Thursday, January 17, 2013

Adam Lambert is watching American Idol Season 12


  1. isn't this Idol 12 and that last tweet totally confuses me, 420 is a code for weed isn't it?

  2. Hmm, is Adam saying the panel is stoned or you need to be stoned to watch them?

  3. @11:26pm

    LOL! I think the latter!


  4. ?????,Adam.Last night's Idol wasn't as good as tonight's.I love Keith and Miarah,but not NM.SHE'S SOMETHING else!!She was the one that stopped that handicapped guy from going thru.Miarah & Keith said "Yes",but when NM said "no" for him,she got her way..I got fed up w/Idol..watched some tonight( Thurs.) I may quit until the top ten,or so.

  5. The contestants sucked big time and the judges except Keith were horrible.

  6. will someone let Adam be a judge so he can get it out of his system. LOL

  7. I watched last night and thought NM was on her best behavior and was favorably impressed...(That was last night tho..) I like Keith Urban. :))))) He's very easy on the eyes..and is funny. And cute. I had planned to watch tonight, tuned in for a a few minutes, and my husband said "I can't take any more of this...." and was going to watch something else on another TV. So we changed the channel. I didn't really care one way or the other, to be honest, although I've heard it was definitely more "interesting" tonight. My husband used to be a very big Idol fan and watched it through last year..and is a big Adam fan too. I think he just has had enough of Idol and has no interest in watching this year. I do enjoy some of the contestants. So I guess we'll see how it goes.. I suppose I could take Adam up on his "recommendation" ("420") ... Might make Idol a whole new experience! My state (WA) recently legalized MJ so no problem ; ))) LOL!!!!

  8. Oh, and when I said I thought NM was on her best behavior LAST night..I could see she was "on a roll" tonight :)) A whole lot more "sassy" and a whole lot more her "Nikki Minaj" self.

  9. I tried ... really I did ... but could only make it through one contestant ... made me long for the old panel ... but all things must change I suppose. Not watching until the final five. Until then I'll just stay on the computer for entertainment ... Youtube here I come!! AND the VOTING polls too, of course!!

    tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

  10. Thanks for explaining the 2nd tweet, ladies. Watch it go viral!! ;) Saw the 1st Idol show just to see how the panel paned out. Well, they were more honest than the Idol panel of the last 2 years ..... Randy saying 'that was terrible'! The judges need to add why they were terrible, not just leave it as 'terrible'. I really wanted to see how Keith Urban would be and he's being more forthright than he was on The Voice Australia. He's a bit of a honey too although whoever did his face makeup should walk. It looked as though his face was dipped in flour! O_O Well, not that bad but the pale-coloured powder was obvious. Might leave it till it's the finalists are chosen before I watch it again.

    I thought the guy with the artificial leg should've gone through. He did well with the Bon Jovi song.

  11. Whoopsie! That should read "panned" not "paned".

  12. I would say this to AI you were the stepping stone for Adam, but he did the rest to be successful indeed!!!:)

    My Rock God you are unique!!!!

    The best ever happened on that show and no more again......

    Sorry the show is done for me along time ago he!he!


  13. is he kidding,right? is he stoned watching that cuz that is the only way he could think that's good.????

  14. Perfect for weed ?? well... Then again, I think the judges' panel will only be really perfect if Adam Lambert is one of the judges.

  15. Probably Adam was stoned when he watched it he!he!

    AI first show lost a lot of viewers indeed!!!

    Adam dear you can't help them anymore, the show was done when u didn't win he!he!

    Drink to that!!!


  16. oh Adam...don't you realize! smashed American Idol :)

  17. Adam has deleted his "Perfect 4 420. Xxx" tweet.....

  18. He makes me giggle. I would love to get high with him in that sky rise apt. Make ridiculous tweets. Then delete them a few hours later after we've eaten all the snacks in the place. Might I suggest we hulla hoop our way up and down the hallway in the peak of our delirium.

    Fuck I gotta go to work....

