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Closeup of Adam Lambert's Latest Tattoo

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, September 28, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, September 28, 2013


Anonymous said...

So hip. Beautiful work ... he wears it well.

xo laura

glitzylady said...

I agree with you @laura, his new tattoo is really beautiful.

And thanks. You know why... :)

Anonymous said...

The new tattoo looks nice but generic and not personal to Adam.

glitzylady said...

It seems to be a continuation of the one he had done earlier on his right shoulder and upper a completion of that I would assume. His previously done one (late last year) was very personal:

"It represents my Astrological Birth Chart, along with Pagan, Buddhist, and Greco- Roman Archetypes related to balance and the life cycle," Lambert explained.

"My chart is Aquarius Sun, Libra Rising, Aries Moon," he added. "All three are represented."

Anonymous said...

we always talk about his lips and eyes and hair, etc..but one of things I also find sexy is his perfect nose..who I am me he is perfection..

glitzylady said...

Link for that quoted article and pic of his earlier tattoo..

Anonymous said...

I think it's a beautiful tat and well-suited to him. I doubt he'd do anything that wasn't significant to him in some way. Is the key kind of covered up now? I think it's more on the inside of his arm, right?

And 10:48, I agree with you about his nose. It's just the right shape and size. Not too big, not too small. Narrow but well-proportioned. He's one of the few people whose nose looks good both from the front and in profile from either side. That's a rare thing, even with very good-looking people. But then, Adam is rare in a lot of ways.

He is the definition of eye candy.


Anonymous said...

Oh, and glitzy, thanks for the tattoo link!


Anonymous said...

It's always significant for him!!!:)

Right on Adam what ever makes you happy and in peace, just do what you have to do eh!!!:)


Anonymous said...

I like the tatoo..hope he does not get it colored is unique just the way it is and complements his status as a rock god...yes, yes, yes he is a rock god...

Anonymous said...

OT the first part of DOI ever in Finland is over. Sauli and Nea are the second place after judges points, yes. After a week we`ll able to hear votes. Sauli was sweet as always, but he is sporty, very well athlete. He told that he is known of BB and he currently lives in Hollywood. He had a big A in his workout outfit :) and on TV was a pic from Sauli, Adan and Elton John (partypicture),

Good night from and sorry my BE I wrote with a hurry to you ;),

The Dark Side said...

Taking a small issue with "again". Adam young and single so I doubt sitting home watching TV on his top ten. If I were in his shoes I would also be enjoying life in my own way. Sweet of him to come out and sign autographs.

Anonymous said...

Someone posted that the key was on the other arm. Also, that Adam had not covered any tattoos to replace another one.

Anonymous said...

@M 11:39 AM

Sorry to say M, but your post is totally OT. Some people on other threads have many times said that Sauli-news and -comments are not allowed to be in this site because there are still Sauli-threads in Adamtopia and Idolforum. You can discuss about him there and in his own blog's comment-sections. On this site Sauli-comments seem to annoy many people, so it would be kind to obey people's hopes, wouldn't it? This is PURELY Adam-site. I can clearly imagine what kind of reaction your post will get.

Anonymous said...

I like the bottom tat( or tats) better than that big one at the top.;the bottom one looks much more artistic to me;maybe they're better to not be too personal.

Anonymous said...

thanks M some of us asked for you to let us know how it went for Sauli on DOI . Now he will move into 1st place!! I loved the picture of Adam and Sauli with SirEJ they sure picked a good one to use. I hope his talk show is coming along well. Thanks to Finland for supporting the True album and LMD.

Anonymous said...

So pretty! And the tatoo is nice also.

Anonymous said...

I love hearing sauli news! Just watched his performance and it was adorable!

Anonymous said...

12:38 pm You are not speaking for many of us. We love Sauli news.

Anonymous said...

what does it take to get thru to the thick heads on here that this is an ADAM site..he and S. are no longer a couple and if someone wishes to keep up with Sauli, please, PLEASE go to a Sauli site...

Anonymous said...

The other tattoos on that arm are all personal to Adam, chosen for specific reasons, this is the appropriate filler to tie them all together......JAK

Anonymous said...

1:51 Did Admin die and leave you in charge of this site?

Anonymous said...

I certainly hope Adam didn't die, but it is called 'Adam Lambert 24/7", NOT Adam & Sauli 24/7..

funbunn40 said...

Thanks M! Love hearing Sauli news. Those that don't,feel free to scroll on by. No need for Sauli police, as many are interested in Adam's current friends and Sauli happens to be one of them. This blog includes comments from those that also care about Adam's friends and there are no such restrictions here. Just ignore the Sauli news if it doesn't interest you. Many here still wish him the best and it's nice to hear happy news about him. Peace..

Anonymous said...

Is that a floppy dick on his elbow? Looks like one.

Anonymous said...

M What did I (12:38 PM) tell you? Look what 1:51 PM/2:06 says. You are not allowed to say anything about anyone else but Adam Lambert here. Or you start a fight with words.

I don't understand how people can't scroll if the subject does not please them. The world is full of talk and there is lots of room for talk. Not only Adam-talk.

But if this is so strictly Adam-site, should Admin make some kind of "delete" button that every time certain names are mentioned here, the comment is automatically deleted. The strongest "key word" would be Sauli.

Anonymous said...

at 2:21 PM

It's not going to happen, threads with Sauli always get lots of hits.

Anyway, back to the tattoo, is there something wrong with my eyes but isn't that a penis hanging down on his elbow? Or what do you see there instead?

Anonymous said...

Anons @12:38 and @1:51
STFU and stop being rude & ridiculous!! Fans like you scare new people coming on this site! Geezzz!

