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AT&T Live Proud Featuring Adam Lambert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, April 26, 2013

Posted at : Friday, April 26, 2013


Anonymous said...

Bears repeating from an earlier thread:

Let's help the Trevor Project get some donations from AT&T and their promo with Adam. AT&T will make a $1 donation for liking this Facebook page:

and a 50 cent donation for retweeting specific tweets like this one sent April 13th:

RT this message and @att will donate 50¢ to @TrevorProject for the #attliveproud campaign!

Anonymous said...

Well... I'm sure proud of Adam and all the great work he's doing... for LGBT youth across the globe... as ive said before my daughters bet friend is gay... he pretty much grew up at our house cuz he really wasn't that welcome at home.... He had told me how great it would have been to have someone as brave as Adam to look up husband always tried to make sure he knew we care for him .... A quick little story... my husband looks just like Santa now... but when he was young he looked like the incredible hulk.... one day my daughters friend came over and she painted his nails ... she intended to take it off but ... his dad came for him before she could... the next time he came he told us how his dad had laughed at him... and said only a sissy would paint thier nails....when his dad came to pick him .... both my husband and my son had thier nails painted ... We never heard anymore about who does or doesn't paint thier nails....rose petal

Anonymous said...

rose petal, my dad freaked when I painted my son's nails. I was doing mine, my son was three and he wanted his done too. He turned out straight so I guess my dad was wrong that I would make him gay, LOL.

choons said...

aw he's a natural at doing ads - perfect voice, perfect face, perfect everything. So well-spoken. So expressive. So handsome. And he looks about 20!

Anonymous said...

What a great message from ADAM.. Please LIKE and send this on

Anonymous said...

@rose petal

What a kind gesture from your husband and son, I am sure your family has made such a positive difference in his life, showing him love and acceptance!!

I wish the whole world and especially mainstream America would see this promo of Adam. He has such a kind and caring soul, I so wish everyone could see who he really is..How could anyone not fall in love with him!

BTW..he's looking good!!! THUD..


Anonymous said...

Love the painted nails comments! As the mother of two sons, you can't MAKE your kids become gay or straight, like sports, or take dancing lessons (unless you like to see your kids cry a lot!) nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

As an educator, I've seen a big difference with the formation of the Gay (LGBTQ) and Straight Allliance clubs that have become prominent in all Toronto high schools. As teenagers become more sensitized to LGBTQ issues acceptance of others with all kinds of differences has grown. Just knowing someone who is different can change a person perspective forever.


Anonymous said...

I forgot to comment about Adam and the promo! I could not be more proud of Adam! He has become such a wonderful role model for everyone. Not only is he great for the gay community, but anyone who is having trouble accepting who they are. Many people suffer from self-loathing due to peer pressure or emotional problems from childhood memories or just life. Adam is about liking yourself and being proud. This is a beautiful message for us all.
Thanks Adam for being your beautiful self inside and out.

Anonymous said...

Rose petal
What a heartfelt situation; your family is very warm. By the way, I want to thank you for your compliment regarding "queen of ditties". lol! Oh I read your well-articulated live experience, tornado poem. One thing though, I've always thought of a tornado as a natural beauty, the funnel and tail as it swirls, not so much as a monster. Understandable in your case as you've been through its devastation. Perhaps you might like to add in a verse from the natural beauty perspective to balance the monstrosity depicted in your poem. Just a suggestion. I like your Monster poem though, it's firsthand.


Anonymous said...

this is a fantastic promo

Anonymous said...

at freaking last a link that actually took me to the site where I could actually find a like button. Thanks for posting. I hope I run into those tweets so I can retweet. Help spread the word.

Anonymous said...

Where's the link?

Anonymous said...

Adam looks yummy delicious!!

Anonymous said...

So Fresh & Gorgeous Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

There was a time when I could understand the beauty ones sees in things such as in tornado alley I have been in the middle of 3...I was never really frightened ..:I used to stand on my porch just hoping I would see one ... it was exciting.... but not anymore... Our monster cut a 23 mile long path through the middle of our city.... it killed 160+ people ..... destroyed 8000 homes and businesses ....including 5 schools... our hospital... and many churches.... one of my husbands coworkers had taken his 2 children to buy a light bulb .... they found thier bodies still on the cab of thier truck... he was clutching one child in each arm ... make no mistake this was a monster... and I hope I never forget .... cuz it can happen agin and we need to be ready... I'm glad u enjoyed the poem....and I know it was just a suggestion.... but I think I'll leave as it is... don't want to forget monsters bite.... rose petal

Anonymous said...

Adam is perfect spokesman for ANYTHING. He is so sincere, so well-spoken, so fearless. I bet he never thought four years ago that he would be doing a promo like this. He is SO professional yet so down to earth. Hope there is a BIG contribution from this promo.

rose petal, your story is wonderful. It is so sad when kids' families do not accept them for who they are. Being gay is not what you do; it's what you ARE. Big difference. Thanks for the story!


