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New Picture: Adam Lambert Arm Wrestling at a Club last night

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, April 26, 2013

Posted at : Friday, April 26, 2013

VIA austintatiouss: #armwrestle #win #tranbidextrous #freshprinceofdontcare @adamlambert @rhealitre


Anonymous said...

LOL, well that is a new one.

Anonymous said...

This does not look like arm wrestling to me.LOL! nancdruuu2

Anne Marie said...

Ha Ha Looks like Adam is begging for mercy. That guy better not hurt Adam, if he knows what is good for his health.

Anonymous said...

come on Adam whoop that guys butt.

Anonymous said...

your ugly, your ugly, your momma says your ugly common let's break him down Glamberts!

Anonymous said...


Still going through turbulent times, Adam?

Sauli on the other hand is looking good...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

good to see Adam out and having some fun wif the guys. Darn 10:15 I can't think of any of my old cheers now. lol I love yours though.

Anonymous said...

10:15 Maybe!? Maybe this guy is Adams new boyfriend?? :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, of course, any guy in a pic with Adam must be his new boyfriend. Can we move on now?

Anonymous said...

phew I was skeered to open this article I didn't see the word arm and thought it was a picture of Adam wrestling in a club.

Anonymous said...

This is an Adam Lambert site, not a Sauli site. Get over it

Anonymous said...

at 11:07 AM

Adam obviously hasn't.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

They sure don't look like a happy party to me.

Anonymous said...

Sauli lovers go and create your own fansite and worship him there. It's all about Adam Lambert not Sauli Koskinen.

Anonymous said...

11:25 am

With these kind of comments you just keep inviting them in.

Anonymous said...

Sauli who?

Anonymous said...

Don´t quite get the hostility towards Sauli. He has done nothing to deserve it. So somebody mentions what?? The sun is still going to rise the next morning.

Anonymous said...

leave it to Adam!! Never a dull moment here. lol

Anonymous said...

Hey, let's be happy for Adam. He's free now to party with his friends the whole summer.. ;D

Anonymous said...

that's right Adam open up a can of whoop ass on him. LOL

Anonymous said...

11:41 am

Is that all a 30-year old should do?? Adam isn´t that shallow and you should know it if you´re a glambert.

Anonymous said...

yuuup talking to itself again.

Anonymous said...

at 11:50 AM

Not taking any sides but all that partying looks pretty repetitive and boring.

Where's the fun if you do that day in day out?

Anonymous said...

wah!!! so many critics this early over a pic of Adam out & about last night!!!

Chill people!
We love Adam & he's human too like us with feelings ok
children of this site, some of u behave like in kindergarden! Got this Glambert madddd!
Peace all :)

Anonymous said...

11:56 am

That´s my point exactly! It gets boring...but I don´t think that partying is all that Adam values. At least I very much hope it´s not!

Anonymous said...

@11:50 I don't know what you mean? There's evidence that is what Adam wants to do and his wishes came true. I think Adam has the same type of sneaky personality as Tommy. They both cheat. That's why they understand each other so well.

Anonymous said...

12:01 pm has gotten to a point that every club pic is going to cause a flood of words...all for it and against it. That´s a reality in this site. So...ignore! Best way to survive :D

Anonymous said...

12:08 pm

Whaaaat?! You need to get a grib!

Anonymous said...

What's a grib? I don't think I have one LOL

Anonymous said...

why oh why oh why is so hard for people to ignore. The answering oneself is obvious, so transparent, but then there are indeed 24/7 users and fans who take the bait... it's soooo easy to ignore, give it a try :).

Glad Adam is being silly and living his life

Leilani Aloha said...

Funny comments - all for the Love Of Adam Lambert!!!

Anonymous said...

12:19 pm

Well DUH...Yes I know you don´t have it, it´s pretty obvious...that´s why I said go get it.

Anonymous said...

Of course, a lot of people cheat but not so openly.

