Friday, January 18, 2013

Latest Tweets and Instagram Pictures


  1. Is xiiv 13? If so then something is on horizon on 2/22 & 2/23. He might be on Idol!

  2. Future Tatoos maybe?

  3. HOLY SHIT!! Off topic but this is HUGE!!!!

    Its finally gonna happen! Adam and Nile Rogers together at last! AND THEY ARE HONORING ADAM!!!!!

    "Nile Rodgers
    We Are Family Foundation to honor @AdamLambert on Jan 31 - This may be our biggest gala celebration ever!"

    "We Are Family Foundation Thursday, January 31, 2013 from 6:30 PM to 11:30 PM (EST) Manhattan Center's Hammerstein Ballroom New York"

    Adam will be performing with Nile..YAY!!!!

  4. over my head I am not to artsy but some on twitter knew all about them and it is very interesting.

  5. @glitzlady That is huge and exciting! Wish I had the money to fly to New York and see this! Most likely get Shady with Adam and Niles,right?!!

  6. @Anon 10:38 AM
    No doubt we'll hear SHADY at last!!! It would be AWESOME if Sam Sparro was there too!

  7. wow this is great but not much notice when you work and have ssmall kids. darn this is huge!!! Wishing I could go too. I'm feeling so shaday lately.

  8. Ticket Prices for the "We Are Family Gala" In NYC:

    Concert ticket, balcony $100
    Indie ticket, balcony + dinner $295
    Posse ticket, includes reserved table (main floor) seating for 1 + dinner $595
    Tribe ticket VIP reserved table seating, dinner, inclusion in digital program $1500

  9. I hope some Glamberts get to go to this.

  10. That Nile is about the spunkiest hard working guy around. I follow him on twitter and he never slows down. It is sort of funny I just gave him a #FF and come here and read this.

  11. Wow! Shady at its best! Can't wait. And it's honorng ADAM!


  12. GL maybe admin can post your comment, word needs to get out fast so who ever would like to go can start making plans.

  13. @Anon 11:20 AM
    I actually have already contacted Admin... :)) Hoping they will see it soon and post. Or from another source..I agree, time is of the essence!

  14. ENERGY Radio UK just played Chokehold and Map back to back those two songs were a debut on the station. Then 10 minutes later kickin in and just now WWFM!Request,tweet,text send them your appreciation. Yeh to Nile Rogers and Adam,what a great honor for Adam! Have a feeling 2013 is going to be great for Adam!!!

  15. @glitzylady, that's Exciting News!

  16. Wow this is great news! So hope we get videos like we always do!! Also this ENERY radio UK is awesome for getting all of Adam's music out there. So hoping that catches on if enough people finally get to hear it.


  17. WOW, finally! I've been dreaming for Nile Rodgers' wish to come true.
    And to hear Shady performed with Nile and hopefully Sam Sparro would be there to complete it.
    I feel so bad I will be traveling that time and can't go.
    Anyway so happy for ADAM and Nile.
    Yes, praying 2013 is much more fruitful for ADAM baby. xyz

  18. @11:34
    Will start sending love .... Energy Radio....a great year for Adam is a great year for us...Peace ...light ....rose petal

  19. article by Renee Snider about Adam and Nile Rogers..and the We Are Family Foundation Gala

  20. More secret code, Adam?

  21. Ooh Adam, you have to tweet in cryptic codes or pictures to convey your messages cause idiots take your messages out of context.

    Is 2:22 2:23 XIIV from Genesis? Can you Jewish or Christian fans enlighten us with this? I read on google but I don't get it!

    Egyptian fans what does those ancient Gods represents?

  22. Adam posted the 2:22, 2:23 at 2:24 am so I'm guessing he just made an error with the 2013 part?

  23. WOW. Last night I just added to my list of questions to ask Adam about with that question being 'Any plans to sing Shady with Nile?! Spool cool! We all know Nile has been hugging Adam about this and now he simply MADE it happen by honoring him! Very clever Nile. Now we all need to get clever and figure out a way to "have a day with Adam" or some such crazy wonderful desire.

    Vote for us Glamberts at Seacrests website:

  24. @4:39PM LOL! He was just tweeting about the time he was tweeting. OMG he is so funny! Love him!

    How about the random pictures he tweeted? Did fans find out they meant?

