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Close Video: Adam Lambert Singing Star Spangled Banner 6-23-13 Broadway Bares 2013 midnight show

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, June 24, 2013

Posted at : Monday, June 24, 2013

Video by Sam Bernero


Anonymous said...

Adam is a genius human being!:)

He knocked everyone else for his version indeed!!:)

I wanted to scream his name while I'm listening to him.....:)

No need for anyone to question his capabilities... He is beyond......


Anonymous said...

god bless adam

Anonymous said...

Great vid.

jt said...

I love the Boy Scout salute at the end, trust Adam to bring a topic thats in the news lately into his performance.

Anonymous said...

jt, Good point about the Boy Scouts. I didn't think of that.


Anonymous said...

Such genius.....such talent......and so freaking gorgeous!!,
That's our Adam!

Anonymous said...

No one that can match his range or ability. No one!

choons said...

I want to hear him sing more soaring, full-on stuff where he improvises - bring it on Adam!!
And his fierceness at the end gives "land of the free, home of the brave" a whole new meaning, in the context of the event.

Anonymous said...

I wanna kiss him all over.

Anonymous said...

This just wants me wanting more, what a voice!

Someday he will sing the NA on national TV, just know it.


tea said...


Anonymous said...

So proud of him, his voice his range is out if this world. Wish could here the entire thing. I felt so down this last month or so, that just raised my spirits so wonderful. Got to listen again remarkable performance. He is genius, how could anyone not realize this mans talent. Sue

Anonymous said...

And he is one of only a few it seems to sing the word "banner" correctly.

Anonymous said...

@Sue, your right, perfect word for him, a vocal genius.


Anonymous said...

NklovesAdam I just feel that's was unbelievable so good, no backup no music at all just mad vocal's, wow all I have to say! Sue

Anonymous said...

O' my goodness, what a voice, he gives me goosebumps. So proud to be a American, land of the free.
I wand more of this.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable vocals and the way he interprets the song is so genius,only Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

Beaming bloody proud of a genius of our time.

Anonymous said...

Hail the ADAM in all he's glory!
Guy is priceless! At LAST people are waking up to the genius of a mastermind of brilliance. Reminds me of watching people's reactions at the GN concerts...once he unveiled those golden vocals many cried, froze and others in a state of collapse in total disbelief! Adam hits right to the heart, the core itself and there ain't nothing more spellbinding and
magical. I live for those moments and have ever since I encountered Adam even prior to AI. He is a mastermind of wonderment.

Anonymous said...

What a brilliant voice! Adam has the talent to sing with raw emotion and bring me to my knees. And now this vocal masterpiece. AMAZING! is all I can say. I'm so proud and honored to be a fan of his!!

Anonymous said...

It's got to be harder to pause, while singing and be able to pick up the next line, with the right note, and not forget the words, at the same time the audience is screaming. You must have to block out the audience.

Anonymous said...

I love audience reaction!This is awesome.
Just want to know if Adam broke any glasses on this event:)
However, this isnt' Superball version of NA.

Anonymous said...

The comments coming out are beyond impressive. Adam created such a whirl frenzie with The SSB that life will never be the same again.

Anonymous said...

Hope the President is listening because Adam needs recognizition from the man himself with such an off the planet, sweat to every pore performance as this. If this didn't touch people's heart they must be made of stone.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable! My God, Adam, you have a voice like no other. What talent range, emotion, and drop dead gorgeous besides? C'mon America, jump on board!!!

I can't get over his rifs, control and power...he is truly an extraordinary human being .....just WOW


Anonymous said...

Is the same person leaving multiple comments?

Anonymous said...

Lol well there is a lot of silly trolling going on. The song wasn't all that.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to hear the rest of the song because he screamed this part.

HK fan said...

amazing...can't stop watching this.....
But I need to see the whole song!!!!
This rendition was perfect for the venue and the audience.

I have seen that comment about Adam and the word banner several times before.

Anonymous said...

I prefer Adam's version of the SSB he did when he was in Idol (San Diego, I think) - so, so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

The only troll on here is lol. He did a fantastic job. It was perfect for what this was it was theatrical. For another occasion he would adjust it, only part of the performance was here and I love it a lot.

Anonymous said...

Love that YouTube comment: The ultimate rebel yell!

Anonymous said...

What YT comment are you referring to???
There are so many... Please be more specific...

Unknown said...

That made me love him even more and I didnt think It was possible ;)

Anonymous said...

6:58, That thought came into my head also. :-)

tea said...

"That means his vocals are earth-quakingly massive, those melismas are crazy and he’s channeling rock star energy, as per usual"

Anonymous said...

Adam's got a great voice but his interpretation of the anthem was almost beyond recognition. Too much of everything, really. It would have been a lot better without the frills and pauses.

MiMi said...

OH Adam!!! You are the best ever!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@ 7:46 This was a lead in to a performance of guys in milatary bootcamp. IT was part of the show, not the usual performance of the NA before a sporting event. He sang it the way it needed to be sung for that show. It is Braodway!!!!

Anonymous said...

@7:52 AM - kudos
You're so on spot, you need to repost every couple of hours in all comment sections talking about this.

Anonymous said...

