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New Cool Picture from Shanghai

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, April 23, 2013

VIA glam_alidol


Anonymous said...

Adorable expressive Adam!

Anonymous said...

yes we are watching. LOL

Anonymous said...

yes we are watching. LOL

Anonymous said...

I love to see one of the good guys enjoying the high life!..nancdruuu3

Anonymous said...

@nancdruuu3 nope - still me nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....OT for sure...Please don't show me Shanghai, Singapore or Hong Kong....or Europe for that matter. They kept me awake all night and will for many more. My daughter's gonna kill me! Had a visit from my grandson yesterday..he's finally ready to accept his high school graduation gift from me. I had promised him a trip (with me) to Europe, but before that time came I was too crippled up with arthritis to go, so I said "when you find a buddy to go with let me know!" Well 7 years later he let me know....he handed me a 5 page plan of his trip which now circles the globe....backpacking from Scotland, thru England, France, Switzerland and Italy and then to Shanghai, Singapore, Hong Kong then CA and back to Florida!

I said "Europe was the gift and it was a guided tour!" He said "Kayleigh and I want to backpack and we can stay at all Hilton Hotels wherever available for employee we have friends in London and in Singapore we can stay's all mapped out, just read it, I've covered everything, Kayleigh went to college in Europe and backpacked all over, speaks 3 languages and we work together and get along great!" I didn't bother to ask how his girlfriend took the news. My husband just softly said..."Amy's gonna kill you!" He's right, our daughter is a full time worrier since he jumps out of planes, cave dives, bungee jumps, etc. Backpacking around the world is gonna send her into orbit!

I just whispered..."my deal goes from Scotland to Italy." He said "fine I'll handle the rest!We can't go till June so I'm gonna wait a while to tell Mom, cause you know she worries!" "Look over my plans and make me a list of must see places along the way".

Then with a quick bear hug and a kiss for my husband and I off he went.
That means he trusts me to keep my mouth shut and worry in silence. I tried all night to tell myself he's a big, strong, smart 25 year old man and it will be a fantastic
adventure. I've always been big on adventures....but she is gonna kill me, if my heart doesn't get me first! My husband just smiles at me in pity for my dilemma.
Sorry for such an OT wail but my mind is spinning and I needed to cry on other mothers/grandmothers!
He's our one and only...I worry when he leaves the state, now this!

Anonymous said...

JAK, don't worry, he sounds like a smart boy. He'll be fine. And staying in Hilton hotels will be way better for your peace of mind than hostels. I backpacked through Europe and lived ;) It really is an amazing learning experience and he is very lucky to have you give him part of it. I have a platonic male friend I have traveled with and he just went on a trip with a different platonic friend. Your grandson will have an amazing trip and he'll be fine. Try to not worry :)

Anonymous said...

That air quality does not look good.

Anonymous said...

a view of the parking lot, huh?

Anonymous said...

adam lambert blog

Anonymous said...

My nephew just got transferred to Shanghai office & is in a very fashionable district! He loves it, amazed at how trendy & advanced since 5 yrs ago!!! Office is next to Ferragamo & Luis Vitton, , below is Coach & above Dior & Chanel!
Adam I'm sure is having a ball & being treated
like a " Lord" China loves Americans:)

Anonymous said...

JAK, how exciting for your grandson! You must feel so good that your generous gift has turned into the trip of a lifetime for him. I know nervewracking it can be to have our kids (at any age) go off on big adventures, but that's what life is all about. I'm sure the trip will be fantastic!

As for Adam, he is also having his "trip of a lifetime." It's his whole career! He's traveled so much of the world already, and so much of the U.S. We fans want the whole world to embrace him as we do. He charms the pants off of everyone he meets.


Anonymous said...

Who does that other arm belong to?

Anonymous said...

@JAK Worrying about our kids/grandkids is just a normal part of being a parent/grandparent. Just include one of those internet packages as part of your gift so he can email regularly. I had a hard time when my daughter studied abroad for a year and the regular contact saved my sanity.
You're a wonderful grandma and that is why your grandson confides in you. Rest easy it will all turn out as it should!


Jadam NZ said...

Oh JAK, I understand where you are coming from. They are our babies no matter how old. The experiences we worry about just get bigger.
However your boy will be fine, he sounds sensible and his travelling partner obviously has some experience. You are very lucky though I guess lucky isn't the word, he is still so close to you. I am sure you have worked on that bond you have and deserve.
I am still very close to my eldest 16yr old grandson and hope I will continue to be as time goes on. You are a wonderful example.

Anonymous said...

Oh how I envy these fortunate people who are able to travel extensively, it's something I've always dreamt about but never had the opportunity. We all travel such different journey's in life some so lucky and some less fortunate. Still somehow we need to be grateful for the small blessings we do have, I have good health, 2 beautiful son's, and will be content to have a small holiday later this year, also love coming hear to learn all news of Adam.

daydreamin said...

@JAK I hear ya! My 20 year old and his girlfriend have been beginning to travel a lot and my son is also doing crazy things. He just tried sky diving! He purposely didn't tell me until right after he landed on the ground! Before that he went to the inauguration in Washington DC. I was so worried about a terrorist attack. He survived and had a blast. Assume the same will happen for your grandson. He will never forget your generosity. It is too bad you couldn't have gone with him but he is doing it the way he wants to... backpacking. Just pray a lot like I did. I'm sure it will work and he will be just fine:)

Adamluv said...

