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New Fan Picture

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, March 15, 2013

Posted at : Friday, March 15, 2013

VIA mariafiliptsova: Me and @adamlambert #happy #celebrity #adamlambert


Anonymous said...

Now this is a pic where I find Adam at his best:)Beautiful man!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful picture, I hope I am not ranting to much! Sue

Anonymous said...

But, wow it must be cold there, Adam has like two coats on! Sue

Anonymous said...

Remember he just came from Bali. I am surprised he doesn't have 3 coats on, but maybe he does. I think most of his Russia concerts he will be staying inside. Get out the cards guys. LOL

Anonymous said...

does he have on furry gloves or is that part of her collar.

Anonymous said...

Adam's face is the sunshine that can melt ice and hearts all around. In his natural state, Adam is heart-palpitatingly handsome. Note the precious smile on the young woman, like she can barely contain herself: "I can't believe I am next to Adam."

Anonymous said...

10:38, My thoughts exactly.


Anonymous said...

I can't say it any better than you did @ 2nd 10:38 AM

Anonymous said...

I think that is the girls collar! His hand looks bare on the other side. Sue

Anonymous said...

You know what that what it's like living in Texas sometimes in the winter. Be 20 one day and eighty the next! Real cold in the morning got to use heater by evening need AC! Also causes you to get colds and stuff easy! So glad Adam is so healthy but even the healthiest can catch a cold are other cold related things! Sue

Anonymous said...

Honey were Adam's concerned you can't rant too much....I can understand him wearing multiple coats....but he's so hot wouldn't think she'd need petal

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Right on anon1038

Anonymous said...

Agree with Anon 10:38, in the past this website has been a great support for Adam and die-hard fans. Unfortunately it has been hijacked by a troll--and I am convinced that it is the same person posting the same crap over and over--so many peope like me don't stop by here much anymore. I know, SCROLL. SCROLL, SCROLL, but are these forums not for FANS to get together and chat and debate? This is a great forum, the videos, photos, and some wonderful posters. Get yourselves a great MODERATOR who will ensure that this remains a true Adam Lambert fansite, and not a forum for twisted minds. I will check in from time to time to see if that happens.......till then, thanks for reading my rant, if you did.

Elizabeth from Canada

Anonymous said...

Adam looks stunning. I heard the airport was closed in Minsk,hope Adam can get to Moscow. Winter in Russia,not really the best time to tour there.Many couldn't get to the concert last night. Hope we get videos eventually!

Anonymous said...

Rose Pedal I do rant about Adam and proud of it! Sometimes I get so upset by the Adam trasher that I say things, lot people say same things about KA or PP this awful woman always attacks me! I do not care what Sauli and Adam do I'm there life, it not our business at all! But trash Adam and glorify Sauli I will say something! There is this awful woman on here that attacks only me, many people say same thing I do and I am alway possitive for Adam, but she picks me out and attacks me tell me to get therapy! The reason she does it is I have called her out on trashing Adam, any thing good that happen's for Adam she brings it down! I think you know whi mean, she was the reason I left here before! We need to be supportive of Ad and not worry about there private life are the T's on here, if you call the trolls down than you are one! This is an Adam site and it needs to be about him only, not any other idols or boy friend of Adam they have there sites and u know I am very guilty to, of getting angry and bringing up other's! Let try and keep it to the wonderful Adam Lambert! I am not gonna adress that awful lady anymore,she can attack me all she wants she not worth it! That why I brought up ranting, guess I just got through ranting again, sorry! Thanks for always being supportive Rose Pedal and others here to me! Sue

Anonymous said...

Sorry for mistakes! Sue

Anonymous said...

Fans in Minsk said...airport closed because of blizzard...Adam and crew on their way to Moscow on a night train...adventure!!:)

Anonymous said...

Some videos from Minsk are being posted Shout

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh gosh I hope they are safe, that all that counts all the pedy arguing and crazy posts, from whatever they are means nothing! The important thing is they get there alright! I heard something about congress passing a bill where one of the budget cuts was air traffic controller's, cut some I'd the airports said would not let it happen who knows, they would have to Close some air control places!first thing I thought of was Adam in the air all the time, be more unsafe! Who ever here's they get there safe let us know! Sue

tea said...

A new and very well written article about Adam and the Gay Pride event in Miami Beach. It brings together lots of information that has come in bits and pieces from other articles.

