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Bonnie Mckee's Funny Comment on Instagram

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, October 21, 2013

Posted at : Monday, October 21, 2013


Anonymous said...

Would be some beautiful babies!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

OMG! I had been looking at their pics silently thinking how good they looked together and is Bonnie a natural redhead and if she is, how redheaded and freckled would a baby between them be and here she tweets this. HAHAHAH!!!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie is going to have to get into a long line of volunteers; and no crowding please!

Anonymous said...

Wonder if Bonnie saw all the nice compliments from Glamberts, about how cute she and Adam looked in the pictures?

Anonymous said...

Twins; a boy and a girl; would be a double cuteness overload.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Adam wouldn't have trouble finding a mother for his babies! Later in life :)

Anonymous said...

Adam probably gets LOADS of comments like>>>>>>>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

he has got to put it there himself or it don't count;;))

The Dark Side said...

What a hoot! Actually that picture just made a whole lot of females ponder once again why this gorgeous male is gay. That's life and aint it ironic.

Anonymous said...

smitten; me too

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

When Adam does decide in the future to have that baby, some lucky girl is going to get a good time with the boy because he stated, 'he is going to put it there himself'!!!! Nothing artificial for our boy-wondering whom that lucky female will someday be.

Anonymous said...

Insensitive people I see, what is so hilarious about Bonnies comment?
Thinking its funny is a crude remark. What, you think Adam is a joke.
He is gay, prefers guys, so what if he'd decide to procreate with a woman someday to bear his biological child. Done be so crass.

Anonymous said...

Adam is too immature to have a dog much less a baby. And that stupid statement just proves it

Anonymous said...

Our Adam immature? Those are fighting words!! put em' up NOW!!!

Anonymous said...

@10:59 AM / 11:01 AM If you're an example of mature, heaven save us all from lifelong boredom.

Anonymous said...

10:59 HaHaHa that is the point.

Anonymous said...

10:59 HaHaHa that is the point.

Anonymous said...

@10:59 A.M., Are you saying that all gay people are the same? Dr. Of Know It All, please enlighten us.

@ll:01 A.M., Get a Grip! You sound Cuckoo!

Anonymous said...

Love and Light BB

Anonymous said...

If Bonnie and Adam "get together" at all, I hope it's to write and record a hit song!


glitzylady said...

Bonnie's comment was cute, funny, and very very true! She was also teasing :))

My first thought that comes to mind after reading a few of the more "serious" comments here is "lighten up" a little :))) : it's just a cute comment made by a good friend and colleague of Adam's... As to the rest of it, ie when, how, with whom: that's Adam's business. But his earlier comment does make the mind ***wander*** just a little bit... :))).

And I think he'll be an amazing dad someday, when the time comes...

glitzylady said...

That would be AWESOME for sure!!!

Anonymous said...

Please have some sense of humour ok!!!:)

Adam knows that women around the world who are crazy about him has the fantasy indeed and he is not immature!!!!:)

He is just full of life and very caring person indeed!!!:)

So just cut it out and move on!!!:)


Anonymous said...

@ 10:59 AM I'm worried about you, don't you ever laugh, make a joke or get a joke? Bonnie and Adam are friends, people who have a sense of humour joke with their friends and people with a sense of humour see the humour. Why don't you ever see it? That's scary. People tell you to lighten up on more than this thread, maybe you might consider it, and maybe you'd join in the fun and maybe you wouldn't always see the dark side of a comment. Try.

Anonymous said...

Adam might prefer his child or children to have black hair ie. If he ever has offspring.