We get all kinds of OT posts here (from personal joys and sorrows to politcs and religion and many more things nothing to do with Adam) and don't complain about them...

Please post again next time Sauli's on the DOI and how he's doing in the competition! Don't let a few douche bags scare you off... :)))

Adam preaches love & acceptance and lives as he preaches!
Adam is Love!
(some fans not so

Anonymous said...

how dare you insinuate that someone is rude, ridiculous and a douche bag just because they come to this site to find out the latest about Adam Lambert, not his EX boyfriend...I wish Sauli well too..but as far as him being a real part of Adam's life anymore..well, that ship has would be more put off reading your comments (STFU, etc.) that is being RUDE!!!!!

Anonymous said...

2:42 PM

What is wrong with you? Can't you scroll? There are tens of new Adam-threads in this site even today (could you maybe read them when you come to this site and see "wrong" names), but if someone says something about Sauli, who happens to be Adam's FRIEND as are Sutan, Danielle, Markus Molinari etc., it's not right. Make a list who are banned on this site. Or is it maybe just his ex-partner? Maybe the Admin will hear you.

Anonymous said...

2:30 PM

It certainly looks like a penis. I don't know if it really is.

Anonymous said...

Glitzlady ;)

xo laura

p.s. I'm happy for sweetie pie Sauli! Hope he goes all the way. Thanks for the news, 11:39am.

1:49pm ... I think 12:38pm was being sarcastic. Many of us like Sauli news - because he's a friend of Adams, and he's a good soul. :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you M! I love hearing about Sauli who is still a friend of Adam's. So nice he had the pic with Adam! There are so many fans of Adam in Finland that I am very grateful for. Again, thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

m The design looks like hand tooling that you do on leather.

Anonymous said...

Tattoo?? Any alternative theories? If not a penis? But if it is, it certainly is pretty unique, considering he is a performing artist.

Anonymous said...

About the tattoo. The words on his wrist - what do they say? Are they part of this new tattoo - or did he have them there before?

Anonymous said...

I love Sauli news. Keep it coming.

Anonymous said...

at 2:57 PM

Poor thing, it looks a bit battered.

Anonymous said...

Grow up people it is not that deep.You all sound like a bunch of little kids.Love Adam looking forward to tomorrow night for iheart

Anonymous said...

4:34 looking forward to the iheart too.

Anonymous said...

@3:52 pm ..... He has had that tattoo for awhile. I can't see all of it but one word is nature.....maybe force of nature or knowing Adam possibly freak of nature. I knew Latin would come in handy someday......
Sorry I can't be accurate! I'm sure I've seen the whole tatt but don't remember the first letters.

Anonymous said...

The tattoo on the outside of his wrist that he has had for some time is latin for freak of nature. In other blurry pics of the inside of his forearm you can see the key and other original tats. I think the new one just fills in around the key. Makes a full sleeve tattoo.

Anonymous said...

I don't like more tattoos.
No way you can be an actor with a sleeve like that.

Anonymous said...

11:53 PM

But doesn't Johnny Depp and many other actors have tats? How can they be actors? I guess you can hide the tats with something when they are not meant to be seen on screen.

Anonymous said...

Why worry about things that you have no control what so ever over??!!
Let the man live his life. Follow or unfollow, simple as that. :)

Anonymous said...

This topic is CLEARLY NOT about Sauli, it's about a close-up of Adam's latest tattoo so one is reading about Adam's latest tattoo and when someone suddenly mentions Sauli (AGAIN), they're supposed to scroll on by? People continue to post about Sauli on Adam's 24/7 site regardless of the fact that they are no longer an item. Go discuss Sauli elsewhere - that topic is so yawning.

Anonymous said...

Why can't people be content with the body God gave them, instead covering them up with hideous tattoos. It might be trendy now to have tattoos but this craze too will pass.

Anonymous said...

Tattoos, piercings et al are ways of drawing attention to a person. Shame they feel the need to go to those lengths to be noticed.

Anonymous said...

6:08 AM September 29th
You have made you point CLEAR on many threads, thank you! There is much talk about tats here. The latest Sauli-mention before yours (AGAIN) was at 3:53 PM, September 28th.

And for your information: People will continue talking about Sauli what ever the topic is when ever they think they have something to say. Adam and Sauli are FRIENDS and no one (Admin) has CLEARLY denied us talking about Adam's FRIENDS.

Maybe you should go to bed if this place makes you yawn.

Anonymous said...

@6.08 AM Why didn't you discuss youself of Adam's tattoos instead of complaining about comments concerning Sauli?

Anonymous said...

Okay, this is the Skin Police....all of you with tattoos or piercings ANYWHERE are banned from this site.

Hello...hello...anybody else there? Am I the only one without a tattoo and unpierced ears? ^_^ .........JAK

Anonymous said...

@JAK...LOL...yes, maybe you are alone
Love M, with pierced ears

ps. GlamPals thank you all, you know what and why :)))

Anonymous said...

Hey JAK - I have no tattoos and no ear piercings. I'm with you Baby. They're not for me - but Adam can do whatever he likes. I still love him.

tess4ADAM said...

JAK ... I don't have any tattoos or piercings either. I've always been afraid of needles so I have stayed away from both since they are 'needle related'. But the rest of my clan have made up for their absence on my skin. Even some of the females ... it's their bodies & their prerogatives .... that's JMO!
I'd love to see the full arm on ADAM ... bet it's a work of art!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Not one in my family or uncles/aunties or cousins have any tattoos or piercing.
We are contented with what God has given us and we're not attention seekers.
And we're a very happy clan!