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Awesome QUEEN (Brian May) Quote of The Day

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, September 22, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, September 22, 2013

"It’s just good to be here, it’s good to be a part of what’s happening and this is definitely what’s happening. It’s nice for us to be alive still and still able to do our thing," Brian May told Rolling Stone. "Adam Lambert is a great channel for us. It’s great that we have Adam, because he’s a bridge almost to the new generation and a wonderful performer. It’s fantastic working with him."


Anonymous said...

It just warms my heart to hear Brian speak so highly of Adam. The world admires this iconic band and now they are seeing and hearing about this mega talented performer, our precious and revered Adam Lambert. Come on US get on board!


Anonymous said...

Love Brian May and Adam!>>>>>>>>

Anonymous said...

Adam is PRECIOUS in our heart!!!!:)

His voice is priceless indeed!!!:)


Anonymous said...

More more more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Brian, glad you guys are still with us too and still top notch performers.

Anonymous said...

I am so stoked about that comment! I'm hoping that is a possible sign of more great things to come in their collaboration.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Queen are good for each other and they both recognize the mutual benefits.

Anonymous said...

So great to see Brian May speak so wonderfully about Adam and his collabo with Queen. Maybe now Adam will get the recognition and respect he so rightfully deserves from the higher ups in the music business. He certainly has it from a loyal fanbase that has always realized what an amazing vocal talent he is esp. in today's market of lip-synching, electronically enhanced, untalented performers. He blew the roof off the stage with Queen and deserves all the positive feedback that has come from this performance.

Anonymous said...

Oh god just enjoy that he had a good gig and stop with this idea that he hasn't gotten his due. Everyone has always acknowledged Adams voice. His music just didn't catch on. This doesnt change that. It's a tough business and its not about having the best voice.

Anonymous said...

So kinda a little OT but maybe not so much.... I was just discussing the queen iheart performance with a friend when a coworker came up and stuck his big nose in our conversation's Queen gonna play without Freddie he ask .....apparently he's not only rude he's out of touch ... he must have missed the whole Paul Rodgers thing...anyway I said they've been having Adam Lambert front them.... They've done several concert together ..... Well that's when things went down hill...Adam Lambert !!!....he's a'd he gonna sing Queen songs .....then he said one of the most stupid things anyone had ever said to me ....poor Freddie he'd be turning over on his grave if he knew they had some ....that word again.... singing he's songs..., that's when I turned on him do know Freddie was gay don't u...I ask he wasn't ...look you better get the hell away from me homophobe .... you're not only an rude you're stupid and if u use that word around me one more time I'm gonna punch right in the nose ....I spat... well he got up and stomped away with he's big Olof nose a little bit shorter ....I prob .regret this tomorrow when the call me in the office ....but got now I feel pretty darn good...rose petal

Anonymous said...

Sorry for mistakes I'm still mad ....rose petal

glitzylady said...

@rose petal
Unbelievable and sad. And good for you. There are some truly ignorant people in this world. And that self professed Freddie fan is obviously one of the worst. Rude, homophobic, and just plain stupid. I'm angry and I wasn't even there. I'm sending you a big hug :)))

Anonymous said...

@10:57 - Adam's music didn't (or hasn't yet) catch on due to the fact that the radio suits refused to play it..he has needed more exposure and now, possibly, he will get the hearts of all loyal Glamberts, he reigns supreme in this autotuned music world..

Anonymous said...

it is beyond idiotic that some people dislike Adam singing with Queen cause Adam is gay (wtf??) and they MUST realize that Freddie was gay as well..even tho I believe Freddie did have a girlfriend at one point..but his attraction was to takes all kinds (some snarky and mean) to make a world...and that will never change

Anonymous said...

12 13

Lol. Hilarious. Delusional.

Anonymous said...

10:57, I totally agree.

Anonymous said...

If Rose Petal really spit at her coworker she is totally out of line. Threatening to hit someone for his ignorant comments is not appropriate. As mad as it made her she should have simply said Freddie was gay, go look it up, your language is offensive and then walked away. If I was Rose Petal's supervisor she would be in bigger trouble than the idiot guy.

Anonymous said...