Anonymous said...

If partying and clubbing is what Adam thinks is better than an established relationship, so be it! It is his choice of living. When he lived with his bf he said his life was boring (sitting on the sofa, watching tv etc). This life must be exciting and what he wants to do now.

And those who see red when someone mentions Sauli, please scroll. Everyone knows this is not Sauli's fan site. He has his own blogs and people comment there, but he was over two years in Adam's life, so his name will show up time to time. He is a great guy what ever you say. But there will come time when you can ask "Who Sauli?" and mean it, too. So give people time. It's not gonna take long time he is forgotten. But it's only tree weeks from the Adam's split announcement.

Anonymous said...

12:09 PM
Why there are only pics of him partying/club pics nowadays when he is in LA?

Anonymous said...

You must lack in life experience if you don't see that Adam and Tommy are immature for their age. There are always people who will admire whatever stupidity is coming from them and mother Adam, but what kind of people are they..

Anonymous said...

It takes time to heal from love why not give Adam and Sauli all the time they need to move forward...I also think Adam and Sauli are the ones who don´t have a problem with their friendship:) Everybody else does!

Anonymous said...

And those who say Sauli's name should not be mentioned on Adam sites, why oh, why people talk about Adam at Sauli's blogs and fan site? And no one there says don't mention Adam, this is Sauli's site.

Anonymous said...

Here we go again..LOL


Anonymous said...

@11:25 AM and @11:28 AM, you can say that again!!!!

Anonymous said...

To me Adam is too childish to be sexy, imo, but that's ok, because I'm not a glambert. That means I like other artists too, and some of them more than Adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam has always enjoyed partying and clubbing, it's good for his ego. Everyone makes him feel special, we all look for that. He also went clubbing and partying with( dare I say the word) Sauli. That was part of their relationship .Sauli loves to dance and have fun, but they also enjoyed staying home and Sauli and Adam would cook dinner together. It's sad that their careers split them up. I checked Sauli's schedule this year, and since New Years and Vietnam and Bali, he has had work to do most of the time. He has had weeks at a time working , and so has Adam. It won't hurt either of them to have a break, and go to clubs separately although Sauli flew to Russia to be with Adam, just before the Finland concert. Where Adam dedicated Broken English to Sauli. BTW Adam's other boyfriends are mentioned sometimes, and no-one seems to mind. Just sayin.

Anonymous said...

Adam clearly needs attention and admiration, that's why keeps going to clubs. He needs to be confirmed on a daily basis.

Sauli likes crazy partying, too, but he is more comfortable with people that really matter to him, his close friends and his family. He is not into random guys trying to get inside his pants at gay bars and clubs.

Anonymous said...

JFC, if I see any more pics of Adam in a club or with a cute guy I'm not even opening the comments. We are infested with trolls.

Anne Marie said...

I am 1:17 and not a troll. Don't keep calling people trolls when you don't know what you are talking about. Just because we don't always agree with each other doesn't make us trolls.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1:44 PM
Good for you! You will have more time for yourself. Adam seems to be on a hunt and there are now only pics of him with cute guys and in clubs, lol.

Anonymous said...

2:01 PM
WHY SHOUTING? Scroll! I AM INTERESTED IN SAULI even though the relationship is over. His name will show up here for some time I think, so you must either keep away or SCROLL, it's so easy!

Anonymous said...

I think it is good that casual fans, who mostly like the music part, can say their opinion here and give some perspective. Often the die hard glamberts repeat the same mantras over and over and it is not always the same as the reality.

Anonymous said...

2:11 pm

Well said:) Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I think the only trolls on this site are those who get terribly UPSET and start SHOUTING every time Sauli's name is mentioned here.

You know, there are still a lot of people who would like to see them get back together. It is not impossible and it is certainly not insulting to hope so, nor does it imply lack of respect for either of those two.

People love love stories and so far this one has been a wonderful one to follow, with all the ups and downs during the past couple of years.

