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QUEEN Fan's Letter to Adam Lambert Fansite

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, September 26, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, September 26, 2013


Anonymous said...

This Queen fan is so kind and is truly impressed with Adam. I imagine other Queen fans feel the same way about Adam but at the same time remain fiercely loyal to Freddie, as they should be. It's nice to know Adam's talent is recognized even by hard-core Queen fans.


Magiclady said...

I appreciate Queeners complimenting Adam.
Honestly I loved Freddie, but really believe Adam is definitely a better performer and singer. Freddie didn't take my breath away like Adam does...

Anonymous said...

Millions are still loyal to late Freddie including me but at the same time being fiercely loyal to our Adam indeed!!!:)

I can brag to anyone that I had and have good taste in music he!he!


Anonymous said...

@3:37 PM, I am sure Freddie's fans feel the same way about Freddie that you do about Adam; who is the better singer will be in the hearts of each fan; so it probably is not respectful after such a nice compliment from Freddie's fan, to say that Adam is better then Freddie; even if you feel that way. Just my opinion, not trying to tell you what to do. Some of Freddie's fans may visit the site; that is all.

Anonymous said...

I wish they weren't compared. They are/were each unusually talented. Voice, stage presence, style, bravado.
humor and outrageousness (well I think Freddie would win that one). Adam would win in the beauty department, but Freddie was loved and desired by men and women .....
ditto Adam.

Freddie was an incomporable.
Adam is an incomporable.

Some of us have been privileged to see them both in action. Unforgettable !............JAK

Anne Marie said...

Freddie was Freddie, and loved by the Queen band and Queen fans.
Adam is Adam, and he has never tried to take Freddies place, He tries to pay tribute to Freddie and to do justice to the songs that Freddie sang or wrote. Adam has done that well and respectively. Adam loves to sing with Queen, and loves them personally. Audiences are coming around to appreciate Adams performances with Queen, since they see he is not trying to fill some one elses shoes, but just sings with joy and humor, and makes these old songs current.

Anonymous said...

Darn, Freddie was awesome! A mastermind! Adam is an awe inspiring genius entertainer! I Always feel so priviledged to have seen them both. Adore them equally.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine's husband who is a huge Queen and Freddie fan listened to the video of Adam's iheart concert. He was really impressed by Adam's vocals and liked that Adam didn't try to copy Frddie,just was himself. It felt good hearing that!He also didn't think anyone alive now could sing Queens songs better than Adam!

Anonymous said...

Adams never tried to 'fill' anyone's shoes. Adam is Adam right down the line. But one thing Adam and Freddie do share (Freddie's always here) is MAJOR talent to the max! You rarely get the opportunity to witness such greatness and for me it only occurred on another occasion....and that was with MJ.

Anonymous said...

It's very complimentary to Adam that comparisons are made to Freddie, the epitome of a rock star. For a Queen fan to lay down the armor of loyalty to welcome Adam as bonafide successor to a beloved idol took a lot of awesomeness on Adam's part. Adam did it not by trying to be Freddie, but by being himself. When Adam does not try to fill the void Freddie's fans miss in his distinctive performances, (rabid fans will always find something in which Adam suffers by comparison), they can give themselves permission to accept and appreciate Adam. Anything else, and Adam compromises his own art, and diminishes Freddie's as well. "To thine own self be true" has guided Adam throughout his career, and while some would prefer he tamed his flamboyance, or even stayed in the "closet", Adam could not brook being coy about his gay identity. He bared his proud heart and defiant soul in Trespassing; , Having done that, with the iHeart performance, he shows he is moving on, sans the mask he hid behind and proclaimed his sexual identity--with the make-up, nail polish, and glitter--to the post gay world where talent, and nothing else as qualifier, must be the only criterion in the art of Music. With this message from Argentina, it didn't matter that Adam wasn't like Freddie or that he was anything but an insanely talented man. As it should be.

Magiclady said...

If this was a Freddie site it would be disrespecful. It's Adam's and as I said, I love Freddie and Queen and always have, but nobody makes me feel the way Adam does.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Adam, for the divinity of your voice and the magic of your charm!! Queen & Adam Lambert, Adorable verb, voice and music! HH

Anonymous said...

Ola HH,
Totally agree!
So good to hear from you! :)))

Anonymous said...

adam, Adam, Adam... he takes my breath away.... all these posts makes me more honored too be a fan....