With only a few exceptions, the IHR show was the first time that a wide audience saw and heard Adam perform. It's a HUGE step forward for him. I'm sure his priority (and my personal priority) for him is to be successful with his own music. But this exposure to so many new fans must represent a big boost when it comes to his own next album. It might help with his role on Glee, too. Each opportunity Adam takes gives him a step forward. He's complicated. He's different. He's not the typical "shoot to the top in the first week" kind of guy. Lord only knows we realize that. But ironically, he has gained the respect of so many big names in the music business, it's astounding. The pay-off could be big. No, I am not a pie-in-the-sky, everything is wonderful type all the time. It's a struggle. But getting such cred from Brian May sure won't hurt. Love you, Dr. Bri.


Anonymous said...

12.13 totally agree.

Anonymous said...

12.40 resident pathetic troll. These trolls no nothing do nothing they are bums. Adam was beyond great Friday night. Like to see one of these trolls perform with anything bigger than a trash truck. Just Ain't happening get a life your boring everyone here day after day. So hilarious and delusional that you think your s--t is gonna hurt Adam at all so funny.

Anonymous said...

Where I work the guy would have a letter in his file and rose petal would be fired.

Nice quote from Brian May.

All the "overnight successes" say they have been working at it for years. Adam is no different in that regard. His time will come and things like the iHeart exposure all add to that happening.

Anonymous said...

Good for you Rose Petal. Wish I could have been there with you.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....we know how thrilled Adam must be to work with these legendary rock icons......but isn't it sweet that Roger and Brian have no hesitation in speaking out to show they are excited to work with Adam..?

OT......I choose my 10 favorite of the many gorgeous, dramatic photos from the performance and sent them to my daughter's phone with a message " If you REALLY loved me you would have taken me to Vegas even tho you have a broken rib ." She sent back the old nice to me, I WILL be the one choosing your nursing home someday !
......I get no respect!

Anonymous said...

I was cleaning out magazines the other day . I found a people's magazine I had this page turned where you could see it. Trespassing was there in the music reviews. It received 4 stars. Only one on page with four reviews that did, big names were there. No fan voted for it they people magazine gave it the four stars. Trespassing was a very good album. Many of those songs written in that album by Adam were very good I love them. Most way better than some out now. Exposure is the key to get the music sold. He got that the other night and great reviews it will help him one step at a time in future endeavors. glee also will help further his career. Being crazy talented like Adam does certainly help you get recognition and jobs got him the I heart job. Things have changed now the tide is starting to turn I also suspect some offered may have come out of that performance and not just for Queen. What will never hurt Adam is negativity from people who are only out to try bring him down he has said that fuels him.

Anonymous said...

A L's career will exp. A more significant growth, the moment he keeps a more private life, he shouldn't be used as a poster child for the LGBT community anymore, afterall he isn't getting great support there! His third album IMO should be more rock and roll, songs like if i had u, FYE,fever, NCOE has more appeal to peeps than songs ( with deeper meaning) like tresspassing.
It might take a while but as someone rightly said, he's got a loyal fanbase (i aint going anywhere) to support him, adam i believe, has a long and great career ahead of him!

Anonymous said...

Brian and Roger of Queen, play those instruments like a while oiled machine running. So talented.
Adam is in a league all by him self. He put the other singers to shame.

Anonymous said...

Meant well oiled machine. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

12 48
What wide audience are you thinking saw adam at iheart? It was not a televised event. There will be a highlight show later but we don't even know how much of adam will be on it. He was on idol many times, the Amas, many tv shows. Those are all big audiences. Adam isn't some unknown. He already had his moment in the sun.

Anonymous said...

@12:13 PM

I Totally agree with you. Everyone should know that if Adam had got the exposure and radio play that most of these so-called singers got,that are not even in Adam's league; he would be a lot more successful. That's just common sense; if he can't be heard on the radio, or seen on tv shows; the general public will not know who he is. Both of his albums were outstanding. Some of my classmates had never heard of Adam until Friday night. Then off to Youtube they went; they were so impressed.

Right on @12:13. I think the majority of Adam's fans feel the way that you do. But, everyone is intitled to their belief. Hopefully, Adam will start getting the airtime and attention he deserves.

People are so surprised about how talented he is, even with this amount of explosure; something we have known along.

Those are my thoughts, and I am sticking to them.

Off to Itunes again; then have to contine studying for school exam tomorrow. Have a great evening.

Anonymous said...

ok Adam hope you are home relaxing or out relaxing with your family and friends now. Get your inner Starchild mojo revved up for GLEE.

Anonymous said...

2:14 he is still in the sun.

Anonymous said...

@1:55 PM

How insulting to Adam; especially the first part of your remarks. Adam is a grown man and he can live his life the way he wants in his community.