Anonymous said...

Adam, sweet face, sweet heart.

tea said...

@2:05 PM
Thank you so much for the video links

Anonymous said...

Glad Adam and band are on the night train to Moscow. Safe trip!

choons said...

Sauli's most recent blog includes:
"Next week is Adam's gig in Finland, and then the nose toward the Losia!"
(which I think loosely means nose to the grindstone).
He says when he gets back to LA he'll have exactly one free day then he has to work on his programming (from LA).
So he'll be a busy guy but he sounds very psyched and happy. Hurray for both our boys.

choons said...

correction Losia is LA. my error.

Anonymous said...

Yes happy for the boys, they both much to look forward too! Adam album and few concert's! More stuff in his future this year next I am sure! Sauli got his show to shoot,still be close to Adam! No matter if they are lover's are friends I think they will always care for each other! I really am worried about Ad and the whole band and all! Soon as you know they are safe please let us know! That was Adam, Sue

Anonymous said...

Sauli will be a very very busy guy. So much work goes into the kind of program he is doing. He will pull it off though. So proud of him. He never gave up on his career. The two best guys in all the land Adam and Sauli.

Anonymous said...

LMFAO, this is hilarious! A postive thread, but some still found something to rant about. This is too funny. So you see, it doesn't, matter whether you're a so called positive poster or so called negative poster you still want to have your say. The point is we all love Adam and want him to have a happy long prosperous life and career. As a diverse fan-group we all express our opinions in our own unique way.

Anonymous said...

Is it brutally cold in Finland too, anyone know! Sauli being used to California now must be hard on him as Adam, he been used to California climate, cold some but not like Finland winter's! Hope Adam gets to Finland with less problems! Sue

Anonymous said...

tea, nice article about the Miami Beach Gay Pride event. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I come on site when I have time and appreciate the efforts made to keep us informed. Ignore trolls life too short. The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot to say Adam looks so, so darn handsome in this picture, so content and at happy and healthy. Seems to me everything ok in Adam's world right now! Concerts like this take a lot of work, planning and very tiring traveling he handles it all so well. Sometimes I do not know how they do it, but being very young helps, not falling apart yet! He just a very handsome man, even more so than 4 years ago, I think he had improved greatly with age. Well for to go get stuff done and take med's! Sue

Anonymous said...

Express your opinion in a possitive way minus being snarky please, see nothing hilarious about anyone's posts here! What you just posted was a bit of a rant as well! When any if us long standing Adam fans feel we need to rant or vent we shall when being targeted by the same old same old people! I know I know I need therapy, air, all that stuff! We were doing so good, Dark side how do you do it? Sue

Anonymous said...

The FEVER in Minsk was cute with the fun teasing moves. Looked like all had fun.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Sue's thread

11. Comments so far

Anonymous said...

6.34 this is the awful woman I was telling you about! She never signs everybody was happy and here she comes! You just got Sue's post no. 12! Sue

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure she 3.34 too! No. 14! I rarely post this much, but if I want to I will I am possitive! About Adam! Sue

Anonymous said...

I hear Canadians are obsessed with trolls.

Anonymous said...

Let Sue have her say. She is allowed to have an opinion. She partly means me, because I don't like Tommy and his crays and I don't like the fact that we should only praise Adam or overprotect him like he was a baby. He has friends who give him security.

Anonymous said...

Honey I guess you cannot help but feel the way you do! Life is to short everybody do your thing! She can have an opinion but if I do I am ranting! Adam a big boy he will be fine! Sue

Anonymous said...

7:10 I am a Canadian and you really don't mean anything to me. Sorry to deflate your already fragile ego.

Anonymous said...

7:10 hearing those voices again?

Anonymous said...

@Sue, If you retract your claws and take your blinders off you'll see that 3:34 PM is a positive post. It seems like you're always looking for a fight. You may be a nice lady, but you need to chill.
By the way, I'm 3:34 PM, a totally different person from the one that you claim is your nemesis. No snark intended in my post, but I did have a good laugh seeing two complaining post on a positive thread from people who said that they didn't like negative posts, but being negative themselves. It's like the pot calling the kettle black.

Anonymous said...

I was reading the above posts and the night train to Moscow has a nice ring to it. Adam should turn it into a song. lol

Anonymous said...

