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New Picture: Adam Lambert doing some Trader Joes shopping! (May 17, 2013)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, May 18, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, May 18, 2013

VIA @LAMBERTLUST: Adam Lambert doing some Trader Joes shopping!


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tea said...

Good choice, Adam. I prefer Trader Joe's to that other place he's been known to shop.

Anonymous said...

Shopping for one?

Anonymous said...

Poor boy, it's not fun going shopping alone.

Anonymous said...

So sad :(

Anonymous said...

Look at this pic:

Paps saying something about Sauli?

Anonymous said...

sorry, a few letters missing

That's one icy look.

Anonymous said...

4:18 PM

Poor Adam looks unhappy.

At least Sauli goes well, I guess.

Anonymous said...

Adam is hurting and it makes me so sad.

tea said...

Adam looks like he's minding his own business shopping. Adam looks GOOD!

Anonymous said...

@ 4:06 PM

I hate to see pictures of unhappy Adam shopping alone at any name shop.

Anonymous said...

he looks really paranoid. maybe he's afraid SK will jump out from behind the accessible sign.

Anonymous said...

at 4:41 PM

Or more like disappointed that he didn't.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks good. He's been food shopping. What do you expect. He doesn't look sad or unhappy or paranoid. Come on. Stop reading everything into a simple picture. How do you look when you are putting groceries into your car? I go to Trader Joe's here in NJ and put my bags into the car thinking about what I should do next. Ddid I mention that Adam looks good??? End of story.

Anonymous said...

at 4:41 PM Heh heh... I guess Sauli would not want him back at all. He seems to be contented with his life.

Anonymous said...

Wonder what Adam is buying, now that he has to do the cooking?
He probably had friends over last night or today, skipping the bar scene for one night. He does look good. I noticed on one of Sauli's blogs that he is buying ready made health drinks, guess Adam inherited the juicer. LOL

Anonymous said...

No one's expecting him to look ecstatic while shopping groceries but he does not look his usual serious self in any of the pictures.

He looks very unhappy and very annoyed.

Anonymous said...

Adam has the whole world at his feet, his for the taking, except one thing, a full heart. But I cannot see how they could have made it work any more, with two careers. Adam has a zillion friends to keep him happy, and he said he wanted to reconnect with them. Hope he sees little Riff too.

Anonymous said...

I think BB looks fine to me.Who likes to go grocery shopping alone?I don't..hate it..Adam looks good and handsome;so glad that he got good reviews on Idol singing w/Angie.He was great!

Anonymous said...

4:23 PM Yeah, Sauli seems having fun with Katri, friends and men... :D!7792&sff=1&authkey=!AFV7W5vyhrB7w48

Anonymous said...

They used to push the shopping cart together. Such sweet memories.

Anonymous said...

Another pic Adam with groceries

Anonymous said...

Oh for Gosh sakes! Adam is just grocery shopping like a normal guy. He's not sobbing for Sauli. Frankly I could care less about Sauli. He's probably peeved that someone is taking his picture! and I don't blame him!

Anonymous said...

Here we go again, reading all kinds of psychology into quick snapshots by the paps. Adam probably isn't unhappy or annoyed. He has plenty of friends. Sometimes shopping is just shopping.


Anonymous said...

Adam was probably cooking a romantic dinner for some new boy, and Sauli seems to spend lots of time with Ade. So they are both fine.

Anonymous said...

Adam has said he doesn`t know how to cook...

Anonymous said...

Lol, he said he and Sauli cooked together. Anyway I'm sure he can cook a steak and throw together a salad.

Anonymous said...

Oh stop it! Adam is probably thrilled to have one minute to himself. Good GOD! He has so much going on and so does Sauli.

It must feel really nice to just go out like a normal person (right, Adam is far from normal like us) and get some good groceries for pete's sake.

Ya'll have too much time on your hands. By the way, is Adam freaking gorgeous here?

Anonymous said...

Adam has beautiful females in his life that can keep him company. Serenade him, cook, clean, run his bath, and press his clothes. He is not hurting in the company department. Career seems his main focus.

Anonymous said...

haha so to 6:18, You're right he has said he can't cook well so I think that must lead to a clue of what's in his bags. eggs. remember he can do a mean omelet! lol.

Anonymous said...

He is looking better and better every day. He is so handsome here. And a more natural appearance as well as no nail polish the last few times either. That's our man, always changing it up..

Anonymous said...

6:30 PM LOOOLL...

Anonymous said...

I was just at Trader Joes in my neck of the woods yesterday and bought 3 bottles of two buck chuck. If i would have run into Adam I would of had to drink two of them on the spot. He looks great and I bet he cherishes shopping alone like I do.

Anonymous said...

Hey Adam, what do you say...they are challenging you to whip up a good meal other than your absolutely scrumptious "mean omlet" lol! I like your self-assured words on AI audition when you needed to be slightly cocky; "And I will show! you!" Pointing index finger upward twice, lol! Can you do the same now? Perhaps time to be cocky again; how about: I can do anything better than you; yes I can, yes I can...sing and hold your 22-second record-breaking end note. lol! Then put on your apron and show them how to whip up Szechuan duck or beef kailan, or scrumptious plain old toufu with chilli-crab sauce, lol! Getting a bit! Oh use Chinese black wok for special wok-hei / pan-aroma (direct translation). It never fails! lol!


