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New Video from LGBT PRIDE 2013

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, June 8, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, June 08, 2013


Anonymous said...

JAK here......I really want to hug Adam and the mayor and the admiring council president. A regular love fest!

Anonymous said...

JAK, me too.

Anonymous said...

I think this video is the best of all the videos from that event. Love it!

Anonymous said...

To know Adam is to love him!

Anonymous said...

Amen to that @9:50!

tea said...

I love hearing people gush over Adam and mean it almost as much as I love watching Adam's every move on these videos.

Anonymous said...

A sweet, brief kiss on the neck from the mayor. LOL! Don't know if I were him that I would not have lingered for I don't know how long. With loved ones, I linger long enough to breathe in their sweet air (children and grandchildren). Their scent is always lovely. With Adam, hint of heaven, my fantasy. atm

carolynj said...

Wonderful video. I started out loving his voice and good looks. Aren't we good judges of character that he also turns out to have an intelligent mind and a heart of gold? It validates my obsession!

Anonymous said...

Ditto to all the above posts! I couldn't say it better. I just can't get this huge grin off my face when I watch this's absolutely the most heart warming video of Adam and his "fans" I've ever seen.


Anonymous said...

My family can call me anything when it comes to Adam....

He brings smile and joy to everyone who really understand his music...

I'm the lucky one indeed!!:)


Anonymous said...

Yes! This is the best thing I have seen in a long time. The truth is a beautiful thing when it is finally said. I loved that the council president was a little tongue tied. We Glamberts get that.

Oh, and for news on my front ( Glitzy will like this) PFLAG is tabling at Salmon Days for the first time. It took a bit of gentle persuasion as they had denied us 3 years in a row, but this year, this Glambert PFLAG Chair had her ducks lined up. We are in! My letters will be used by other PFLAG chapters as the "how to do this".

Adam will continue to inspire.

Carry on everyone!


Anonymous said...

SO PROUD! xo laura

Anonymous said...

aaaaawww... nice edit of events...

Anonymous said...

Adam has inspired more people around the world than he will ever know. The famous, the non-famous, the old, the young, the gay, the straight, the brave, the scared. With his smile and honesty and confidence, he just does it. So glad to see it recognized.


Anonymous said...

wow great to hear that lmb all your hard work pays off, can't wait for glitzy to read your post.

Anonymous said...

Adam, please let your hair grow on the sides.

glitzylady said...

That's really great news for sure...I'll try to drive down for Salmon Days... Sounds like a good time... And excellent that they will finally have the PFLAG table there. Can't imagine why it took them this long to okay it, but water under the bridge I suppose. Probably helped that our state now has Marriage Equality. And your persuasive words helped as well. Will you be in the parade as well?? Would love to see you again!

Anonymous said...

I just have the widest grin on my face all the while watching this.
Because these two men simply share the same feelings I have about Adam.

funbunn40 said...

The Councilman Pres. hilariously smitten with Adam! Another Glambert in high places1 lol Great news, lmb!Another step in the right direction for progress!

Anonymous said...

I tabled today for PFLAG in Maple Valley. Another first. We were discussing Adam and this particular vid where the truth is spoken. There were kids who came up to our booth, pulled on their hoodies and said "I'm not out yet to my friends." We would then pull them behind the signs and get them info they needed.
There is still a lot of ignorance out there. We were rejected this year too for Salmon Days....but I lived up to my nickname with PFLAG...Relentless.
Hey, I can't believe this thread has a few remarks but that Bootsy Bellows that must be important....Really?

My love and respect to the true Glamily on this site.

I will be marching in Pride. I will have a black sign that says 40+ years of support. There will be 3 other signs like mine with education, advocacy and We are Family. I made them.;)See you there!


Anonymous said...

@lmb or @ glitzylady

Tell me, stuck down here in Florida, what Salmon Days are.
Do you catch them, celebrate them, eat them? Is it like a festival or Fair?.....JAK

glitzylady said...

Festival :))) Salmon is caught locally in the waters off the Washington Coast and in Puget Sound, and we do love our Salmon! This is a brief description of the Festival:

"The Issaquah Salmon Days is a two-day award-winning festival held in Issaquah, Washington (17 miles due east of downtown Seattle..), held on.. both Saturday and Sunday of the first full weekend of October. It is initiated by a parade, celebrating the return of the salmon to their birth-waters, that embraces Issaquah's history, culture, and ethnic diversity. This free festival showcases over 270 arts and crafts artisans attracting many Northwest artists...There are five stages of entertainment. ..Sporting events include 5K/10K runs (and a 1K run for kids). Veterans' Memorial Park is transformed into the "Field of Fun" offering entertainment for children. Tours of the local Salmon hatchery are offered. The 2010 register revealed over 180,000 people attended the event."

I would assume there is Salmon eating as well :)))

glitzylady said...

I'll be missing Seattle Pride this year, sadly, because I love going. But happily, I'll be missing it because I'll be in LA and San Diego that anticipation of seeing Adam performing on July 2nd at the San Diego Fair. Yay!! I love going to the parade and Pride Fest. First time I'll be missing it in several years....

Anonymous said...

Thanks Glitzylady.....from JAK.....sounds cool!

I always wished I could have visited in Seattle, but all I ever saw of it was the ride from airport to cruise ship docks. We took our family on 3 Alaskan cruises. The beauty of the northwest coast, forests and glaciers drew us back again and very refreshing after years of sand, surf &
palms. We always went in May so we could bundle up and shiver a for us.