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True Facts About Music in 2013

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, July 31, 2013

GigWise had a list of the 100 True Facts about Music in the year 2013 and Adam Lambert and his fans are on the list.

At 92. Adam Lambert still has the most devoted fans on the internet.

Source: GigWise


Anonymous said...

#92 will be a fact twenty years from now too.

Anonymous said...

And any where else.... we glamberts love our boy every day every where ....rose petal

Anonymous said...

#92 ???
I would think we'd be more like in the top 10 or 20.
No matter....we will always be there for him.

Anonymous said...

Keep Adam's name out there in the media! The fans got a shout out too...YAY!!!


Anonymous said...

This pic of him is gorgeous! I know I know... some posters get sick of "He's so gorgeious... he's so hot...he's so sexy..." I get it... but dayum HE'S SO GORGEOUS :). But actually, more importantly, is how he owns his sensuality and isn't afraid to use it! Hottest trait of all maybe!

Anonymous said...

now this picture is gorgeous. no chance to goofy face.yaaaay. ok kidding.

glitzylady said...

I don't think the placement of the #92 has anything to do with anything... No rating etc.. Just random "facts about music..." Loving that Adam and we fans got a mention!

V Camilleri said...

Love being pary of this group of passionate fans. We have someone truely special to be passionate about.

Anonymous said...

The most devoted. And cray.

Anonymous said...

1:40 awww we have settled down a lot.

Anonymous said...

About previous post: Is the collabo Avicii/Adam/Nile R. song being released prior to the full album release in September?

Anonymous said...

He is sooo beautiful, god I love him.

Anonymous said...

1:40pm Ha, funny!

Yes, we do LOVE Adam. So special to have someone like beautiful (this pictre!!), sexy, brilliant, SUPER talented Adam to be passionate about!

True Glitzlady, sweet that Adam and fans get a shout out on the list. The years ahead will see many joining our ranks I'm sure!

All this good buzz lately! Lovin' it!

xo laura

Anonymous said...


xo laura

glitzylady said...

@Anon 2:00 PM
Haven't heard yet... If you pre-order the album (True) from iTunes, any recordings that are released as singles (for instance, Lay Me Down) will be available for download at time of release of the before the album is released on Sept 17th.. . It would be fabulous if the Adam and Nile collab becomes the next single.. loving Wake Me Up..

Anonymous said...

Go check the whole list and come back & tell how many of these names mentioned you knew from before... I surely noticed that I'm out of the loop... lol.
However, there are a few interesting and nice to know 'facts' on that list...I enjoyed reading it.

Anonymous said...

2:21, that's an issue with so many fans IMO - they are so wrapped up in being an Adam fan they have no idea what else is going on in the world of music. And many seem to take pride in being ignorant.

Anonymous said...

That is one beautiful photo of him. Movie star great looks.
Yes, this fandom is especially devoted. Frankly, I never thought my waking moments every day would be spent on a celeb, albeit one that is absolutely out of this world. Luv him and the fans that support him (esp those that have been there for him since 1/09 and are really there for HIM only).

lorraine said...

Ok, Adam, Yes, I accept this dance.......

With his outstretched hand, this darling man is asking me to dance.

My husband and I have a favorite song. It's Anne Murray's "Can I Have This Dance {For the rest of my Life?}
I will have to let him know that I'll have to make this one exception--when Adam asks me to dance!

What a beautiful picture!!!

lorraine said...

Oh! And the lock of hair across his forehead....

Anonymous said...

someday I will have time to devote to being a musical whiz kid but right now I just follow Adam and enjoy it so much. That's life and I feel lucky I can do that.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a beautiful man indeed!!:)

Real and passionate fans here understand each other!!:)

The rest of the negative people who just want to visit this fandom are just full of BS and not worth it!!!:)


Anonymous said...

Adam is no. 1 on my list. His name is mentioned in my household every day. And I check this site on and off thru out the day.

