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David Arquette gives Adam Lambert a lap dance!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, January 25, 2013

Posted at : Friday, January 25, 2013

@MDMOLINARI: davidarquette I hope u'll be bringing out the #CHAMP 4 my birthday like u did fur adamlambert at boots

@TheColinOwens: Here's 1 from last night w/ @DavidArquette giving @AdamLambert a b day dance


Anonymous said...

OMG!!! He was having a blast!!!:)

David is a funny guy as well....

I wish there was a video he!he!


Anonymous said...

lol David Arquette is one of the owners of Bootsey Bellows. Adam is really belly laughing here, nice to see.

Anonymous said...

Love to see Adam laugh like that. What fun!

Anonymous said...

OMG, this is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Adam sure having fun at his Bertday party !!

HK fan said...

Love these pics, Adam looks so, so happy:)
Actually David Arquette looks like he's having a great time too.

Anonymous said...

they should have sent out Kris Allen in a thong. gigglepants

Anonymous said...

Kesha with tassles on her nipples would have been entertaining or Dita in her infamous champagne glass.

Adamluv said...

Love David Arquette. Every time I've seen/heard him do an interview, always comes across as a very honest AND GOOD GUY. tHESE PICTURES ARE HYSTERICAL AND LOOKS LIKE EVERYONE IS HAVING A BALL - AS YOU SHOULD AT A BIRTHDAY PARTY!!! Sorry didnt mean to use all caps and toooo lazy to re type it. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Everybody wants to party with ADAM! He is the LIFE! Arquette is hilarious and Adam is lovin' it!


Anonymous said...

I would have told DA to get lost. where's Chandler?

Anonymous said...

Dave should have worn thigh highs

Anonymous said...

I like David Arquette and happy to see him do this for ADAM.

Anonymous said...

hmmm David just can't get DWTS out of his blood, can he. LOL

Anonymous said...

Is this the david archette formly married to courtney coX- I'm confused- what's he doing there?

Magiclady said...

What a beautiful man, he really looks handsome and that laugh! Geez...

Anonymous said...

@ 7:53 pm He's making an a** of himself as usual.

Anonymous said...

Arquette likes chicks. maybe he's bi or AL is making him bicurious.

Anonymous said...

maybe he's feelin' frisky

Anonymous said...

7:53 He owns the place and is having a good time.

Anonymous said...

Who wouldn't want to give Adam a lap dance!


glitzylady said...

Adam certainly has better birthday parties than I do ;)))

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun party! What do you think Sauli was thinging about lap dance? Is he jelous type or is he laughing also.. Adam was entertained for sure!

Anonymous said...

Don´t you know anything about Sauli by now?? He´s so fun loving and upbeat guy:) I´m sure he laughed his ass off:DDD...

Anonymous said...

Thank yuo, Mr Molinari. At least you tried to save what it is to save in this tasteless picture.

Anonymous said...

10:57 PM, how could somebody not be laughing at david arquette doing this? it wasn't serious, it was for fun and in front of everybody.

Anonymous said...

ALFC Viet Nam (@adamlambertfcvn)

To celebrate ADAM LAMBERT’s 31st birthday, and be thankful of his visit to VN this eaarly month, thanks to ITV channel of Viet Nam, we are so honor to be albe to contribute a little work to make a program which ADAM LAMBERT will be the artist to be honored in their program named Fanmade ep.113.

There will be 10 songs of Adam with the introduction about his career in this. The show will be aired on Sunday ( 27th Jan ) at 8h15 pm ( local time ) and can be watched online at :

HK fan said...

Whats tasteless about it?????

Just looks like a bunch of friends having a great time.

Anonymous said...

Fabulous photos of Adam laughing! :D

Anonymous said...

There's a prudish troll in our midst.

Anonymous said...

LOL, of course strippers and lap dancers are tasteless but can be very funny entertainment when it is all done in good fun at a party. The point is for everybody to be laughing. Especially when one of them is David Arquette.

Anonymous said...

Well there aren't a lot of prudes here so one, if if they are a troll is about status quo for any crowd.

LOLS on this. David Arquette must be a riot. Obviously a person's sexuality is not a big deal to him and he doesn't worry about what people think.

Adam's mom and a lot of his firends on hand. Quite the party.

Anonymous said...

Is having taste considered trollish behavior? Is being a non drinker taboo? Is living 60 years without ever having a hangover or buzz from alcohol a sign of prudishness? Is only having sex with one man a waste of libido? Is never getting a driving ticket strange and unnatural? Does never breaking the law make you a wuss?
Does never cheating in school or life make you a simpleton? Does never trying marijuana, because it was illegal, make you a bore?

