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New Adam Lambert Picture from last night at an event

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, January 12, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, January 12, 2013


Anonymous said...

Keep voting for best fan base on Ryan Miley cyrus is creeping up

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Melvin will home and go as he pleases! The important thing is it all a part of, dear Adam! Sue

Anonymous said...

Love that Adam now lives right in downtown West Hollywood, close to the action. He a night-life boy!


Anonymous said...

I love melvin

Anonymous said...

Melvin keeps coming and going lol!Adam looks gorgeous either way!

glitzylady said...

I think we all just need to get used to the idea that Adam likes his facial hair :))) I personally like a little scruff, especially the ginger...and I agree that either way he looks absolutely fabulous...No complaints from me.

Anonymous said...

I'm a fan of the scruff....u know one time a long time ago I had a complaint about something to do with Adam....then he smiled and batted his complaints here either.....rose petal

tea said...

He might just get tired of the constant shaving now and then.

Anonymous said...

That's funny rosé petal

Anonymous said...

Oh that scum bag Perez Hilton just put on his site that Adam is dropped from his label Way to try and get hits. He is certainly great with fact checking ha! Wish someone would sue that you know what!!!

Magiclady said...

Perez Hilton is an ASS!

Anonymous said...

OMG! PH's headline "ADAM LAMBERT Dropped From Label"! But didn't go and open it.

Anonymous said...

OMG! PH's headline "ADAM LAMBERT Dropped From Label"! But didn't go and open it.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the double posts and didn't read thread first.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is all about LOVE.
Perez Hilton is all about HATE.
Decide which one you want.

Anonymous said...

fuck perez hilton, no one cares about him anyway

Anonymous said...

wow, melvin is back! love it!

glitzylady said...

PH gets hits..whether or not we go there: the haters are always there making their digs. I NEVER ever post on his blog, or even look at it...but (cringe...) I made an exception today...And posted the TRUFAX of the matter re Adam's parting of the ways with 19 if it will do any good. So no one else has to go there. I truly despise PH but couldn't help myself just this once...(Hangs head in shame...)..I was polite because there is no point in stooping down to his bottom of the swamp level..but said what needed to be said to "fill in" a few missing facts that PH conveniently "forgot" to mention.

Anonymous said...

Oh! PH really loves Adam eh!!!

I hope there is still cure to restore his brain he!he!

Oh! well just keep on rockin guys, we are always laughing at the end don't we???!!!:))))

More and more to come!!!


Anonymous said...

Please, Melvin, go away.....pretty please....I'm begging....

Anonymous said...

Good for you Glitzylady. We all love Adam and hate seeing him hurt in any way, shape, or form. I hate that people are deliberately mean and disrespectful to someone as lovely as Adam. We have to keep strong for Adam and love him even more!! He deserves nothing but goodness. PH can kiss my ass!. Adam looks gorgeous in that picture! Love him so much....LB

funbunn40 said...

@Glitzylady, So glad you did give Perez and the Adam bashers the facts, as I also was going to do it, regardless of hits. Facts should always be available to the misinformed and Perez needs to be called out when he fabricates and embelishes.Stating an opinion is one thing, but distorting facts is another. Thankyou, as today is a busy day and I wasn't even going to tune in, but couldn't help myself for a ( I thought) quick peek!

funbunn40 said...

@Glitzylady, So glad you did give Perez and the Adam bashers the facts, as I also was going to do it, regardless of hits. Facts should always be available to the misinformed and Perez needs to be called out when he fabricates and embelishes.Stating an opinion is one thing, but distorting facts is another. Thankyou, as today is a busy day and I wasn't even going to tune in, but couldn't help myself for a ( I thought) quick peek!

funbunn40 said...

Sorry, I love Adam no matter what and he's good looking no matter what, but I really prefer that his exquisite face not be covered up with facial hair, but just a matter of personal taste and won't affect the universe one way or another, just something to superficially yak about.

Anonymous said...

Hey glitzylady. I am a big proponent of never ever giving PH hits... but, heavy sigh, I guess I'm glad you did. :). But please fans, don't give that dang site too many hits, PH only benefits.


Anonymous said...

Hi funbunn40 - a quick peek... c'mon now girl - as I say around my house when somebody tries to get away with something downright foolish: "excuse me are you new here?..." LOL.


Jadam NZ said...

Well done Glitzlady. PH likes to use words in his headlines that skirt round the actual facts and truth, just to sensationalize and get the hits, much the same as magazine covers.Its his job to be a jerk and he does it well.

Anonymous said...

Come on you guys, Perez's site isn't anyplace that needs to have the "correct information" posted at it. Anybody who visits that site knows exactly what Perez does and how he spins things. And Perez delights at making people upset. So now his comments are more than half upset Glamberts and the rest are Adam haters. Nobody there is "misinformed" or is going to change their minds. Tweeting him is pointless as well.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 2:33 PM
I believe I said I didn't expect to change anything by posting on PH's site. I'm not that stupid or naive..He's a s***h**d. (Pardon my French..).. But it was my decision. I thought long and hard before doing it...I also recommend that no one else go there. BUT I wanted to at least have ONE set of facts straight on there. Sorry. But not really. Adam deserves that. Better to have one person post a neutral response to him (which mine was..) and not a bunch of obviously pissed off Adam Lambert fans posting multiple times...calling PH names and perhaps stooping to his level, out of pure anger and frustration. Just makes it worse and invites more nasty haters to call attention to the "Crazy" Glamberts. I have never posted on his site before because I agree, its not worth it and he just loves to stir up trouble but in my opinion this one called for a one-time comment on his site. Because the facts are the facts and needed to be stated once..

glitzylady said...