Anonymous said...

Adam is one talented,,beautiful sexy man and I am so honored to be one of his fans...he has enhanced my very being so much in such a positive him

Anonymous said...

Honored to be a fan too but this is the worse picture of Adam.

Anonymous said...

Way to go GLAMBERTS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Please let there no misunderstanding, ADAM is and will be #1 on my list!!!

Read the GigWise list of 100 true facts about music in 2013 just for fun... Nile R. is on that list, too.

Anon 2:21

Anonymous said...

Couldn't care for now to know more about music. Following Adam, the best voice of this generation, is total bliss.

Anonymous said...

I just cannot stop staring at this photo of Adam.
Simply gorgeous man, love him so much.

Anonymous said...

Love this beautiful picture of Adam - looks like he is saying something brilliant! So charming!...nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

We are all devoted to the best vocal talent in music today, one who is also intelligent, charming, self-confident, honest and yes, gorgeous. His message of love, understanding, acceptance and respect is one that we all should follow to make each day a better one. I am proud to be a fan and have been since he sang that first note on Idol. I think the next year or so will be a turning point in Adam's career and will bring him even greater success and the recognition that he so deserves.

Anonymous said...

How can Glamberts not be the most devoted fans, my god look at that face!!!! And it helps he can hold a note or two,,lol


Anonymous said...

4:05, if you mean to say that this is the worst picture of Adam, please get a thorough physical, just in case your vision checks out okay. This photo, IMHO, is such a gift, can't stop gazing at it. atm

Anonymous said...

@ lorraine....JAK just cost me a lot of money!
I had forgotten about Anne Murray and how much I liked her. At your reminder I headed to iTunes and have been buying one after another....."thanks a lot!"
Seriously.....thanks a lot. : )

Leilani Aloha said...

Adam's sexy Eyes! & Lashes!!!
Gorgeous face!!!

lorraine said...

@JAK You're welcome- sorry your pocketbook is a little lighter now...Not really!!XO

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous July 31, 2013 at 2:32 PM about only listening to Adam and not really listening to other types of music...

The thing is, the only moment I listen to music is in the car. I do listen to radio but most of the music goes over my head ... too loud and repetitive... and when young artist start covering songs that I knew from my youth... hhmm...

I know I sound like a grandma, and maybe I am..but I do appreciate great voices and I find it on Adam's album... And I can relate to the text of his songs, whether he co-writes them or not......

So why looking for other music if I am already satisfied with what I have in my CD player ?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, August 1, 2013 at 2:12 am... is signed Axel

Anonymous said...

My vision's just fine! The shot doesn't do Adam justice. Trust me, I know my Glambert!

Anonymous said...

I'm a music for all moods person, so my iPad playlists are crammed with R&B, rock, funk, country, love songs, sad songs and disco shake your tail feathers music........even some classical for when I'm feeling super dramatic.

I couldn't live in a one artist world. It would seem like being on a perpetual diet and I'm not so good at that! I've never been an active fan of any one singer except Adam. Like many of you I felt I discovered his audition and first 2 songs, Satisfaction and Black or White
I kept thinking "does everyone have this tingly feeling, do they see there is someone special here?" At the time all I knew for sure was that Paula and I saw it!

What a pleasant surprise when I found so many of you were feeling the same way!..........JAK

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Inspired by some of the comments here I'm thinking 'my music world' is clearly divided in to TBA and TAA, time before and time after Adam strutted in to my life...
The TBA era is a much longer period, of course and I used to be (almost) kaikkkiruokainen re music, listening & buying different kind of music, also dancing was essential to my well being...but mostly I'm a rock spirited person (whatever that means, lol) and carry the torch for a great number iconic bands & singers (too many to name here).
Then life dealt me a handful of sad & painful losses and for the first time in my life I went through a period of many years with NO MUSIC, I listened nothing, not even radio. Then one evening opened TV and there was Adam singing Satisfaction... to be continued....

