Sunday, January 13, 2013

Kelly Osbourne Loves Adam Lambert

For those who don't know, Adam Lambert moved recently to another area in Los Angeles. Adam and Kelly Osbourne are neighbors.


  1. I also think Kelly looked divine.I love her.

  2. she was divine for sure.

  3. I hope we get some fun "neighbor" stories out of these two. Kelly is fun and she adores Adam, and vice versa. Maybe we'll see a little more TV with the two of them. Who knows?


  4. Adam, I love you. You are amazing. I know Kelly is your old friend and new neighbor. But it doesn't mean you have to compliment her outfits. For God sakes, she looks like retired mermaid in this dress. And she is just 28 years old! Why does she want to look older than her Mom?

  5. someone get up on the wrong side of the bed or something. I always compliment my friends and they don't have to be death defying stunning for me to do it either.

  6. Kelly is ok in my book cuz she replied to Adam.

  7. 9:35, glad I'm not your friend.

  8. @11:41PM And I'm very happy I never had friends like you(almost). Because, when my prom dress was ugly my best friend told me about it.Another friend told me that I loo terrible in new outfir which I bought for my first date. And there were right. Becuase they loved me. Because there are good friends and they are care about you. So sad you don't have any idea about it. But in celebrity world everything different. They have to support and protect each other.Even if they wear stupid mermaid outfit or Zorro's beard:)

  9. I think this Golden Globe Awards became special just because Jodie Foster's speech! Isn't it fantastic?! Same thing happened with AMA 2009:)!!!!

  10. 12:13 now you know who to blame for your wonderful personality.

  11. @1.35am HILARIOUS! LMAO!! :DD

  12. I guess the time is right for Jodi, I did not watch it! Pretty alway's knew Jodi was gay! Adam had the courage at the very beginning of his career! Andy Cohen congratulated her for comming out! I am sure she feels better! On E couple of weeks ago, they showed Adam's picture as one who had courage come out I believe at the start of his career! Doing several shows on people outing in Hollywood. First one mentioned and showed Adsm, believe Lance Bass, one te mention that sure did not courageously come out start of his career, they just mentioned h but showed pictures of Adam! Said why especially Actors Are reluctant to, because when there love scenes people want to believe it, but that why they ate called actors! yes Adam came out in a big way in 2009, even before any award show. Anyway I glad forget, everybody so supportive, wish had been all these 4 years for Adam, I know we are but there is still so much ignorance out there, every te there a comment section, for Adam comments on an article, many supporting different things of his there is usually at least one just completely homophobic horrible comment that had nothing to do with anything! Just hated because he gay, not seeing the person or talent he is, seems like in most cases woman being gay is more excepted! The correction making people believe you are different than you are is why they are called actors! It's not fair that they are more supportive of one person comming out actually finally, after years, and judging by the way some have treated Adam can not blame them. Happily more and more or having the courage, and supports many other's! Because it also not easy to try to pretend to be someone you are not! This is why I admire Adam so much, and for of corse many other things also! Sue

  13. Correction from sue, they showed Adam and I believe Lance Bass as having courage to come out at start of his career, mentioned Adam 2 days in a roll and showed picture's! But also mentioned clay Aikens once, he sure did not to it right away like Adam, the courage! Again I know Jodi feels Better. And it is a good thing! Because I think most knew it anyway, maybe some did not! It her's and also Adam's life and in the end you must be true to yourself! Sue

  14. Lance Bass kept his sexuality hidden for years for fear the publicity would sink his career with the boy band N'Snyc. It would have. I guess the idea is you get rich and famous first then bravely announce your deep secret. Adam did it backwards...told the truth at the the beginning and is struggling.
    So much for honesty being the best policy. But as Adam said "it's hard to live a lie and he wasn't ashamed of the truth!"......JAK

  15. Aww, Kelly just landed on the worst dress list for the golden globes.

  16. To me Jodies plea for privacy was a stronger message then publicly coming out. The ones that were important to her already new. Why is it so important to have to state your orientation? Thats just one thing that makes us all different. Adam stated that he didn't know what the fuss was and didn't think anything about it because he had been out for years he wasn't hiding anything. Our next generation growing up now will be the ones hopfully that will look at the world without labels. Don't ask, don't tell. We won't have to ask or feel that we have to tell. Will be just people. Kathy

  17. Kelly looks gorgeous, her mermaid dress looks very classy. I also think it's lovely that Adam was so sweet in complimenting her and she obviously appreciates his opinion. Nice to think they are neighbors and good friends.

  18. Kelly looked beautiful last night at Golden Globe. The other mean lady at Fashion Police (not Joan Rivers) looked horrible in her black dress.

    Loved Jodi Foster's speech.

  19. One thing I admire about Adam so much is the way he showed true courage announcing that he was gay from the very beginning of his career, yes, it may be a struggle for him because not everyone will accept him for being so honest but in the long run Adam will win respect from people for being true to himself and this says far more about Adam than Jodie Foster and so many others who chose to remain silent claiming privacy when really what they have done is to mislead everyone.

  20. Totally agree with Anon 10:54AM
    Kudus to Adam, so many celebrities r brave enough after so long to finally come out!!!

    Adam we love U the way U are!!!
    U r Real & full of Compassion!!!

  21. Totally agree with Jak & Anon 10:54AM
    Kudus to Adam, so many celebrities r brave enough after so long to finally come out!!!

    Adam we love U the way U are!!!
    U r Real & full of Compassion!!!

  22. YAY! WWFM just came on my radio!

  23. I'd like to listen to radio, but so seldom something I like. friend of mine is tekky and he made me a cd of only adam on idol studio version and cd of all favorites before idol, brigadoon, i just love you, december,come home, dust in the wind and many other. lucky have 3 5 cd players in home. I listen to adam idol, favorites, for you intertainment and tresspass. tekky friend did cd of adam with queen and first time sing is it love and go my way. adam in any room in house all day every day. mmmmmmmmmmm

  24. I didn't know Jodie wasn't already out.

  25. How come I know Jodi is gay from reading way way before about her having kids with her partner? Unless they're talking about OFFICIALLY coming out. . .

  26. Adam should avoid tweeting Kelly for now while there's heated exchange between Lady Gaga and Kelly together with her mom Sharon. The monsters are scary and threatening kelly and her family right now. And Adam should not show taking side by his admiring tweets to one of them. Just saying . . .

  27. 6:28 pm... Adam wouldn´t do what you´re suggesting...and that´s why I respect him!!