Therefore, a sequel would be more than welcome :)

Anonymous said...

o boy just what what we need on here a psycotic troll.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

at 2:29

Where? You've got a degree on "trollogy"? LOL

Anonymous said...

2:22 PM
Well said! Thanks.

Shaley said...

Spewing "troll" is the only recoil of some here who are incapable of accepting differing opinions (even if stated in a respectful manner), and most haven't the vocal nor intellectual ability to debate a subject in a mature and rational manner. They either use the same one or two snarky sentences or they cry troll.
It's getting so old.

Anonymous said...

2:29 PM

Who do you mean? I didn't quite understand you. People who say different opinions are psychotic trolls?

Anonymous said...

@2:05 PM, Why should I have to scroll on an Adam's fansite? Why can't you take the love that you have for Sauli to his fansite? As you said, "It's so easy!"

Shaley said...

Uh oh, @2:43:
I smell a "troll answering itself" snark remark brewing;)

Anonymous said...

at 3:19 PM

And you could consider taking you dislike elsewhere and write something nice for a change.

choons said...

When I was Adam's age I was out every night. All my friends were too.
It's what you did. Nothing's changed.
The life of a young person is supposed to be fun. And Adam is still young. And he has loads of friends. Be thankful he's out and about or we wouldn't have any pics to argue about at all!!

Anonymous said...

You all are sooo funny.

Anonymous said...

@3:22 PM, tell me what I said that wasn't nice? I never said I didn't like Sauli. As a matter of fact, I do like him, but the relationship is over. I've never been invested in Adam's personal life, so I don't understand why some people are still stuck in quicksand about the break up. My loyalty is to Adam and Adam only, no matter how many boyfriends may come and go in his life. Some of Sauli's fans need to get him off of Adam's coattail (Adam's fansites) and let him be his own man and have his own fansite and professional life.

from 3:19 PM

Anonymous said...

Same here. I went out almost every night dancing for the better part of my younger at my older age, I'm glad I did.
No regret and life is good.

Shaley said...

@3:29 & 4:09:
Can I get an Amen! Ya'll??

Anonymous said...

be happy-live happily and free adam lambert while ur still young- we all like to live happy and enjoy life.adam lambert is single now- we all love adam lambert- all glambert.

Anonymous said...

Stating an opinion, especially with humour, is not the same as saying Adam can't do it. The Glambert mother's are worse, because they want to control everybody.

Anonymous said...

When I was Adam's age I had been married 10 years, had an 8 year old and a 5 year old, went on picnics and to PTA meetings, never went to bars. I lived the life I chose to live and was extremely happy. Adam is also allowed to live the life he chooses without sniping by outsiders who should be minding their own business. Buying his music does not give you a say in what he does, when or with whom.

The reason we get photos of Adam in bars is because that is where people with cameras hang out, searching out celebrities. I doubt Adam has an in house photographer who takes photos of him washing dishes, watering plants, reading mail, paying bills, fixing a salad or sneaking ice cream on a midnight refrigerator raid.
If you care anything about him, leave him alone to be responsible for his own life......he's a person, not a pet!

Anonymous said...

Another topic that's been trashed by non-Glamberts. Reading this thread, there are some pathetic comments. There are photos taken of Adam out enjoying himself and the Sauli fanatics jump all over him, figuratively speaking and say horrible things about him. Please go and support Sauli elsewhere instead of doing your utmost to destroy sensible discussion on Adam's blog.

Anonymous said...

at 11:07 AM

Shut up, Sue!

Anonymous said...

Sauli trolls saying how Adam should lead his life. Hello! Adam is more than capable of deciding the way he wants to lead his life without any input from anyone.

Anonymous said...

@6:26 I wouldn't care if this blog was Adam and Tommy blog, would you?

Anonymous said...