  25. BTW You guys have to listen to that Nikka Costa song he tweeted about. I am gonna buy it on iTunes. Here is the lyric of the song:

    Can't Never Did Nothin' lyrics by Nikka Costa
    And neither did couldn't
    Never did nobody no good
    You better plant in your garden
    And make sure you water it like you should
    Time has spoiled you rotten
    And you done forgotten
    Why you been put here
    And neither did couldn't
    But make your dreams disappear
    Blaming everybody who dealt your hand
    But you're keepin' your head in the sand
    You should be sweatin while you sit at home
    Looking under your bed for your backbone
    Instead you ridin' bitch till the tables turn
    Till you get your check
    Till your luck returns
    How are you expecting to find your way
    With shoulda woulda coulda coming out your face
    And neither did couldn't
    Never did nobody no good
    You better plant in your garden
    And make sure you water it like you should
    Time has spoiled you rotten
    And you done forgotten
    Why you been put here
    And neither did couldn't
    But make your dreams disappear
    You keep ridin' your bike in a cul-de-sac
    Think you're getting somewhere ridin' piggyback
    But you're only gettin' out what you're puttin' in
    So stick your neck out take it on the chin
    'Cause there's a whole lotta nothin' goin' on for too long
    'Cause the time isn't right
    'Cause it feels all wrong
    Wishin' like a baby you could just get on
    But ain't nothin' doin' while nothin's done

  26. @ 3:44 P.M......JAK here

    Just google.....images of egyptian gods............check out all the available info and you will be on your way to being an Egyptologist!
    Osiris, Isis, Anubis, Bastet, etc. etc......there were about 2000!
    Have fun!

  27. I love Nikka Costa.


  28. If that's the angel they send for me when it's my "time to go".....
    I ain't goin' !.............JAK

  29. Adam does like symbology and Egyptian and Greek mythology.

    The Egyptian god Horus is often depicted as a falcon. In the pic Adam tweeted the falcon holds symbols of eternity and life in it's talons. A sun disk is on it's head.

    The cat is Bastet or Bast, an Egyptian protector goddess, depicted originally as a lioness and later as a cat.

    Is the winged one Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams?

    The snake biting it's tail is said to represent the cyclical nature of life. Looks like the all seeing eye from the US seal on dollar bills is in that too.

  30. It's not Morpheus, his images are usually of a peaceful god of sleep or dreams. This looks like many drawings depicting Lucifer (Satan)
    though they would be inaccurate if you believe the description of Lucifer in the Bible. He was described as quite beautiful. This is the Satan the established church dreamed up. Since, of course, if you are evil you are ugly. Wrong! They also dreamed up horns and a tail on some images of Satan. The better to scare you with, my dear!

    Adam does like to toy with mythology, gods, demons, etc.
    Stir things up. Naughty boy.

  31. Lucifer is not an Old Testament name for the devil or satan.
    The term Lucifer in fourth century Latin was a name for Venus, especially as the morning star.

    In Isaiah 14:12: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!”

    The Latin word Lucifer is composed of two words: lux, or in the genitive form used lucis, (meaning "light") and ferre, which means "to bear" or "to bring." So, the word Lucifer means bearer of light.

    And we know who is the Angel of Light here:

    In 2 Corinthians 11:14, Paul writes about false apostles:
    And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.

    And in Luke 10:18-19: “And he said to them, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.”

    In Rev 9:1 we read, “I saw a star fallen from heaven to earth, and he was given the key to the shaft of the bottomless pit”

    The passage in Isaiah 14:12-17 is directed at the downfall of the arrogant Babylonian rulers who took Israel into exile.

  32. Oh I wish I could live in the US on 31 January!! What an AWESOME night with Adam and Nile. Fingers crossed Sam Sparro can join them. To all those who are lucky enough to be going, have a blast, report and videos PLEASE!!

  33. Thanks @JAK and Anonymous comments about Egyptian Gods.

  34. Adam is trying to tell us his fans something with these pictures and codes and Nikka Costa's song. I am gonna unravel it tomorrow when I have more time. Ahhh...Adam love you!

  35. I really hope none of these are possible future tattoos, I don't like any of them....

    Great news about the Nile foundation award. I really hope we get video of Shady.

  36. I think he might have concerts in Greece or Egypt. We'll know soon!

  37. The image of the Egyptian falcon is classic and has been reproduced as jewelry.

  38. I hope he doesn't go to Egypt, not now anyway, too unsettled politically.
