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Chris Colfer and Adam Lambert WILL sing together on GLEE!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, October 7, 2013

Posted at : Monday, October 07, 2013


Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm the first one here. This is wonderful news!! Things are really heating up with Glee. It's late and I'm going to bed. Tomorrow morning this thread will be LOOOOONNGGG!


Anonymous said...

What I want to know is adam going to be a regular or just some quest appearances Anyone know?

Anonymous said...

I think Ryan confirmed that Adam is going to be PART OF THE CAST. So it's a long term thing.

Anonymous said...

That is a superb Glee move. Sometimes life is reminiscent of Chess. Make the right move and you can kill the king. These are two fine leggiero tenors. Wow, Chris must be thrilled and I really can't wait to see/hear this. I'd just take it a wee bit further, let them sing an Adam about Fever or hey, Lay Me Down! Great dance beat, they both can dance and sing.
By the way, the name Elliott Gilbert carries some semblances of Eli and Glamberts; Mmm perhaps Adam wants to keep Glamberts close to his heart.


Anonymous said...

Squeeee can't wait to hear their duet!


Anonymous said...

Cannot wait to see Adam on Glee. He will rock it! Can't wait to see it waited so long for it. So exciting! Sue

Anonymous said...

On second thought, if they are supposed to play arch-rivals, perhaps WWFM might be appropriate.


Anonymous said...

I really want to hear Adam and Michelle sing together. That is a much more entertaining duet. Happy we are at least getting tidbits of news about Adam's appearance on Glee.

Anonymous said...

One more tweet from Ryan M.:

@RayofKlaine: @MrRPMurphy Has it been fun working with Adam Lambert?

@MrRPMurphy: @RayofKlaine Adam is really cool and has great ideas. I love him.

Anonymous said...

Whoa, another high-level expert endorsement...from Ryan Murphy. He says the same thing as the other experts/producers before him.


HK fan said...

Ryan did originally tweet that Adam was joining the cast of Glee. But it has still not been confirmed how long, or how many appearances it will be. Whilst joining the cast seems to suggest a long term role, Ryan has used similar words when introducing new guest cast members that only appeared in 1 or 2 episodes. And I have seen blogs mentioning anything from a 1 episode appearance to a lot more. I think we will just have to wait and see.

Anonymous said...

@HK. Do you know for how many episodes JHud was featured on Glee?

Anonymous said...

I'm optimistic that the story line of Adam's role as a dual identity seems to carry the potential for more heft than a one dimensional character. Ryan didn't have to mention that Adam had "great
ideas" if he wanted to compliment him. "I love him", like what he said for Demi "Love her" would have sufficed. I'm for half-full thinking; just feels better than half-empty.

Anonymous said...

A pessimistic troll could come here and say (of Ryan's tweets):

He didn't say they sing a duet. He said they sing together (wasn't there a band?)

He said he loves him. But Adam having great ideas could be interpreted Ryan's thinking he is meddling too much...

Lucky I'm not a pessimist, nor a troll!
Love & Light, peeps!

Anonymous said...

2:27, weird way to express your opinion.

Didn't that Brazilian Glee fan site tell us Adam and Chris are singing together? Glad to hear it confirmed. Nice to hear Murphy loves Adam too.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to preempt the troll agenda...

Anonymous said...

@2:27 AM

Sorry, you may or may not be a troll, but you don't sound like you are a fan either; or someone who wishes Adam well. I think you are trying to throw cold water on some beautiful sentiments by the Producer of Glee, regarding Adam. You seem to be, "the glass is half empty", instead of "the glass half full" kind of person.

As you know, an opposite spin can be put on just about anything.

Why not eccept the obvious meaning of what Ryan said; which is very encouraging. Ryan seems very optimistic about having Adam on board; and seemed excited about the ideas that Adam is contributing, which he did not have to mention at all. Everyone who meets Adam loves him; so that is no big surprise, glad that Ryan feels that way too.

By the way; you sound very pessimistic and sarcastic. The love and light that you are expressing try spreading a little of it on yourself.

Have a good day, if you can?

Anonymous said...

5:32 AM Here/Correction,

spelling/third paragraph should be accept instead of eccept.

Anonymous said...

Everyone who works with Adam always comments what a nice guy he is, great to work with or just love him. No diva-like behavior or demands. It's so nice to hear this when you often read about the outrageous behavior of some celebs on set or when recording. Can't wait to see Adam on Glee. I don't think he will be a regular cast member, but will be making more than one appearance. Hoping his appearances will bring up the ratings and add new fans to Adam and his music.

HK fan said...

JHud as in the one from Idol....don't think she has been on Glee.

Anonymous said...

The concept of arch-rivals for
Adam and Chris has been trashed.

Personally I want to hear Adam sing only solos.

Anonymous said...

Chris and Adam singing a duet ? My two favorite entertainment idols ? *faints*... hehehe... Axel...