And by the way, I can remember at least one instance when PH deleted a B.S. blog post about Adam Lambert when he realized that his post was absolutely not true... and it made him look bad (surprise, surprise..) So posting the facts re a subject could have positive results. I am under no delusions that my post will have any effect whatsoever but who knows...He may see some more "reality based" articles..( such as The Hollywood Reporter or Billboard, who has reported that Adam is indeed still with the RCA label..) and just quietly hit "delete" on that one. Not holding my breath on that tho....

Anonymous said...

I don't go to PH's site anymore. Haven't in ages. Don't ever intend to again. Thanks to those of you go there and leave TRUE POSITIVE comments about Adam.


Anonymous said...

please do not go to PH site even if he eventually deletes something he still racks up all those hits and shame on us.

Anonymous said...

Everybody can calm down now, Adam has spoken:

Adam Lambert‏@adamlambert
Glamberts! I have so many ideas for my third studio album!!! So excited to start creating new recordings for you all! 2013 is gonna rock!!

Adam Lambert‏@adamlambert
We have evolved together with For Your Entertainment and Trespassing.... #3 will be a brand new exploration! :)

glitzylady said...

@Anon 3:33 PM
I think its more properly said "Shame on him"..

I don't advocate going there either..but I don't regret posting the correct info on there just this once..No one else needs to go.

Anonymous said...

phew so glad to read those tweets the haters had me thinking the worse. woots.

Anonymous said...

Yep, the fuzzy face is back. Maybe Adam likes a change from shaving but it must be a pain shaving to make the beard perfect for his performances. I don't like the beard because it covers up part of his gorgeous face and detracts from his smile. It also makes him look older. However, it seems Melvin is something Adam loves so we're stuck with it, folks.

Anonymous said...

Perez knows exactly what he is doing and how to get hits.

Anonymous said...

Adam, you are right, 2013 is gonna rock! I cannot wait

Anonymous said...

Soooo interesting about Adam's new tweets

Anonymous said...

Who knows may be Brian and Rodger told Adam the one of the secrets of their success. Sence 1971 Queen released 18 albums. This means they create new album almost every year!

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady.....JAK here...regarding 2:48 P.M. post

Please excuse my correcting your French....but I think you meant
"Il est un merde-tete or tete-merde" regarding Perez. Oui?

Anonymous said...

.......Ode to Melvin........

Now you see him, now you don't
He may be kept, he maybe won't.
He may survive another day
He may already be shaved away.
Adam's looks are so various
Melvin's lifeline is precarious.
Some vow to him undying love
Other say "Dear God above"!!!
Melvin fans and Melvin foes
Just wait it out, he comes and goes
Melvin's naughty, he adds spice,
But shaven Adam looks sooooo nice.
Melvin you are welcome to visit
Your stay isn't permanent... is it?

I was feelin' kinda rhymey....JAK

Magiclady said...

Love the rhyme!
Love the melvin!sexy!

Anonymous said...

JAK, a great poem! Wish Adam could see it. Perfect description of Melvin. I happen to like Mel, but that smooth, clean-shaven face would feel SOOOO fine against my cheek.


Anonymous said...

I love Adam's Melvin look. He should keep it and also let his hair go long. Natural long. Not that extension long. Adam has a plush thick hair. He should let it grow long. If he uses Global Keratin, it's less maintenance and it's good for his hair too.

Anonymous said...

Could the RS voting thing be posted here please! Again think would get more votes! Sue

Anonymous said...

@7:06PM and radios hardly played their songs. Well not as much as others in their time here in U.S. Yet they managed to sell over 300 million of their albums worldwide.

Another group band that currently is doing so well worldwide and radios never play their songs is MUSE. I love this group band. Never heard any of their songs on my radio stations.

I stopped listening to radio stations. I make my own playlist on my iPhone and listen to my own picked music without any commercials.

Anonymous said...

@JAK send your poem to Adam. He might make a song out of it and put it on his 3rd album. LOL!

Anonymous said...


Love the rhymes and rhythm. . . xyz

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I'm not so sure I'd wanna hear a Melvin song!. lol.. I thank you for the suggestion, but I wouldn't know how to send Adam my poem or any of the other 20 or 30 I've written about him! Maybe they should go to Eber first to be censored, some were a bit SHADY !

Anonymous said...

I thank you one and all
For enjoying my verse......
But you mustn't encourage me
It could get much worse....
Once I get started, oh boy,
It's really hard to stop...
I would go on and on and on
Until you blew your top....
Rhymes keep bubbling bubbling up
They're all around me,left & right
Why in no time at all easily
They would overflow this site.
It's a compulsion I'd had to endure
Since I was just a wee pup..
You may have noticed on occasion
I'm very hard to shut up...!


Anonymous said...

@JAK, lol

Anonymous said...

9:15 PM, they play Muse on the station I listen to. Maybe try to find an alternative rock station?