Frist of all you don't know what you are talking about. I was actually appalled by the things you said; and I think that Adam would be too.

Fans should accept Adam for who he is; or think about following someone else.

Anonymous said...

@rose petal, if this story wasn't coming from you then I would have said that it was a made up story. No way for adults to act. Next time you have a conversation with your co-worker, remind him that life goes on and people continue to live despite the loss of love ones. We know that they are irreplaceable but we sometimes find other people to make us happy, but not take their place. Tell your friend that not only was Freddie gay, but he also had a partner that he considered to be his husband. However, he wanted the focus to be on the band and his music, not his sexuality and race. Also, he kept another secret that he didn't want people to find out about is that he was non-Caucasian, but Indian/Asian. Tell your co-worker to do the research. That fight sounded rather childish.

Anonymous said...

Some of Adam's fans are still not comfortable with him being gay and try to blame it on society in general when in the US the majority of people accept other people being gay. Time for these fans to look in the mirror and admit they still aren't over their homophobia.

Anonymous said...

2:14 - get out your sunglasses, the future Adam will be blinding.

Anonymous said...

@2:45 PM, 1:55 PM comment wasn't bashing Adam. There's an element of truth in that poster comment.

Anonymous said...

Soft sales for Avicii's True, expected to debut at number 5.

Anonymous said...

If adam was ten years younger things might be different, but he is too old now for a pop career. Hopefully he can get a good theater gig. That's where his voice would really shine.

Anonymous said...


Perhaps, but I found many of the remarks very insensitive, there are many fans of Adam who are from that community. People should learn to be more tolerant in the way they express themselves; even if they are fans and trying to be supportive of Adam. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

dint know freddie mercury is an INDIAN-ASIAN DESCENT OH OH- HE LIVES IN UK FOR A LONG TIME.

Anonymous said...

at least adam lamberet has an international race- european and american and fench and etc. no wonder hes so unque and handsome. unique beauty adam lambert. one of a kind.

Anonymous said...

@Rose Petal - Regarding your little "spat", I support you because people who are bigots can and do destroy lives. Emotions run high when our loved ones are attacked. I mean, come on, you didn't tackle the guy to the ground and knock him out. He walked away. Big deal! I know this isn't something you would normally do. Hold your head high and move on. Some things are worth fighting for and I get you gurl!

elizie said...

What Brian May says won't matter. He is not topping Billboard Hot 100anymore. And he's certainly not relevant to the young American listening audience.
Adam's next big opportunity is on Glee. I think it will still have a very large audience this season. If he blows away the viewer's, and the industry "suits" know it, they will give his music a chance, and probably radio play and many more opportunities will arise.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe the people telling Rose Petal what she did is good. It's never right to spit at somebody and threaten to punch them especially in the workplace. Doing it over defending a musician you don't really know is even more ridiculous. There is no way to defend this behavior. I'd fire her immediately.

Anonymous said...

Rose Petal. I suspect this is not over for you. I hope you come out of it smelling like a rose. (pun intended) But PLEASE don't ever do that again. It doesn't help you or Adam.

elizie said...

@3:32, I must have missed rose petal's comment, so I went back and read it. Wow! I can't see how anyone here can defend that behavior. She could lose her job, or get in legal trouble for threatening someone with physical violence in the workplace. With everything going on in the news lately, people may not take such confrontations on the job lightly anymore. That guy's comments were infuriating, but there has to be more positive and productive ways to fight bigotry and homophobia.

Anonymous said...

@3:13 PM

Really now; what planet are you from? Adam is not to old for anything. Adam is a young man and his voice will shine anywhere as it does now; except in the eyes of a jealous non-fan. How old are you
5 years old. Go listen to the tiny boppers.

Anonymous said...

This is 3:52 - Sorry my comment is for @3:12 PM.

Anonymous said...

@2:45 PM,

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Rose Petal I know you won't care what an Anon poster will say, so I truly hope the named group that always gathers around you will post and show you the error of you ways.

elizie said...

Rose petal, I did not mean for my post to sound as if I was condeming your passion. I think everyone should feel that way about human rights. I just think you could have channeled it more positively, in a way that would be less damaging to you. I hope you don't get in trouble for that incident.

Anonymous said...


Are you kidding me? What Brian May says is very important. I really don't know what to say to your post; except to say you truly donot know what your are talking about. It seems to be really hurting you that Brian and Roger have taken Adam under their wings and praised him so highly. The green eyed monster is really around here tonight.