I keep hoping I will come here and find 2011back again. We seemed to have so much fun here on 24/7 a couple years ago......sigh......anyway our Adam looks handsome but tired. I can imagine after that flight! The very cute girl has the nose I always wanted a lovely ski jump nose! ........JAK

Anonymous said...

8.20 do your thing! I am a nice lady, and I will chill and everyone do what they want! Maybe you are not the one I think you are and if I read you wrong I apologize! Sue

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to take another break. The last one wasn't long enough obviously.
We all need therapy, just some more than others...

Anonymous said...

Yes and that person is one that attacked me, 8.40 now you get tha rest! There were several nasty post in that other post and you picked on me, because i call you down for the way you treat Adam! I did not even make the remarks! I through now you go get your rest get your air, like you tell everyone you may be human! Not arguing with you anymore! I going to enjoy Adam and ignore people like you, your nuts! Sue

Anonymous said...

Yes you are definitely the one that needs it more than other's! 8.49 what is your name?

Anonymous said...

That was 8,40!

Anonymous said...

Who's treating Adam bad??? Lemme at em!

Anonymous said...

8.40 is the only one that does the therapy thing s, she is the one! I so apologize to you 8.20! Sue

Anonymous said...

@8:58: Should you be demanding names when you are posting anonymously yourself? Just say in...

Anonymous said...

8.40 that's who!

Anonymous said...

Takes one to know one I guess...

Anonymous said...

No I do not sometime I forget I do not, i may post that way but I signupk name, I do not know how do it any other way! Sue

peacekeeper said...

You kiddies better behave or they are going to close this thread also.
It's Friday night. Go have a drink.

Anonymous said...

There's so much BS on this blog which is supposed to be about all things Adam in a very POSITIVE light. Can we please keep to topic on this forum instead of ranting about things that are irrelevant!

Anonymous said...

That is I sign my name ! Goodnight.bit playing this crao anymore, SUE is my name my real name!

Anonymous said...

You people get everyone upset, I made one remark, I cannot sign anymore, making mistakes! My name is Sue and you need to sign then people will not get things wrong! Sue is my name!

Anonymous said...

@9:22. Amen to that.

Anonymous said...

No sue, she is not the only one who has suggested you need therapy. I have too. I don't dislike you, but I do think you have way overboard anger problems and as you have said you have several medical problems. It can't be good to work yourself into fits of anger over real or supposed attacks on Adam. Attacks, as you call them, on Adam on this site go no farther than these threads, Adam doesn't see them, they are just spiteful people trying to push our buttons. Most of us just ignore them, as you should learn to do.

Anonymous said...

Everyone was happy and fine and people have to make remarks and not sign! I love Adam at that what I am here for! I will never call anyone down again! You do what you want you say what you want , I do not care, leave me alone! Do what ever you want! This site is not worth it! I was all happy and talking about Adam, I get called out all time no one else! You can have this thread! I love some you and please take care of my Adam! Sue

Anonymous said...

No I do not, so many people say same things I do and you say nothing! Your just out for me and if you cannot sign not gonna take you serious, but do not worry I am gone! Every body take care of your self! Adam is a big boy and as I said before he does not neede are the trolls on here! Love some of you enjoy the site! Sue

Anonymous said...

Sue take a fun break and go to the top thread and see what someone did to their car. lol Relax and leave this thread behind you!!!

Anonymous said...

Here we go again! If you guys spents the time promoting Adam instead of throwing at each other,
the Glambert would be ruling.

Anonymous said...

I spent so much time promoting Adam, and all I get is crap and mean spirited comments! So you do it for awhile I am out of it, never have said a word against him, ever and never will! Sue

Anonymous said...

Sue please remain positive as I will miss your comments. Don't let it get you down.

Anonymous said...

Lately comments have gotten totally out of hand. This site is for Adam not for mud throwing. It just takes a troll to throw a negative and everyone gets crazy.
chill up people.

Anonymous said...

Sue has a right to be upset, so many bullies that come to this site so quick to pounce and jump all over people. If this is how some of you get your jollies then you are sick human beings. Also, what gives people the right to be so damn patronising towards Sue, telling her she needs to get therapy, so now you bullies act like mental health experts. Bullying people is in it's self a mental health issue so it's you people who need to go and get some therapy for yourselves, leave Sue and others alone, look to your own rotten behaviour instead of judging other peoples.

Anonymous said...

