But I don't come here very often. I spend more time in Adamtopia where people accept also different opinions and discuss about many things related to him (and have this Sauli-section, lol).

I often wonder why people think that wasted Adam is so sexy. He goes to clubs and gets drunk and that's so fine. I like him more when he is singing or goofing sober (like that KEEK-vid when he was singing that Diamond-song).

Anonymous said...

the big question is why do we even care what this pitiful troll thinks to begin with?

Anonymous said...

10:43 good hope you will be running along now. See ya

Anonymous said...

Oh lol 10:22 you feel sorry for Sauli? He drinks as much or more than Adam from what we can see.

9:54 that's fine if you love Sauli. I assume you are Finnish and he will be back in your country soon so you can prob see him at your local bar.

Anonymous said...

IMHO Adamtopia is far more classy Adam fan site than this one. I come here to keep up with news and very often find people arguing about things that even aren´t their business. Gotta stick with Adamtopia... so bye:)

Anonymous said...

10:38 AM: You are a wise person! Thank you! I love both guys and care about their happiness, but I'm sure they know what they do and what they want to show to the outer world. We don't belong to their story!

Anonymous said...

10:51 Buh bye.

Anonymous said...

@10:43 AM, I agree with you, it's so much nicer to see Adam goofing around and being his natural self without drinking so much. If your truly happy in life then you shouldn't need to drink just to get drunk. I remember this time last year when Adam and Sauli got themselves into trouble due getting drunk and landed in jail. Adam said he had learn't a lesson and that's when they both started juicing and going on their health kick, hopefully things won't get so out of hand again, but it appears Adam is taking a risk.

Anonymous said...

@10:51 AM...this is 10:38 AM:) Thank you for your kind words:) You and I think alike. I want them both to be happy and there is no reason to think that they are not:) It´s their relationship, not ours!

Anonymous said...

10:47 AM: You're right: I am (9:54 AM) from Finland but I don't live in Southern Finland, so unfortunately I don't think I'll see him in any bar if he stays in Helsinki and Hyvinkää (or maybe I'll meet hiim on March when I go to Helsinki, yeah).

And it's ridiculous to start arguing who drinks more. Both guys like to drink and to be drunk I suppose, but I have never heard that Sauli has smoked pot as Adam, lol (it's drug here in Finland and would not be allowed to be done on stage). Well, I keep on lurking here sometimes only for the news from now on and will not comment anymore. Sorry if I offended some people.

Anonymous said...

ha ha I don't know about y'all but I just love all these bertday pictures. I thought that might have been Danielle in one of the pictures up there, maybe the third one maybe not.

Anonymous said...

Smoking pot and drinking alchohol, have been known to cause vocal cord cancer, these things have a way of catching up with you as you start getting older, all the more reason to adopt healthy lifestyle habits while your young.

Anonymous said...

omg preach on.

Anonymous said...

It seems like some people think that Adam and Sauli are drunk all the time!!!!:DDDDD I understand that b-day parties are wild and´s a once a year happening! There´s nothing to complain about Adam´s work ethic...what he does with Sauli when having downtime, is NONE of our beeswax:)

Anonymous said...

Adam goes to clubs all the time, when he's at home in LA and he's always sending pics of himself at bars and clubs when he's away, let's face it this is the life style he enjoys.

Anonymous said...

11:15 am...all the time is an exaggeration. He also is domestic in his own words:)

Anonymous said...

like I learned along time ago in the program don't take other peoples inventory.

Anonymous said...

I want to say Happy Birthday Adam! This is going nuts people. If likes to be in bars so be it. If he drinks every now and then most of us do the same. Some love Sauli some Adam some both (me!). Nevertheless they are both good,decent,warm men. Their realtionship seems to me very strong. Relationships are always work. There is good times and bad times. How you deal with them is the main thing. Being in public eye makes things even harder. Like someone said they can`t please everybody. But latele saying who needs enemys when you have friends like that comes to mind very often!

Anonymous said...

Adam was kind enough to share pictures of his BD party with his fans. Fans who numerous times he mentioned he loves so much. If you don't like to see what in your twisted mind wants to see and draw disgusting conclusions, you have a sick mind. Get a life of your own and get your head examined!

Shaley said...

Some people on here like to post crap anonymously because they get a kick out of seeing your reaction (& a lot of you fall right into their trap). I relay my **honest** opinoins with a tag(?), & if you don't agree with it, I get thrown under the bus. So, since no one is allowed to post anything here but sunshine & rainbows, I think I will give Adamtopia a try. If what some folks are saying is true, they live in the real world-where the clouds aren't always so fluffy & white.
(OK, you may all post your nasty good riddences' after the beep.)

Anonymous said...

wow manipulative people much?

Anonymous said...

So much nonsense!!!

Anonymous said...

You know what else is nonsense? That the majority of people here post anonymously. Wonder why that is?

Anonymous said...

You know what else is nonsense? That the majority of people here post anonymously. Wonder why that is?

Anonymous said...

You know what else is nonsense? That the majority of people here post anonymously. Wonder why that is?

Anonymous said...

Oops...triple post...sorry about that. Guess I wanted to get my point across-lol!

Anonymous said...

3 @4:26 and 1 @ 4:28 You got your point across...anonymously. Hippocrits are alive and well.


Anonymous said...

The pic of Adam and Ashley...very intrigued where Adam's right hand is!

Anonymous said...

Isn't this all assumption...did one of you actually give Adam a breathalyzer test? Everyone who has a drink doesn't necessarily get drunk....and as far as the alarm that Sauli is 'missing', maybe he's in the loo........JAK

Anonymous said...

10:30 I don't think you even looked at those pictures. Your comment is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

It takes me one vodka,7 and lemon to get the party started and I am good to go all night. lol

Anonymous said...

@JAK. I think Sauli feels more comfortable now that he is here in US for two years and is well acquinted with Adam's circle friends and he found his own native friends here in LA. Probably he invited them to Adam's BD party but we don't know. We don't even know if Eber and Neil were at this party. That's why IMO it isn't right to be judgmental over couple of seconds of pictures.

Shaley said...

Yeeegads you people need a life. Frankly, I dont understand why the "sane" people continue to post here. You don't even amuse me anymore.
...Signing out.
PS-I can see why the rest of the world think Glamberts are nuts.

Anonymous said...

9:52 ok we get it, good bye.

Anonymous said...

another grand exit? lol

Anonymous said...

I would be interested to see where I placed on the list of 'sane' and 'insane' Glamberts. Is there a category somewhere in the middle?
I want to be on that one......JAK

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