Fun band, was sure happy to be with Queen. Seems as though Brian is only obsolete and a has been to you.

So happy for Adam, seems like a lot of Iconic figures admire him. As Roger and Brian now say; Adam is one in a Billion, he has got an upgrade lately. Love them all.

elizie said...

@4:10, no, I'm glad Adam has had the opportunity to sing with Brian and Roger. I was talking about exposure and success with a younger audience. I think Glee will do that better than the gigs with B & R did. Fun. already has that exposure...and the radio hits. I guess I'm just more excited for the Glee thing.

Anonymous said...

4 10

Geez, no one is jealous of Adam. It's great he has a nice gig with queen and great press. But that doesn't translate into success for him as a solo artist. Everyone knows he was workin with queen a year ago and they said similar great things about him then. It didn't help him get radio play in the UK or sell any albums. That was at the exact time trespassing came out and they were trying hard to get him radio play. It didn't work because they weren't impressed with his own music.

Anonymous said...


Now Adam is going to have his moment on the moon.

You don't sound like a fan of Adams; sounds like you are here to try to bring him down. Won't work.

Look out world here comes our shining star.

Deal with whoever you are.

Anonymous said...


This is @4:33 PM-

My post was mean't for Poster
@2:14 PM, not for Poster @12:48 PM.
Sorry about that.

Anonymous said...

@4:28 PM

You sound so negative; if you are a fan. Who knows what the future will hold for Adam. We will just have to wait and see. All this exposure is very good for Adam; it certainly has not hurt. By the way, the people that are not impressed; well everybody does not appreciate the same kind of music;
their loss if they don't appreciate Adam.

More and more doors are opening for our beautiful man. We as fans must keep the faith. So fortunate and proud to be his fan. Peace out Fellow Glamhoppers.

Anonymous said...

Can't you all negative nellies & bullies just take a day off from this site, if you have nothing relevant and new to say! You are so depressingly boring!
No matter how gorgeous Adam looks, how celebrated he is after that fab performance with Queen, you just can't celebrate him for a couple of days at his fan site like "normal fans". No, you have to act like you know better what he should or should not do and poison the atmosphere here every effin day with your constant 'know it all' bs.

NOTE @Anons addressing someone who has a tag, respect these people by using their TAG and not just the time of their post. Try to act like adults. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

There are plenty of top level pop stars in their thirties, many older than Adam. Teen girls still go for guys in their thirties if they're perceived as cute and/or sexy. Btian's words are being heard and read by lots of people who normally wouldn't know much about Adam. All to the good. I posted on another thread, I think, that Adam reached a wide, large audience at IHR. Someone said that the audience wasn't all that large and really wasn't that important. Well, the audience who saw Adam is far larger than just those in the live audience. The performances have been YouTubed and tweeted and posted around the world. That's a big audience. Adam reached a huge new group, IMO.


Anonymous said...

My hat off to you; you are so right on the mark. These people posting this stupid stuff know that, you notice how negative they are towards Adam. I don't think anything anyone says will matter to them; and that is because they are so butt hurt from all the adulation that Adam is getting; they just can't stand it.

This is my first post here; I came on here this evening to celebrate with Adam's fans. I can't believe the anomosity in some of these posts towards Adam. Well one thing is for sure the negative nicks and debbie downers cannot bring Adam or his fans down. Just makes us stronger.

Anonymous said...

@5:08 PM

Very, very well said. I hope that those so called fanswhich you are referring to read this; I hope they pay attention and take it to heart; that is if they have one.

Congratulations to Adam; I am so proud. His performance was amazing, everyone is buzzing about;
it is all over the media. I have been reading so many good things about Adam and his performance with Queen this weekend. Seems as though he has picked up a lot of new fans and admirers. Back to watching WWTLF; lost count of the times I have watched his performances with Queen this weekend. All fantastic.

Let alone, Adam being so fine; one in a billion voice.

glitzylady said...

Just a comment about @rose petal's situation at work. The way that I read it was that she spat the words at the man, not that she actually spit on him. And since none of us were actually there it is a bit difficult to judge what went on. Or the way in which he delivered his pronouncements. I suspect that she knows it might not have been the best thing to say.. But sometimes the hate and bullying words temporarily lead us to words we wouldn't normally use. I'm not defending the most likely empty theat of violence but as I recall Adam has been pushed too far by rude and hateful remarks. As the saying goes "let he who without sin cast the first stone". There is still so much homophobia and ignorance out there. So frustrating and maddening. @rose petal shared this with us because she was upset... My hug to her was from one friend to another... It still holds.

