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Adam Lambert Tweets Hot Picture

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, July 1, 2013

Posted at : Monday, July 01, 2013

"Orland oh" - Adam Lambert


Anonymous said...

Oh Mama, I love him!!

Anonymous said...

Oh is right :)
Looking hot in more than one way.

Anonymous said...

The temp was hot in Orlando and Adam was even HOTTER. I saw all the vids from the concert from TALCvids and they were excellent. Even saw his final number Trespassing with Adam on the floor and feet up in the air at the end. He gave 200% it seems even under those steamy conditions and the audience really seemed to enjoy him. It looked like a diverse group with a lot more men there. I guess many of the performers do their shows at fairs and entertainment parks during the summer and that's where the crowds are. At least Adam is not performing in some foreign country with a name most of us don't know for a ruler who is cruel and inhuman to its citiizens just for the money(JLO). I appreciate and love Adam for his vocal talent and his kindness to others. He may not be making the big bucks that Lopez did, but at least he is not compromising his principles and values.

Anonymous said...

Amazing profile from that angle and perfect hair right there under the lights. Adam always looks sexier with hair not all stuck together with gel. Gives him a movie star aura.

tea said...

Sooo Delicious looking!!! Oh Yeah!

Anonymous said...

Adam's performance in Orlando was AWESOME!!!
His high happy positive energy was so contagious!!!
Fans were simply great & happy to see Adam!
He sure was on fire!!! Love Adam!

Anonymous said...

On another site, they said he gets between 150,000 and 350,000 for his concerts in US. He makes the same as Jordon Sparks and Kelly Clarkson. The list was only about Idol performers. Over seas 450,000 and 750,000. If you tour it really adds up. It said celebrities do not donate their time. Kris Allen gets between 30,000 and 50,000. Just a bit of trivia for ya.

Anonymous said...

Now, that is HOT, HOT HOT, HOT, HOT, HOT, HOT!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

How I love to run my fingers through his hair.
Love you, baby!

Anonymous said...

Just arrived in Del Mar for Adam's concert tomorrow. A dream come true.

Anonymous said...

That's the face people crazy about!!!:)

He is the whole package and right now if you compare with anyone with the voice, he is the best live everrrr!!:)

Orlando got best night performance from Mr. Lambert indeed!!:)

Thank goodness for his strength to finished the show with the hot temperature indeed!!:)

Very strong passion that's we love this guy eh!:)

He is so powerful!!


glitzylady said...

Love this look...

In San Diego and excited to see Adam at the Del Mar Fair..

Anonymous said...

He was amazing at Universal..and I was there..drop dead wonderful..I will never ever recover from seeing Adam Lambert live

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so handsome and sexy in this picture! HOT!!! BABY!!!

tea said...

@ 12:31 PM
My kind of trivia, thanx for passing it on.

Anonymous said...

I watched the videos of Adam's performance in Orlando and I must say: OMG The man was def on fire! I kept noticing that he keep looking to his left and pointing and grinning alot. So was wondering was his "boyfriend" in the audience and was he the one he kept looking at and grinning like a love sick puppy? If so, lucky guy - I'd love for him to look at me like that.

Anonymous said...

Hot and steamy!!!

Anonymous said...

Umm umm....come over here Adam let me wipe the sweat off your......;)....rose petal

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah...I recognize that look, was it any wonder I fell in love with my guy on a steamy August in Fla. years ago, Best Looking in the Senior Class looked a lot better disheveled to me.....JAK. : )

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

12.39 so lucky, I am happy for you he so unbelievable live. I just hope I eventually get well enough to see him he comes where I can. Saw GNT show in Houston he so good. But, to be in the front roll where you could really see him, he got right in front front roll, at Orlando. How lucky bet waited in line forever. He looks so hot here, think he literally was, in every way. Sue

Anonymous said... can any human look so damn beautiful?!?

Anonymous said...

Check out this playlist containing HD fans' videos of Orlando concert:


Anonymous said...

Adam is a sex god , rock star all rolled into one incredible human being. We are such lucky fans.......we can feast our eyes and ears any time we want. Adam offers up endless hours of entertainment. Looking forward to the vids from SD.


Anonymous said...

OT I saw this story on AOL and it has over 5000 facebook share. Check it out:

".....Ryan had always felt intensely drawn to spiritual things; He desired to please God above all else. So, for the first six years, he tried to choose Jesus. Like so many others before him, he pleaded with God to help him be attracted to girls. He memorized Scripture, met with his youth pastor weekly, enthusiastically participated in all the church youth group events and Bible Studies and got baptized. He read all the books that claimed to know where his gay feelings came from, dove into counseling to further discover the whys of his unwanted attraction to other guys, worked through painful conflict resolution with my husband and me and built strong friendships with other guys -- straight guys -- just like the reparative therapy experts advised........."

