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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, May 22, 2013

VIA Jochen Chiropractic & Wellness Center:

Singers perform better with Chiropractic! Adam Lambert tuned up after American Idol last week. (w/Angie Miller) Check it out!!


Anonymous said...

I hope he doesn't grow a beard again... Better without!:)

tea said...

Who is this other guy? Adam looks great as always. They both look like red heads.

Anonymous said...

Five o'clock shadow and looking fine, love me some rugged Adam.

The other guy is from Jochen Chiropractic & Wellness Center.


Anonymous said...

I'd love to give Adsm an adjustment OR a massage, you know, just to make HIM feel better. No selfish motives here.

Anonymous said...

1:49, I'm afraid you'll have to get in line.

Anonymous said...

Adam needs the beard for playing Ali Baba at Life Ball this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Adam needs the beard for playing Ali Baba at Life Ball this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Beard totally appropriate for Vienna as Ali Baba. The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam gave permission to share these photos and info or it is a violation of HIPPA.

daydreamin said...

I am in line too:0. I love me a rugged Adam as well!

Anonymous said...

I love Adam's look in these pictures..the baby melvin is so awesome...

Anonymous said...

I'm on my way back, love Melvin.

Anonymous said...

I wish people would read the captions either over or under the pictures before wondering Who's the new guy? You're overly anxious and obviously stalking if you can't read, put two and two together and come up with the fact that the guy in the scrubs must have something to do with medicine.

Good gracious some people are so stupid.

Anonymous said...

aren't you just the sweetest thing 5:49 PM

Anonymous said...

6:17, but they are right. I'm amazed by the lack of reading ability here or the lack of use of Google. Some either really lazy or really stupid people here.

daydreamin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
daydreamin said...

Calling anyone stupid is just plain and simple bullying. Put a name to your tags so we can all get to know you.

Adamluv said...

@daydreamin - so true what you wrote. . . . Adamluv

glitzylady said...

I love Adam's look here. I like a little bit of Melvin, personally...Scruffy Melvin especially. Scruffy Adam too. :))))))))))))))))))))))


glitzylady said...

Amen. I'll add "rude" to "bullying". No need for that here.

Anonymous said...

Cute doctor!

glitzylady said...

Cute patient :))

tess4ADAM said...

AGREE with @daydreamin ...

This is an ADAM LAMBERT site ... no place for 'rudeness' or 'bullying' ... against everything that ADAM practices & asks us to follow.

@6:44 PM ... PLEASE refrain from such comments. There is no room for them here!! TYVM

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

More than two of us think there are some less than brilliant readers here. We rarely say anything and rarely point them out and so many of you scream to be able to express opinions even if it is from a troll. Bully is thrown around here like candy. Facts are facts. Just expressing frustration with the stupid or lazy people isn't bullying.

Anonymous said...

You forgot the crazy. Are we allowed to say the crazy people frustrate or annoy us?

Anonymous said...

"Stupid is as stupid does." Forrest Gump

"Ignorance is bliss, but stupid is just plain dumb." Me

glitzylady said...

When I was growing up, which was awhile ago :)), to call someone "stupid" was considered rude. There are other ways of getting a point across. Perhaps explaining something politely or expressing a different point of view while maintaining a certain attitude of respect and patience for the other person. You don't have to agree with that person. But to call someone stupid (or lazy...) pretty much puts that person on the defensive right away and stops all constructive dialog & conversation. It's also insulting. To answer someone's honest question with sarcasm, insults ("stupid, lazy"), while it's your right to do so, just stirs up s*** and hard feelings for no good reason.

In the words of a certain singer we know and love:

"You get back what you give away"...

The good and the bad...

Just saying..............

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady @5:39 How I long for the days when I grew up and had the right to say what I wanted. It's too politically correct for me now. This government tells us we can't say illegal alien anymore or global warming or war on Islam and many more things I can't think of now. @5:49 was perfectly within their right to say what they wanted to say without someone jumping them. I cringe when I see STFU because F has become so popular I've heard 4 year olds say it in the market. You are always nice and informative in what you write, but this time a little too preachy. JMO so go on and jump me now everyone because you are the only ones allowed to have opinions.