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Another Picture from NYC

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, January 31, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, January 31, 2013

@Jamie_R_Hendrix: And i met adamlambert. No big deal! Nights like this make me f*cking love this city. #NYC


Anonymous said...

I don't know why I have to travel and be out of NY at this time.
I just hate this very unlucky timing.

Anonymous said...

I Know there are people who has known Adam for a long time. Can someone tell me what the hell is going on.. Is it me or has Adam been out in a bars huging men a lot lately. If he and Sauli are no longer together would he act like that. Would he not tell somehow they are finnish before hitting gays.. He has alweys told that he is honest person and they have been together so long that it seems strange to me act like that. Or their relationship has never been very or so deep we have thouhgt it has been. It is not my business I know. I read saulis latest blog translation and he also didn`t mention Adam at all. When he was asked what is good life to him it`s food and sport. His future planning he didn`t say anything but don`t want to go back. I am confused and I hope this is normal for him and them. But I have to say if it is I respect Sauli very much because I couldn`t handle that kind of behavior. Please don`t kill me over this I`m just worried for them.

Anonymous said...

Adam is not "hitting gays". It's called socializing with friends and fans. It's part of the music biz and part of who Adam is - a friendly person who loves people - part of the reason we love him so much!.......nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

9 52

Well there is nothing to be worried about because if their relationship is over I am sure they will both be fine.

I think some fans have gone way overboard with romantic fantasys

If it's over Adam might want to let Sauli announce it when he is back in Finland. It will prob be bigger news there than in the US.

Anonymous said...

9 52

Well there is nothing to be worried about because if their relationship is over I am sure they will both be fine.

I think some fans have gone way overboard with romantic fantasys

If it's over Adam might want to let Sauli announce it when he is back in Finland. It will prob be bigger news there than in the US.

Anonymous said...

I know it's their life and their relationship but as an outsider it looks quite strange these days (lap dance party, clubbing alone in NYC etc.). I share some of your thoughts 9:52 AM. I just saw new pics from an other bar where Adam was last night; always with guys hugging him.

I know he likes to go to clubs and bars. I just feel sorry for his partner. Maybe they are not together anymore but I don't like if they cover the story just because of Helsinki-concert. I know some would cancel the tickets b/c of Sauli.

Today there were tweets that Adam has been making out with a guy named Cody last night in one club. Some cray sent the original tweet for some reason to Eber, Katri Utula (Sauli's friend and co-worker)and Sauli and Adam. I don't know if it's true but I don't like Adam's behavior when they are apart: I compare them to a straight couple. Sauli has not looked very happy on latest (BD) pics and I noticed too that food and sports means good life to him, not love.

As much as I adore Adam's voice, I don't always understand him as a person. I know this will cause some comments about "getting a life" of my own (I do have some) but I had to get this out of me.

Anonymous said...

@bornaglambert: For those who just came on.. Glamberts Voted The Best Fans … Dam right! @adamlambert

Anonymous said...

The guy is a fan and related to Jimi Hendrix famous musician. Just because Adam is in relationship it doesn't mean he shouldn't go out to socialize or take pictures with male fans. You guys read too much into every single picture and take things on twitter seriously. When do you find the time?

Anonymous said...

Sauli is coming to Finland on February and I really hope he will inform if (that) their relationship is over (all signs in the air; for instance why is he not in NYC right now?)because it will be easier for both of them to continue their lives. I know it will be big news in small Finland, in USA it may go over unnoticed. I hope it does not affect the ticket sale of Helsinki-concert. But I certainly hope they don't keep the secret for the reason that Adam is having a concert in Finland. They are both honest people and that would be dishonest.

Anonymous said...

10:26 helk yes!! was that the Ryan Seacreast Poll?

Anonymous said...

Poor Adam every single effing simple picture brings out the grossly insecure. Now manipulation with the concert. Too much way too much BS.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam worries too much about the cray... and good on him... sheesh peeps, enjoy his career and talents, and then relax and enjoy YOURS

Anonymous said...

10:34am. Get a life, will you? Don't spread things you don't know. Find a relationship in your life or look at relationships of your own friends. Do you know what is happening in your friends' relationships?

Anonymous said...

10:26 what poll was that? my computer won't let me copy your link. thanks.

choons said...

Adam hangs out in gay bars and clubs where he feels comfortable therefore any fans there would tend to be male and would want to have their pic taken with him and he is very obliging. No big deal.

Anonymous said...

To the paranoids here - Can you please just pray your troubles away???
I come here to be happy and you destroy my day. I don't want to be stressed by all your senseless anxiety.
See a psychiatrist or just meditate and pray. Don't bring this site down, don't bring us troubles.

Anonymous said...

I've seen these same guys with Adam at other times in clubs, I'd say their friends of Adam's, as far as Adam and Sauli go I'm sure they have a very happy relationship and they trust each other. Sauli has his Finnish friends in LA he can visit. As far as the lap dance goes at Adam's birthday, Adam new nothing about this it was a surprise for him and Sauli was their with him helping him to celebrate. I't beyond me why people insist on speculating on things they know nothing of about. Adam is who he is and I'm sure his love for Sauli hasn't changed and even if it did, it takes 2 people in any relationship to create problems not just one, both people in most relationships contribute to either it's success or it's break down.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:12am,here's the link( if it's still there) (we voted ourselves as the best fans in the poll-round 3,& final round..I SURE VOTED a lot!!Everybody did to beat the Biebs & that boy band..last 3 left,& for Adam to beat them was great!Now,Ryan,play a song from Trespassing!!I don't have facebook or twitter..and hubby doesn't want me to,cause we share this pc.