Anonymous said...

adam is happy and content- successful with his music career; when u go shopping u look serious and not sad- concenetrate to uut ur shopping bad inside his trunk-back of his more negative comment pls folks or fans.

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with you people. He is shopping alone so you all assume he is miserable and you all seem happy with that. You all prefer sauli to be happy rather than Adam right? You guys suck.

Anonymous said...

So Adam wanted to reconnect with his friends? You think that may been part of the problem? Sauli was happy before Adam, with Adam and after Adam? Wonder if they would still be together if Sauli hadn't gotten the tv job? Adam looks happy. He hasn't missed a beat. He's doing what he wants. Making music.

Anonymous said...

Why did this thread have to involve sauli. If you are so desperate for him then go to his site instead of coming here and making Adam out to be the bad guy. Btw Adam can't smile 24 hours a day. It doesn't mean he is sad.

Adamluv said...

Re: the comments about shopping alone - I find them very strange since I always shop by myself and everyone else at Vons is alone as well. ???????? . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adam was up late last night performing for Idol which he did a wonderful job,then the after party ,getting ready to go to Vienna,it looks to me like a man trying to get his shopping done so maybe he can get some rest time in & focus on his new album.I am sure he has a lot running thru his mind he is a career man.Love Adam Lambert he is the best & what ever he was thinking he looks great.

glitzylady said...

I LOVE shopping alone... I just spent several hours of solitary bliss shopping at the mall. I love my hubby but to him that is pure torture. And by the way, he does a significant percentage of the grocery shopping. Alone. After work. Before I get home from work. Bless his heart!! I suspect he doesn't smile when loading the groceries in the car either. Its just an everyday task. Strange comments indeed. Adam was loading his car with groceries..and was not there to smile for the paps, who BTW were probably across the street shooting the pics with a telephoto lens. I doubt they are allowed on the property. One brief second in time.....with a myriad of possible scenarios. AKA fan fiction :)))

Anonymous said...

I'm sure half the comments about Adam looking sad are from trolls. And who is the weirdo that keeps saying Adam needs a woman to run his bath?

Anonymous said...

The pap situation has been rather strange lately. There seemed to be no trouble at all when he went out with Sauli. Now he's ducking, covering his head and looking pissed off with the paps.

Anonymous said...

Totally OT and scroll if you don`t like Sauli. But what is the the think between Sauli and Ade? They seem to hang out a lot. I watched Ade`s instagram pictures and Sauli were with him in many of them. Are they friends or more. I don`t think Sauli has said anything or post pictures of them. It has always been Ade. TY if someone knows something..

Anonymous said...

Ade was even with sauli and katri when they took out Finnish media people the other night. You can spot him in katris pic. Seems like they are dating

Anonymous said...

12:06 AM Well I have think that they are just friends but I have began to think that maybe they are more than that after so many pictures together and yesterday Ade posted this

But who knows... BTW I like Ade :)

Anonymous said...

I wish that Adam would hang out with sauli every now and then. I mean, if they really are friends after all... I hate if Adam was lying about it... When was the last time they were at the same place ?

Anonymous said...

12:52 I don`t think Adam and Sauli will be out publicly for some time now. If they go out together speculations will start and I don`t think they want that. Adam has many friends you don`t see in pictures very often either. Mayby they spend time in private way and I don`t mean sexual way Lol. And of course it`s possible that they remain friends means that they don`t hate each other but don`t want to hang out anymore. It`s more nicer way to split out publicly. Calms down fans and media. What`s the truth will be seacret and remains to be seen. And att the begining it might look like one can be friend with each other but then time goes and life go on. The beeing friend can fade away. Well I don`t know nothing just speculation. Hope everyone is happy and it seems to be so!

Anonymous said...

@12:46 AM Really? Well that's new.

Anonymous said...

I think being friends with an ex just means you don't hate each other and you wish them well. But once people start dating others you aren't really going to hang out.

Anonymous said...

@1:09 AM It is sad but true that the person who was closest to you may be difficulties to be just friends with him/her.

Anonymous said...

@1:12 AM That's true and cause Adam is looking for a new bf and it seems Sauli is dating with Ade so it would be odd if they would hang together.

Anonymous said...

at 12:52 AM

They were photographed together at Danielle's(?) birthday party and Adam looked stiff as hell. Sauli on the hand, seemed to handle the situation pretty well.

Anonymous said...

I dont't think Adam is looking for a new boyfriend. If he didn't have time for Sauli, why he would have time for a new bf...? Bar hopping, having fun with lots of friends and gyus etc... no time to settle down.

Anonymous said...

@2:02 They probably said that the reason for break up was that "we didn't have time to be together" just because they didn't want to reveal real reasons and of course they didn't have to.

Anonymous said...

Adam talks a little about organic music but he's also into the organic look as well, minimal eye make-up and no nail polish. He not only found himself internally, he found himself externally as well. I like his new natural look as seen in this shopping photo; so at peace with himself. He feels more tranquil to me now, so confident and calm as seen in his duet with Angie. That is quite likely why he did so well in the duet, complete focus, no distraction.


Anonymous said...

1:16 AM Do you have inside information about Adam's and Sauli's personal issues (A.looking for a new bf. and S's dating)?