If so, the happy, fun filled, adventurous lovely life I've lived has been a total waste.

Cheril said...

David is a co-owner of the Bootsy Bellows...named after his mother. I agree with an earlier poster that David always comes across as a really nice guy. He is giving Adam the star treatment for choosing his establishment. A good time is being had by all. Isn't that what a birthday is about? Fun.

Anonymous said...

5:03, nothing wrong with never trying drugs, never having a ticket, never cheating, and having only one sexual partner in your life. I'm right there with you. But calling Adam's party tasteless is making a judgement that is tasteless itself. Having no fun in life is a waste. No one was harmed by this party so live and let live.

H said...

@anon 5.03am
No all those things you mention do not make you a troll, in fact most of them apply to me, apart from I'm not 60, and I have had a couple of parking tickets.....but neither do they mean you necessarily have taste.
.To find such a happy, fun photo tasteless
does seem rather prudish.

HK fan said...

oops last post was from HK fan

Anonymous said...

Why are you here? If you aren't a fan of Adam, kindly take your tasteless comments elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

These photos of Adam laughing are a real joy .... in fact they're pure platinum!!!!!!! <3

Anonymous said...

where's the foul mouth mud slingin' tube top wearin' mud wrestlin' vixens?

Anonymous said...

if that would have been a woman, Sauli would have kicked her blank.

Anonymous said...

Some people don't get what was obviously meant to be funny.

tess4ADAM said...

Let's face it ... there are prudes in America ... ergo ... the fight for Equality still goes on & on & on ..... BTW ... I'm 76 & LOVE seeing people having fun ... especially YOUNG VIBRANT people ... wish I could ...
Bless Them ALL!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

5:03 you had me until you came to the weed part. lol

Anonymous said...

I am 5:03 am

As usual you have all jumped to the wrong conclusion. I commented ONCE. I never mentioned Arquette being tasteless. That was other commenters. What I was reacting to was calling someone who found the silliness tasteless a prudish troll. Troll is thrown at almost anyone you disagree with, that's hardly fair. And I don't consider myself prudish though I have not experienced many things that most people find normal behavior. They are not behavoir I participate in, but that's my choice and I do not censure others for their choices.

Immediately you assumed I was the one who was judging the actions and therefore judged me. Mistake.
I personally found Adam's reaction hilarious and have always known Arquette is off the wall, apparantly Courtney Cox does too. I would be embarrassed to be married to an out there life of the party type.

So please watch who you jump on they may be an innocent bystander.
I did find the picture funny, it did not offend me, I am not a prude but if I were that wouldn't automatically make me a troll. Nor does it make the poster who made the tasteless comment a troll. And when are you going to stop inviting people off the site? It's extremely rude and in my case completely unwarranted. I am a four year fan of Adams and nothing will drive me away, his voice and charm have enriched my life. His personal life is none of my business and it's none of yours.

Anonymous said...

Tasteless? Where are from 5:03? This is hilarious photos and it seems that Adam had a lot of fan on his B-day party. Nobody says that you are boring. This is your choice. But you sounds to snoby:) Don't complane, make few mistakes. You will laugh a lot about it after all.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a prude either and good luck to Adam if this is how he chooses to enjoy himself, at the same time I have to agree with the earlier post, this kind of party does appear to be tasteless or a bit on the sleazy side of things, call me old fashioned if you will, but I really think in this case it's the new fashion that has a problem, night clubs these days are seedy places and I really think Adam could do better. There are so many nicer places he could be going to and it doesn't say much for his mother and friends if this is the sort of entertainment they seem to enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Adam lives in LA. Entertainment capital of the world. One of the biggest live city in the world. He doesn't live where people go to bed when sun sets.

God I lived in one of those boring cities for five torturous years. Then just like Adam moved after high school to LA and haven't moved any where else since.


Anonymous said...

There are lots of big cities in the world with some wonderful entertainment venues you don't need to go to seedy night clubs to have a good time and you can stay up until the wee hours of the morning and still have a great time without going to seedy bars and clubs.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:49 am

Can you read?? I NEVER SAID IT WAS TASTELESS! I did say it was HILARIOUS ! I'm not a snob, you are an IDIOT ! Learn to read and spell.

glitzylady said...

Sheesh. Quick comment here.

