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Adam Lambert with American Idol 12 contestant Jimmy Smith

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Anonymous said...

I liked this kid...wonder where this was taken and when...rose petal

Anonymous said...

hhhmmm, current group/season? Where and why I ask? Interesting if current (sorry, dont watxh Idol)

Anonymous said...

Wondering why Adam is visiting current Season 12 contestants? Could he be a mentor and we haven't found out yet??? I'd like that a lot!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, why is he hanging out with the current contestants? Could this be a sneak preview of something that happened that hasn't been broadcast yet. Remember, the contestants are sworn to secrecy.


Anonymous said...

This guy is a current contestant on AI? Very interesting..hummm...something to think about. Could they keep a secret like that if he was a mentor? Wouldn't that get out?


Anonymous said...

adam lambert with this guy contestant- but for now-wont watch the AI

Anonymous said...

Something is going on for sure otherwise why would Adam be in pictures with some of the current Idol contestants.

Mentor, guest judge, filling in for Ryan? Very interesting... I guess the Idol folks are finding out how boring Mariah and Randy are. I have watched some of the shows and I actually don't mind NM and KU but the other two put me to sleep. Mariah particularly has zero personality.


Anonymous said...

I liked this Jimmy Smith from the early auditions. He's a cutie. Someone to root for.

Anonymous said...

I cannot get into NM's voice. How can she possibly sing when she talks so nasally? She just turns me off with her wigs and she's always playing with them. Don't anyone ever mention Adam's makeup again after looking at this mess.

Anonymous said...

One picture could have been at restraunt! But these two pictures were taken same place! Unless the 2 guys went some where together this was at idol, it does seem like something going on! I'm talks like rumored, or mentoring or something ! He will be out of town couple months! They start live show march! He very well may be in talks for next year or an up and commin something! Guess will see, unless he visiting, kind of believe something goin on! The taping for next year darts end of year! Sue

Anonymous said...

This Jimmy Smith is my favorite among the Top 20 and he sings country.
He is quite a looker, a natural and no arrogance at all.
I like him and sings good country.

Anonymous said...

maybe the contestants were dining when the Glam one made his presence known and everyone jumped up and ran over for their photo op.