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Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen Featured in Finland School Textbook!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, September 23, 2013

Posted at : Monday, September 23, 2013


Anonymous said...

Every tommycray should read that. :)

Anonymous said...

omg that is so cool and I like the picture they used too. I hope Adam sees it.

Anonymous said...

His relationship still seems to pop up where you least expect it. Wonder how Adam and Sauli feel about it, since they broke up over 6 months ago. I hope the article was of a positive note, to show that gays are regular people just like the rest of us. They bleed the same.

Anonymous said...

Hahhah, omg. Love this :)

Anonymous said...

@10:37AM It's a pic in a sex education textbook. Not about their relationship.

Anonymous said...

Six months ago........that doesn't seem possible. Don't care what anyone says....they made each other very happy. If you have ever lost a love because of life circumstances and distance, you know the empty hole that always remains. So hope they remain really close and don't lose that special relationship they seemed to have.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure they could both give ALL of us a good dose of sex education.

Anonymous said...

They aren't going back together. Also no need for a stadium size venue for Adam, if there is a next time.

Anonymous said...

A lovely pic and in a schoolbook of all places!

Acceptance and a taste of things to come?


Anonymous said...

I think they have secretly started to date again. Adam has left secret messages to Sauli in his twitter and instagram posts. He has said that he loves Sauli....

Anonymous said...

Sauli is well-liked in Finland and he gets a lot of positive media coverage. It is kind of funny because he is not a singer, not an actor, athlete or a professional of any kind. Nevertheless, he seems to know every celebrity just as they seem to know him, too. And the overall atmosphere is very enthusiastic and protective of him, which is soooo sweet...:)

Anonymous said...

@ 11:47
i think so, too :-)
all the instagram "likes" and adam following an sauli fan account on instagram....but where did you read or hear that adam said that he loves sauli?

Anonymous said...

Oh Please tell us what the secret messages are

Anonymous said...

Yay Go Finland!! :D

Anonymous said...

I do not want to open those coded messages in public. I want that our boys have their privacy. Actually they are not difficult to open at all. All you need is locical thinking (and Adam must be good in it...)

Anonymous said...

They are obviously back together. Whoever doesn't see this is blind.

Saulbert forever.

Anonymous said...

at 12:37 PM

I think all you need to realise is that friends and lovers usually call and text each other. But, as for Adam's tweets and likes, I agree with you, it is pretty obvious that he is missing his baby.

Anonymous said...

Please share these secret messages. I'm not as smart as you, please show me what I'm missing.

Anonymous said...

LOL. You don't want to open those messages in public. Right. Nice try you troll.

Anonymous said...

oh boy this site is a riot and kind of weird. lol

Anonymous said...

Lol. Sorry, not a troll but a PhD :)

Anonymous said...

Adam likes many pics. He likes Drake's and Bridger's pics too. Maybe he is afterwise.

Anonymous said...

Adam never loved Drake or Bridger the way he loved Sauli.

I think Sauli is Adam's one true love. You know, every person has that person who got away but will always remain in their heart forever. I think Adam's OTL is Sauli. Drake was just a fling. So was Adam's first bf.

Anonymous said...

Give us proof of these secret messages or you are a troll with a PhD.

Anonymous said...

everyone please just ignore these strung out ladies.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What 1:17 PM said.

Anonymous said...

to clarify.....
What the FIRST 1:17 PM said.

Anonymous said...

Adam will get guys, but he may not be as desirable bachelor as some fans want to believe. I think it is clear that Sauli is no longer interested in his games.

Anonymous said...

Lol, some of the most intense Tommycrays are doctors and lawyers too.

Anonymous said...

I can see this already. This thread will take over the #1 spot from that other Sauli thread.

The Sauli saga continues.

Anonymous said...

circus in town?

Anonymous said...

Hey, I don't know anything about "secret messages" or anything, but let the group of romantic dreamers enjoy the thought of Sauli still making Adam smile that special smile. Let us hope for something a lot of us think will make them both happy in the future. Don't be kill can have YOUR fantasy too.

Anonymous said...

Now I see, fantasy = trolls.

Anonymous said...

Now I see, fantasy = trolls.

Anonymous said...