Adam and his friends were having fun. This was a PRIVATE party for his friends and family. What they did was their business. Life doesn't have to be "tasteful" all the time to be rich and fulfilling. And joyful. One person's fun is another person's worst nightmare. Variety is the spice of life, as the saying goes. Whatever. It was Adam's birthday..I LOVE the fact that HE had fun with his friends and he was able to have some incredible laughs there. David Arquette was hilarious and I fully appreciate the fact that he did this to give Adam some real laughter in his busy life. I personally rather enjoy the fact that Adam likes men in the same way I like them.. Otherwise we might be seeing scantily clad girls.., which would be fine too. :))) His party, his preferences. I personally do "tasteful" things like go to museums, "legitimate" theater, the symphony, ..a very liberal church.....etc.. But I also recently went to my first "burlesque/drag" show in West Hollywood when I was in LA for the Divas show. It was fun. And there were some very talented people performing. "Tasteful"?? Probably not..but FUN? Yes.

Everyone has the right to express an opinion here. That was mine...Not judging anyone, just saying.....

Anonymous said...

@5:03AM Okay, you don't do drugs,don't drink but you still can be furious! This is great. This is mean that you still have hope and enjoy most of the thinkgs in you list.Except drunk driving ticket:D

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, it certainly sounds as if you are making judgements, you always come out defending Adam sometimes it may be warrented, but other times it's not. It's great to see Adam enjoying himself and good luck to him but night clubs are not everyone's cup of tea and you are also assuming that if you don't like nightclubs then you must be into museums and symphonies, that's certainly not the case for me, I love a good night out with friends but there are lots of fabulous places to go to other than strip joints or sleazy dives, if you get some kick out of that then that's your choice but I'm sure just like me there are just as many who don't.

Anonymous said...

Just LOL at the people calling Bootsy Bellows a seedy bar. It is an exclusive and expensive LA nightclub. The kind were people stand in line at the door hoping to get in. It is co-owned by David Arquette and other experienced nightclub people that own other successful nightspots. take a look at the pics - far from seedy.

Anonymous said...

10:13, maybe you need to learn subtext and coherent comment posting. People called you the troll because you weren't clear that you were defending the person. It sounded like you were defending yourself.

Anonymous said...

You only live once, as long as you don't hurt anyone else, enjoy life and have fun! Wish I could have been there.. ( - :


glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:54 AM
Your comment is judging ME and not what I said at all. I'm pretty sure what I said was that each person has a right to say what they wish here. Personally, I don't give a shit what anyone does in their spare time. You didn't actually read or understand what I wrote. I'm on my way to a "tasteful" (wine tasting) activity so don't have time to fully respond, but I suggest you read it again. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, you always say that everyone has a right to their opinion but you always jump in and attack them if their opinion happens to differ to yours. You also doing a good job of showing yourself up for being sarcastic and rude towards me so I take from this that your not as nice a person as you try to make out you are. Enjoy your "tasteful" wine tasting activity, perhaps you would like to drop into a sleazy nightclub on the way home.

Anonymous said...

prunish troll is more like it.

Anonymous said...

there were scantily clad women there dancing up against the walls. I think Adam probably noticed, because sExy is SeXy

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:18 AM

Anonymous said...

Bootsy Bellows has burlesque. Adam says he appreciates beauty of all varieties

Anonymous said...

11:18, but she also managed to fit in another mention of another one of her trips and be the know it all again.

glitzylady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Adam has a right to go where ever he likes, it's his birthday party and what ever he decides to do is his own private business. At the same time these sort of places are not for everyone, but that by no means changes the fact that I adore Adam and respect his choices even if I myself have different tastes. I love him and I love his music. It may sound as if I was judging him but that was not my intention, I was simply pointing out that we are all individuals and therefore don't always see things the same way.

Anonymous said...

I have been to birthday parties here in LA much more wilder than Adam's tame party. Do you want Adam to go to Disneyland for his birthday? He isn't a kid if you haven't noticed.

Anonymous said...

Bootsy Bellows also does a dinner theater with puppets and magic.

From a review:
Bootsy Bellows is an ingenious nightlife creation from David Arquette along with entrepreneur John Terzian (SHOREbar), Brian Toll (SHOREbar, h.wood), Darren Dzienciol, and Deborah Maguire. Together the group of nightclub mavens debut a Rat-Pack-style cabaret club that aims to recreate the grander days of Hollywood with a sophisticated and fun series of nightly stage shows and live performances.

Anonymous said...

11:00 am

I was commenting that the term troll is used too frequently with perjorative intent.

Is that coherent enough?

Anonymous said...

It does seem as if @glitzylady comes across quite frequently as if she is dispensing wisdom to the ignorant masses.

Anonymous said...

I find glitzylady to be most annoying she comes across as a real control freak sometimes.

Anonymous said...

@12:04pm. STFU and don't show your ignorance

Anonymous said...

