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Adam Lambert Quote of The Day

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, September 23, 2013

Posted at : Monday, September 23, 2013


Anonymous said...

Adam's voice is like a balm to inflicted wound. Figuratively speaking of course!

Anonymous said...

He is just too much! All heart ! Such a gorgeous rare soul!!!

Anonymous said...

It made me cry also. Such a wonderful human being. Anyone who thinks Adam is simply theatrical and doesn't emote to his audience, is simply not listening. He is the most heartfelt performer in the world. Adam Lambert is too beautiful and talented for words. He makes me glad to be alive.

Anonymous said...

3:33am, me too.He has good soul,always supportive to his peers and never ask for return favour yet too humble.when he said something like this,i feel that i want to hug him.

Anonymous said...

This makes me want to hug him and remind him that he is not alone either.

Anonymous said...

A beautiful quote from a beautiful man. Adam cares so much about others and how they feel. He makes me an even greater fan each time I read something like this from him.

Anonymous said...

I've no idea what we glamberts did to deserve a gift so rare as the treasure , that is Adam....but I'm so thankful for this gift....he's is so very special ....and maybe just maybe those of us who get are too....rose petal

Anonymous said...

i love adam lambert 100%-love him for ever.for life

Anonymous said...

rose petal, I've also said to so many people that Adam is a gift. A very precious gift. We are so lucky to know and love him.


Anonymous said...

Right on ....rose petal

Anonymous said...


Yes, Adam is our very precious gift which we are lucky enough to enjoy over and over again. What a beautiful soul. What pride and love his parents must feel.


Shiggles said...

I feel sorry for people who won't like Adam for reasons they alone know. I feel sorry for them because they are missing out on the joy that is Adam. The saying goes - ignorance is bliss. Not so in this case. (The use of won't above was purposeful. People who "don't" might some day. People who "won't" will never.)

I watched the iheart videos over and over and couldn't take my eyes off the wondrous one. Then I restarted the entire performance and turned my back so I could concentrate on the music alone. What a difference, I didn't just hear it, I felt it throughout my entire being and sat there and cried. So beautiful. And there is no one on the earth like Dr. Bri...


Anonymous said...

@ Shiggles......JAK here.....I've missed you! \o/. \o/. \o/.
Make yourself at home and stay awhile, we need a few more people with a sense of silly.

Anonymous said...

P.S. I agree with your post and I often wonder about the people who say they are fans and "won't" let themselves be happy. As I've grown older I've learned to live in the moment. This is a good moment....JAK