Anonymous said...

@11:12am. Go to You'll see it on front page of RS website. RS website is kind of a new AL fansite. So much support!

Anonymous said...

Sorry,that was 11:12am,not 12:12am,anom,11:12am.There's a great pic of Adam..go to the next page if after you get on his site.There's a very large pic @ first,but then it goes to the next page with various other artists.Now,Ryan,again I say play any song on TRESPASSING...please.that last link I GAVE WAS CORRECT.

Anonymous said...

Part of the job! Anyone with 20/20 vision can clearly see that Adam has no passion in his eyes while hugging his male fans. When he takes pictures with Sauli, the love and passion jump out the photo. His eyes shines when he's with him. Adam loves his fans, but not that way.....

As for flying to NYC with Adam, if he's not there, he's probably tired of flying after that Asian tour. I do a lot of flying and it ain't no picnic. Give the guy a break because he's getting ready to fly a great distance again soon.

Anonymous said...

Relationship between him and Sauli is the longest one. Maybe Adams is not suitable for a long term relationship. He is a party animal.

Anonymous said...

Sauli and Adam are doing fine..Sauli doesn't go on every trip w/BB,& he likes to sleep late,or so I hear.Adam won't stay in NYC too long,I bet.Some of you people are speculating on too many things.Of course,Adam's fans want their pix taken w/him.

Anonymous said...

@12:30 I don't know about Sauli but Adam has told that he likes to sleep late...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Fans or not it is disrespectful to Sauli. There is another one where some gay is almoust licking him! Relationship do end sometimes and in public eye is almoust fact they do but you should tell your fans if this is the case. There are people who care about Sauli too. Adam has alweys treated Sauli kind a bad in a public. He has never defended him from a adommy crays.

Anonymous said...

@12:47 PM I hope those adommy crays get someone else to bark cause it wont be Tommy. Maybe the next boyfriend won't be so tolerant towards adommy crays.

Anonymous said...

9:52, PLEASE go away. You couldn't HANDLE THIS KIND OF BEHAVIOR? Is it because he is taking photos with men? You have a problem.
If it were with women you would be O.O.?
Please grow up and go away!
Adam does not need a mother, he has one and she can handle the fact that he is a normal person, going out with friends.

Anonymous said...

@12:55 @12:55 Yes Sauli is too nice and he and Tommy seems to be friends but I hope the next boyfriend is a badass and says to Adam that kick out Tommy cause it means you get rid of addomy crays :)

Anonymous said...

Sauli has been in the public eye as well and has been there plenty of times to know what these pics Adam takes with fans are like. The situation cannot be judged from a photo and an interaction that may only have lasted 30 seconds.

More importantly, Adam and Sauli's private relationship is none of our business. I'm sure they can handle it just fine without our concern or input or projecting personal insecurities on them.

Anonymous said...

This is BS, they are fine! He never treated Sauli bad in public are any where! Hcprobably getting ready to go to Fenland. PerhaPs vIsiting some friends before he leaves! He may even be in Fenland just visiting parents and family, in private until he does some work! Just because you do not know about it 9.52 does not mean anything! They trust each other, they do not get upset over the small stuff! Adam is a celeb, and he gonna take Ali of picture's with people! Adam has never treated Sauli bad, he would never take that! Sauli knows when to step back and do his career! That DA thing was DA idea not Adam and Sauli was there! Far as Tommy thing he threw them off his twitter, enough said why stoop to their level! tommy both Of their friends. Adam never kissed, or touched Tommy sense Sauli entered the picture, I say that respect! You are making something out of nothing and causing trouble where none is, that disrespectful and it's not our business! They trust each other they do not have to be joined at the hip all the time! Never seen Adam be anything but loving kind and generous and trusting to Sauli K. Stop trying to make Adam the bad guy, it takes two people to make or break a relationship! He takes picture all time part of being a celeb, not all are as generous and kind to fans as Adam! If they did break up it would both people, not just Adam. I do however believe they are Fine! Sue

Anonymous said...

Ifeel like I just opened the pages of the dumbest teen fan magazine ever.


Anonymous said...

Oh boy, again? I don't think Adam has ever said "no" to a fan wanting to take a picture together. Adam looks very happy and just relaxing where he feels bars. I'm used to seeing these kind of pics of Adam and I'm glad he's happy. Sauli celebrated Adam's birthday with him just a few days ago plus they recently moved to a fancy new condo in West Hollywood together. Sauli refers to it in his blog. It would be fine with me if we stopped some of the negativity on this site.

I'm waiting for the big Gala tonight and hoping and praying for some great vids!

Anonymous said... so true! Another completely wasted thread. There are certainly a lot of needy, insecure people on this page. Are these mature people who are in a panic over a possible split? The evidence based on photos of Adam?
Come on, everybody he runs into wants a photo of themselves with him.

He and Sauli seem to be a sweet loving couple but if they decided to call it quits would that really affect any of our lives? If so, you need psychiatric help!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

well said