  19. @Urethra_Franklin said..
    You're a riot. :) When Adam gets like this it just makes me rolls my eyes and chuckle. As for Idol, not even tempted to peek, besides I wouldn't miss "Person of Interest" for anything, even the reruns.

  20. oops, meant roll not rolls

  21. well, I've just finished watching the 2nd episode, and I must say, I'm liking this new judging panel, much better than the last 2 seasons, they're certainly more lively.

  22. maybe Adam said he was "high" because he mistyped the hashtag.... Idol13 ??? I thought it was only Idol12 !!!

  23. Seven Fearless Fashion Fads of Adam Lambert ..............

  24. Adam, come on. The first episode and even the second of Idol seemed to be more about the new panelists rather than the contestants. I can't take the bickering and snide remarks between Nicki and Mariah. And, yes, the young man who was the amputee should have gone to Hollywood. What were they hearing there? Some of the others they put through didn't deserve that yellow ticket. Also, tweets like this from Adam, esp. if there is a reference to weed or being stoned, don't do him any good. Just something else for the haters to bring up and use against him. For me, Idol will never be the same after Adam and season 8. I don't think there ever be another performer who comes close to him in regard to vocal talent and amazing stage presence. Can't wait for THE VOICE to come back. Much better format and contestants, although I don't know how the two new judges will be on the panel. Too many of these reality singing shows are all getting to be a bit too much. Everyone wants to get into the music business whether there is talent there or not.

  25. I think Adam is making sure he burns no bridges. Just sayin'.


  27. I actually wasn't going to watch becuz of NM - but I'm liking her (even though she's fake) more than MC. Keith urban's a doll.

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  29. Adam is grateful to AI for putting him on the map and he is loyal. I guess he just wants to send out positive energy for the sake of the contestants. I think he is more thoughtful than people credit him for.

  30. Now Adam just tweeted:

    2:22, 2:23 XIIV

    ...+ posted several art pictures. ????

  31. I think he is showing he can be an idiot like the rest of us.

  32. I tried watching Idol last night just to see what was up. Mariah seemed so full of hereself and Nicki was a nitwit. Randy seems like Mariah's "butler". I liked the Australian - he's cute and polite.
    However, for Adam I might tune in again. Maybe he's hoping his endorsement will bring him "benefits". Or maybe he was stoned. I could use something today. Just kidding haha(or maybe not)...nancdruuu2

  33. Have you considered that Adam's likes and dislikes are completely different than yours? I rarely, if ever, like the music or performers he recommends, I haven't turned Idol on since Season 9, his interests are nowhere near mine and some of his career decisions boggle my mind. Could this be because I am twice his age? Maybe and maybe it's just because we have nothing in common. I don't know him, I'm just an observer of his life and find him a charming, devastating performer. I wish him great good fortune but I don't understand him at all. It's not a requirement. I just enjoy the ride.

  34. I think Adam was being sarcastic with his A1 tweet,so funny! The hashtag of it being idol 13 was like let's forget idol 12 exists haha. Glad he deleted the marijuana tweet so the press doesn't pick it up. Then all the egyptian pictures,gotta love him. Adam is so crazy,like us.Or he was high lol.

  35. I am not interested in AI until Adam is a judge. Sorry,talent needs talent to be judged. Way to much drama for me, but I sure would like some Adam drama.....hear that producers.....I WANT ADAM!!!!

  36. I think Adam was drunk or high when he made this comment. If he wasn't sorry,but I must he is the jerk! Adam supports any new single and music video. I don't believe that he likes this judge panel,


  37. I was watching ET last night or the night before and they said that AI's viewing was down almost 20% from last season. Good!


  38. First time I watch AI was on season 10 that's why I knew Adam, he performed on the show, since then I'm a huge fan and I love him so much. If It wasn't for the show probably we never hear about him. I'm very grateful with this show, because of him. Unfortunately the program started to get bored, because the competition. Honestly the voice is not the best program for me at all as many mention in this blog, the only part entertaining and interesting is the blind audition, after that it get so boring and there is not so many talent people as other say. The contests are talent, but nothing different or special, common voices that you can hear on the radio. As Adam Lambert said these shows are great to find people who need exposure to show their talent and AI is the only one so far that made it, in all this 11 seasons they found amazing singers some of them are more successful than others, but they are from AI and one of then is Adam Lambert. Have you heard something about of the winners of the voice from the first and second seasons? ........ not me. I support AI and very grateful as Adam is because of him and I hope next season he will be one of the judges. Sorry for grammatical mistakes, English is my second language.