Love the eye makeup here. And the hair too.

lorraine said...

@ JAK I totally understand all your restlessness and concerns about your dear grandson.He has been raised well and is surrounded by love and that goes very far in life. My daughter spent her junior year in college in Barcelona and traveled all over while she was there. My son studied at the Sorbonne {both were under 20 at the time.] I remember sobbing into my pillow at night at the sheer thought of how FAR AWAY on the other side of the world they were. And to think how often I would get up and check them in the middle of the night when they were sweetly sleeping in the room next to me as children!!!!
The bottom line is--travel changes us, opens us up to other cultures, broadens our minds and makes us who we are. Just think of how many of us have grown getting to know you on this web site---your vast experiences in living in different places and appreciating other ways of thinking, contribute to the amazing woman you are.You have a spirit and a heart that is young and open and that is why you are so loved. I know you and your daughter want nothing less for your grandson.
You probably don't remember, but I am Lorraine-the woman born and raised in New York,but I lived in Ireland when I was 12 { a life changing experience, for sure,} and now live in San Diego-about 15 minutes from where Adam grew up.Because of my children's travels and my husband's love for travel, as well, I have been fortunate enough to see life beyond my own country and feel very blessed.
Your grandson sounds very confident and wise--gifts you have helped him achieve that far outweigh any monetary ones you have given him.
sleep well, loving grandma. XO

Anonymous said...

Gee I came to the right place for comfort....thank you all, I think a tiny chunk of my worry fell off! I have so wanted this experience for him, but when he's off on an adventure, I don't picture the grown man in my mind....I picture the 2 year old in the pool clutching his duck inner tube with his feet paddling madly and squealing " Wook Ma, me fwimmin' Wook at me!" I guess that's normal for an overprotective Grandma.

Yes, we are incredibly close....he was a preemie after several miscarriages and in hospital for a few weeks before my daughter could bring him home.
He was born at noon and I spent the afternoon making him a cassette, singing every children's song I knew,
from Brahm's lullaby to Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, plus every nursery rhyme ever and telling The 3 Little Pigs, Red Riding Hood.......2 sides of cassette full. That night he went to sleep with the cassette playing in his isolette and every
night till he was about 5 years old. That cassette is waiting for his children.....I doubt I'll be around to cuddle them, but I'll be telling them stories and teaching them songs. He's my boy, my daughter has been generous and shared him totally with me (he sort of turned out to be my clone) he reminds me when he's into some new fanciful project.....I have myself to blame!.........JAK

daydreamin said...

@JAK it's so nice that you and your daughter and grandson have such a special bond :) I agree with Lorraine. You are a treasure here. Love your stories!

Anonymous said...

To all you loving moms and grandma's here:

Touched by JAK's and all of your stories I can't help but wonder, why haven't you shown a little bit of this "mom/grandma" love towards Sauli?! Especially after the break-up!
Afterall he moved alone to huge, foreign country etc. And although to move to America seems to be a dream for many, he was the same age then as JAK's grandson is now, spoke little English etc. Where's your motherly love and compassion for him?

Anonymous said...

2:12, that wasn't necessary.

Anonymous said...

Terrible pollution but Adam's expression is worth bottling.

Anonymous said...

there are some little videos on FYE album and this photo reminds me of one of them where Adam is on a rooftop.

Anonymous said...

I thought we swamped him with love, a perfect young man for Adam to be loved by and for Adam to love. We gushed over their tender looks and wished for a photo of a sweet kiss. We welcomed the Finns who appeared on the site and gave us info about their sunshine boy. Their handholding at red carpet events we got thrilled over their devotion and pride in their relationship. We planned their future! We were too invested.

We argued with the delusional tommy tribe who felt Adam was secretly in love with tommy for some in their warped brains thought adam's record company had hired Sauli to play the fake role of boyfriend. Completely cuckoo birds who couldn't accept reality and hated Sauli, whom the normal people on site defended.

Even when indications hinted that their relationship had cooled we didn't want to accept the signs and with adam's announcement I know I felt like I'd taken a punch to the stomach and my heart ached for them and I admit for myself. Foolish but true.

While the Sauli haters danced in joy the rest of us tried to respect the decision and privacy of Adam and Sauli.
Wishing that both of them found happiness with someone else or might find their way back to each other.
A lot of us still love Sauli, but we can't mend that romance so we have to accept it.

HK fan said...

I totally get your worry about your eldest daughter also has the travel bug. at 21 she backbacked alone around South America for 4 months....mountain biked Death road, cycled in the Attacam desert, sand borded, got robbed of everything in Argentina, stayed on a remote farm in Brazil....then went to NZ, where she did white water rafting, bungee jumping, and a parachute jump..none of which she told me till after she'd done it!!!, last year was climbing in Thailand.

Just think of all the amazing stories he'll have to tell you, and if he needs anyone in HK he can contact me..

Anonymous said...

@ HK fan.....JAK here....oh gosh, has your hair turned Snow White with worry? If she's single we must NOT let them meet, imagine the mischief they could get into together !

By the way since you are from the UK and live in Hong Kong can you tell me the approx. traveling time between the two? Just a rough idea.

daydreamin said...

HK fan, SERIOUSLY? OMG I don't know if I could have handled that from my son, but a daughter? By herself? Seriously? Glad she was ok and you too!