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Adam Lambert Responds to Alexander DeLeon's Compliments

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Anonymous said...

I luv this exchange. A whole new road to go down.

Anonymous said...

I know I'm supposed to know who Alexander is, but I admit I don't. So, who?

Anonymous said...

Except he is straight. Makes it a short road.

Anonymous said...

Except he is straight. Makes it a short road.

Anonymous said...

Alexander is the lead singer for The Cab. Don't remember where, but they opened for Adam someplace.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so charming! Wow, what a nice compliment coming from another artist with no ego.

Anonymous said...

Adam flirts with straight men and women. no biggie. He likes the flattery.

coloforadam said...

Someone told me today that there will be another montage concert with Queen and Adam participitating, in DENVER this Fall - if anyone knows dates/venue or if that is true, please tell me!! (I really gotta start keeping up)

Anonymous said...

someone was asking about finding the CW channel to watch the repeat iHeart Festival. I live in the Cleveland area and here is the way they have it written on some paper I have.
9___WBNX/CW CH55

I get it on ch9

Anonymous said...

6:56 I never read that but hope it is true.

Anonymous said...

are y'all also listening to EnergyMusicRadio and Liam's Adam Lambert Hour in NZ? Both are easy on the ears.

Anonymous said...

It seems that whole entire world finally agree that Adam is the best singer and showman in Universe, How come they didn't put in air any of his songs? I think Adam still needs fat pocket investors to provide releasing his songs on radio stations. How many people in US know about IHeart festival? May be 5 % including celebrities and media. Adam still needs AMA, Grammys, Golden Globe and any other Awards event to perform. So far, he just presented somebody.

Anonymous said...

I tuned in expecting to see a bunch of delusional A & A shipping comments. What a nice surprise. So far.

Anonymous said...

7:37, just curious how you arrived at this 5% number. With a quick Google I found 11 million people tuned into the show the first year it happed and the two day rebroadcast on CW last year got it the highest ratings it had since season finales of it's shows. Numbers are sure to be bigger this year as the show becomes better known. Between the concert itself, the upcoming CW highlight show and all the positive press Adam and Queen received from places like Billboard, I think it has been great exposure for him. These are all places that people who are interested in music tune into. I think you greatly underestimate the value of this appearance.

Anonymous said...

8:23PM I'm talking about live show. We don't know what they recorded for TV show on September 30th.

Anonymous said...

Tickets were sold out for iHeart concerts and a lot of people around the world watched the concert live online. Also they'll have millions of viewers for their TV special. CW will also rebroadcast the concerts again and I don't know if they sell the rights to out of US TV channels in Canada, Central and South American TVs and maybe other countries as well!?

Anonymous said...

8:35, yes such a shame only 16,000 people saw him live in that arena. I'm being sarcastic. It was an incredible opportunity and I'm sure more will come from this.

Anonymous said...

Just out of curiosity who or which acts where ranked as most popular or most buzzed during the 2nd I Heart day?!

Anonymous said...

Never heard of The Cab.

Anonymous said...

Alex . .Adam can't help himself . .he's just a big living musical note . . . :)

HK fan said...

Miley Cyrus and Justin Timberlake.

Anonymous said...

1:43, add Bruno to the list. I saw lots of comments of flawless. I did watch it and he was incredible.

Anonymous said...

Thank you kindly!
@HK fan