If you have loved someone passionately "to death",it's not easy to be just friends after a break-up.Not in a way you are with your other mates.There are always these mixed feelings between love and hurt feelings.
Adam and Sauli had something very special together.You could see it in pictures how they looked each other and how they protected each other.
But i think Sauli got enough of beeing recognised as just a bf.and the blames that he lives on Adam, when they actually gave so much to each other, both of them.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli may have appeared to be happy but I always had the feeling that Sauli was using Adam to gain recognition for himself, I'm glad he is no a part of Adam's life, from now on he will need to make it on his own. Adam appears to be genuinely happy and more able to concentrate on his career. I hope Adam manages to meet someone with more substance and maturity, rather than someone simply out to use his fame for their own selfish benefits.

Anonymous said...

@Lam my 2:27 please - and everybody else reading too much based on separate performances and some pics -

The man knows who he is and as a consummate, professional artist & perfomer he dresses, accessorizes and puts on make up (or not) accordingly.
In this pic he is just a guy doing some shopping. And the AI duet was (as beautiful and unique as it was) just one performance created by true professionals.
I seriuosly doubt he's suddenly found "a new Adam" or is gonna be without make up, nail polish and other Adam 'trademaks' for long, at least I hope not (and this is just my opinion, no disrespect here to anyone). Then again I love the fact that keeps SURPRISNG me ( us) all the time!

Anonymous said...

3:15 AM Are you serious??Sauli used Adam!
You don't know Sauli and his values.He is very independent person and he just happened to fall in love with somebody who is more known than himself.After he moved to L.A. he had to create his social life from beginnng.

That Adam I know would never love and live over two years with a person who just want to take advantage of him.
I think they both got a lot fron each other, but not the way you think.These two lovely human beings have same needs and feelings as any of us.they are not some fictional figures.

Anonymous said...

I love Trader Joes but the one I go to is so small and crowded.

Anonymous said...

I think both of the guys, Adam and Sauli, can full up their kitchen storage without their mom :)
Both can go out and choose their friends also.
Both do lot of work and have fun on free time. Normal life!

Anonymous said...

3:48 AM
Well, let's see how far Sauli goes with his career now he no longer has Adam by his side. From the previews I've seen from his tv show, it is very ammaturish, plus he can no longer walk the red carpet with Adam, he is on his own.

Anonymous said...

@4:00 AM I think the red carpet gets very boring after a while.

Anonymous said...

@4:00 What I have seen Sauli doesn't have any particular plans to his career. He goes where the life takes him. He isn't planning his future or career.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is more a adventurer. He likes to take new challenges but gets bored easily.

Anonymous said...

That could be one of the reasons their relationship didn't work out, Adam is very focused and already has his pathway planned out for his future. Sauli appears to be uncertain, I hope Adam can eventually meet someone with more substance and maturity, rather than someone simply living from one day to the next.

Anonymous said...

Adam is very ambitious and also a control freak as he has said himself.

Anonymous said...

I don't mind the occasional mention of Sauli if it specifically relates to Adam but I really don't come to an Adam fansite to have to read and scroll past comments about Sauli and some other guy.

I'd rather wish Adam was shopping at the Trader Joe's near my house. I can't imagine picking out a salad and looking up to see Adam :)

Anonymous said...

Sauli has maintained himself by working since he was 17. He isn't lazy but he isn't ambitious in the same way like Adam.

Anonymous said...

@4:28 AM Well why are you reading those comments? Scroll on.

Anonymous said...

Iam curious of where have you seen the previews of Sauli's show,can I get the link?
If you think it's immature to go to a shelter home and help people there and show a person's struggle to recover after he paralyzed from neck down, let it be immature if it makes you feel better.

Anonymous said...

@4:41 Yeah this is one of Sauli's guest

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to seeing him in Sauli's show.

Anonymous said...

Adam has been thru enough relationships . . .so I think he is secure being alone . . . he looks great . . .kind of looks like "a deer in the headlights"

Anonymous said...

Me too!Sauli said that he wants to show the diverse life in L.A.It's not only, as many unfortunately thinks,the read carpets.
Which can bring you a moment of self-satisfaction, but you live quite a sad life if you think it fills you with eternal happiness.

Anonymous said...

To whom it may concern:
Regarding my comment based on Adam's more natural look, I did not base it only on this shopping photo and the recent duet. Look at the the beautiful more natural look of his appearance on stage at the Chinese Idol opening singing Mad World and his recent visit to Singapore, short fashion stint / interview. Minimal make-up, more 'organic' natural look. Both these videos are still around and they show a less cosmetic Adam; other recent interviews, appearances as well. In any case he said, he was done with glitter. You should read or find out more broadly before making conclusions about someone else's comment! You tend to look inward rather than outward! Of course, if he was portraying Ali Baba, he'll need a lot more make-up; that's theatre, understood. I'm basing my observations on his general appearance and demeanour, on as well as off stage, not just on two specific situations; that'll be too narrow.


Anonymous said...

@4:13 AM Adam doesn't seem to be very mature himself. He likes partying, drinking, flirting with cute boys and shopping.

Anonymous said...

4:13. -- And you wish you were him, don't you?

Anonymous said...

