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NEW PICTURES: Adam Lambert Looking Good Last Night!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, September 27, 2013

Posted at : Friday, September 27, 2013


Anonymous said...

I want to see the tattoo up close and clear!!

Anonymous said...

Is adam losing more weight,he's looking great!

Anonymous said...

Melvin has left the room! Love Adam clean shaven but he did look great for the iheart show with Queen. Just too beautiful to cover any part of his face!

Anonymous said...

That's some pretty fancy artwork on that tattoo. Missed that clean shaven look but also liked Adam any old way.....sigh


Anonymous said...

Adam's definitely going with the natural look - no make up, no nail polish, etc. I noticed he didn't even have nail polish for the iHeart concert with Queen. He's looking great - so handsome!

Anonymous said...

Is that Rufus who is holding Adam's hand and looking so protective?

Anonymous said...

So when did Adam get the tattoo up his right arm? And what is it exactly? I also like the natural look on him. He looks great.

jt said...

11:44 yes Rufus was checking out the car and did hold Adams arm or hand and was very protective of him in the car, notice him holding Adams shoulder in car. I understand the paps were out in full force and one in particular was calling out to Adam as "Madam" and others were trying to bait him.This might have been Rufus first time around LA paps but it was cute how he was looking out for Adam. Another friend made for our guy. By the way in case you are womdering Rufus dates girls!!!

Anonymous said...

Rufus is a very cute and nice guy!

Anonymous said...

I don't remember seeing before that Adam is the one who is afraid of paps. Well he has been hiding couple of times. It's very sweet of Rufus to take care of Adam.

Anonymous said...

Maybe complain next time Adam avoids the paps after seeing this.

Anonymous said...

11:53 we have no idea what the tattoo is, it just started appearing in pics before iHeart.

Anonymous said...

Rufus has grown up with a famous dad who has faced thousands of paps in his lifetime. Rufus knows how to handle it.


Anonymous said...

Got my tickets for NYe. So excited haven't seen Adam since GNT.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert's life is so exciting; I wish I was one of his friends, I am a straight male. I would love to hang around with Adam. He seems like such a great guy. I have straight and gay friends; also friends of all nationalities. My blond hair is not as long a Rufus' but I could be his brother.

Adam just seems like an all around good guy. I can see why his friends protect him; there are a lot of crazies out there; many of my friends are often hated on. But, when I am there, I will go to the mat for them. I am in high school and sometimes it gets real rough for them. People are getting more enlightened, by people such as Adam and others. One thing we know for sure, there will always be prejudiced and homophobic people out there. I just hope that people like me will always outnumber them.

By the way; I discovered Adam about a year ago; I and most of my friends are big, big supportive fans of his.

Glad he has the support of all you Glamberts; by the way, my mom is one. I finally took the time to check out what she was always raving about. Wow, I get it now!

Anonymous said...

@12:02 PM

Adam is not afraid of paps; sometimes he just does not want to be bothered. On the red carpets he stops and takes lots of pictures. When he encounters them after events and anywhere else; he is always polite. But, sometimes the paps just act real crazy and he probably does not always want to stop; especially when he is with a lot of people; why should he?

I don't think Adam is afraid of any living person. As far as the paps are concerned, he could probably whip their butts if he needed too. But, law suits would be flying and Adam is not that kind of person. Some paps try to start trouble to get a reaction.

Adam knows the game, so don't think for a moment that Adam M. Lambert is afraid.

Anonymous said...

Adam is wanting to appeal to a broader audience and its working.
Great for him, he no longer needs to hide behind anything.

Anonymous said...

12:33pm - loved reading your post!

Anonymous said...

@12:30 PM

I'd go if I had someone to travel with. bummer

Anonymous said...

Oh, in my honest opinion; the tattoo is so pretty. Hopefully I will be able to see it better. From what I could see; it is nice. Knowing Adam; I bet it tells a beautiful story; or/and has a wonderful meaning. Or, it may be just a pretty picture he saw.

Whatever, as long as it makes him happy. The key is on the other arm; some people thought it over the key. People are so funny!

Anonymous said...

I totally trust Adam to know which Paps to avoid and which ones to interact with. They can't all be the same.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:33 PM
Love hearing from you!!! Yay! So glad you discovered Adam.. He truly is a great guy from all we hear and see about him. Sounds like you are too :)) And so happy to know that you get him. And your friends do too. Excellent news! Have you been able to go to any of Adam's live shows?? If not, I hope you get the chance. He's amazing live. Please keep coming back..and welcome!!!! We need more guys around here....

