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Recent Tweets by Adam Lambert: Tour in Japan, Justin Timberlake's New Music, etc

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, January 11, 2013

Posted at : Friday, January 11, 2013


Anonymous said...

Adam, honey, no need for armor.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Adam seems very contemplative lately. It's only 7:30AM here in LA, so it looks like he tweeted the "makeup is my armor" tweet around midnight. Wonder if the "armor" tweet has anything to do with the Les Mis debacle that just won't die. Is he feeling attacked .. more than usual? The "Change is Gonna Come" tweet and now this one .... what's up, BB? Hope all is ok.

tea said...

I have always assumed your makeup was your armor, sweetie Adam. ♥ ♫ ♥

Anonymous said...

Anyone with even just a little depth of feeling to accompany their eyes and ears already knew about the makeup/armour thing.

Mine is my hair. It's all good BB.

Anonymous said...

Aww, Adam. We love you, make-up or no make-up. You're beautiful inside and out.

If you want a good chuckle, PLEASE go to Adamtopis News and Information. There's a terrific pic of Adam as a Simpson character. Wouldn't it be great if he played himself on the Simpsons? It would be a great episode.


Anonymous said...

Hi! I just write this elsewhere and now I realished that there is that tweet I was talking about. Is everything ok. It seems to me a bit sad tweet. For what he needs to armor. Has someone said something. Is his caree going downhill. Is everything ok in his personal life.. I know I am little paranoid. English isn`t my language so I hope this make some sense to someone...

Anonymous said...

A Change is Going To Come tweet and now this? Melancholy for some reason. I hope it has nothing to do with his label or ticket sales or personal life.

Anonymous said...

I've decided not to over-react to these tweets. I think we often over-analyze. There's no reason to believe that bad things are going on. Chill out, everyone.

Anonymous said...

o.k. 9:11.

Anonymous said...

Dear Adam,

You know we love you the same without make-up. You are always beautiful - would be impossible for you not to be beautiful. No need for armor amongst your loving family, friends, and millions of fans who are the only people who count in life. There are others who will always be jealous of the beautiful and super talented artist they know you are and they just have to deal with it!haha!

Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

Makeup is my amour is a song lyric from Uneasy by Rita Ora. He is prob just listening to it and it struck a cord with him.

Anonymous said...

Makeup is my amour is a song lyric from Uneasy by Rita Ora. He is prob just listening to it and it struck a cord with him.

Anonymous said...

Make up is my armor too since I was 12. I just love it and I am a girl. My candy store is Sephora.

Anonymous said...

My grandson is always writing weird things on Facebook . . .half the time I don't know if they are fact or fiction
I sometimes recognize lyrics of certain songs!


Anonymous said...

That it is a lyric makes sense. But it can't help to have people tweeting and making comments places like here about whether he should shave or not or he looks fat. Sad how his fans can be so harsh on him.

Anonymous said...

11.57 you are right who are we to tell him what to do! He a beautiful man, he can do with his body what he wants! Doubt he will ever get fat, if he listens to comment on other members of his band, than sing with him!

Anonymous said...

The "armor" tweet did not bother me at all. What did bother me (and this may be surprising) was the tweet about his Japan Concerts. Yes Tokyo 1 and Tokyo 2 are sold out. But Tokyo 3 is not sold out, and the other three cities are not sold out. Come On Japan - Show A Little Love to Adam - and Buy Those Tickets. We need a big push from our Japanese Glambert Glamily.