  39. I'll say this once more. I think Adam is careful not to burn bridge wtih AI. Heaven knows, the last thing he should do it bash the show. He just might be on it as a performer and he MIGHT, just MIGHT be a judge at some point. Don't know if I want that to ever happen or not, but this is one time when Adam should be diplomatic. JMO

    I've been done with Idol since after Season 8. From the feedback here, I'm glad I feel no compulsion to watch it. JSounds like it's really been cheapened. Just gives me a stomach ache. I just want to watch the "More Adam All the Time Show" non-stop.


  40. Just to add, I'm embarrassed to say it, but I'm kinda glad the ratings were very low. The show has definately run its course. Nobody has come even close to Adam on it. Apparently, the judges are kind of an embarrassment, too. That wouldn't be the case, if Adam was a judge.


  41. Of course you have to be stoned to enjoy the show. Adam's tweet was on another site, and he showed a pic of himself when he was performing and he was handed some weed to smoke while performing. It all fit perfectly with his nice remarks about AI show. He has the best sense of humor, and can't be called out for his remarks about the show. He was covering his own ass in a clever way. He will be asked at every interview now, what he thought of A I. Love that man, and his sense of humor I think he inherited from his dad.

  42. Adam Lambert, is not a jerk, any time any way! If I were Adam I would have criticized Idol bog time, but he didn't. If he was being sarcastic no one knows for sure, but what good would that do him to slam the show! I am 64 so my taste may be different than Adam he still a young man, and he unique and different, one of the big things that had set him apart from the usual idol, boring pack. Yes the one's that are sucessful for a year or two then nothing! He has had a bigger struggle because of i, only in US. It also why he so popular abroad! I suspect Adam had two or 3 glasses of wine or something. That show in my opinion is mine blowing ok, in the worst way, really awful and that the very nicest way I can put it! They made me mad when they were showing all these people that have not done have things Adam has done or had half sucess, read some where LD. Got another record comp. been 2 years, along with that they say Adam L. Leaves label did not read it, do not know what else it said! It was so oviious they were pushing some people to get them a label or work,most had been drop by RCA! some doing well I doubt JH still with idol at all, they pushed her, but she won academy Award, so made exception, in a nit shell Adam has devested himself not for anything but financial and management decisions, that were not good sometimes! They are not making profits off him now, so they are pushing the ones, still with 19, especially one's with no record label, to find one! They got Lee D. One do trying push h good luck, he so boring I watch him sing just so I would not have to take a sleeping pill, put you right to sleep, yes I being a bit mean, but truthful! To me the show is awful and we all know I adore Adam, but not even Adam could make me watch this mess! I messed up the words nut and big and sure a few more, by finger was dead feeling! I did not watch it last night, dvr taped 20 minutes accidentally did not take it off, I stopped taping it, and erased it, not watching the 20 minutes! Hope that little bit did count whole show, not because of Adam but because of Adam but I hate it, big time! Sue