Lots of mature people enjoy a social life and enjoy shopping, Adam is no different, but when it comes to Adam's career he is very serious about that, he knows exactly what he wants and is trying to achieve, and so far the hard work and dedication he has shown is paying off in a big way for him. You can still have a sense of humour go out and have fun but take your career seriously, being mature does not mean being a stay at home person leading a boring life, it does mean knowing what you want and having some direction on how to go about getting it.

Anonymous said...

You can be mature in your career and immature in your personal life. That happens often with people who are so focused to their careers that their personal life is suffering.

Anonymous said...

5:50 AM
That's a stupid comment to make, what I meant was I'd like to see Adam meet someone more mature minded, someone with their two feet planted firmly on the ground with some direction in their life. So many younger guys like Sauli are still finding their way without any firm ideas of where their future takes them, this can make life difficult when it comes to relationships. As far as your comment "And you wish you were him, don't you" goes, I am a straight female plus an older fan of Adam's so your comment is ridiculous, I've been following Adam's career since his Idol day's, I have 2 son's around the same age as Adam so I see Adam in a protective way similarly as I do my 2 son's . I love his music and his beautiful voice and take a genuine interest in following his career, I admire his strong work ethic, and dedication, his music is a joy to listen to.

Anonymous said...

Looking of rock and pop stars personal life they are usually a mess. That lifestyle doesn't support family life.

Anonymous said...

You can't read anything into this pic except that Adam is probably having people to dinner. A lot of groceries. Everything else is projecting.

Anonymous said...

Adam's fine. The speculation runs riots. Adams got it together.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully some of that juice shopping might have gone by the wayside.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully some of that juice shopping might have gone by the wayside.

Anonymous said...

maybe he`s having dinner with sauli? i don`t think they really broke up. they still live together, right? maybe they decided to just announce a break up after all these nasty comments towards sauli and people calling adam a cheater etc.....

Anonymous said...

Amazing what one picture of grocery shopping leads to!
We don't need to act as match-makers to Adam.I think he can handle it himself and let him decide what kind of guys he wants to have a relationship with.
Matures or immatures.

Anonymous said...

In a pic Sauli had on a shirt or same shirt Ade had on. It was a light lavender t shirt.Where and when were they suppose to have met?

Anonymous said...

a & s both said that they broke up month ago.....what is wrong with sauli dating ade (which i think he does)and adam clubbing like a teenage boy and being photographed with cute boys? it`s none of our buisiness! some people really need to get a life.....

Anonymous said...

If Sauli is going out with Ade it sure didn't take him long to find someone else, he can't have been all that serious about Adam in the first place. Good to see Adam moving on and enjoying his life now he has his freedom back again.

Anonymous said...

Who cares about Sauli, I wish he'd go back to Finland where he belongs, sick of talking about him, it's old news, time to move on for heaven's sake.

Anonymous said...

life goes on...all of us have had our share of break ups...we remained friends with our ex`s or didn``s not the end of the world...why should adam or sauli live like a hermit now and wallow in misery????

Anonymous said...

I care Sauli and I care Adam. Sauli belongs where he things he belong. If it`s LA then deal with it. Talking about immature.. We don`t know anything about Sauli, Adam, Ade or their real or unreal relationship. If Adam has a new bf you would say you are glaad he found someone new. Don`t blame Sauli. And for everyone here show some respect to other people!!!

jt said...

6:04. Agree with both your comments. I have always said Adam needs someone as successful or more so and someone who understands what showbusiness is all about. Def more mature than previous bf's but that does not necessarily mean older. Some young people can have maturity. Adam once said that he feels like a teenager when it comes to relationships and he has def gone through a learning process with the last bf. Hopefully he will not stick to his usual preferences when finding the bf. As we all mature straight or gay I believe life is a learning process and hopefully Adam learns.

Anonymous said...

Wake up folks. Both said the relationship was over months ago not 1month ago and that was said early in March. I saw photos of Sauli with Ade back in Febuary.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is very mature. I have known him 6 year and I know what I am talking about. I dont know why you think Sauli is not mature. There are very stright rules in US what comes to work there. Sauli has tried hard. He chanced his entire life for Adam. And he succeed. He is brave and nice and very open minded. He is liked here in Finland for several years. Mayby he not that kind of celebrity you hope for but he knows something about that even before Adam. Don`t say things so untrue and disrespectful.

Anonymous said...

I like sauli and I am happy that he seems happy now. It doesn't mean he didn't love adam, because clearly he did. He is just lucky if he found someone else so quickly.

Anonymous said...

some people just don`t wanna see the truth. i saw those photos too, and i always thought that there was more going on between ade and sauli than platonic friendship....i don`t get people who are holding on to a relationship which was over some time ago. don`t get me wrong, i really loved adam&sauli together, and i would be really happy if they decided to get back together one day, but if they are happy and content with their lives now, i`m happy for them, too.

Anonymous said...

Forward Peeps! Forward! Let's move on.

Anonymous said...

@8:00 AM I never thought those pictures taking before seemed like Sauli and Ade would be more than friends. Just lately I have began to think that maybe they have more than a friendship going on but not sure of that at all.

Anonymous said...

the H with forward, let's keep beating this dead horse

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness people...Sauli is single. There was a short mention about Sauli in a newspaper that made it clear. And even if he isn´t, why is it anyones concern??? I hope Adam and Sauli are both happy. They are both free to date!

Anonymous said...

