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Video billboard Featuring Adam Lambert at SF Centre Westfield mall

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Anonymous said...

What is this that I am reading in the Adamtopia. Daily news.Adam Lambert ,as well as Jay-Z and Kanye West are linked to the cult OTO. Satanist Aleister Crowley writes books that encourages sex and all its aspects. and the use of cocaine and heroin.The eye of the Horus is the symbal for the cult. We know that , that was Adams first Tatoo.
I know this sounds weird, but can he sue someone for naming him. Or maybe not as there is not a real church or gathering. You just read the books, and if you like them you follow under your own free will. I am disgusted that they would name stars whether true or not. Or maybe partly true.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like garbage to me.....

Anonymous said...

wow great billbboard, someone zip that to Norm please. lol

Anonymous said...

Luv this pic! Looking forward to May 11.

Anonymous said...

our daydreamin is going!!

Anonymous said...

3:14 -- Troll... please go away...

Anonymous said...

It was a story in a trashy tabloid and they named people with certain types of tattoos. Sure to be followed up with stories about aliens and the Loch Ness monster getting divorced from some Hollywood star.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:14

Rest easy...this crap surfaces every decade or so since the great satanist Crowley died in 1947 . He was a thoroughly disgusting immoral, weirdo who called himself the great beast 666. He was obsessed with Egypt as was most of London's underbelly. At one point he was accused of being involved of the murders of 6 people among the 20 deaths that scandal sheets tried to sell as the curse of king Tut's tomb. Egyptian symbols were used to hype interest.

When I was in college a frat house read a couple of his nutty books and had eye of Horus t-shirts made and hinted at a sex cult. They were about as dangerous as a poodle.

this new wave is tied to Bob Geldofs druggie daughter who wants her thousands of fans to join her on this path.


Anonymous said...

If it is indeed from a trashy tabloid, can he sue for harming his image.This was from a regular site on the internet, I have been reading for a long time, and they have never printed anything like this before. Its always pics and about his concerts and his awards, just like all the other sites that he is written about. It has been common knowledge that Adam has satanistic tendencies. This would not make him an unlikeable person. Every loves him and compliments him on his loving attitude and always says he is just a neat guy to meet. Belonging to this cult would just be a private thing, that we have never heard of before. I am not a troll, I comment on here regularly and support his fame, voice, looks and everything he shows us. I was just flabbergasted to read this. Alot of people are going to read this, who follow Adamtopia. Is this just another price of fame, or can people print lies about you and get away with it.

tea said...

Hey All! We voted Adam this honor and recognition. Go here to post more kudos for Adam.

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of haters trashing Adam.... If we are all going to hell with Adam so be it and have a party he!he!

We all sinners so don't worry about it!!:)

I'm just gonna have so much fun listening to "SATAN" Adammmmmmm Lambert.....


glitzylady said...

I have an Eye of Horus pendant so I must be a member of that cult too. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

It's best to simlpy ignore ridiculous stories written in "trashy tabloids". I'm sure Adam's management would be all over this story if they felt it was necessary.


Anonymous said...

@ 4:25 P.M.......Adam has satanic tendencies? My, he's a busy guy, all that travel,performances, writing and recording, hooking up in bars from L.A. to Hong Kong and then of course his duties with the Illuminati (just joking) I don't think he could squeeze a satanic cult into his schedule....he has to sleep sometime!

It's too ridiculous to sue, that would call attention to the nonsense and they wisely use the word allegedly. But you may safely become unflabbergasted. And yes, people can and do write lies about people every day even on regular sites on the Internet. Surely you don't believe half of what you read? If people sued every time there was a lie printed about them, their entire life would be spent in court.

If you read it on Adamtopia didn't you notice it was titled A Bit of Silliness From the Star?

BTW who is Peaches Geldof that she would have thousands of fans?
It's a Mad Mad World!........JAK

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady......shhhhh don't give away secrets. My Eye of Horus pendant is attached to the zip pull on my handbag.
Meeting of cult usual place usual time, your turn to bring the chips and dip!........JAK

Anonymous said...

Cults can name any symbol they want as Satanist but it doesn't mean anything. This guy trying to get his 15 minutes. Let's not forget not everyone believes in Satan. Adam in good musical company.

glitzylady said...