Read more:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ryan's story really hit home with beautiful 19 yo granddaughter is gay..she was even baptised in church, but has since left feeling is that she was preached to about the 'abomination of homosexuality' and since she was struggling with her own sexuality, she just couldn't continue..well, her parents love her dearly and could not care less about her sexuality..I have never had a problem with I feel all people should be treated equally and with respect..the only exception for me is rape, child molestation, murder..these people are clearly sick and need any and all help they can get..but, being gay is not a is just a part of ones' granddaughter is so bright..secured a scholarship to college, is studing to be an astro physicist..I am so very thankful that she has a loving family who loves her for who she is..if only the families of all gay children could be as loving and accepting...

Anonymous said...

Love the floppy hair photo. A good look for Adam with the hair falling down - so HOT!!!!!!MERCY!!nancdruuu2

Magiclady said...

dammmmnnnnn, is he not the sexiest
man alive????

Anonymous said...

This is the Adam I sorely missed and longed for!! Just Adam ruling the stage. I am a happy glamcamper!!!

HK fan said...

A couple of good reads from fans, the first one wasn't at the concert, the 2nd one was.

Universal Orlando FL “@AleksandraKv: “The Day When Adam’s Hair Went DOWNSmile” #adamlambert ” Why we love Adam

starlyyte 14h
Driving back home today from Adam Lambert’s fantastic concert at Universal Orlando last night, I kept (cont)

another amazing crowd shot

Anonymous said...

@1:15 I think his Aunt and Uncle were there. Someone on twitter said they had fun meeting them there. Maybe it was them he was pointing and grinning at.

Shaley said...

You & me both BB. Just Alpha Adam in all his sexy glory!
I made that pic my puter desktop wallpaper last night. It's one of the hottest pics I've ever seen of him. He tweeted it cause he's **sexy & he knows it**!
"Oh" is right baby;)

Anonymous said...

Just may be THE most beautiful picture of our Adam to date :)~

Anonymous said...

@5:48 the crowd shot is not from Adam's concert in Orlando. It's from another artist's concert in another country even.

Anonymous said...

@1:15 P.M., I thought that he kept looking and smiling at the people to the left because each time he approached that side, he was greeted with enthusiastic bombastic cheering. The left people were louder than the right side. The audience on a whole was fantastic, but the left had a little more umph. Each time they cheered he smiled and pointed to them. At least, that's what I heard and saw.

Anonymous said...

No dancers and no singers means more revenue for him. I dont think he needs them anyway for a great show. Adam and his band are amazing
on their own.

Anonymous said...

1 15 when you say left side, do you mean Adams left or facing stage left?
Always wondered which side
is right and left side of stage.

Anonymous said...

he is a big tease. he won't dish out what he puts on display. He had tongue diving opportunities in Orlando, but didn't allow the glam tongue any action. what gives?

Anonymous said...

he didn't want no VAJAYJAY on his set.

Anonymous said...

backup singers took up space on stage and you can't hear anyone else. Backup singers are very unecessary when you have a better singer in front. The band and singer are always the main focus.

Anonymous said...

Alpha Adam? That sounds a little homophobic.

Anonymous said...

I think I agree with the comment about the dancers and backup singers. With a voice like Adam's, you don't need them. At times they drowned him out as he sang. I notice Brian London joining in some of the songs so maybe that's all Adam needs. The day Adam's hair came down, makes him just as human as the rest of of who have to contend with heat and humidity wreaking havoc with our hair whether straight or curly. The weather was steamy and hot, but Adam was hotter and sexier.

Anonymous said...

HK fan, thanks so much for all the links.
I enjoyed and appreciated so much I bookmarked them.
Keep them coming.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.......for a good part of the concert the snake skin print gave me the creeps.....even though it was on Adam, maybe because it was on Adam. I've been having nightmares since a Burmese python, just that print and color was caught and killed near Miami......18'8" long, 128 pounds. People buy snakes for pets (ugh) then when they get too big or troublesome, dump them in the Everglades.
They are devasting the wildlife there. Logically I know Tampa would be a long trip for a snake to make, but some idiot here could dump their unwanted pet in a woodsy watery area nearby. I'm a real coward when it comes to snakes......I prefer Adam in leopard or zebra prints! : )

Anonymous said...

I had a blast watching all these wonderful Orlando concert videos tonight. Adam was on fire.