Well the worst photos of Sauli and Ade were after Adam's N.Y. trip after which they didn't seem to go nowhere any more together but I have never seen a picture where there are just Sauli and Ade. They are always with some other friends.

jackie said...

Changing subject please go to You Tube and keep viewing Angie and Adams on the AI site. Adam has approx 250.000 views but Jesse J has 450. 000. Come on instead argueing and like someone said flogging a dead horse lets do something constructive. By the way Adams mgr asked on her twitter for the fans to do this. Sooooo lets see what Adams real fans can do for him. Oh and by the way Do NOT hit repeat it does not count you have to refresh I think F5 on computer etc. Ok are we going to do this?????!!

Anonymous said...

I agree it's time to move on, I hope Adam remains single for some time now and puts everything he has into his career, he's still young with plenty of time for a long term relationship later in his life. He appears to be happy doing this and it's great to see him going out more with his old friends of who he has many. I'm so looking forward to the Life Ball in Vienna coming up shortly, I'm sure as with everything Adam does he will give it his all, it's going to be huge.

Anonymous said...

It most certainly is very interesting why these threads where Sauli is mentioned, are the ones that are the most commented on. Sauli sure was a big part of Adam´s life and obviously still is, at least here...just take a look at the number of posts :) So...Sauli has made a huge impact :) And why wouldn´t he? He´s a great guy...just like Adam said.

Anonymous said...

Who is concerned? People are just gossiping. It's interesting. No big deal.

Anonymous said...

Lol the first, not the worst :D

jackie said...

Changing subject please go to You Tube and keep viewing Angie and Adams on the AI site. Adam has approx 250.000 views but Jesse J has 450. 000. Come on instead argueing and like someone said flogging a dead horse lets do something constructive. By the way Adams mgr asked on her twitter for the fans to do this. Sooooo lets see what Adams real fans can do for him. Oh and by the way Do NOT hit repeat it does not count you have to refresh I think F5 on computer etc. Ok are we going to do this?????!!

Anonymous said...

Adam said he is going to London for a few days to see friends this week I believe and taking in some shows. Maybe he'll visit Brian May and talk future shows. Anyway enjoy your trip Adam can't wait to see you in costume for Life Ball.

Anonymous said...

There was a photo of Adam, Sauli, Danielle and Sam Sparrow somewhere and Adam was acting very rude to Sauli. He was chewing him out going down the steps. Can't believe he acted like this in public. Adam admitted long ago he was a control person. Was control the problem with Cheeks? The picture taken of Adam and Sauli when they were moving with Sauli using Adam as a footstool was the first sign to me there was a problem. Seems Adam was trying to tell him something but it didn't look to me like Sauli was buying it. I don't get where anyone thinks Sauli is immature. I think he explores what is available to him. In life you may have to experience many paths. The show came along but he has no guarantee there will be others. Adam has no guarantee his next music will be bought. Hope so but the public hasn't been to good at buying so far. Here's hoping their dreams come true.

Anonymous said...

I heard him say he was going to NYC In a few weeks, nothing about London.

Anonymous said...

I love both Adam and Sauli.It`s true it`s good to find a direction in your life and go for it like someone said before but it`s not fair to guess S doesn`t have a clue what he wants to do in his life.Quite rude! It`s not an opinion either if you don`t state your comments with what you really know that is reality or just admit you are guessing.

Anonymous said...

8.40 AM just my thinking...:)
It doesn't matter where Sauli lives,in L.A, Helsinki or in Mumbai, it seems that people are interested in him anyway.
He is faschinating and inspiring personality,a fire-cracker as Adam put it, but it makes me wonder why waste your time and energy to put him down in your comments.Perhaps it relieve more about the writers than about Sauli.

Anonymous said...

to me sauli really is faschinating...i can see what made adam fall in love with him :-)of course i don`t know neither adam nor sauli personally, so that`s why i don`t know anything about their private lives...i am sure none of them are saints, nobody is, but i think it is quite rude to call adam a control freak or cheater. and i do think that sauli really loved adam and that he didn`t use him for his own benifits me he seems to be a kind and confident young man who had his reasons to break up with adam. they both seem to be happy right now, and that`s all that matters. maybe one day they will find their way back together or not. you never know what the future brings, as sauli said himself.

Anonymous said...

It takes two to start and maintain a relationship. They both have their spoon in the soup in a break up too. Sauli may be adventurous what to some people means immaturity, but yet a again Adam himself said he´s a control freak and to me it looks like they both need to do some growing up! I would think nobody wants to be pushed around. Sauli has said in a mag that he never agreed to be a wallflower.

Anonymous said...

9:27am , I`m 9:03 I agree you said what I was thinking, thanks. You made me feel a lot better:).

Anonymous said...

of course it takes two to maintain a relationship. when i read sauli´s article where he said he never wanted to be a wallflower, i had the feeling that something was up...add adam saying numerous times that he bossy, controlling and possessive...i personally think that sauli had enough of a`s attitute and broke up with him...such a relationship isn`t healthy for either part...i hope that adam learns from his mistakes, so that he can have a long lasting relationship again one day. sauli already found his next bf in ade apparently, which makes me very happy for him.

Anonymous said...

He is relieved that the twit spray purchasing days are behind him.

Anonymous said...

Adam said Sauli kept things real for him and Sauli is known to be very direct with his opinions. Honest but kind.