Sue, just because you feel passion and emotion towards Adam only means that you are a genuine fan who cares greatly about his welfare, it's not you who has a problem your reactions are quiet normal because you care greatly, which is far more than some of the rotten people who come to this site.

Anonymous said...

I come to this blog to read about ADAM, look at his photos, enjoy his video clips and support him in any way I can. I do NOT come to this blog to read all this sh!te.

Anonymous said...

@Sue, your love and dedication for Adam is admirable. This is 3:34 PM and 8:20 PM, thank you for your apology and please accept my apology if I hurt your feelings or offended you. We all love Adam, so please don't leave, but if possible try not to get so mad all the time, unless necessary. When people viciously attack Adam then bring those claws out, and I'll bring mine out too! lol As Adam would say "Stay". Peace and love to you.

Anonymous said...

8.20 Ido not believe you realize what this other woman that I thought you were has said to me, really nasty! Also a couple came on here about three weeks ago, really said nasty homophobia things about Adam, he gay and it is no suprise he shows it once in awhile!, I believe she one if them! I did take up for him and she been out for me since!she heard all this going on and here she came! I except your apology, but you do not not know how bad she been treating me, my friends here do! Iwht am I do angry when several people yesterday made much worse comments about some Idol's are something not a word, and she just tore into me! Any excuse to tear me down because I fared to disagree with her!i will try not to get so mad,if you keep your promise to have Adam back! Think that what you said! Thanks to my friends! Gonna take couple days off, I cried a couple of hours, and not good for my problems! I'll be back couple of days are so, maybe a week! Afraid a couple days of this thread is like a year! Sorry for mistakes no glasses on, still need eye operation, husband been busy to take me! To my friends I love you! Sorry if not making lots of sense very tired, sue

Anonymous said...

Seems ironic, Adam does his best to advocate against bullies and yet 24/7 an Adam Lambert site spreads nothing but hate and bullies people who dare to have a slightly different opinion. I wonder how Adam would feel if he knew that his fans were bullying to a point where other fans felt the need to leave the fandom. I've seen it at live concerts too, people pushing and shoving, threatening other fans if they dare to get in their way, not a pretty sight and completely opposite to the message Adam tries to convey to fans about love and acceptance.

Anonymous said...

I am a therapist and Sue has anger issues that need to be examined for the sake of her health. Those of you who tell her that her extreme reactions are perfectly normal aren't helping her. She is the only explosive personality on this site. A couple days away won't help and I doubt she is capable of staying away. She needs to talk to one of her many doctors for a recommendation.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:55 AM....Anger is ok as long as it's channelled into something healthy or positive it can serve as a driving force for the betterment of one's pursuits. As far as Sue's anger goes, I can't say I blame her their is so much provocation on this site it's enough to get anyone going. As far as therapists I have no time for them, most of what you learn is from a text book not from real life, and to say that someone doesn't have it in them to cope with their anger is really selling them short and typical of a so called therapist's attitude, always assuming they know what's best is complete BS. The road to hell is paved with good intentions but who really wants to end up in hell. If you really want to help Sue stop trying to brain wash her into thinking she needs help, I'm sure she is more than capable of working out any problems she thinks she may or may not have.

Anonymous said...

@6:55AM You sound like a quack (untrained person) or a bully yourself. Don't argue with me though. My IQ is at least average, lol, and I have completed an extensive psychological test. Some people here think I'm a troll or a looney too, but IDGF. :)

Anonymous said...

Oops, I didn't spell IDGAF right.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@ 7:21 AM

Do you honestly think sue is channeling her anger into a healthy way? You have no time for therapists? Yes they learn a lot from text books, just as doctors of all kinds do. Then they spend years working with patients and learn from experience. Do you also have no time for doctors?

IMO Sue needs help working out her anger problem. I also do not believe that every comment to Sue is someone out to get her, as she believes, I think many are concerned for her.

Anonymous said...

I am also concerned for Sue and believe she should talk to her doctor about how upset she gets. She gets very upset at the slightest thing and that is not normal. I wonder if the person defending the behavior has issues themself if they don't recognize how out of proportion the repeated rants are.

Anonymous said...

I agree Sue has anger issue and gets very upset so easily even without provocation. I just advised her once to take it easy and she pounced on me and calls me a troll when I was only concerned about her health. She needs help because it is not normal and bad for her health.

Just Concern

Anonymous said...

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