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American Idol Finalist Vincent Powell Calls Adam Lambert a "Superstar" and says he's a fan

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, April 30, 2013

So cool. Vincent also referenced this blog! (Thanks Adam Lambert Fan Club Facebook for the tip!)


Anonymous said...

The guy has good taste.

Anonymous said...

I agree!

glitzylady said...

Another good reason to keep it respectful here,,to Adam and others: you never know who might be dropping by. :)

Anonymous said...

He looks every inch s superstar and that voice oh that voice! Sue

Anonymous said...

Vincent has good taste and he's a good singer as well. No need to comment about our own Superstar - Adam Lambert! Just WOW!..nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

I came to post the same notion as glitzylady. And additionally, although I am a big fan of the blogosphere, perhaps we also should consider keeping it more Adam related here. I am one who has gone off topic many times, I admit that and own it, but have been doing a lot of thinking about this issue and am wondering if we should keep it more tightly Adam focused here, so as to celebrate and promote successfully his talent, for which he deserves further exposure and acknowledgment! Upon that I am confidant we can agree.

Anonymous said...

I actually forgot who is Vincent Powell, and after googling him, then I remember, he was the one who should have been in the top 10...

Anonymous said...

Adam is a superstar, because his TALENT makes him so, plain and simple. Adam's incredible musicianship, vocal prowess and It-Factor (etc) can not be denied. I am a huge fan of acknowledging the gray areas and life, but sometimes things are just black and white, like Adam Lambert's talent! Period.

Anonymous said...

glitzylady, I'm glad you made that important point. We should remind ourselves that people outside the "regulars" do visit this site for the first time. When I think of some of the threads here, I shudder. It would be nice to think about new fans joining us here and enjoying the conversation.


Anonymous said...

@DRG... perfect wording... "SHUDDER". I shudder to think of... well, you know, we all know!

Let's promote Adam Lambert's incredible talent here.

Anonymous said...

I love talking about Adam, as well as watching, dreaming, so I am happy..( -:


glitzylady said...

Vincent was great: so happy that he was able to meet Adam.

I would love to see this blog return to it's earlier roots: a positive place to flail about "our" amazing Superstar Adam Lambert. Without the side drama.. Adam deserves that, and I think as fans we need to show those who come here to learn about Adam that we fans have as much class and integrity as HE does.

Anonymous said...

That would be really nice, but in reality would have to cutoff about half the people who post here. I'm for that.

Anonymous said...

1:25, LOL, you are right.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Adam Lambert 24/7 News!

Anonymous said...

I love how so many people are calling Adam a superstar. The people in the industry KNOWS.

Adam is destined to be a super star. And he needs our support to make that happen. It will take a few more albums for that to happen.

lorraine said...

Oh Happy Day !!!! Back to why we are all here---to share our love and admiration for Adam Lambert- and spread the joy of his beautiful music and loving heart all around the world. Adam makes me happy-simple as that....

Anonymous said...

Yes, I was surprised when Vincent didn't make it to Top Ten. He's a much much better singer than that Curtis Finch.

Anonymous said...

1:25 and 1:35 care to let us all in on the half you would cutoff?

tess4ADAM said...

Just finished watching my Upright Cabaret collection (downloaded from Ytube) & I watched once more our young incredibly talented artist when no one here knew about him. My heart still skips a beat when I watch these vids. ADAM was/is the most talented singer I have ever had the pleasure to have heard/seen EVER!! ADAM is the only music/vids I watch/listen to ... no one else ... don't need anyone else. THANX for this HAPPY thread fellow Glamberts ... Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Anons 1:25 and 1:35
I don't think Adam would be happy of your posts... Entitlement etc

Anonymous said...

@ 6:28 pm and @ 3:29 am

You think Adam is happy with the posts that insinuate that he has, wants to or should f**k everyone he has a photo taken with? That he is a liar about being gay, not bi, gay.
That his life consists or should consist of being drunk or being laid? That he has no work ethic at all?

Are these the comments of a fan and supporter of an artist or the giggling fantasies of an immature 17 or 57 year old who has no respect for Adam or his privacy?
IMO we could do without these people.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:34am
I don't know which one you are 1:25 or 1:35, but just FYI I have never written any of those stuff you mentioned. I have been here almost from the beginning and love Adam 4ever! I have the utmost respect for both his professional and his private life. Period.
I protested cause YOU two (or one and the same) think that 50% of the posters here should be cut off and laughing about it. Who are you to draw any cut off lines (even jokingly), unless you are Admin of this site?!?