WTF....when did fans turn into such nasty people? It's like Adam's fans are turning on each other. So our links are filled with "tommycrays" and "trolls" and what else? Mr./Mrs. 3:30 pm....who made you judge and jury on who should be here and what they should say. Adam would be ashamed of your behavior. These comments are't that deep.....geeze back off and let people express themselves without throwing in judgemental hate toward people who think differently than you. Don't bully.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for a fan-tasticly romantic post, my thoughts exactly, but I could not put them in words... YOU made me SMILE!

Anonymous said...

lo and behold I unlocked a message and it says: Glamhoppers be wary numerous trolls have escaped from the asylum.
I'll be back if I unlock anymore.

Anonymous said...

I really liked them together, but now they are not together anymore and I accept that. But I don't understand the fans who spent over 2 years hating Sauli.

"Keep Calm and Let Karma Finish It"

Anonymous said...

4:31 Are you another bully, or a different one? You must be the one on here that doesn't don't seem to be able to take other people voicing an opinion. If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything. We all learned that in preschool. Grow up.

Anonymous said...

@4:47 PM
I agree. I didn't understand the hate then and don't understand it now. Sauli was Adam's choice and he has a couple of times told us why he fell in love with him. But still after the break-up some Sauli-haters post tweets that they will kick him out of LA when he comes back, and other nasty things. As if they feared that Adam and Sauli would reunite, which I don't believe one second. They have gone their own ways.

But 10:13 AM: Now the Tommycrays biggest worry seems to be that there are no pics of him and Adam from Las Vegas (and he is not in the photos of family and friends) and they think this means that "they are over" and Adam ignores him etc. So they have no time to worry this photo.

Anonymous said...

some of you guys actually follow all that BS?

Anonymous said...

9:03 PM
Yes! It's fun sometimes. But we DO have our own lives too even if you don't believe it.

Anonymous said...

@1:05 PM

They LIVED together two years and shared their everyday life. So they got to know each other quite thoroughly. I think they know each other better than if you date someone who lives elsewhere even if you share most nights and days. That was kind of a test (partly b/c of the circumstances; Sauli came from the other side of the world), but as Adam stated after the split: "I have not yet met someone I want to marry.". So, it was not that deep love, Sauli is not the "one true love". Adam will meet the right one some day. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

Some of these posts are hilarious. The Sauli fans fantasize on and on and on ....................

Anonymous said...

I think Adam´s statement of marriage
can be taken another way too, as he explained later growing up in a time that marriage was not acceptable and a real choice as it is now. So that may well be the reason marriage hasn´t come to his mind, but what the future holds, nobody knows.

Anonymous said...

Oh for pete's sake, wake up!
Not everyone wants to get married, that is not the goal of a lifetime for every person on this planet! Think a little and accept the diversity of people and of their relationships in this day and age.
You can be in love and feel deep love without getting married.
Please, don't push your set of standards and values on other people. Not on Adam or Sauli either!

Anonymous said...

Speaking about marriage...

Quote from Adams inteview to "Rolling Stones" in November 2011: "I'd never considered marriage before," says Lambert, who's dating Sauli Koskinen, a Finnish reality-TV personality. "But now that I am, I can't do it."

Anonymous said...

I don´t see anybody pushing any values here by force, just stating same sex marriage is becoming a choice nowadays you can make that was not possible before. Peace.

Anonymous said...

1:52am , thanks for the rollingstones article, nice reminder of what Adam himself has said about same sex marriage:))).

Anonymous said...

Actually what he said was that it was not possible for him (2011).
Considering marriage (as such) does not tell whether he wants it or not.

The right to get married should be for everyone. As the right not to get married... :)))

Anonymous said...

5:12am I think we should celebrate the same sex marriage being possible and let people have the joy of it too
After it becomes a human right everywhere, we can continue arguing the meaning and purpose of marriage on another time. Ofcourse it is meaningless to many nowadays. That is another issue.

Anonymous said...

I loved Adam's black hair and Sauli seemed so positive and nice.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading this thead, even though Im a few days late to the party.

Love Sauli. Love Adam. Love them together. They are going to be together again. Someday. True Love.

Anonymous said...

After the break up Adam said in some red carpet interview (I'm not going to bother to find where was it) that he has not yet met the one he wants to marry. Maybe he was in a cranky mood or being honest. Bridger didn't date him after that tho.

Anonymous said...

Who's this Bridger I keep hearing about?

Did Adam date this Bridger guy after the breakup with Sauli?

Someone care to explain this to me? Thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

8:14pm So if there is no links existing...why just cast rumours?