Anonymous said...

Thanks I appeticate it .... I will never understand why people don't realize that behind gay is not a choice... as glad I've found Adam and so many people who think ad i do ...aye my family does.... funny thing my son liked painting his nails ...and used to paint them the school colors for track meets ....rose petal

Anonymous said...

11:31 the link is in the first comment.:)

Anonymous said...

Adam is the ambassador of honesty and acceptance!:)

I wish all the best for him in the future:)

I'll continue being supportive to make a difference in humanity...


glitzylady said...

@rose petal
I LOVE your story! Don't we wish everyone could be so accepting and loving..

Shaley said...

Such inspiring stories!
I'm still in constant conflict every time I visit my in laws. They know I'm a gay advocate, but there's no reasoning with them. The other day my 29 yr old stepdaughter who lives with them asked me how I feel about gays being scout leaders. Of course, you can guess my answer. Well she proceeds to tell me how wrong it is, and how she doesn't want them teaching her boys how to "live their lifestyle". I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It just flabbergasts me how much ignorance there still is in this 21st century -even with the younger generation.
They are conservative Christians, and I'm afraid there will always be those who will never come around. But, it's their right as Americans to believe and live as they wish. It's trying to convince them that should apply to ALL Americans, and that they have no right to push their beliefs on others, that's the hard part.
And that opens up a whole other can of worms...but I'll spare you the details on that one;)

Anonymous said...

WOW! ADAM at his BEST here.
Beautiful message from a beautiful man with a golden heart.
I just love this look with not a ton of make-up, just P-E-R-F-E-C-T!!!

Anonymous said...

it never fails to astonish me that some of our citizens think that the founding of our country was to establish a religion based country and religious laws. It was what they were escaping. Progress can only come when people of all faiths or no faith realize that citizens who do not follow your chosen belief may still be ethical, moral, valuable people.

Anonymous said...

Bet AT&T is going to receive lots of hate mail. The "4000 Moms group" must be salivating with anger.

Anonymous said...

Let 'em. Who cares? They have to have something or someone to hate, they feed on it ! Pitiful isn't it? JAK

Shaley said...

Oh, I "preach" those sentiments to my In-laws all the time, re. the separation between church & state etc., to no avail. All I hear is: well the Bible says this...or "do you really think that's natural"...bla..bla...bla...It's just impossible to get through to some, and it always will be. Gay marriage just recently passed here in WA state. I'm surprised they haven't moved-lol.

Anonymous said...

Rose petal
It's okay to express your feelings the way you are most touched, by the occurrence; the tornado that wiped out your neighbourhood, sounds really horrible. From the writing angle...some contrast can help highlight the monstrosity you feel even more; like a few lines here and there to bring out the tornado's natural beauty, fury in contrast to the monster connotation...striking an equilibrium in the poem. So again these are just suggestions from the angle of written expression.


Anonymous said...

Lam - my

Let it be. @ rose petal was speaking from her heart and personal experience not trying to compose a balanced work of art. I doubt she worries about being graded on it or instructed in how you think it could be improved. Lam - my
You need to work on your desire to be controlling.

Anonymous said...

I would not have ventured on with my suggestions if it had not been the fact Rose petal asked for honest direct opinions. When I read she wanted some real feedback, then would I have given the above suggestions. Go to the thread to read what she asked. I do not usually volunteer too much when it comes to one's self expression. You must learn to read up and find out more about the context or situation before you languish your narrow-mindedness on another! You! not me, need to take control of your need to put someone down...perhaps I guess to boost your own low self confidence!! No wonder Adam has so much problem with regard to speaking one's mind...with people like you always trying to curtail other people's thought processes! Go fly kite! if you are always looking out for someone to put down! It will help boost your low self esteem! Because at least your kite will be able to fly! hopefully.


Anonymous said...

Excellent Job as always!
He looks flawless.

daydreamin said...

He sure knows how to dress himself. Mr GQ. Love the brown leather it hot in here or just me?

Anonymous said...

Hope some kids come out to. Their 4000 moms because of this. Good job Adam !!!!

Anonymous said...

Lam-my. I read and understood @ rose petal's original post. I don't think she was asking for our opinion on her writing technique. She was pouring out her heart at the devastation that tore up her city and IMO it was a powerful emotional description that the other citizens could identify with. There is a time to speak of the beauty and strength of nature, but in that city with death and destruction to deal with, I don't think anyone would find the beauty in the situation. That approach should be saved for another poem.

Anonymous said...

@ Lammy to others you say go fly a kite. To you I say plese stop the nonsence. You are as others on this site have stated wrong once again. Just stop.

@ Shaley I am a proud conservative christian woman with an out and proud conservative christian son. What say you now?