Unfortunately Adam couldn't make it last longer than this and from now on he may have to settle for young airhead models (eg. Molinaris friends) to get the admiration he so desperately needs and who don't question his career choices or free time activities, ie. clubbing and partying with random guys.

How on earth do you think he could ever cope with a mature and equally or even more successful partner? Not going to happen.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:03/9:49
i`m 9:27
you are welcome :-)
it makes me feel better too, knowing that i`m not the only one thinking this way :-)

Anonymous said...

Actually when Sauli said that being a wall-flower is unfamiliar to him, he didn't mean it in relationship with Adam, but in the beginning when he moved to L.A. and didn't speak Englísh fluently and missed for example the jokes and couldn't hang on in conversations properly.
I think he must have felt lonely many times.He didn't have any safety-net in his new home country in the beginning, but Adam.

Anonymous said...

It's wrong to say that Sauli doesn't plan his future. In L.A. he has been making contacts with Finns who live there all this time without Adam's help and that's a big part of why he got his own TV show.

Anonymous said...

Sauli had to share Adam with his all consuming career and ardent fans who threw crap at him at every possible corner. And still do. In my opinion he dealt with all that pretty well.

However, there was one thing he wasn't willing to do, he did not want to share Adam with other dudes, N.Y. or elsewhere. Simple as.

Anonymous said...

I see these women still haven't bothered to start their own site. They could talk on FB twitter start their own blog whatever. rude people to say the least.I hope he effs Ade's brains out every night let us get on with Adam here.

Anonymous said...

10:54 omg and its the same shit over and over, that's the killer.

Anonymous said...

Yep...and this shit just happens to interest

Anonymous said...

@ 10:54:

that`s my opinion as well...
after adam`s ny trip things were not the same as they were before between adam and sauli...i guess adam took it too far this time....

Anonymous said...

at 11:10 AM

My thoughts too, as soon as the pics surfaced, people got worried about the state of things.

God knows what sort of pictures have been sent to Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Well my opinion is they broke up before the NYC trip . Even before Adams birthday.

Anonymous said...

and so the answering herself commences, This is too wierd even for me. I'm off to another thread.See ya later you, yourself and you. lol

Anonymous said...

I came to "know" Adam through Sauli. So I guess I was Sauli fan first. Obviously I know nothing about their life, but what is seen in public, I also think that relationship problems started before NYC trip. They didn´t look comfortable in Adam´s birthday party pics. NYC may have sealed it. If I remember correctly it was right after New Years when Sauli started calling Adam by his name in his blogs, not siippa anymore. But just guessing and speculating here. No offense!

Anonymous said...

Everything was still fine with those two when Adam was hosting VH1 Divas, mid December, they were seen to kiss a lot and being happy together. After that, no idea.

Anonymous said...

@ May 19, 2013 at 11:20 AM


Anonymous said...

Why dont all of you get your own lives. How can can throw around nasty comments when you have no idea what happened. Stop speculating and stop throwing around insults. Grow up!!

Anonymous said...

Quite frankly he doesnt look he doesnt look unhappy. He looks like he is shopping. Whats with all the blaming Adam??

Anonymous said...

Another thread ruined by nasty comments and accusations by people who i suppose know Adam and sauli personally.

Anonymous said...

Adam is to blame for everything that went wrong. Sauli is a perfect little angel. He can do nothing wrong. He was the victim. He sacrificed everything for Adam. Thats what you all want to hear, isnt it? All you so called fans!!

Anonymous said...

Calm down people! They are not perfect, neither of them. And they are both good men. They did love each other. And now they don`t. Let`s keep this in mind. They both will or have found their true love. Don`t blame them because we can`t know anything. If they both say they are fine I choose to beleive that. If some hard evidence shows up I can re-think it but now I`m happy for both of then abd so should everyone else too!

Anonymous said...

11:43 am

Oh how childish you are. It has been said in this thread also that it takes two to tango. Adam is a great person with amazing voice, but he is not without faults. Even he has said so, so get real. He is!

Anonymous said...

SK was sick of the hormonal hotties who wanted to bang his boy. I guess it got monotonous after awhile.

Anonymous said...

Koskinen was another notch in the rhinestone belt.

Anonymous said...

at 11:54 AM

Actually I don't remember either of them saying that they don't love one another anymore. So where is your info coming from? They are not together as a couple and as far as I know that's all we know.

Anonymous said...

12:07 Well I don`t know if they still love each other but I foolishly assumed that because they broke up. But if I`m wrong I apologice. I don`t know anyone who is in love decite to split... But mayby it is just me..

Anonymous said...

@ 12:05 PM

It is always boring to watch a man needing to prove his masculinity.

Anonymous said...

11.58am I know Adam has faults but so does sauli. That is the point I'm trying to make. Everyone is making sauli out to be a saint. Making it seem like the relationship ended purely because of adam. I love both of them but maybe they were both at fault for giving up so easily or maybe they just fell out of love which actually happens all the time. Don't turn it into a blame game. Just accept and move on.

Anonymous said...

12.05pm if SK broke up because of that then that would make him jealous, wouldn't it? Yet everyone seems to think that Adam was the bad one. I honestly believe they broke up because of the reasons they gave. Not because of the scandals that you all made up in your heads.