Anonymous said...


Thank you very, much. Wait until I tell my mom that a Glambert responded to my post. She probably won't believe I even posted.

Off to last class.

glitzylady said...

Some of the paps were being pushy and rude. I love that his friends Ty Taylor and Rufus "Tiger" Taylor were giving him an assist to get out of the crowd and into his car. As his fame increases, this could be more and more of a problem for him. He may need a full time bodyguard at some point. The unfortunate and unavoidable price of fame and celebrity, particularly in LA. Paps are everywhere there, waiting for those photo and video ops. Its one thing to wait for photos, but another to be rude and instigating trouble. Loved seeing Adam and his friends, hated hearing the rude and disrespectful language. :(((

Anonymous said...

Naya Rivera ‏@nayarivera
. @thr I saw @adamlambert perform a great song yesterday.

Tweet from Glee cast.

Anonymous said...

Me and my other male friends would love to be Adam's bodyguards; We are on our college wrestling team and if they even saw us coming with Adam; they would run, we are some big dudes. My sister; a big Adam fan said she would love to enlist us for the job. She had me reading this blog today.

Seriously, we would love it; just to hang with him and go to all the great places he goes. Wouldn't let a fly touch him. Litte extra money for us; we would be good to go.

Know it would never happen; but it would be cool.

Anonymous said...

@1:17 PM
Write to him,

Adam Lambert
8332 Melrose Avenue, 2nd Floor
Los Angeles, CA90069

Anonymous said...

Uh, Adam has referred to himself as a queen on numerous occasions, so why would he object to being called madam? He's also called himself a f*g...but that's' another story.

Anonymous said...

@12:58 PM
I hope you have an over-the-top New Years Eve with Adam.

Glambert #3557

Anonymous said...

I think it is really great that he is friends with straight guys, too.

Like dudes in general, hanging out with friends and having fun, without any sexual connection.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that we have two young males fans posting here today.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:53 PM
It's rather like calling someone n***** when you aren't of the same race. A gay man can call himself a f** or a queen, but coming from someone else who doesn't have some sort of implicit "permission" to do so, for instance a paparazzi, not okay.... Whether they were kidding or not.. That's the difference. They also said the P-word. Also not nice.... Probably said to get a reaction, an angry one... Perhaps Adam would like to be called Adam, not Madam. He's not a cross dresser or a drag queen. Just guessing here but I doubt they said those things in a friendly way. Adam was remarkably calm and polite given all that. And it was very clear that his friends were trying to get him away from all that............

donnaw said...

Not sure i like all the tats.......but its NONE of my business......

Anonymous said...

1:55 that's what I thought.

Anonymous said...

You idiots wouldn't know a troll if it bit you in the ass

Anonymous said...

Hollyscoop talks about Adam and Glee:

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine what it must be like to know you could be video taped at any given moment and the video watched by millions. Adam said he thought about the consequences of fame before AI, but I imagine you don't really know what it's like until you become famous. Happy for the good people Adam surrounds himself with. How could anyone be rude to such a good guy like Adam. He's so easy to like (love!).>>>>nancdruuu2

glitzylady said...

@Anon 2:12 PM
Would that be you then?

Sometimes we feel like responding to comments whether we think they might be a "troll" or not. My prerogative...

Anonymous said...

@2:12 PM,

You sound like the only troll on here. It is wonderful to have young people, both gay and straight become fans of Adam's. My daughter was telling me that after the Iheart event last week, and all the advertisment; a lot of her straight male friends started showing a lot of interest in Adam; and some of them started following him on twitter.

She said some said they were fans of Avicii and really liked LMD.

This is a good thing; I think it is wonderful. Never underestimate the power of Adam.

Anonymous said...

If there are trolls on here; which I don't believe there are; at least they don't seem like the crazy nasty things that are often on board.

Anonymous said...

@2:12 PM

Just what are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

The only offensive trolls here are our regular one or two in house trolls like yourself, @2:12 PM. I don't see any insults other than yours.

Anonymous said...

I just want to know when he had time to have the sleeve-work done. You're looking at SEVERAL hours of intense work there.

Anonymous said...