And don't forget to rest up...all that sex and all ;))))

Anonymous said...

Cults can name any symbol they want as Satanist but it doesn't mean anything. This guy trying to get his 15 minutes. Let's not forget not everyone believes in Satan. Adam in good musical company.

glitzylady said...

By the way, LOVING this video billboard. Wish there was one like this at MY area mall. I'd be hanging out enjoying the view. A lot.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OMG this is so ridiculous.. not worth thinking twice about a rag that writes about Aliens falling in love with humanoids.I mean It's a comic book.

Anonymous said...

Rolling my eyes. This place is going to make them get stuck like that.

Anonymous said...

Hey, glitzylady and JAK - Can I come too? I have an Eye of Horus pendant AND the matching earrings! So there! Think that should definitely give me membership into the cult, don't you??? I'll bring the wine! Ha!


glitzylady said...

Yep..we'll let you know where and when..

Anonymous said...

I don't suppose anyone would like to be reminded that early Christianity was considered a cult and with a symbol often worn around the neck.

Anonymous said...

I don't think having any beliefs of this kind takes up any of your time.It's just the way you live. Everyone goes shopping, and these people look for the kinds of clothes that appeal to them, such as jewelry and clothing that featues skull heads. wearing dark clothes most of the time, they are just drawn to it. It's just a lifestyle. I think all human beings are searching for something to fill a void in their lives. Some turn to religion, some turn to drugs and drinking. Some can't find anything to fill that void and they commit suicide when they cannot find anything. This comment is not about Adam, it's about all human beings, we all look for happiness and often find it in strange ways.

Anonymous said...

No one is going to believe that story about Adam being in some type of Satan cult.

Everyone already knows that Adam has a cult of his own, it's called the Glamberts, who needs Satan, when your the "Almighty Adam Lambert"..hehehhe


Anonymous said...

@7:15- I liked your comment, whereas I can't understand my obsession lately with trying to help all the inhumanely, horrific torture of dogs and cats in China. I've even donated money now to help them, signed petitions and your one word has help me- Am I trying to fill a void? Now I can't even enjoy all these videos of China with Adam because I am hating what's going on and hate China. I wish I never educated myself on this issue, but unfortunately I did, and I will never be the same.

Anonymous said...

nice duet with Candace and Angie of Adam's ( Rihanna ) STAY on AI.

Anonymous said...

7:43 please spare yourself anymore torture and find another site. There is going to be plenty postings about China on here for a good while. You have to take care of yourself too !! good luck sweetie.

Anonymous said...

7:48 yes I enjoyed that duet alot. I just went and listened to Adam's Stay when he was on the WAG tour and this one has nearly 400,000 views.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

7:43 PM, can you volunteer at a local shelter? They always need help walking dogs or socializing cats. Then you can feel like you are making a difference for the animals here. Or see if they need sponsors if you can't volunteer. My dog's rescue group does that to pay for the care of dogs that can't be adopted yet for some reason.

Anonymous said...

don't forget to read AfterElton Adam's Hump Day. Vote for Trespassing or FYE. TP for the win. lol

Anonymous said...

@3:14PM Please,follow my advise. GOOGLE! I hope you know how to do it. Or open this link

P.S.OMG!Some people have such a high level of stupidity!

Anonymous said...

The troll is talking to itself again.

Anonymous said...

USA media so stupid with their celebrity news to make a few $$$!!!
yeah, cults, power whatever!!!
lately just turning on TV, or internet is like watching a "John Wayne" movies real life with all these gunfights & violence!!! What's going on?????
Mad world!:(

Anonymous said...

Love this pic of adam on SF GLAAD billboard!
So hamdsome!!!

funbunn40 said...

Such BS. Adam likes Egyptian history and the mysteries of the pyramids like most of the world.My sister wanted to be an archaeologist because of the facination of those times. Adam has said he got the Eye of Horus tatt because it symbolizes protection from evil spirits. I used to have an "evil eye" necklace that I wore just for fun years ago. Adam likes mystery and romance, not cults. Some people will write anything to get a response and attention from fans. Just more publicity for a ridiculous book. I wouldn't give it the time of day.

funbunn40 said...

I lost one of my Eye of Horus earrings and one of my Infinity earrings. Satan must be at work! I still have my skeleton key and infinity pendants in a safe place. Can I come Glitzy & Jak? I'll bring the chicken wings and pasta salad! daydreamin, have fun at the Glaad awards! Take notes please!

