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Adam Lambert at Fergie's Baby Shower Party in Beverly Hills (July 28, 2013)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, July 28, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, July 28, 2013

Pictures of Adam arriving with his friend Danielle Stori.

Source: fashionmagazine247


leilani Aloha said...

Hoo! Hoo! Adam Looking Gorgeous & Fabulous!!!
Love love love his Boots!!! :)

glitzylady said...

SOOO handsome and stylish!!!!!

daydreamin said...

Love the boots too and those jeans are mightee fine as well. I am so glad they are not low slung.

glitzylady said...

And Danielle looks absolutely stunning...

Anonymous said...

To daydreaming: I am just happy that Adam does not wear "Pants On The Ground" Hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Not my fav outfit of his - torn jeans or flashy boots but he is a fashion icon and he looks good in everything & anything.

leilani Aloha said...

Adam's always so fashionably tasteful !
I always say Adam's got the ' It " factor from day one of AI :)
So Handsome & Happy!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mf'er he looks so fine and I usually skip these kinds of threads. Pardon my French.

Anonymous said...

10:18 LOL

Anonymous said...

I love those glam boots! The whole outfit looks very sexy though....well the man in the clothes is very sexy LOL! Yes, Adam is a fashion icon no doubt about it. Danielle is very simply dressed but very elegant IMO. I'm glad Adam has Danielle at his side at so many events. They've been friends since high school so they must feel totally comfortable with each other. Hope they had a good time.


Anonymous said...

O U C H !

I think I just burned my retinas on the HOTNESS that is Adam Lambert!

And one of the most flattering pictures I've seen of Danielle.

Lookin' Good!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

OT I can't believe in L.A. where I live you hardly ever hear Adam's music on the radio. Well, to much to my surprise, I heard BTIKM yesterday and WWFM today! I got so excited especially with BTIKM because I never heard it at all on the radio, I started screaming, "That's Adam, it's Adam!" My friend ( a male) said to me, "where is he!" I told him, "no, that's him singing on the radio!" My friend was disappointed thinking Adam was somewhere in the Yogurt Shop with us LOL! Today I heard WWFM in the supermarket...this time I just kept on smiling ! Yay Adam!

Sorry for the long post, just had to share my happy experiences!


Anonymous said...

This is why I will never believe rumours again!.one of AL fan based forum had a stupid thread about adam and danielle fighting because of sauli,I felt bad,looking at these pictures,I actually feel good..rumours are adam's look and danielle's shoes!/lois

Anonymous said...

He looks amaizing! Love the boots, love the pants! Overall wow!

Anonymous said...

Haha! Love those heels and glitter on his boots.
With all the skyscraper heels ladies are wearing, Adam should really get them as well especially Josh Duhamel is I guess 6'3'' or 6'4'?

Anonymous said...

CT, very funny story thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks soooo handsome. I wish I could just hug him closely and inhale him. Maybe lick his neck. Haha. Does anyone remember that?

Anonymous said...

hmmm where is the gift Adam? Did we forget something in the car?

Anonymous said...

Those are girl's boots.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:28 PM
Yes,I remember VERY well Adam's comment about fans getting a little carried away, crossing boundaries by sniffing and even licking his neck.

I had asked him in a UK radio station twitter party if he was truly okay with hugging fans, after hearing an interview when he mentioned fans "crossing boundaries". He responded that he LOVES hugs but "sniffing and licking his neck" was a bit much :)) I thanked him for his answer, told him he's the best ever, and he then answered me again (!!!!), saying that he sometimes gets fans' make-up on this clothes, so "no smudging the fashion" :))) I think he answered because it was the perfect opportunity to remind people of those "boundaries"...and said it in a humorous ans gentle way, yet getting his point across.

Such a sweet and very generous man.

Anonymous said...

11:28 PM
Why on earth would Adam and Danielle fight because of Sauli? Both Adam and Sauli said that they remain friends. It would be very childish, if Adam told their mutual friends that they may not be in contact with Sauli anymore. Don't believe such foolish rumors! Adam and Danielle look great!

Anonymous said...

Sorry: meant 11:18 PM, not 11:28 PM.

Anonymous said...

You spoke my mind!11:18 the best is to ignore such rumours.adam and dani have always been good friends

funbunn40 said...

