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UK Radio Stations Playing LAY ME DOWN

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, September 20, 2013

Posted at : Friday, September 20, 2013


Anonymous said...

Great news, we want him on the radio all over the world.
With all the talk about what he is going to sing on Glee, I haven't heard one word about if he will have any speaking parts. I hope he will have more than singing, a lot more.

jt said...

Finally they are recognizing Adam for the terrific singer he is. I guess it needed the Avicii label but whatever works for him to get this exposure is fine by me.

Anonymous said...

That is Great news.
Do they present it as Avicii or Adam Lambert?

Anonymous said...

@3:25 they present it as Avicii.don't know if the dj's say who sings it. But for the folks who don't know and they like the voice I am sure they will check. This is a big breakthrough for Adam even though it's not his own album Once A3 comes out Adam should get a better radio reception even in the U.K.! Saw on twitter they played it in Sweden and I think Norway also.Well one of the other scandanavian countries.

Anonymous said...

It keeps his name out there but I don't know that it's a big breakthrough. Adam seems nowhere close to putting out new music and whether he gets played depends on a lot of things

Anonymous said...

Request Adam Lambert ‏@requestadam

NEW last 24 hrs: UK (BBC1), Sweden (NJR), Norway (NJR) radio spinning @avicii’s “Lay Me Down” ft @adamlambert (vocals), @nilerodgers

Anonymous said...

OT Selena Gomez was banned to have her concert in Russia because she is pro-gay rights. Read it here:

Anonymous said...

Mia ‏@miaratajkowski
Check out Brooke @brookesauce75 's Choreography from this Spring's BC Beat

Adam's dancer at GNT concerts.

Anonymous said...

Next couple years very good things are coming for Mr.Lambert it's going to kill the negative N./ so called realist. They are just here to pour cold water on any thing good happens for Adam. You hurt him not one bit you fuel his zest to succeed so keep it up not that anyone needs tell you that. The real fans that have been there for him through everything have not questioned every thing he does and have trusted what he's told us will be there with joy with him.

Anonymous said...

4:06pm - this is all good news. Making inroads into the mainstream radio world is a step in the right direction, no matter how slow. We all want Adam's music played on the radio Yesterday! Let's be thankful that, more and more, his music is getting heard, under his label or Avicii's.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

5 04
Lol hilarious how ridiculously defensive you are.

It's not his music, it's his voice. Unless he puts out music like aviciis he will not convert avicii fans. The song is much more about the music and the beat than it is about the voice. The bbc reviewer said his favorite part of the song was the section without vocals, for example. Credit for that goes to nile and avicii.

Anonymous said...

Okay honey, we get it. But it's nice to know he will be getting $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for writing as well as singing!

Anonymous said...

@4:06 PM

With all due respect; unless you are in Adam's camp or have inside information you really don't know if Adam is anywhere close to putting out new music or not. Been a fan from the beginning, and Adam is always full of surprises. Also, LMD is a big breakthrough for Adam; his name seems to be everywhere lately; seems likes so many people are rooting for him. One thing, he is super talented, to say the least and well respected by many other artists and others in the entertainment industry.

Glee is a big plus is huge plus for Adam. The stars seem to big aligning for our man. Some people seem to look at the glass half empty instead of half full. Well I have a good feeling this year about Adam's future. Lord knows he deserves it. I for one, will do everything in power that a fan can; to help him achieve it.

I for one am very tired of the negative Nicks and Debbie downers.
You will hear some say, "I am just facing reality" well it is their reality; not Adam's.

Glamberts, Glambrits; Glamhoppers and others; Put on your red shoes and dance. Peace and out.

Anonymous said...


All the Djs; Bloggers and other's that I have heard say that Adam's voice actually sold them on the song. The combination of all three; Avicii, Adam & Niles makes this a winning combination. Anyone who would take Adam out of the equation, and single him out for not being an important part of this equation; is just a nasty piece of work, in my humble opinion. Adam also, has writing credits on this master piece.

That happens to be that Dj's opinion and he is entitled to it. Sounds to me that he just does not like Adam, and I for one don't really give a damn about his opinion.

By the way; LMD is very much about the voice, and that credit goes to Adam!

Off to get ready for our man and Queen. Cheers fellow Glamhoppers.

Anonymous said...

5.04 BS the vocals make the song. I notice couple songs on true mainly music not near as good to me. The vocals on LMD are fantastic. It definitely does great things for that song. Avicii and Niles are not the only heroes on this song and certainly not the only reason it will be a hit. If he thought all the sings would sake without vocals he sure do them that way save him much money. Adam is fantastic in that song and Niles and Avicii both acknowledge how phenomenal his vocals on it.

Anonymous said...

5.04 will bounce on any bit of negativity take that for truth and ignore all the praises which are many for Adam on this great song. Why lol is the Dailey troll that stays on here to cut Adam he not worried about you he in Vegas wowing a huge crowd what are you doing!

Anonymous said...

@5:04 PM

I agree with you 100%. Very well put. Adam has such wonderful fans.
We must remember that everyone that posts on these Adam blogs are not necessarily Adam fans. Good evening to all fellow Glamberts. Can't wait
until tonight.

Anonymous said...

This is 6:04 PM

CORRECTION: My post was meant for Poster 5:34 PM - Not 4:06 PM. Sorry about that.

Anonymous said...

I pray for Adam's success, always.