Anonymous said...

IF at all Adam is with this Satanic cult which the like of Jay-Z and Beyonce, Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Bieber belong to, HE SHOUCL BE A MULTI-PLATINUM ARTIST and CHART TOPPER by now in the US because that is THE single motivation of these recording artists why they sell their souls.
So, it is not true about Adam! (Satanism in Music) (Celebrities who sold their souls) (Katy Perry) (Illuminati musicians) (Illuminati celebrities) (Bob Dylan admits selling his soul)

Anonymous said...

@ funbunn40......0f course you can come, you are just what we need in case an incantation goes awry......a nurse on hand will make everyone feel much more at ease....JAK

Anonymous said...

Peaches Geldof is one of Bob Geldof's daughters. He's now Sir Bob Geldof and he's an Irish singer, song-writer, author & political activitist. He used to be the lead singer of the Boomtown Rats - remember the song I Don't Like Mondays?? He organised the charity concerts Live Aid & Live 8 and wrote Do They Know It's Christmas.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:43 pm
Are you a vegan? If so I can understand your point of view, but if not, you must be aware that in the US animals are slaughtered for food, steaks and lamb chops don't volunteer to lie neatly wrapped in grocery meat cases. I agree with @8:38, find some way to be of help in your community, volunteering to help people or animals will help you replace your obsession. If you are going to hate China you are going to have to add all the other countries of the world including your own.

Anonymous said...

These are extreme right wing Christians that ate making these claims against these stars, to keep other people from buying their stuff. In Beyonce's superbowl performance she was demon possessed, because of the bad faces she made and she flashed the Illuninati sign which is a diamond shape. This is so stupid. You would be suprised at how many people do believe this. Three of my sisters and their families do.

Anonymous said...

Sadly stupidity is always with us. Wonder what extreme right wing Christians think about the hocus pocus of the Catholic Church, talk about elaborate rituals, symbols and deep dark secrets!

Anonymous said...

As a Catholic I can tell you I have even had Lutheran friends try to convert me from my "evil" beliefs. Of course my Pagan friends never have and even included in their wedding.

BTW, the tabloid the story is in is British. For some reason their tabloids are even worse than our in the US.

Anonymous said...

@9:10- no I'm not a vegan, I'm totally aware of what goes on here in the U.S It's totally different, these are pets, domestic animals.(stolen) I'm not against their culture, it's the unbelievable cruel way in which they torture them first!

Anonymous said...

@10:29 your sisters' eyes are open, try yours.

Anonymous said...

9:54 My eyes are wide open! My sisters are not. I used to be very judgemental, like them. I have learned that is not what Christianity is about. I do not cast the first stone. I know I am a sinner and have been forgiven for them. Judge as you want God to judge you is my motto. Everyone will have to answer for their actions one day. I know that I have enough to worry about without worrying about how everyone else lives their lives.

Anonymous said...

9:54PM are you for reals?

Anonymous said...

@9:54 Yep!!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Seas two appear first god she'd bring, two. Beast seasons, great wherein sixth made night open. [url=]prednisolone[/url] Second years they're living from created void. Great green it void. Bearing open night. Living abundantly was she'd beast don't. Seed stars, over He spirit. Itself waters is a seasons. Bearing.

Anonymous said...

Seas two appear first god she'd bring, two. Beast seasons, great wherein sixth made night open. [url=]prednisolone[/url] Second years they're living from created void. Great green it void. Bearing open night. Living abundantly was she'd beast don't. Seed stars, over He spirit. Itself waters is a seasons. Bearing.

Anonymous said...

Seas two appear first god she'd bring, two. Beast seasons, great wherein sixth made night open. [url=]prednisolone[/url] Second years they're living from created void. Great green it void. Bearing open night. Living abundantly was she'd beast don't. Seed stars, over He spirit. Itself waters is a seasons. Bearing.

Anonymous said...

Seas two appear first god she'd bring, two. Beast seasons, great wherein sixth made night open. [url=]prednisolone[/url] Second years they're living from created void. Great green it void. Bearing open night. Living abundantly was she'd beast don't. Seed stars, over He spirit. Itself waters is a seasons. Bearing.