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Cool Video of Adam Lambert on the Red Carpet at 2013 Chinese Music Awards

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, April 18, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, April 18, 2013


tea said...

I don't know about walking the red carpet, it's an honor but EVERYONE who walks it seems a little at a loss for what they are supposed to do besides walk.

Anonymous said...

He just look beautiful. Sue

Anonymous said...

Too much botox, that's sad...:( he is beautiful without it.

Anonymous said...

What a hell he is wearing? These shoes are terrible!

Anonymous said...

adam dont use botox are u kidding me hes a natural beauty u know china is cooler-all asian countries; usa is getting sunnyier and warmer. love adam lambert.he llok great decent-dingified looking.

Anonymous said...

@9:36AM I must disagree. Adam had some botox,last year I believe. Just to remove his forhead lines.I think it was a great idea! However, I don't think he has any time to get more botox during last seven or eight months.
@9:36AM Don you know that Adam would need to stay at home for few weeks after botox?

Anonymous said...

What's the big deal about botox? As long as the doctor is good and you don't overdo it, what's the big deal? It's so common in Hollywood. And you don't need to stay home to recover for weeks. There is virtually downtime.

Anonymous said...

Well,we have seen so many hollywood stars who have use too much botox and their face look kind a weird..

Anonymous said...

And you know Adam has had botox how?

Anonymous said...

God, he looks wonderful it was a very stylish look. I personally thought he looked more handsome than I ever seen him. Not to much just very stylish, loved it now out of here while everyone tears this sweet heart of a beautiful man apart, I cannot take it anymore! Sue

Anonymous said...

that sure was a long red carpet and beautiful building it was held in. Adam looking relaxed and enjoying the day. THAT'S WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT FOLKS.

choons said...

Aw I love him hoisting up his pants - it's a long carpet walk for sure - venetian gondoliers make it weirder.

Anonymous said...

Adam just looked so cool, relaxed and confident walking down that red carpet. What else to you do but walk and then wave. I liked the outfit he was wearing...very stylish. Congrats on the award.

Anonymous said...

Oh goodness Sue, get a grip! I don´t see any tearing apart in this thread! Do you mean botox talk?? Adam isn´t that sensitive. Why should you be? If he had botox, so what? It´s his business. He looked very stylish in China and got an award well deserved. Life isn´t that bad!


Anonymous said...

Whatever! sue

Anonymous said...

That was a lovely remark about good grief what he wearing terrible shoes!

Anonymous said...

Knowing Adam those shoes (boots) whatever must be a new stylish statement he is making. Love him always surprises us. Just when we thought he looked sooo conservative you look at his feet and low and behold people are talking. Glad he is easy off the makeup now. Not sure about botox on forehead but I do think he had some treatment for the acne scars on his cheeks, he was very self conscious about his skin. Good for him wish I had money for a nip and tuck. Keep up the fashion and keep us guessing. Love you Adam

Anonymous said...

WHOA! That's a long red carpet and Adam strides it so well. Millions of people have botox. I wouldn't have it because it's a form of botulism but to each their own.

Anonymous said...

I noticed right away sometime back when the deep forehead wrinkles disappeared. All I thought was good! The stage makeup he wore accented the wrinkles, now he presents a smoother, younger looking forehead. yea for Botox.

Anonymous said...

Don't knock Botox, it can be a blessing for people who have had their face disfigured by an accident or even a birth defect. Medical science to the rescue.

Anonymous said...

The point was that adam dont need it..accident or like that are different thing.