Adam and Danielle looking smart and in great spirits! So nice that he was invited! I always like seeing him with Riff and little ones.He's so loving.

Anonymous said...

YES to everything you said... Best fitting man to those jeans, LOVE his LOW RIDERS...and the belt...and... And if licking Adam is off limits I could lick those boots (ouch, ouch, ouch, more, more, more...) Just kidding...

Thanks for sharing, so funny, yr friend's reaction, lol. Just SHOUT, let it all out... Adam's soooo worth it!

Anonymous said...

Danielle is a pretty woman indeed!:)

Werk! Love Adam's style indeed!!

Just gorgeous.....


jackie said...

Very nice Adam, looking very good!!!!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for adam's baby shower too!a gal can dream right?
@12:40..thanks for the clarification,rumours are rumours..lois

Anonymous said...

I thought it was Alisan Porter Adam's friend that was upset over Adam and Sauli's breakup, not Danielle??? I may be wrong. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a great entrance this fabulous twosome make! Danielle looking so beautiful and Adam looking every bit the Glam Rock God that he is! What I love about Adam is that he is always so comfortable with all his A List friends. I guess it's because he knows he's fabulous and that's a good thing!haha
@CT-So great you heard Adam's music playing! I always feel so sad that it's not heard enough, especially in LA!>>>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Oh Adam, what have you got under your buttoned up collar?

Hickey style!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice Jeans . . .and who but Adam could rock those boots!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely couple! It is nice to see a friendship that has endured so many years.


tea said...

Hot Stuff! ;)

Anonymous said...

Adam and Avicii colab...Lay Me Down

Anonymous said...

4:59 How do you know Alisan was upset about them breaking up..?

Anonymous said...

Adam , Niles , Avicii = Lay Me Down..awesome

Anonymous said...

Adam in those low-rise jeans..doesn't get any better than that folks.


Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, next time you chat with the site owner you can tell them they lost another reader. After the pic with Chris Colfer thread I'm done. If that is the kind of open forum they want on a fan site, I'm out. The comments at yahoo or Perez are less awful than the ones here have become. This is no longer a fan site.

tea said...

Glitzylady, you can tell Admin the same thing for me that 6:57 AM said.

Anonymous said...

Love his clothes. Hate the facial hair. Danielle is so cute.
Where is the present?

Anonymous said...

that's a hot duo right there. Danielle is such a beautiful woman. nice candy

Anonymous said...

Off topic!!!

New Adam music!

"Lay me Down" by Avicii featuring Adam Lambert and Nile Rodgers.
Last song of the concert at 1.32
Avicii is really not my cup of tea, but you can never deny the talent of Adam and Nile. And hopefully it will bring Adam to a whole new audience.

Anonymous said...

I love the boots, I love the jeans, I love the shirt
I love what's in them....
It seems to have been a sunny Sunday for a happy occasion and he's escorting a lovely lady........JAK

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:57 and 7:05...pretty juvenile comments don't you think? And why lay your crap in Glitzy's lap?
Most importantly: this is on the WORLD WIDE WEB...where ANYONE can drop in and say what they want, just as you and all the other posters here do. In a perfect world, everyone would be respectful, sadly that's really a pipe dream. May I suggest that you don't get so personally invested in a site that you can't separate yourself from the BS dregs that decide to stir the pot.
Just a thought!

Magiclady said...

My god he looks hot! Sexy boy. That's the best pic I have seen of Danielle in awhile too.

Anonymous said...


Avicii is huge on charts in Europe and there is a single collaboration with Adam and Nile by the name of lay me down. Read this:

Anonymous said...

Why is it that you can't be civil & respectful in the WWW?!?

Why is it that in the WWW the shit stirring and rudeness, hurtful and negative rumours and lies spewed by trolls, bullies and bullshitters - usually a small minority of visitors - should be accepted by the majority of visitors behaving respectfully?!?

Why is it that you are RIDICULED if you CHOOSE to behave in the WWW as you behave in your everyday REAL life, i.e. respectfully and not trying to aggravate, insult, spew venom on everybody you meet?!?

Why the constantly increasing rudeness & stupidity (not to mention the more serious stuff happening in the net) should be accepted as the NEW NORM?!?

Anonymous said...