Anonymous said...

5:08, I usually use the named poster's time because it is easier to see which post is being referred to that way. The name of the poster can show up in so many different places that it is hard to find sometimes. It's not out of disrespect, it's out of clarity. Your comment about this was as disrespectful as you accused me of being. Not everybody has the same mean and disrespectful intentions as you.

Anonymous said...

4:03, Glitzylady and nancdruu already told her good job.

Anonymous said...

Meant to add to my comment at 6:03 that they are wrong in telling her good job. Rose Petal is going to be in trouble if the guy complains to HR.

glitzylady said...

Okay "good job" comment was for standing up to the rude remarks. And I sincerely hope that if she is called in to HR as a result, the rude co-worker is also reprimanded for HIS homophobic remarks. I suspect that the man is too much of a coward to report anything anyway... He was not part of the conversation to begin with. He is a bully, plain and simple. I explained the rest of my comments above.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if Adam is too old to have a pop career. He has an amazing voice and that has to count for something. But I guess now it's the boybands that seem to have the tweens and teens buying their music and going to their concerts. And then there are the country artists who always seem to do well in the music business. So where does Adam fit into the music scene? After seeing his performance with Queen, maybe his third album should focus more on rock and the rock ballads. Then he needs that first single that will get radio play. His loyal fans will appreciate and buy whatever the next album is(including myself) because we recognize his amazing vocal talent. And maybe his role on Glee will introduce him to new fans and bring back some who may have forgotten about him since Idol.

Anonymous said...

6:49, but classic rock like queen isn't getting played anywhere except the oldies stations.

Anonymous said...

At my work I put pillow talk in for the patients to watch.They was going on how sexey Rock Hudson was & how much they like him.I said but you said you did not like Adam Lambert because he is gay & yet you watch Rock Hudson, They said well he was not gay & I said he was & many others you watch are to.I told them it does not make a difference what you are in your personal life .I love Adam Lambert & enjoyed watching Rock Hudson.

HK fan said...

Freddies real name was Farrokh Bulsara and he was born in Zanzibar.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:55; thank you .@anon 2:45; reading thru your comment, made me go back to read my previous comment..i am not insulting adam or his community but if you 'know' what you are saying, since you happened to 'know' it, you wud realise that the LGBT comm. Would rather support a person dat claims to be 'bisexual' than a honest person like adam. That is still a mystery to me tho. I think adam is an intelligent guy,so 'if' he reads my comment he wud understand what i meant, it takes an intelligent person to understand some comments

HK fan said...

Adam Levine is 34
Pink is 34
Jared Leto is 41
Nate Ruess is 31
Robin Thicke is 36
Goyte is 33
Eminem is 40
Kanye is 36
Jlo is 44
Justin Timberlake is 32
Ben Haggerty from Macklemore is 30
Ryan Tedder is 34

Adams age certainly doesn't seem out of place amongst these top 40 stars.

Anonymous said...

@3:21 PM
Part of Adam's heritage is French?? As I understand it, Adam's father is of Norwegian descent and Adam's mother is Jewish - hence Adam is Jewish as his mother is Jewish.

Freddie Mercury was born in Zanzibar and became a British citizen when he and his family moved to England.

In any event, this topic isn't about Freddie Mercury nor Adam's heritage. It's about Brian May's comment re Adam.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your support!

Please read my post, it says Anons (meaning many anons), I was not directing my words to any particular Anon, just posted my thought on something that has caught my eye many many times. To me 'ignoring the tag' seems disrespectful. I did not 'accuse' you or anybody! I don't even know which Anon you are??? I posted my words to all Anons. If a certain tag has multiple posts in the same thread, it's easy to put the time of the post next to the tag. I also sign my own answers with the time of my previous post. Maybe you could do the same?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, the above post (3:14) is from @5:08 - pushed the Publish button too early...

Grace said...


I realize I am a bit behind but I tend to read posts a day or two late.I recently had a conversation with our Receptionist at work when she informed me that Adam Lambert was "nothing special" and had only a "very average voice at best". I asked if she had ever actually heard him sing and she assured me she had. Now, I can understand his music not being for everyone, but how one can deny the brilliance of his voice is beyond me. I have decided she is partially deaf.