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Little Clip of Adam Lambert backstage at the iHeart Music Festival in Vegas - Sept. 20 2013

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, September 23, 2013

Posted at : Monday, September 23, 2013


Anonymous said...

that is so cool seeing this clip.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, who was singing?

Anonymous said...

This is how you sing STL Mr. Fun Guy:

BTW I love FUN but I love Adam more.

Anonymous said...

Who was singing? FUN?
I like them and their songs but I love only Adam.

Anonymous said...

I am still trying to get over the shock of Adam losing stage time to Nate and especially with "Someone To Love", which song Adam slays. Why, oh, why did that fiasco ever happen? I look at it this way. Adam sealed his place in Queen musical history with his performance that night, but no one will ever remember Nate's wannabe moment, except Nate and his guitar player. Adam has that "je ne sais quoi" which no other can produce or reproduce on stage (Freddie had it) and Nate, (bless the poor bloke) gave it a whirl, but.............

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, it would have been so great to hear Adam sing Somebody To Love, but he got to sing, Who Wants to Live Forever. Now, if they gave that song to Nate or anybody else, I don't know what I would do. That would have been a travesty of the highest order. Thankfully that didn't happen. Nate knows Adam could have slayed his song, but he was an invited guest so we can't really complain about it. Adam got a wide audience and everyone now know's what he's about. It's all good. The Iheart concert even made me love Adam more! There's not a mean bone in his body! Gotta go hear Who Wants to Live Forever again!>>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Actually i want to hear them do duet under pressure instead of FBG.

Anonymous said...

U right.He is no mean feeling to anybody.Ths why is soo special.He took frontman job and do it with classy way but some QUEEN fans is soooo mean.

jackie said...

Actually, I was thinking of the pressure for Nate having to come on the stage after Adam sang WWTLF. Not too many singers would want to be put into that situation. Although, some of the singers these days probably think they can sing as well as Adam. Their people around them blow up their egos so much they can't see reality anymore ie.Bieber, Rhianna, Miley and the lists goes on and on. Adam showed them all what a huge entertainer and singer he is and I think as he has matured he is getting better as time goes on. Brian put it so well when he said "I wish Freddie could see Adam he would be in awe". That to me says it all.

Anonymous said...

Even backstage where no one can see him, he applaudes for a fellow artist. (No matter how off key its sounded).

Anonymous said...

4:53 Agree Adam is such a sweet and loving person. Always giving kudos to people who I think don't always deserve it. However, Nate did as good as he could given the huge song he had to sing. Not too many people around can sing Queen songs they need strong singers. One that comes to mind is George Michaels who sang Someone to Love for Freddies memorial concert, at the time I thought this was the best but Adam can hit notes that even George cannot reach.

Anonymous said...

4:53... I noticed that too...naturally a kind soul!

Anonymous said...

I wish everyone would quit complaining about Nate. Be as generous as Adam is. It was a fun moment (pardon the pun). Didn't you enjoy seeing Adam & Nate interacting, they were having a great time. So was the audience. Of course Adam can sing Somebody to Love better, that's not the was a festival....a party!

After the emotion stirred up by WWTLF, they needed a bouncy type song and performance to break the spell.
Nate was just right....cause he was FUN!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

I'm with u on this one , of course I always am.... I thougt it was a great that Queen was able to make someone dream come true, by allowing Fun to join them.... It must taken a lot of nerve to follow WWTLF, and Nate did a pretty good job .... Everyone on that stage and I'm sure most in the audience knew Adam could and would kill that song , but I don't think it was about that .... IMO it was about Rock legends joined by the best vocalist on the planet ,
making room for a group of other artist to join them on this very special night....for me it's kudos all around for a fantastic show put on by some fantastic guys .... rose petal

Anonymous said...

The irony is that fun sells better than Adam. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

JAK and rose petal

Yes - Yes - Yes **********************************************

Anonymous said...

That clip of Adam behind the stage clapping for Nate, when no one was watching, says it all. Adam is one of the kindest and most generous people around. Obviously I don't know him personally but these little glances into his character tells us a lot about him. I respect and love Adam soooo much. May he continue to have soaring successes in his life.


Anonymous said...

The definition of character is what you do when no one is watching.

Anonymous said...

Damn! That's true......I may be in trouble. ^_^

Anonymous said...

JAK, I'm pretty sure you're in the clear... Lol!

Anonymous said...

Damn, Sherlock, you are good! : )

Anonymous said...

Just keep on trucking & rocking, JAK!