The club Adam's party was at is very far from a sleazy strip club. It's an exclusive night club full of Hollywood stars. Leonardo DiCaprio was just there. Other stars seen there include Katy Perry, Kirsten Dunst (celebrating a friend's bday), Derek and Julianne Hough, Lindsey Lohan, Zac Efron, etc.
Bootsy Bellows derives it’s named from Arquette’s mother who used it as her burlesque stage name. The venue takes over the space on Sunset Boulevard formerly occupied by Trousdale. Renovations have been done, and tonight is the soft opening for this Rat Pack inspired supper club. It’s got quilted suede sofas, gold moldings, black and white marbled floors, diamond mirrors, and an antique disco ball. The main room will feature all kinds of live entertainment from DJ’s, to live music, costumed burlesque dancers, puppets and more. Hmm…sounds a bit like Frank Sinatra meets Jeff Beacher, but with a twist.

Behind the main room will be a super VIP room complete with pink couches, a one-way mirror, and a baby grand piano.

Open on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturday nights, Bootsy Bellows is sure to attract the West Hollywood/Entertainment business crowd.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....It amazes me how quickly a 'fight' can arise on our threads over nothing of consequence. Passing over that quickly......I would love to have been able to hear Adam laughing. I've heard his giggle but never as an early poster on this thread said "his belly laugh"...

Anonymous said...

Lol this isn't the Bada Bing Club from the Sopranos. It is a very classy place. The "lap dance" was clearly done for laughs and not to be erotic or arousing. It's not like something David Arquette does every night as part of the entertainment

cb said...

Hey, I got an idea for all the people who think this was tasteless and in a seedy dive bar - try thinking of it like this:
Adam was in the VIP section of a trendy and exclusive club frequented by A list celebrities and is so well liked that the famous actor and owner of the club did a dance to make Adam laugh and have a great birthday party. Did you see the smile on Adam's face? He is laughing hysterically, telling me this was all in good fun.

What about saying how nice it is to see somebody famous do something crazy like dancing in their underwear to help Adam have fun celebrating his birthday. That's how important and loved Adam is.

I'm sure years from now Adam and his friends will still be laughing and saying "remember when David Arquette danced in his underwear? LOLOLOL."

glitzylady said...

Prime example of why many my good Adam friends do not comment here and do not read the comments either. And why I sometimes consider doing the same myself.

HK fan said...

exactly, I don't understand why everyone doesn't see it that way.....

@glitzylady........forcefield up!!!

Anonymous said...

To all who complains about this party!!!!????

Welcome to the real world of having fun and not being a spoiler......

You don't like what u see just f*** off!!!:))))

Let us enjoy our Rock God and his friends!!!:))))


glitzylady said...

@HK fan

Anonymous said...

@ 11:43 A.M.,,,,,,JAK here

I had a good laugh at your comment about Adam celebrating his birthday at Disneyland. Because.......that's exactly where my grandson is celebrating his 25th birthday today!!! Well, actually he's at DisneyWorld. But that's nothing new, he lives there!
He has a full time job as chief concierge and VIP liason at the BEST hotel in Orlando but also works special attractions at Disney and Universal (acting jobs mostly) and in March starts interning at Busch Gardens in theme park design division. That will mean he has 4 jobs and spends any free moment.....yep, at one of the parks! He's either dedicated and career driven or a complete nut! I blame myself....we took him to Disneyworld as a toddler and as we hit main street, he held his arms out and a look of utter joy crossed his face as if to say
MINE!!!!! He's never wavered. He has a one track (roller coaster track) mind!

Anonymous said...

@JAK. I have been to Disneyland in SoCal and crazy way over the top birthday parties with outrageous surprises. One psychologist that I attended his seminars said to try out crazy things without harming yourself or others is a sign of being normal. Living by the rules either you make others to stay away from you and you make yourself miserable.

Didn't Adam go to Disneyland for his 29th BD with Sauli and also Gaga's concert?

Anonymous said...

BTW @JAK Happy Birthday to your Grandson! Disneyworld got tons of other things that our Disneyland doesn't have. Ours is more like a original historical place.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....Guess where he and his girlfriend are going for a week the end of February?????? Disneyland! This will be his 3rd trip!.......Cuckoo...Cuckoo !

Though I should explain he doesn't have to pay for tickets at any park and only pays a tiny room rate (or nothing) when he stays at a hotel in the chain he works for!
That does make it sound a little more sane. He lives life to the full and overflowing. I told him that in my life adventures were more important than things, he has apparently latched on to that as his goal too. I think he and Adam would like each other. There's a bit of Peter Pan in both of them!

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