@ JAK Thanks! It is appreciated when someone knows how our country was founded. It is sad how people twist the words written in our Constitution and its Amendments to suit themselves. We have the freedom "of" religion (the right to believe or not as we choose). Example - someone is offended by a Christmas tree in the public square and instead of looking away they demand that all Christmas trees be banned from public squares everywhere and thus they have created freedom "from" religion.


Anonymous said...

Lam-my would you have found beauty in the mushroom clouds of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as well? Perhaps the lovely colors of blue in the tsunami as it approached Japan? Hmm? You say you have feelings. Methinks you are greatly lacking in empathy.


Anonymous said...

Lammy should have been in the second plane to hit the twin towers on 9-11 and survived the impact. She could then explain to all of us the delightful smells of burning flesh in the air, how exhilarating it was to free fall through the beautiful fire with colours of red, orange and yellow and the angelic screams of the people around her. After all it would be a firsthand account.


Anonymous said...

Just this once, please let me totally ignore what he said... cause my eyes were so full of his beauty, my ears were caressed by his smiley, confident and golden voice... Those eyes, that hair, that face, the nose, those beautiful, luscious lips, perfect teeth, that outfit, the shirt, the long legs in those sexy pants and those boots along with all the accessories... TOO PERFECT TO BE TRUE!!

I promise I'll concentrate and truly listen this important message again 2morow, with my eyes shut...promise! :))))

Anonymous said...

MFG your description is bizarre enough.

Anonymous said...

@6:28 As would be Lammy's.


Anonymous said...

CCR - bet you and your son are the fanatics a while back that blamed Adam for setting back gay rights due to his actions. And we have freedom FROM religion in this country, something you would not comprehend.

Anonymous said...

LOLOLOL!!! @MFG, how well you know Ms. Lam! And she is the very one who has all these inferiority complex and hang-ups she tries hard to cover up with superiority complex. Go, MFG!

Anonymous said...

Whoa! I don't believe I am reading some rather narrow-minded, tunnel vision opinions here! Oooh-la-la!-la-la! I stated rather clearly about two angles of looking at poetry writing...the trauma in someone's poem expressing total loss, devastation and the other from the angle of a natural phenomenon. Nowhere did I even hint, mine is the right way because poetry writing is very subjective. An example, and it's only my interpretation; not for comparison; because poetry is mostly self expression of one's thoughts. I was critiquing it from my point of view and in no way did I not empathise with Rose petal. Here goes, about striking an equilibrium:

The tornado lashes out its inexplicable deadly monstrosity
Flattens, flying, crushing everything in sight, homes, families
Relentless, no mercy; pain, broken spirits, broken bones, miles and miles of bloody debri
Yet when I look at it from afar with curiosity, its beauty, the swirl and funnel
Universe, unleashing its phenomenal wind power in all its glory!

In an earlier reply to Rose petal, I did say I liked her firsthand account poem, of the devastating ordeal she and her family and those inflicted, went through. But to me, it was not a monster, perhaps if I may...Nature's Monster.


That was quite a "floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee" knockout punch! lol! Thanks!

Hmm, not forgetting Adam...he is so confident, sees his direction more clearly now; his speech, smooth like durian! lol! Oh sexy sexy...ooh-la-la!

Anonymous said...

8:35.... Lam-my

Anonymous said...

Lam-my Please just shut up. You make a bad thing worse.

Anonymous said...

Just for you:

Tunnel vision
Don't bury your head in the sand
Let your mind expand


Anonymous said...


Just for you

Big mouth
You never shut your trap
You forever yap yap yap.

Anonymous said...

Now that Lam-my has schooled us in how to write a proper disaster poem about a place she has never been or a tornado she never experienced - are we required to vote for which one we liked better?
Lam-my, you lose.

Anonymous said...

Now we wait to see if she can let it go or if she will be compelled to have the last word!

Anonymous said...

LOLOLOL!!! Lam-my, the LOSER!

Anonymous said...

By the way, I was not schooling anyone on how to write a disaster poem. I was pointing out that even a disaster poem can have a silver lining connotation as a kind of contrast to bring out the disaster even more poignantly. It doesn't lessen it; in this particular case the universal magnificence of nature in contrast to the sufferings, devastation. But ultimately the writer/poet gets the last say as to how she wants to portray it and what strikes her the most. I have no qualms at all about that. I think if I were to write a firsthand tornado poem, the deafening and merciless crushing, smashing sounds of the tornado will take centre stage, for me. No, but that is too high a price to pay just to write a tornado poem. Finally, there is no winner or loser in poetry, because it's so subjective and depends a lot on one's background, experiences etc. Similarly in Adam's case, his songs are not so popular on home ground...does that equate to him being a loser? We shall see about that. Mark my words.


Anonymous said...

I knew you couldn't just let it go. You are impossible to reason with, because you just don't get it. Perfect example of OCD.

Anonymous said...

Really keep saying I can't let go, but you are doing exactly that!! At least I've not said that about you. So who is more OC!! Pseudo club and Dimwit club are just right round the corner; they suit you better!