@2:58 PM

Anonymous said...

anon 2:12 has a troll bit your a** before?

Anonymous said...

This site is infested by trollomania in a bad way...
So many new threads, so many good and happy news about Adam and the # of posts very low in most of them... WTF?!

Anonymous said...

Trolls are never going to go away if you keep responding to them. (even if I don't think 2:12 is one, people who did responded.)

Anonymous said...

Somebody just needs to get their two cents in.

Anonymous said...

I can't blame Adam for avoiding the paps sometimes.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for life of this one annoying troll. Why doesn't this thing seek out help for its good? So sad to see life is wasted like this.

Anonymous said...

They are making fun of you dumbasses.

Yes, I'm sure adam is such a huge star he is going to need a body guard. Omg you fools.

jt said...

At the end of that video a woman yelled out "Puta" a few times trying to get an angry reaction that would have been put on TMZ and other rag papers but Adam just smiled. Good for him he is well trained to take that abuse but it hurt me to hear a woman say that to him.
all for the big bucks, so sad.

Anonymous said...

what does 'puta' mean..and resident troll needs a bodyguard cause someone is liable to punch her/him out!

Anonymous said...

the bitch that slammed Adam is a 'puta' herself...Adam's new tats match the shirt he's wearing...I'm glad they are not in color...the black just sexes him up more, as if that is possible!!

jt said...

Puta is Spanish for whore. Isn't that a disgusting thing for anyone to say to someone. Like I said before, it all to get that shot of Adam being angry and responding to them. That is why he wanted to get out fast there are paps and then there are the lowest of the low and he recognized them.

Anonymous said...

And why do you need to teach people what these words mean?! Let them google them, if they want to know.

Normally when some people ask here ligit and kind questions the answer usually is 'are you too lazy to google it yourself?'

Anonymous said...

@2:12 PM/ 3:37 PM
We respond in kind to anyone we want to, same as we respond to you're dumbass criticisms.

Anonymous said...

@4:19 PM I agree with you.

Anonymous said...

@3:37 PM

Calm down, the guy was probably just kidding and showing his appreciation for Adam. If they are in college or whatever; so what? as Adam says; it's not that deep. Why all the vulgarity. Jealous much? If it makes you feel any better; I will be Adam's bodyguard. I won't charge my man a thing.

Anonymous said...

May the tat isn't finished totally. I'm sure he'll show the Glamberts when it is done. I haven't seen a clear pic anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Where is Glee being filmed??? Did Adam travel to NY, or are the scenes of NY actually filmed in LA??? he couldn't be two places at once - on set and at niteclub..does anyone know???

The Dark Side said...

Adam already learned the hard way of letting the Paps get to you back when in Florida. I would hope that he doesn't have tonresortnto body guards unless on tour. Hollywood is his home. I think he knows how to navigatebthecwaters. Mrufus is a reall cutie.

Anonymous said...

I watched the video and heard no puta. Plus Adam speaks English. Why would he react to a bad word of a different language? He obviously didn't like the guy calling him madam. That he understood but he laughed at it in a way of ignorance of the pap calling him madam. Something we should do to the resident troll/s calling us names and belittling everything Adam does and making up lies on this fan site which bares Adam Lambert's name.

glitzylady said...

Glee is filmed in LA except for the NYC exterior shots...

Anonymous said...

For Glee, the indoor NYC scenes are filmed on the studio stage sets in Calif. If there are any outdoor scenes in NYC, then they will have to be shot there. If you saw the first episode last night, Rachel/Lea was actually in NYC to film her outdoor scenes throughout the city, the park,the theater,etc.

Anonymous said...

Glee NY scenes are filmed at Paramont studios here in LA.

glitzylady said...

Ad has lived in Southern CA pretty much his entire life. No way in heck he doesn't know a certain amount of Spanish. And a word like that, for sure. I live in WA state, speak and understand little Spanish and even I know what it means.

glitzylady said...

Oops! Adam has lived....

Anonymous said...

I speak some Spanish but I had to google the word.

glitzylady said...

That doesn't speak well of me does it?? :)))) Yikes!

Anonymous said...

It could be argued either way Glitzylady.

glitzylady said...

Indeed :))))))))))))))

Anonymous said...

What ever blog we go to, there will always be trolls and haters.

If we completely IGNORE them, and keep praising this amazing human being, Adam Lambert, they will get bored (as they obviously have the attention span of a knat, and less intelligence) and go away.