7:52, thanks for clearing that up. I'm not 7:46, but I thought it was way over the top for the SSB. I was afraid to say anything for fear of adding to any negativity. Makes more sense now.

Anonymous said...

It also explains the constant cheering, which I previously thought was rudeness toward Adam.
- 8:35

Anonymous said...

Adam Awesome and unique version of The Star Spangled Banner, I can still hear vibrate her voice full of emotions, as kissing stars! Only you Mr. Lambert, could execute the Hymn to the Universe. Brilliant! HH

Anonymous said...

7:46 AM
I totally agree. Sorry, but I didn't like it (the pauses and screaming in the end), but it must have been planned that way for the occasion.

Anonymous said...

@10:29 & @9:11

You understand nothing about real singing, that much is clear!

Exactly. Thank you for a great comment!

Anonymous said...

This version of the SSB makes a mockery of the countries NA. The version Adam sang while he was in idol, was moving and beautiful and much more respectful, the way the NA should be sung. Using the NA to introduce and event like the 'United Bares', is insulting and degrading to say the least. These people are not interested in genuine equality, they are only interested in their rights and don't have any respect for other peoples rights or feelings. Obama, would be wise to think twice before allowing Adam to sing the NA, after this performance because no matter how brilliant his voice the connection to this particular event clearly sends out the wrong message and I don't think the majority of Americans would be so silly as to buy into it.

Anonymous said...

Lol well I don't think we need to worry about the president picking adam to sing the anthem.

Anonymous said...

Well Beyonce was selected to sing the NA at an event recently with Obama and other officials. However anyone using the NA as an introduction into the 'United Bares', would never be selected for any official occasion. Adam may have had an opportunity because I know many fans were very keen at the time to see him do this, but not after last nights performance, he has truly done his dash now.

Anonymous said...

THESE PEOPLE? THESE PEOPLE! These people are not interested in genuine equality?!

Right.,.. And you are, 9:51. I have seen all kinds of hate on this site but NEVER read anything as prejudiced as that. Casual bigotry is the worst. Stupidity masquerading as rectitude.

Comments like this are a hundred tomes more disrespectful to your country, and what it stands for than ANY rendition of the national anthem, including Roseanne's baseball parody version.

Anonymous said...

Adam isn't exactly beyonce. He was never going to be picked for some big event regardless of what he does. So he might as well enjoy himself.

Anonymous said...

10:28 AM
Your entitled to your opinion, but so am I, sorry if you don't like it but that's your problem, not mine. You sound so typical of so many Gay people chanting for their rights but forgetting that straight people have their rights as well, and yes now your going to say that I'm against Gay people because that's the typical response when you dare to have a different opinion, I have many good Gay friends but most of them are decent people and don't waste their time going to events like the B'way Bares. Equality means equal rights for everyone, whether they be gay, straight, black or white, or no matter what religion they choose to affiliate themselves with. But I do not have to accept every event that Adam attends, and I along with many others found this event vulgar and crude to say the least, it also does nothing to help Gay people in being accepted into the wider community, if anything it only serves to give straight people the wrong impression thinking that all Gay's are sleazy and crude, and don't forget Adam is a role model for many young teenagers struggling to come to terms with their orientation, being in the public eye he really needs to be more responsible as to the type of events he chooses to attend, young people can be easily influenced and by attending these events it sends out the wrong message.

Anonymous said...

You are ultra conservative and adam is ultra liberal. You and he will never see eye to eye so just go stan clay Aiken. No problem.

Anonymous said...

I am sure the people gay or straight who disapprove of this kind of show stayed home. There all fixed. Why are you watching clips of it? I've only watched Adam, not interested in other clips so I've not seen one bare heinie or boob.
No one makes you watch any of Adam's performances, why do you? He seems to upset you so much. This blog seems to upset you, you could skip it. I'm sure you would be much calmer and we'd all be much happier. -o-

Anonymous said...

10:28 Here. I'm straight so you're batting minus 1,000 at the moment.

Anonymous said...

9:51 and 11:09
Based on your opinions majority of Americans are silly. There are no gay rights and straight rights, only HUMAN rights. It's the majority that needs to learn this.

We are all part of the same (sexual orientation) continuum - you might learn new things about yourself when you realize this, and your husband or significant other just might stop going to 'sleazy strip joints'...or you might go there together... :)))

Anonymous said...

I just watched a short vid of the Highlights of this 'vulgar and crude show'.
What a major disappointment (LOL), only beautiful, happy loking people with well trained bodies dancing and prancing around, skimpily dressed and almost nothing on...not even totally naked... Performances like this (only with less money and professionalism) can be seen in every big city, maybe smaller, too! NOTHING you should be so upset about! Not even on this site (tsk tsk)!

Anonymous said...

Interesting discussion, some posts uplfting and deserve two thumbs-up. Some DEFINITELY not. But everyone can have their own opinion here. I will just add a response to 9:59am and 11:01am (sounds like the same person?)...

Don't be so sure President Obama won't have Adam sing for him at an important celebration sometime. Or, Adam being invited to sing the Nation Anthem for a major sporting event. I think the future is going to be full of many surprises!

xo laura

P.S. ... His over-the-top, wonderful "Broadway Bares" version of the National Anthem was for that specific audience! Adam knows how to adjust. A little credit, please.