Anonymous said...

Just because you found one artist you really like doesn't mean you need to close your eyes to everything else out there. Seems amazing some fans even stumbled over Adam with their closedminded attitudes.

Anonymous said...

Re my post @5:08
There's a word (2nd paragraph) I learned from my Finnish friend: 'KAIKKIRUOKAINEN', meaning 'not particular about one's food' or in this case 'about one's music', sounds so mych better than

Anonymous said...

Love this shot because no posing or goofing around. No makeup. Very natural look. His eyes really show up that's all you can see just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Adam is such a nice guy. So polite and kind to others. Always takes the time to listen to make things better. A lot of people are not like that today. But there are a few.

glitzylady said...

Just want to say that I opened my iTunes acct. while Adam was on Idol, originally to download his performances, studio versions, and videos from Idol before they disappeared from iTunes shortly after the end of Season 8. And I'm SO thankful for that! I also bought my first iPod around that time. I outgrew that one a couple of years ago. I now literally have almost 120 hours of music, vids, etc.. in my music library. Thats 5 full 24 hour days of non stop music. All since I started following Adam. (15 hours(!!) of that is Adam by the way: Idol songs, pre-Idol, post Idol, videos and interviews, snippets of new music, etc.. etc..) Granted, some was pre-Adam, downloaded from existing CD's, but most is post-Adam. Not counting the many many physical CD's, tapes, and some vintage vinyl record albums from back in the day that I haven't downloaded.... Adam Lambert is my main muse these days, but I also stay current with music. I watch music award shows, and for the past few years (5 or so..) have bought the Grammy Awards CDs that showcase various songs and artists nominated for Grammys. And as a result have discovered some really great artists. From a wide range of genres.. But I also have to admit that I probably listen to Adam's music more than anything else I own when I'm cruising along in my car, by myself, with the volume cranked up, waaaay up :)) I also burn CD's with music compilations/playlists of my favorite current artists...Of course there are always a few favorite Adam tunes mixed in with others. :)))

Anonymous said...

Adam is always my number one choice, but I will always love the Beetles and Kelly Clarkson and a couple others like Fantasia after I saw her perform on Idol last season. She gave me chills! And, I confess, I love Demi Lovato singing Skyscraper.
Also, I'm digging some of the albums by the True DJ (love Levels!) Okay, I'll stop now.

Anonymous said...

Im sorry but that statement is no longer true. Adam does not have the most devoted fans anymore. So many have turned against him. Bitching and complaining about everything he does and everything he wears. You only support him when he does something that you like and when it suits you.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:24 PM
That's YOUR opinion. Adam is known the world over for having having very devoted, supportive, we-vote-our-fingers-to-the-bone in contests, polls fans. We drive 4+ hours away from home and stand in line for 12 or more hours for a general admission spot somewhere in the middle of a sardine-can-like packed smallish venue to see and hear Adam sing 3 or 4 songs (radio promo), we sometimes fly half way around the word to see him in concert, become very good friends with Stub Hub and pay way too much for concert tickets on occasion because the event sold out in 2 seconds or less, and we need to hear him sing just one more time and have no idea when the next time might be..and because we know this concert will be EPIC (Dont they ALL feel epic really????!!!!) Some of us sometimes voice opinions about his clothes (that leather tunic!!!), his hair (please don't shave the side again...please please), We worry about him, celebrate his victories, feel bad when something may not be seeming to go his way. but most of all, we love him for who he is. Beautiful lip freckles and all :)))

Well, I admit, that was all just me, but I know so many other amazing and supportive fans that I've met along the way and I'm pretty sure many of those things apply to more than a few other fans...

Anonymous said...

Though you don't know me @glitzylady, count me in.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:41 PM
Welcome to the "very devoted Adam Lambert fan" club :)))))

Nice to meet you..

And @Anon 11:24 AM thought we'd all left: Ha!!!! Heck no........