I am going to his concert tomorrow night in SD. Only one hour drive from OC to SD.

I can't wait!

Shaley said...

@8:05 pm: You sound a little ignorant.

Anonymous said...

He is the sexiest man alive. People, you hear that? ;) Also he was smoldering in more ways than one. No one will ever be as good looking or entertaining or Adam. I also love love love the natural look. No nail polish, yes! No need to wear all that stuff when you have natural beauty. And yes, no singers or dancers...makes for a much better show. Would love to see an entirely new band. That is the only thing I feel Adam may not do due to his loyalty but if he would, his music and career would go through the stratosphere. I know that he needs professionally talented musicians.
Anyway, great look and great talent. He is an original.

Anonymous said...

Adam is an Alpha male. Masculine and sexy. Period.

Leilani Aloha said...

Ditto!! Anon 10:58 PM & Anon 11:00PM

Adam's the IT Factor from day one of AI !
He's the whole enchilada!

HK fan said...


new set of professional pics from Orlando.

info for SD concert

Gelly ‏@14gelly 1h
Concert tonight twitter list …
WC …

Anonymous said...

It is a very beautiful pic!
I would have added 'imo', cause - however nicely you put it - using 'THE' makes it so 'definite'... and there are so many (and I mean MANY!) totally and undescribably beautiful pics of Adam... and so many different opinions...and it always is in the eye of the beholder...

Anonymous said...

10:58 PM

No he isn't (the sexiest man alive). Jared Leto is, and Ian Somerhalder and Johnny Depp, Gale Harold, Jake Gyllenhaal, Ville Valo etc. IMO Adam is in TOP 30 (or maybe 50).

Anonymous said...

@Anon 2:06
Ha ha!
If you can't see Adam being the sexiest or not even among the 30 most sexiest... Why are you even here on AL fan site, if you think all those guys are sexier... LOL! Go to their sites and flail, hopefully then you don't have time nor the energy to post here!

Or maybe you are one of those rare fans that truly & ONLY care about his VOICE!!! That would be so neat!

Imo Adam is WAY sexier than any of those guys, although some of them are good looking guys. You do know SEXY is more than just good looks, don't ya?!

PS. You are a Finn, right? Cause most people here (except Finns) have probably never heard about Ville Valo and his band (called HIM), I know them by name cause I have a friend who likes them.

Anonymous said...

@10:58 PM,

For us he is the sexiest!!:)


Anonymous said...

11:45AM Totally agree! love his hair when it is just natural. i.e. gas station pics,jogging pics,beach pics,hot and sweaty pics. Glamnation tour hair that was the ultimate!

Anonymous said...

I really love when Brooke choreographed the dancers. ThAT was really great!. Terrance is awesome on stage!
I also like the backup singers. For the tours I think he should have full ensemble.

Anonymous said...

These Orlando performances are the most enjoyable (to me) since some of his GlamNation and Queen performances. I found myself smiling as I watched him enjoy himself and the crowd -- like a big party. Also I realized how distracting those background singers and dancers have been. Without them, I got to see more of who I REALLY enjoy -- Adam. The musicians seem to be more in sinc with Adam's performance too. The bass player seems to be doing more "moves" and interacting more with Adam. I actually saw Tommy smile. The drummer was less distracting (I always felt he was a bit loud and uninteresting but I didn't get that feeling this time.) Love Brandon -- such a great musician and complement to Adam.
About Adam's make-up: All performers need to wear make-up or their faces wouldn't even show up from a distance. The trick is to make up in a way that makes them an enhanced version of themselves as Adam did in Orlando. But loving the theatre and staging as he does, I have noticed that he still loves to play roles (dress up and make up ) on and off the stage. I like him both ways; he is interesting and exciting -- ALWAYS; HE ENTERTAINS LIKE NO OTHER!!!!! viva ADAM :)
Thanx, Admin, for this site

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is the most talented singer and sexist man alive..saw him live in Orlando for the first time and I cannot recover..amazing

Anonymous said...

This photo - George Michael meets Hugh Jackman. :-)

Anonymous said...

Drop dead divine photo .... one of the BEST-EST EVER of Adam.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, 4:24, you reminded me that I left out why I think Adam is "sexy..." because of the way he plays with the audience...inviting and defying people by his "moves," lyrics and attitudes to get in touch with our true feelings and fantasies. I think that's one of the things that makes him so dear to "mature" women many of whom have had to repress emotional needs while serving the welfare of others. He -- with his kindness, bold sensuality and androgynous beauty -- has opened a floodgate of sensual feelings in women and men. For these reasons along with his enormous musical talent and voice, I am sure he is destined for greatness.