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous...October 7, 2013 at 9:12 PM, As much as I love Kurt/Chris Colfer... I would really really want to have a Rachel/Elliot duet.. Axel

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous October 8, 2013 at 5:59 AM, In Glee, friends as well as rivals can duet together... First time Kurt (Chris Colfer) and Rachel (Lea Michele) had a duet (Defying Gravity from the musical Wicked) , it was actually more a vocal duel... because they were rivals at that time. So I still think that Adam's character is Chris Colfer's character's nemesis.

Anonymous said...

Nemesis is not a rival exactly - it is an instrument of come-uppance. Isn't Adam's character in Kurt's Madonna cover band. He urns out to be a better lead singer so Kurt has to take a back seat. Kurt finds out that the real world isn't as easy as high school.

That is nemesis but doesn't necessarily make them enemies forever.

Anonymous said...

Nemesis is happening. Chris Colfer wouldn't have said it on national television if it wasn't true.

If they are in the same band, they would sing together. Maybe a sing-off for lead and the other band members have to choose. Lots of great plot-line in that.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:27. You must accept the fact that many people on this site JUST DON'T GET subtle humour or tongue in cheek
(Wink-wink) gentle sarcasm. They immediately jump to attack mode. It's reflexive, it's a shame, but that's the way it is. It's a dangerous thing to try to share a joke with them, they'll cut you off at the knees. I no longer use my tag and only attempt humour if chatting back and forth with someone I know GETS IT.

Anonymous said...

@2:27 AM, @7:14 AM, is the same troll, answering themselves and trying to justified their hateful sarcastic statements. Give it up, you are not fooling anyone. Just continuing to make a fool out of yourself.

I would not believe anything this person says. On here, just to talk trash about Adam and his fans.

Anonymous said...

To resident troll: In addition to all the characteristics you have shown in tons of past threads, thanks for admitting you are a pessimist negative individual too. Definitely a fan of other and not an Adam fan.

Anonymous said...

Omg lol

I am someone called the troll - I did write you ladies a lovely poem once - and I haven't written a single thing on this thread. And it's pretty obvious 2.27 and 7.14 are different people. Honestly y'all are dumb as a box of rocks

Anonymous said...

@8:14am yeah right!!!??? Rolls eyes to this one lonely troll! You!

Anonymous said...

@8:14 AM

You may not think you are a troll, but your obvious disdain for Adam and all his fans sadly tell a different story. What makes you think that all the posts on this site is written by ladies? You stated that you wrote a lovely poem once for the ladies here; now you are calling them "dumb as a box of rocks." Hope the poem you say you wrote was a little kinder.

Don't know if you are a male, or female; but, you sound very bitter. I sincerely hope that you resolve your problem with Adam and his fans.

Anonymous said...

5:59, very few solos on Glee, it is an ensemble show with many many group numbers.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:52 AM I know that. Like everyone else, I'm stating my preferences.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:14. You are very observant...I am 7:14 and I am not
2:27 as well. I rarely talk to myself. I don't consider myself a troll, would never ever say an unkind word about Adam, but as for some of the people present on this site, I am appalled at the meaness, the ignorance and the spite.
I actually was a regular, as you call them, tag and all, till I got thoroughly disgusted and left. I peeked in occasionally and saw many sweet queries as to what happened to me.
I'm not going to sign with my former tag, I don't want to get sucked back in to the whirlpool of discontent.

I don't believe anything I said in my post at 7:14 was incorrect.

Anonymous said...


Continue with your digging.

You wrote: "I rarely talk to myself".

Normal persons NEVER talk to themselves.

Another characteristic of yours beside being a pessimist is TO TALK TO YOURSELF.

Go on or better yet move on!

Anonymous said...

This is 2:27 (and 5:08)
Definitely not a troll, been here longer than many of you and love Adam wholeheartedly!

@3:53 - thanks, weird is good! :)

@5:32 - thank you for your deep analysis and 'concern', loving Adam will get me through anything, even when my glass is totally!

@7:14 (@10:26) - thank you for getting my 'weird post', sorry you were called troll, too... Twin trolls? (twin pics are 'in', lol!

@7:39 - hope you feel better now?

@8:14 - remember you & your poem... observant yes, but could you ease up with the name calling and trashing Adam! Thank you!

Weird Adam fan, over & out

PS. Maybe the word troll should not be thrown so carelessly almost @anyone?!

Anonymous said...

@ 1:19 pm_____Thank you for proving my point.
Obviously you are one who has no sense of humour and doesn't recognize satire or even self directed sarcasm__ie__" I rarely talk to myself". I don't remember claiming to be normal___I prefer to think of myself as superlative . Oh, dear, you won't get that either.<<<<<that's a joke, dope. Actually I'm a sunny optimist just not about ignorant people.