Let's just keep killing the negative, with positive!

That is what Adam HAS to do, so we should not cave in to that bullshit either! Come on folks, we can do this!!!

I find it so interesting though that someone who claims to hate Adam, would bother to come onto this site, and read the comments in order to vomit their tiny little hate filled opinion.

I mean, come ON, what a sad life!!! Adam would probably have compassion for them. Can you imagine living that way? WOW!!! So very sad.

Anonymous said...

adam lambert such a nice guy-good human being -those haters is devil-jealous of adam lambert. go away hater will you?have a life of ur own-hater pls go away dont bother our adam lambert.

Anonymous said...

7:06, I agree, we shouldn't respond. But people like Glitzylady say they want to. I guess they just don't get it despite all the examples given about why you shouldn't respond.

Anonymous said...

@12:33 Welcome aboard you have been glamatized lol! Many of us have been here since day one in 2009, adam's idol audition and caught the bug so to speak. He really is infectious in so many ways. No one like him out there today in the music world IMO. This blog has certainly been a worldwind with ups and downs, but us millions of true glamberts will always keep coming here. Loved your post!


Anonymous said...

very very unique human being adam lambert- oh i miss his music-want to see him singing non-stop for me and for us- i fall in love with him his music nd his sexy moves-my family loves him very much.

glitzylady said...

I've stated my reasons why I occasionally respond to certain comments. There will always be people who cruise the net in search of places to leave their negativity. I can ignore the silly comments. I can ignore the obvious hate even...usually. I've been resisting responding to the jabs at me and others that seem to happen with increasing regularity here.

But as I have said before, sometimes Silence is NOT Golden. Meaning by not responding to some of the misinformation and obvious BS and even blatant hate and lies, we indirectly affirm and even condone it. I've considered leaving the blog for good many times but there are many good people here, with wonderful insight in their comments and a mutual respect for Adam and his talent, his heart and soul. And I continue to admire and support Mr. Adam Lambert. So I stay in spite of the craziness that happens , the bickering, the grumpiness, because Adam is worth the effort. He is always fascinating...and there are always little and great victories to celebrate... I love those and enjoy the others who come here to do the same.

I understand the concept of ignoring the trolls and the reasons why. I recognize the need. I also choose to take responsibility for my decision to decide to whom I respond. I'm not oblivious or stupid. Please stop referring to me as if I am not here. Thanks.

I would love to see this blog return to the happy and lighthearted place it was when I first discovered it way back in the early days of the Adam Lambert fandom. I also thank the very dedicated blog administrator for providing this open forum for all to say whatever they wish to say. Sometimes it works well, occasionally not so much. Sometimes it's hard to really know who the "trolls are, and who might be a fan with a different point of view. Calling those people trolls is not always fair. We can have a productive and even enlightening discussion if we speak and respond with a little more thought and respect.

You can tell me I'm wrong. No offense taken. But that's how I feel.

Peace and light.

Anonymous said...

Welcome 12:33! Are you the same person who posted at 1:17? Nevertheless, welcome. So glad to hear young straight males are also Adam fans. And good for you to be so open minded and supportive with your choice of many different friends - gay, straight, etc. We welcome all positive Adam comments, so please come back.

Anonymous said...

glitzylady - your post at 9:04 was well said. I enjoy many of your comments and also how you always provide us with the latest Adam info. So thanks for that. I'm the gal who was at the Kahala resort in Hawaii at the same time as you for Adam's GNT Hawaii performance. Ah memories ... LL

Anonymous said...

12:48 pm. Adams new tatt is on the arm with the key tatt.

Anonymous said...

Not responding to a troll comment does not mean you endorse it.

And thus we will never experience how ignoring the trolls makes them go away.

Glitzylady, apparently you think you know better than all the experts on how to deal with troll.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:41 PM
Please consider reading what I wrote again. I didn't say that at all. I said that there are certain times I choose to respond.. Not everyone is a troll just because someone else says they are. It's sometimes obvious that a comment is posted by a person solely here to cause trouble. I get that. I said what needed to say. And I stand by it.

glitzylady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
glitzylady said...

Sorry, double post. Removed.

glitzylady said...

YES!! Such great memories!!!!! Coincidentally just finished watching Hawaii 5-0.... )))))

Anonymous said...

