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Lea Michele Tweets New Picture of Adam Lambert on Set of GLEE!!!! FIRST LOOK AT ADAM'S CHARACTER STARDCHILD!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, September 26, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, September 26, 2013


Anonymous said...

wow this looks awesome. Adam looks awesome.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad he went with the clean look. I wonder if Starchild is gay, bisexual or straight?

Anonymous said...

Love this pic. Lea is a sweetheart. She has said in sev interviews how she wants to sing with Adam. Several years later it is happening much to our and her delight. He looks so good; clean shaven; perfect hair and outfit. Hope this is the actual filming because he looks super hot. Starchild is still a mystery to me. Wonder how this will play out with that name. So happy to see Adam on TV every week. His career is super hot; just like the man himself. Great career move!

Jadam said...

Excited to see all the developments.Woohoo Its started.

Anonymous said...

Glad he shaved he looks great.Love Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

Whoa, clean-cut Adam is back! to the good ole days of AIS8, minimum make-up. Yea good, we can relive the 'original' Adam once again. And he does fit in well with the Glee cast in the picture. Well well well, roller-coaster on the down crash turning a corner, hold on...lwl! This roller-coaster is fierce; before we barely got over WWTLF and now enters Starchild...oooh-la-la!


glitzylady said...

Larger sized pic from above:

Anonymous said...

So what's Starchild going to do...Mmm, teleport them to the stars and meet their ancient alien ancestors. lol! Probably not...more down to earth stuff like cooking up a Glee storm, brewing it till it boils over. lol! Adam looks so much taller than the group; but this group has very fierce voices, sopranos, leggieros and what have you. lol!


glitzylady said...

Flashback to 2010: Yahoo Interview: Glee's Leah Michele and Mark Saling talk about Adam Lambert and his awesome vocal skills...

Anonymous said...

I don't care if they call him Rumplestilsken I just wanna see him. I've been on my iPad messaging back and forth with g'son for an was sick and he cured it long distance. Like father ( he keeps my DELL-A alive) like son (he heals little Applette when she's ailing). Luv those guys.

Glad I peeked in before zzzzzzzz good news of my"hobby"
Bless his heart, he does look sweet faced doesn't he?
My fingers are killing me from typing for an hour, it's almost 2:00 am. all a good night! .....JAK. : ))

Anonymous said...

love the clean-cut Adam!yaaaaaaaaaaa!;he looks great,and very young.

Anonymous said...

Thanks glitzylady for the flashback. I, of course, had seen it before (as I watch everything Adam related), but hadn't seen it for a long time. Am sooo looking forward to Adam on Glee and really do hope that Adam and Lea have a duet - or two - on the show. Knowing that Lea has a lot of say, I'm guessing it will happen. Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

He looks so huggable in this picture. Love Adam any which way, with or without Melvin. Those cast of Glee should consider themselves lucky.

Anonymous said...

The only one I'll be watching is Adam.

daydreamin said...

He does look great. I wonder where the name Starchild came from? Weird.

Anonymous said...

I hope they give him a part he will enjoy.

Anonymous said...

1) The Starchild is believed with DNA tests to be a 900 year-old alien skull found in Mexico. At present it is lodged with a group of American geneticists trying to work on the genome of this Starchild which when completed may prove it is an alien human skull. At this point, with extensive DNA tests, they think a human mother gave birth to this alien Starchild who died as a young person or child. Funding is holding back this project.

2) Starchild was the name of a 1975 Canadian rock band, who wanted a futuristic name for their band.


Anonymous said...

YAY!! Clean-face Adam!! He looks SUPER HOT!! :-DD

Anonymous said...

Starchild sounds very Zodiac to me. A bit hippie and a bit futuristic.

Anonymous said...

You all are spelling it wrong. It says STARDCHILD

Anonymous said...

I like clean shaven look more because he looks younger but melvin is fine too. I can't wait the first episode wich Adam will be!


Anonymous said...

So happy to see this first picture of Adam on the set of GLEE. It's what most of us have been waiting for. He looks amazing and can't wait to actually watch this episode. Maybe we will get to see Adam on one or two talk shows giving us a little info about this role on GLEE. I would think that Ellen would have him on since she seems to like Adam and his music. November seems so far away to wait for Adam's first appearance, but it is certainly something to look forward to. I watched GLEE last night, but all I kept thinking about was Adam and when he would be part of the cast.

Anonymous said...

I bet it is Admin that wrongly spelled it. The name is most likely "Starchild". "Stardchild" doesn't seem to make sense, unless it is his last name. We shall soon see.

Anonymous said...

I've been assuming it was a last name...although I did hire a music teacher for my kindergarten whose first name was (appropriately) Harmony! His parents had been hippies and he was raised in a commune! .... JAK

glitzylady said...

Pap vid from last night:

"Adam Lambert enjoys a night with friends at Hooray Henry's in West"

Highlights: You can see more of Adam's new tattoo/sleeve, he appears to be hanging out with Rufus Taylor (Roger's son) least that's who it looks like, and old friend Ty Taylor from Vintage Trouble.....

Adam looking very very good :)))

glitzylady said...

Ooops: "....West Hollywood"..

glitzylady said...

Adam's new sleeve tattoo: Really beautiful

via @terra_zephead (I think....)

Anonymous said...

What a fun morning at 24/7! I log on and I see Melvin is gone!! That's ok, although I liked him when he was here. Adam looks so great up there on the set with the Glee crowd. Fits right in. The old vid of Lea praising Adam is so fine. She gets it, for sure. I wasn't sure about the "sleeve" when I heard about it, but I'm liking it! Suits his style and his arm. That key was looking awfully lonely all by itself. Nice to see Adam out and about in WeHo. I love it so much when the paps crowd around and people call out his name. I get the feeling that he loves every minute of it. Glee will really amp up his visibility.


Anonymous said...

Kinda wish he had signed an autograph for that girl who was asking politely. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

Last rumor I heard was Starchild was the name of the BAND. :)

Anonymous said...

Where was Adam's Glee episode filmed? I thought he had to go to New York. Anyone?

Anonymous said...

Even if the scene with Adam takes place in NYC, I would guess that they probaby shoot all the interiors on sound stages. Only exteriors are shot in NYC as we saw last night with Rachel walking from the theater and then through various parts of the city during her musical number. Can't wait to actually see Adam on Glee and the songs he will sing.

Anonymous said...

Let's see...Adam was on the Glee NYC set all day yesterday filming and/or rehearsing...last night he was out with friends in LA...hmmm...he must be Superman to fly from NYC to LA in such a short time...or...OR...the NYC set was just that...a NYC set in LA...I'm amazed!!!

Subject change - I love the sleeve, but it means he has to wear long sleeved shirts all the time on Glee to hide it as in Lea's pic. I hope it doesn't hamper his opportunities.

Plot line for Glee episode: The sleeve is "outed" and StarChild explains its meaning and his name.