I just love the collab 'Lay Me Down', listen to the radio, it's what's current and the sound that young people are into. I knew Adam would not go back to out dated rock music, but rock with a modern sound and that's what this is. Love his outfit in this pic and love his shoes, his outfit is edgy and out there, but let's face it Adam is so handsome he would look good in anything! Love Danielle too she looks gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

AL probably has the prettiest candy there. Go Danielle and your fierce shoes. love those shoes

Anonymous said...

AL probably has the prettiest candy there. Go Danielle and your fierce shoes. love those shoes

Anonymous said...

Adam has the most beautiful legs, they just seem to go on forever, he could so easily be a male model with his looks.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks great and can get away with any clothes he puts together. I must say that this was a completely and total miss match Which he probably intended.
There were a lot of people upset about his break up, starting with his mother and a huge amount of fans. Everybody thought he had finally settled down, and could now devote his time to his career. I am sure he knew about Glee long before it was announced, same as the break up had happened long before it was announced. It was odd that he publicly and repeatedly expressed his love for Sauli, and then suddenly it had "run it's course, due to career things". Well I guess life goes on, and we look to the future, hoping we have done the right thing. Adam is living the good life, if this week end is anything to go by. I am glad he took Danielle to the shower, that certainly stopped any speculations. Good choice Adam.

Anonymous said...

Exactly!!you can't control what other people feel or say.we aren't all matured u know?

Anonymous said...

Do. You know is mother personally, how do you know how she felt about the break/up. Don't think she gets in Adam love life. It is his life, he makes the decision that makes him happy, not mom.

Anonymous said...

Good grief, Adam is 31 years old and certainly doesn't need his mom to control his love life. What right does anyone have to say he should or shouldn't settle down, many men simply are not ready until later in their life and some men prefer to remain single for their whole life time and are very happy doing so. These matters are Adam's own private business and no one has the right to stand in judement of him.

Anonymous said...

Great look for Adam and those jeans make his legs go on forever. He could grace any runway and steal the show. Danielle looks very pretty. ThecDarknSide

Anonymous said...

Great look for Adam and those jeans make his legs go on forever. He could grace any runway and steal the show. Danielle looks very pretty. ThecDarknSide

Anonymous said...

That was something fans imposed on Adam to settle down and that's wrong to make decisions for someone's private life from people who Adam doesn't know. Creepy to the max!

Anonymous said...

Bla...bla...bla...(rolleyes). Between the complainers, the braggers and the knowitalls, this place has become a whirling cesspool. The stench is becoming unbearable.

Anonymous said...

@9:48 Nobody said Adam should settle down, he did it himself, when he partnered with Sauli. So don't pick on people saying the obvious. I don't know Adam personally, neither do you. He settled for over two years, then they parted, so what? Nothing bad was said about him. He will probably settle again with a partner, for a short while, or may be longer. It's not my business or yours either. Just saying what I see and hear on interviews.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Danielle fighting over Sauli, omg. Whoever beleives something like that needs help.
The best thing would be for people to let Sauli go, like Adam has.

Anonymous said...

@11:45 PM . . . . those are Rock God boots . . . . take a step and fall into the glitter!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam rarely lets his friends just go. He is not like that.

Anonymous said...

I guess Danielle is his girl candy of choice. very sexy lady

Anonymous said...

Since she is long time BFF, I wonder if they go shopping the malls and Rodeo Drive. That would be a fun afternoon.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, I think Sauli was the one who wanted out of the relationship - couldn't take the pressure of the paps or the loneliness when Adam was on the road. I think at the time Adam was heartbroken, but put a good spin on it - about it being mutual. But thankfully Adam has so many projects going on in his career right now, that he has recovered, and is now enjoying the life of a bachelor. All I want is Adam's success and happiness.

Catharine Sloper said...

Those boots are really great! Wow!

Anonymous said...

HIS boots are made for walkin' and that's just what they'll do those boots are made 4 walkin' gonna walk all over U.

Anonymous said...

since DS is his BFF, I wonder if she ever gets a lip kiss? I bet a pick of them kissing would be hot. no kissing pics ever! what is up with that?

Adamluv said...

@Magiclady - so agree with you about Danielles picture. Love her heels, and Adams boots are fabulous. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Danielle looks nice, but I think her shoes looks too chunky.
Adam looks fabulous. Those legs!