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Adam Lambert's Vietnam Press Conference

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, January 3, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, January 03, 2013

In the first video, someone asked Adam about Les Miserables....

The entire conference video:


Anonymous said...

Great, great press conference!! Such eloquence from the 3.

Anonymous said...

Kind of formal atmosphere, but that's how they do it, I guess. Loved how he dodged the Les Miz question. Smart move! Can't wait for the show.


Anonymous said...

Adam is a credit to his country, he's a great ambassador, it's a pity more people can't see this, he handles these press conferences with total professionalism, always so polite and courteous towards his hosts.

Anonymous said...

I look forward to videos, I think.
If they are doing the same show as NYE in Bali, I'm steering clear of comments for a few days. In fact I am not venturing past this thread...."beware"...."below there be dragons!"......JAK

Anonymous said...

Long, but another great interview with Adam being charming and eloquent.

Anonymous said...

Adam got the lion's share of questions LOL! It must be difficult for these artists to stay well focused through such a long and formal press conference...not to mention the language issue....but, as usual, Adam handled it with great charm and eloquence but showed his sense of humor too. Aurea and NG handled the press conference well too. Adam can shift so easily between that fun loving side of himself (spontaneous laughs and smiles) and go right into a professional demeanor to answer questions. He's a great spokesman. Adam for US Ambassador!


Anonymous said...

Long translation of couple of words. Good interview and I liked that Adam didn't want to talk about LM to the AP reporter.

Anonymous said...

He looks with more rounder cheeks this January than last year as guest on Jay Leno.

Anonymous said...

Another great press conference where once again we see that Adam is articulate, poliete, and very professional. And, it looks pretty good in these pictures, quite handsome, in fact. Can't wait to see the vids from this concert.

Anonymous said...

He knows how to handle the media...:)

Very Professional:)


Anonymous said...

Smart Funny Adam always!:):):)