  43. I love ADAM's brain, notwithstanding everything else about him.

  44. Also if they were still being supportive of Adam I would try and watch it for Adam's sake, to do my part keep on air. They made a big mistake showing all these other's not him, Adam has fan's all over the globe that get Idol. Most of there promotions only show him, that could have showed a little of queen, sure Adam would have provided it or anything! He one of there biggest successes abroad for sure! They others that did not win better, but they are still with 19. The show not about Adam anymore but not about all those other's they were bragging on either. Adam in his own way has been really sucessful, hopefully without 19 in there this album, will do well here. Trespassimg did quite well abroad. Honestly I hate idol now I do not like either of the girls, KU only human like I said, if it was not for him the rating would be way worse! Maybe later it will be Better, the little bit I watched of first show just tuned in see any Adam, Now they are saying talent best in 12 season's, so some people may actually watch it later for talent. I will not! Tandy and RS. Say that every year, and it is never true. I also do no think PP. is a mega star, he lucked out with a good song and the album getting tons of push! He can't perform well, abroad they they will not like his kind of stage presence or lack of! I have nothing against him I don't like boring! The show sucks! Hopefully for people who like it the talent will take over! But in no way will they be better than Adam. That is another thing that ticks me off, they are alway's insulting every past contestant on there and it has never ever been try, they have had different types of people you do not insult all past people who were good. idol had produced better talent than any other singing show, true. I think if they would be more objective and focus on the talent and not sniping at each other, it may be worth watching. But I will not unless Adam on it, now that he devested from them, I don't know. This year he working on new album so doubt will! Probably try push KA. Get record comp. or LD. They got him one, he just boring! Ok I am gonna do work. Let you all do the talking. By the way again I love canadian's posts! They always sang Adam's praises before so it's oviious, they are not gonna get profits from him anymore so they do not care about him! Also did not notice them saying anything about that girl on smash. I just not watching! Sure lot of you will.not because of that, did make me mad! But because I do not like it! Sue

  45. I don't get why Adam didn't leave the great for weed tweet. Now some people think that he actually thinks this way about Idol and that all his tweets are stupid... Why couldn't he leave that "great 4 420" tweet. So stupid.

  46. Adam should be more critical of what he does as his brother encourage him to do so instead of being more impulsive. He is famous now and everything he says will be taken out of context by news media. Especially by that worm, Perass. He is a media magnet and they are sitting on the fence to pounce on him.

  47. Even though I have been an Adam Lambert fan since season 8 of AI, I don't follow or accept or condone everything single thing he likes, tweets or recommends. I am of a different generation, much older probably than many of Adam's fans and make up my own mind about what I like. I find him extremely talented, interesting and never boring, but sometimes I just say WHAT? It's his life, his friends, his career,etc. etc. and I will continue to be a fan, but it does not mean I follow blindly and agree with everything he says or does. And, of course, in the big picture none of what I think or say really matters to anyone but me. I just wish that sometimes he wouldnt say or do something that just gives the haters out there more fuel to add to the fire.

  48. Adam has said several times that he doesn't watch the show until it's down to at least the the final five. AI trying to get us to tune in, but I'm not watching it.

  49. I would like to know the ratings for last night! Not tues. I know they were down! I bet it was even worse last night some watched out of curiosity! Last night doubt it. If it was good idol would have blasted it every where, they could not hide the first one! Just curious about it, if anyone knows please post it! I am not watching that show, KU , ok the rest makes me sick. Yes it should be about the talent, but the judges are so distracting, takes away from it! Watch first night about 15 minutes, took off after hr. because 15 minutes all I could take! Only watched that long out of curiosity. Adam only reason I would watch! But may watch last two or three, it just is so dull now! nM and MC, RJ total turn off. KU is cute, but does not have enough to hold it down alone!

  50. Adam was high,totally! How come nobody paid attention on #idol13! Hahahaha, Adam. You are absolutely correct, idol 13th will be totally legendary!

  51. He meant idol & this is 2013 he did not say season 13.

  52. I think some AI people are lurking on Adam's fansite. They think Adam took away most AI viewers from AI. Interscope and Iovine are following me on twitter. But Adam mostly built his own fanbase around the globe and he worked his butt off.

  53. Adam Lambert spoiled Idol for me because he set the bar so high, that no one has come close to him in vocal talent or stage presence since then. Then with the change of judges, well, that made the show less appealing. Even though Adam did not win, he has made a name for himself in the music business and has become an international star. I think I'll pass watching all the auditions and pick it up when they get to the top 10. It should be interesting with the live shows to see the interaction between Minaj and Carey. I hope they remember that Idol is about the contestant and finding a new star performer in music and not about them and their bickering and snide remarks to each other. Oh how I wish that Adam had been chosen to be one of the new judges.

  54. @Jan.18 7:46 AM
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