Anonymous said...

@2:06 A.M., I want to see them move like Adam.....nuff said!!

Anonymous said...

@5:01 I am @4:24 and you hit it exactly...I just love Adam for all his talent..his inner beauty and he is drop dead gorgeous..

Anonymous said...

Well there is no one in my opinion as fantastic as Adam and never will be, that's my opinion and I sticking to it! Sue

HK fan said...

eww no.....neither of those guys is sexy, and only one of them is relatively good looking.....

of those you mentioned that I know, I do agree they are all very handsome, don't find them sexy though....perhaps Ian somerhalder (but not as much as Adam)..and I love Johnny Depp, he's my favourite actor (along with Leonardo Dicaprio),he's amazing but I don't find him that sexy.

Anonymous said...

I can see a likeness to those 2 guys in this pic. I think it's the angle the shot was taken, the facial hair and Adam's crowning glory. It really is a gorgeous pic.

Anonymous said...

I think I need the job as "towel person" someone needs to keep the sweat off BB . . . he he

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the folks in Orlando got "Adamized" . . . it will take awhile to get over . . 2 years ago I saw Adam in person . . . still all aglow . . .

Anonymous said...

@Beverly 5:01AM - Wow! You said it best! My floodgate has certainly been opened! I can never get enough Adam. He is entrancing and there is no one like him anywhere!..nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

*squeee* Saw @adamlambert's Beth outfit today. Even cooler in person.

Anonymous said...


realadamlambert's Hotel Room;)

Anonymous said...

that's what I thought.

Anonymous said...

Ian Somerhalder could put his face in my moon pie anyday.

Anonymous said...

Some of you need to learn why it is offensive to label a gay man as an alpha male.

Anonymous said...

@12:43 PM Tell us. I have never thought that cause I have never called anyone alpha male.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:39 am

Do you mean I must think Adam is the sexiest man on earth in order to be worthy of being his fan. Idiotic. I am a fan cause he has a wonderful voice. I do think he's unusually good looking but not the sexiest man I've ever seen or known. Does that kick me out as a Glambert? Sexy to you may not be sexy to me-I see what he does for some people, but he doesn't do it for me. Sexy to me does not necessarily mean beauty, it's something altogether different from good looks. A quality not a look.

Anonymous said...

HK fan, thanks again for the links.

@2:06 - I find only Ian Somerhalder as sexy in those you name, but smoldering is more apt to describe Ian.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 2:06 / 4:44
I was saying no such thing.

Please READ my post CAREFULLY, especially paragraph 2 and 3, before you jump to any conclusions of what I wrote and call it idiotic.

In p.2 - Was trying to give kudos to you if you are here because of his voice only!

In p.3 - What did I say SEXY was?! Read it again. Of course SEXY is different for diffrent people, but I'm sorry to say your list of sexier people (than Adam) does not show any 'originality'... Jared, Jake, Johnny, Ian etc are on everybody's lips...lists...

To my PS. you did not answer - maybe you could enlighten folks here, who is Ville Valo and why is he on your list...

Anonymous said...

12:30 AM

This is 2:06 AM. I have no other comments here. I had some real life stuff so I could not read these comments earlier. I may be late with my answers but I try to explain my view.

To me the sexiness is something else than touching one's crotch/penis or body and simulate penetration or blow job or showing tongue. To me sexiness is mostly in the eyes of a person. In the little gestures.

I love all these men on list b/c they have something special, some charisma. I don't care if they are on other's lips and lists also. I could name many others (Jeremy Irons, Daniel Day-Lewis etc. etc.) who have this x-factor.

Adam has it also in his eyes. You are right: I love his VOICE. I loved those radio promos when he just sat and sang. Sometimes his moves on the stage seem (sorry) a bit ridiculous. I loved his Ring of Fire on AI (just to mention this). It was sensual, not over-acted. 4

And you are right on other thin also: I am Finnish. I think Ville Valo's voice is sexy. He looks secy on stage and he just sings; he does not need to do anything but sing and he is sexy. And his version of "Summer Wine" with Natalie Avelon from 2009 is soooo sexy. Ville's deep voice is so lovely.

But this is just my opinion. And I don't say Adam is not sexy. I just say that IMO he is not the sexiest man alive at the moment.

Anonymous said...

4:47 AM here again: Damned typos. Meant other thing, not thin.

Anonymous said...

And I meant sexy, not secy. Oh and, Ville Valo is a Finnish singer. He sings in a band called HIM. Their music is so called "love metal". There is just a new album out and they are coming to USA also this year (if I'm not totally wrong).

Amparo said...

This is cool!