To state the obvious, this is ADAM's blog. Sauli has his own websites and so does Tommy. I don't wish to discuss either of them but if I did, I would do so on their sites, NOT here.

Anonymous said...

Childish trouble-makers.

Anonymous said...

Tommy is a nonentity.

Anonymous said...

2:01 PM

SHUT UP, Sue!!

Anonymous said...

There aren't real Tommy fan sites, only A/T gay sex fan fiction. Speaks volumes.

Anonymous said...

JAK, you made the best point of the whole thread. We keep seeing these club pix, because that is where people are who take pictures. Esp. of well-known people. It's not rocket science.


glitzylady said...

@JAK and @DRG

Anonymous said...

There's a 'SHUT UP, Sue' parrot on this blog. Well, SHUT UP, parrot. If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

Anonymous said...

I have a 35 year old son who has a steady girlfriend and he still enjoys going out to clubs with his buddies. Geez, some of you sound like Adam calls you up and tells you personally what his agenda is about stuff. Whatever happened to looking at a picture and enjoying it or getting a kick out of it and not analyzing it? Reading your own interpretation into things only reflects on your own needs and wants in life. Live your life and let him live his for gosh sakes!

Anonymous said...

A big FAT LOL at all of you. Including the knowitalls. Why don't ALL of you GET A LIFE!

Anonymous said...

How the fuck can some of you not tell the difference between a legitimate differing opinion and a troll comment?!

Anonymous said...

So, anything that's not praising Adam, and Adam only, is considered to be a message from an evil troll without a life of his own.

LOL, you are such delicate flowers.

Anonymous said...

12:28, So do you think saying Adam is a drunk cheater out partying every night and fucking every guy he is pictured with is a troll comment?

tess4ADAM said...

Only ONE picture of ADAM at a club can evoke so much controversey. To me the pic is quite innocent ... doubt if this guy is his new BF ... two guys arm wrestling is far from 'cheating', yadda .. yadda ... just TWO guys arm wrestling. Happens all the time in bars/clubs all over the world. Why is it necessary to bring up an old romance that 'fizzled out'? Things like that happen to a lot of people in everyday life ... doesn't mean that 'cheating' was necessarily involved! That seems like a juvenile interpretation of something of which NONE of us knows ANYTHING for certain ... JMO

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Adam doesn't club every night. We don't see what he does on the nights in between the club pics. What we see is a small part of his life. That said, he seems to be tweeting pics and opinions more than professional stuff at the moment. Maybe when Nile gets to LA he and Adam will do a couple of demos with Sam Sparro. Those guys are great together. Shady is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Two guy's having a bit of fun, no big deal!

Anonymous said...

Two guy's having a bit of fun, no big deal!

Anonymous said...

Adam free happy and 31 with a growing career, and a good family! He a beautiful sexy man no matter what anyone says. He got talent coming out of every pore and he is a hard worker. What he does in the evening or is free time is anyone's business! He not at all in a relationship and free to date who ever he chooses! They are friends that's all. He probably will just date for awhile and not get serious if he so chooses! Adam is a good man and definitely dies not deserve the crap posted by some on this site, and yes this is a site exclusively for the career ect. Of Adam M. Lambert! Sue correction the word is does not dies! Sue

Anonymous said...

@Sue --- to quote your words: “this is a site exclusively for the career ect. Of Adam M. Lambert!”

Please stop acting like you know it all and please stop trying to control what things should or should not be posted here. It ain’t your job!

This is AL 24/7, a fan site, where people should feel free to FLAIL, be emotional, happy, sad or whatever the daily news make them feel, share information and also post OT things (including Adam's old boy friends, lol). Most of the posters here, you yourself included, do the latter quite often (i.e. post things that have nothing to do with Adam’s career).

Just chill and let the SUN SHINE in… :):):)

Anonymous said...

@ 6:37 and @6:51 You're so wrong. That's not Sue. Only two sentences and no spelling mistakes or typos. Such a waste of time. haha :))))