Anonymous said...

12.36 pm

So you missed my point when I said that not EVERYBODY put the blame only on Adam and certainly don´t make Sauli look like a saint... they are real actual persons with real actual faults...just like everybody else. This fandom is getting scary when it comes to worshipping.

Anonymous said...

12.05pm if SK broke up because of that then that would make him jealous, wouldn't it? Yet everyone seems to think that Adam was the bad one. I honestly believe they broke up because of the reasons they gave. Not because of the scandals that you all made up in your heads.

Anonymous said...

at 12:47 PM

One minute you are very much in love and the next you're not? What kind of reason for a break up is this "not seeing enough the person you love"? A fake one? And all this seems to have taken place within a month or so. True love (and I believe most of us agree it was) never ends like that, it just doesn't. If something like that happens, there must have been something drastic in the background we know nothing of.

Anonymous said...

12.51pm read the comments.

Anonymous said...

@11:26 AM I agree that there was problems before Adam's N.Y. trip or he wouldn't fooling around like a single. Pictures where they were together in Adam's birthday looked strange and Sauli wrote to his blog that "Happy birthay Adam" and not calling him siippa like before.

Anonymous said...

12.51pm read the comments.

Anonymous said...

1:04 pm

I did read your comments and this is exactly what you said...

"Everyone is making sauli out to be a saint. Making it seem like the relationship ended purely because of adam"

So I repeat myself once more...everybody doesn´t think like that!

Anonymous said...

I'm not taking about my comment. I am referring to other people's comments. Understand?

Anonymous said...

1:17 pm

I guess you meant talking not taking...And I´ve been posting comments and I haven´t written like you´re accusing. So not everybody! Understand?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad they split. Sauli deserves better. Adam is a whore who likes to sleep with young boys. He is a joke and so are his fans.

Anonymous said...

Nope. Lol

Anonymous said...

ha! ha!ha!
just wanna know " You guys have direct line with Adam & Sauli"???
just wondering? :)

Anonymous said...

Good question. :-)

Anonymous said...

I like Ade more and more as a friend or as a boyfriend of Sauli :)

Anonymous said...

Ade may be a hetero as far as we know but he seems to be a very nice and intelligent guy.

Anonymous said...

@12:36 You got something in the middle of your post that is on the point what I have been thinking too, "that they were both at fault for giving up so easily". True love really doesn`t end so easily.That is the reason many of us still love A and/or S too.That is what combines us all. I don`t think everybody keeps S a saint.
Adam is the superstar and idol here,so keeping him as human may be challenging I think. Accepting goes both ways, both w faults.For fans they are just lovely guys w faults and everything.I really hope they can be friends and meet each other too.And of the future we know nothing about.Dreaming is allowed:).

Anonymous said...

Everyone stop now and calm down! I love them both very much but It's not our business what happened them and why they broke up. And to me they both look happy and they seem going well.

Anon. 1:27
Even you are sauli's fan, there is no need to insult Adam... He is a great guy and lovely person with awesome voice.

From finland

Anonymous said...

Some or many of us are AL fans from Finland.:) Nice to know previous poster. From Finland too. Headind to sleep,good night! Hyviä öitä.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to sleep too! Hyvää yötä:)

Anonymous said...

Good grief Gerty. All you girls need to look in the mirror once in a while. Who is looking back at you, the lonely old ladies with nothing to do but argue a point that has no right or wrong side? Go for a walk. Shut down your computers. Loose a few pounds. Make yourself better and then you won't feel the need to bring others down to your level. Peace out!

Anonymous said...

Hey Adam, are you done whipping up that meal, without the mean omelet, please. lol! That 22-second held, high note just before the cooking impressed me! How did you do that? lol! Okay, let me take a look...whoa the aroma seems to permeate the whole kitchen and dining area. Let me try the Szechuan duck first, that's my favourite...not bad, the skin is really crispy; hmm I didn't think you'd be able to achieve that. You learnt something from those sifu in China, didn't you. lol! Hey I love the simple nutritious toufu with chilli-crab sauce, add some fresh-cut chilli to make it hotter, perhaps. This kailan is so green and shiny, I understand you love vegetables, yea good source of antioxidants. Result: ta-da A*...inclusive of the 22-second held, high note, lol! So now all the smart Alecs here who seem to know everything under the sun, can't say you go grocery shopping just to buy eggs! Can!


Anonymous said...

Trader Joes my fave little shopping place of all time.

Anonymous said...

How does a picture of Adam shopping at Trader Joes bring out all the crazy comments about him and Sauli??? The man has moved on with his life, has to eat and needs to bring home some groceries. From some of the comments I have read here, it seems like a script for a soap opera. Give it a break already. I certainly don't mind shopping alone; you get done a lot faster. No one here knows either Adam or Sauli personally, so you can't know what is going on their lives. Let's focus on Adam's amazing performance with Angie on Idol and on the new music he is working on for the third album. Adam will take care of his personal life and some of you should not be so obsessivley invested in it.

Anonymous said...

Of course a pic of Adam pushing the shopping carts ALONE brings back memories of the pics and the time Adam and Sauli were shopping and pushing the carts TOGETHER, doing mundane things TOGETHER... What is there not to understand?
Some fans still miss seeing them together, ain't no crime in that. Most comments are not crazy, they just show Sauli is missed and/or he is important and very well liked by the people who know him from before and who have gotten to know him with Adam.
And then there are posters who just to like to push your buttons, meaning those of you who write things like "wish Sauli would move back to Finland where he belongs"... What an ugly thing to say! 'Racist' and discriminative. What happened to the land of opportunities etc.?