Anonymous said...

I think 8.14 pm thought this interview

Anonymous said...

@2:26AM Yes, that's the interview. Thanks for finding it. :)


Anonymous said...

So Adam said basicly that he is open to marriage in the future but not in that point of life. I remember also that after that interview there was a lot of discussion on this site how irritating that interviewer was harassing Adam with all his questions he could not answer to. It really shows on Adam:(. Fortunately Adam´s life had a lot of good things ahead just waiting to happen, so everything turned out good.:)

Anonymous said...

The book is named Health education.

Anonymous said...

@9:50 PM

FYI: Bridger Clements is a photographer with whom Adam had some crazy night on 1st of May. Bridger posted a pic to his IG - you can find it there; it was the first time we heard about him. After that they were seen on many occasions together; from Sutan's (?) BD-party there were pics were people assumed he was sitting on Adam's lap etc. They entered also some fair (not only night clubs) with Danielle and other friends. And Bridger was seen with Adam and Leila somewhere. They dated at least from May to July (if I'm not wrong). Then Adam brought Eli Lieb to the red carpet of some movie premiere in August (?). Bridger has not been seen with Adam after July. But Adam has been seen with some Victor-guy too (hand in hand) after Eli. Maybe Bridger was busy working. And Adam has liked his pics on IG.

There has not bee many photos of Adam in September; he could be dating Bridger. Who knows?

Is this enough? I'm not at all invested in Adam's private life, or am I?

Anonymous said...

That was a clip from the Bold and The Beautiful...wasn´t it? Or am I clueless? ;D

Anonymous said...

11:16 AM
Life is more peculiar and fiercer than fiction, at least Adam's life. :)

Anonymous said...

at 9:19 PM

"I have not yet met someone I want to marry."

Lol, do you really think he could have said in an interview that he has found someone he wants to marry but since the person left him, he can't?

at 9:35 AM

You've got it all wrong, jussayin. No one is buying you far fetched theories, not here and not on idolforums either.

Anonymous said...

@ Sep 25, 1:52 PM

I listened to his interview and he was also asked: "Had you ever considered getting married at any point in your life"? And the firm answer was: "No, not yet, not yet, I'm young. But it will happen eventually,(if) I want to, eventually, yeah." He would not have said that if he had really met someone whom he loved so much and deeply that he would even CONSIDER a marriage. Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

@ Sep 25, 8.10 PM

Quote from Adams inteview to "Rolling Stones" in November 2011: "I'd never considered marriage before," says Lambert, who's dating Sauli Koskinen, a Finnish reality-TV personality. "But now that I am, I can't do it."

Sounds like he was considering it, but doesn't want to admit it now, which is quite understandable.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why some of you want to reduce Adam's love to Sauli. I'm sure they both were deeply in love and that was very beautiful. But something happened and their love didn't last, which i find very sad. They were both certainly hurting after break-up, but after few months they obviously managed to stay friends and this is really great. Were they each others "one true love"? Nobody knows that now, only time will show. I love them both and wish them only the best.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully said, all of it.
Thank you. My sentiments, too.

Anonymous said...

At some point they will be back together - if they aren't already.

Anonymous said...

4:20 AM
I would like to believe that they had something great and deep. But then how did it end so all of a sudden and neither of them seemed to be hurt/sad? Always happily smiling photos with other guys and friends of Adam and of Sauli with friends. They got rid of each other so easily that it is very difficult for me to believe that their love was deep. And Sauli said himself that other people (fans) take the break-up too seriously.

I hope I was wrong, but I don't believe in any kind of reunion now that they have been used to live "bachelor life" again. Sorry!

Anonymous said...

at 8:52 AM

So what makes you think that bachelor life is something they both want or are used to?

They ended the relationship already in January/February but neither seems to have found anyone that could even remotely be called a boyfriend. I think that's strange; two young and good looking guys and plenty of takers. I mean if they enjoy being single, we should have seen them going out with dozens of guys by now. Sauli for sure hasn't been dating many guys and neither has Adam, even though there have been a few clingy types sniffing around his butt.

Anonymous said...

at 8:10 PM

Well, if Adam is not considering of marrying this guy, I will most certainly propose to Sauli as soon as I get within shouting distance ♥ :)!!!

Anonymous said...

8:52 AM I don't either. They seem both to move on and enjoying life. Sauli was skating today and looked happy :D