Wonder why Adam covered up the key on his arm.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, you have previously said you respond to obvious trolls because it is bad to leave that comment unrefuted in case a new fan wanders on in. The likelihood of someone new wandering in and taking a troll comment nobody responded to as truth is pretty far fetched and unlikely. Your latest comment, "Meaning by not responding to some of the misinformation and obvious BS and even blatant hate and lies, we indirectly affirm and even condone it." This is simply not true. Not responding does not mean you believe it. I'm sure you have read the info posted here about what a troll's purpose is. They don't care if it is true or not, they just like that it gets a reaction and they know what will get a reaction. Apparently you are not willing to ignore some comments, regardless of them being hate, lies or trolling, in the better interest of the blog. It seems to me that expressing your opinion is more important to you than ignoring the people who make those comments so that they will get bored and go away. Unless the site owner is willing to institute some kind of moderation the only way the trolls/haters/liars will go away is if they are ignored. This is my opinion and I stand by it.

Anonymous said...

10:51, amen.

Anonymous said...

12;33 and 1:17 Warmest WELCOME!!!
Bless you and all of Adam's fans.
Keep coming and posting!
Love your posts.

Anonymous said...

DAMN 10:51pm ... can you PLEASE give it a rest?! A number of us have said basically the same thing as Glitzlady about calling nasty haters on the carpet for certain posts, but you consistently call out only her, even now when she thoughtfully, comprehensively and politely stated her point of view. Come On, it's like you're just dying to pick a fight with her. You don't sound like a troll, but you are beginning to annoy like one.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

laura, there is more than one person asking people to stop responding to trolls. In one post last week there was even several people in a row who promised not to respond.

Anonymous said...

Lol trolls don't have to say bad things. There has been persistent trolling for years on multiple adam sites and twitter of people making up happy but fake scenarios to get glamberts excited. People claiming to be young guys seeing adam and sauli in some romantic situation , claiming to be a young male intern hearing Adams new music and all excited about it, claiming to work for a jeweler making special rings for adam and sauli or someone showing adam a wedding venue, claiming adam is Getting some big movie role etc etc. They just love fooling people and laughing at them. And pretending to be a young male is their favorite persona because the old ladies get all excited.

daydreamin said...

Welcome @12:33!! Glad to see you posting! Come back more often as you are quite welcome! Don't let the naysayers chase you away!

Anonymous said...

"They just love fooling people and laughing at them..."

There's 'the problem', right there!
This kind of behaviour - fooling people and laughing AT them - used to belong to (and finish in) the early childhood years... or was allowed once a year in April Fool's Day...

Now all the reality shows and the social media have made this an every day, every minute, every second REALITY for so many (fooling people and laughing at them)... We already have generation(s?) of people who are quite clueless of even such concepts (to exist) as common courtesy, normal and decent behaviour, boundaries of private & public etc.

Fooling people and laughing at them on a fan site (or where ever!) is so juvenile, but nowadays seems to be a full time job for grown up people...

Humour, fun and jokes are a life force. I love them, but I prefer laughing WITH people, not laughing AT them...

Anonymous said...

Support Adam and forget the crappy negative vibe comments.

Anonymous said...

10:51 PM
You want to pick a fight with Glitzylady and/or are you a trouble-maker period? Whatever, Adam's blogs don't need someone like you posting.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks soooooooooo delicious clean-shaven - love, love, love it!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

1:44 You are so right on that, no manners, no careing about other peoples feelings its all a big joke. These are the types of people that would take photos of people getting beat up or hurt in someway, wouldn't go to help but post it on facebook etc etc. Such a sad state of affairs. I don't think they even realize how childish they sound and bye the way I do think we have one or maybe two males posting. Sometimes the wording is not very female sounding. Just a vibe I feel could be wrong of course. Anyway, as far as paps if Adam keeps going to these clubs where paps hang out the more popular and famous he gets the worse it will be. I think thats why you dont get too many celebs going to these clubs. He also will need bodyguards.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks soooo good in these pictures. The third one really does it for me. His personality is reflected in his face.

Anonymous said...

at 3:39 AM

Adam looks GREAT with and without facial hair, however, his chubby chin looks better with some hair on it. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

Noooo. I love that chubby chin, it makes him look sweetly vulnerable ...... : ))......JAK

Anonymous said...

I love his chin. Adorable.