Please remember MOST people in US come and originate from somewhere else, and most of them have started from scratch back in the the future generations could have it let's be civil towards each other!

Anonymous said...

11:47 , Thankey you said it right. This is a global fandom now. Reality. To get along being civil to each other is not too much to ask.Is it? Still it seems to be a civil right these days to test this. Let`s keep a good mood:).

Anonymous said...

Lam-my @6:00, Now I have to ask my "siippa" to get me some ingredients for this evening.Hope he finds everything:).MS

Anonymous said...

Refrain from trying the Szechuan duck, only an expert chef can do it. I used it as an example because Adam said he had that dish when he was in China...he won't be able to cook it. lol! The other two dishes, yes, they're home-cooked dishes. Have a nice dinner with your siippa!


Anonymous said...

This is MS, oukay:) maybe he will prefer deer instead,lots of that in the fridge.Likes to try good diff tastes.

Anonymous said...

Yea I have tasted venison/deer meat a few times; it's tender and nice but not an everyday dish for us; can be ordered quite easily at restaurants.


Anonymous said...

I think Sauli and Ade are just friends nothing more. In all pics there are also other friends with them.

I guess Ade may have a gf,
at any rate the girl in this pic appears to be in many other pics with Ade.

Anonymous said...

Lammy, I`m almost afraid to say that here Santa Claus really doesn`t mind a few from his stock being eaten.Finland is a big forest w small cities hidden in it.A few mainroads were the deer walk freely sometimes.We try to tell them to go back north:).MS

Anonymous said...

I read that Adam deleted all his Sauli tweets. How can you know that? It take a lot of work if you check all Adam's tweets.

Anonymous said...

@2:18 AM You are right always with some other people too...

Anonymous said...

Goodness gracious, Santa eats some of his deer? Don't mean to joke about it, but does sound quite intriguing. lol! Oh by the way, I watched a video where Sauli is on a sledge pulled by some really beautiful huskies and he looked very muscular and handsome sledging through the snow; picture-perfect.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Maybe you saw pics w wolfs too, big cage ofcourse. I think one artist fav of Saulis was inspired,Lucas Vitek,fine art.MS

Anonymous said...

@2:18 You are right but it seem's to be that they are with different people, not with the same group of people, expect Sauli and Ade.

Anonymous said...

Adam`s spirit animal is a wolf too.Mysterious A-S saga indeed.Too short though,two years! No wonder many people would like to see and hear more. Senses intrigued. Reality and fascination colliding,it`s cruel! But necessary.MS

Anonymous said...

@2:18 AM 2.5 years if you count those few last months. It was sweet to see Adam so much in love. He was so open to talk and showing how much in love he was unlike Sauli who tried to stay more cool and felt he had to protect their relationship from publicity in Finland.

Anonymous said...

3.40 AM That's incorrect information.
This must be a lovestory of the century as people talked/talk about it and the brake over and over again:).

Anonymous said...

@2:18 AM I wouldn't call it a love story of the century but they were very cute together and Adam was making his best to celebrate his love in publicity. Maybe next time he will keep his feelings and relationship more private.

Anonymous said...

All the ingredients of a lovestory of the century. People do invest their hearts in a good lovestory especially a real one. It`s a sad feeling like something slowly dying inside when the split doesn`t seem sensible in anywise.
Some compassion needed and time and it will pass. I don`t know how long it will take.Forever I guess:).

Anonymous said...

In my opinion a love story of the century doesn't end like that. It doesn't end at all.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if it's only my imagination, and sadness and shock about the fact that something happened during just two or three weeks that caused the split,but
it seems that both Adam and Sauli tries to prove that everything is all right and they are happy now.

Anonymous said...

Well, there's great lovestorys that don't last forever, but it doesn't minimize their value.
And I called it that for the first place of the reaction this relationship, and the split, has caused from the day it began in Helsinki.

Anonymous said...

Are they really happy right now ?

Anonymous said...

I have always thought can a pic tell a thousands words ,according this thread sure, but really can it? Can you tell happiness out of a smiling pose or sadness in a pic when no posing. Both guys try hard to give fans expressions of happiness. To me real happiness is not in the pic or a pose. You all know what the real deal is.

Anonymous said...

I don't think they are happy now, if we talk about personal life.I think they miss each other as lovers.But that's just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Lol it's youR fantasy, and it's based on nothing.

Anonymous said...

No need to be rude. Hard to tell anything based on pics or guess something about our sweet guys. Let`s hope the best for them. I hope my wishful dreams come true :).

Anonymous said...

Well, everobydy has the right to live in fantasies...I base them in pictures like these.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pics thankey. You changed my view a little bit on this matter. I remember those pics.They are pretty much all behind my wishful thinking about the guys. Not so much living in my fantasy but wishing that love wins. I too feel just those pics to be genuine, I am unsure of prof poses and pap pics.

Anonymous said...

They broke up four months ago. Sauli seems to be dating someone else. You should be wishing they find new love, not wishing that they are sad and lonely.

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