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New Pictures: Adam Lambert Hanging Out With Friends

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, October 21, 2013

Posted at : Monday, October 21, 2013


Anonymous said...

Top is a little bit Rock'N'Roll. Bottom half is a little Country

Anonymous said...

Hello Bridger!

Anonymous said...

Just read that these pics were taken at Cateau Marmont. Googled the restaurant, and several reviews said the place had gone down hill, food not too bad, but the service terrible, and extremely noisy.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he booked a hotel room too, LOL

Anonymous said...

Correction on spelling, LOL Chateau Marmont.

Anonymous said...

It was final night celebration of LA Style Fashion Week at Chateau Marmont last night. It was in my local paper and Chateau Marmont isn't a cheap place. It's a luxury hotel that a lot of old/new iconic stars stayed or celebrated events at this hotel.

Anonymous said...

Adam seems to be happy. Bridger is sitting in a front seat. Maybe there is love in the air? Anyway nice to see Adam smiling again!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad Adam is happy living his life like he always wanted to! Makes me smile. I wish everyone could be as happy as Adam.......nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

If Bridger is the right guy for Adam, let it be so. No fight just love. We all love Adam and hope him the best. And i love Sauli and hope the best for him too. Just peace for all of us.

Anonymous said...

Love in the air? Does Adam know what love means? He has a hard time being committed to a partner. Remember Sauli. Adam may have found a match - a rather sleazy type who likes to party, smoke and drink. Soon Adam will tire of him and move onto the next.

Anonymous said...

Love and Light BB

Anonymous said...

I hope that all of us who loves Sauli, are not the source of this debate that. I think that Sauli was special for adam after all:)

Anonymous said...

@12:27 PM What debate?

Anonymous said...

Adam is chasing bridger but I doubt he can catch him. bridger is hanging out with richer, cooler guys.

Anonymous said...

To Whom It May Concern:

Not nice to pick on people who like to smoke and drink. No offense, but, I saw a picture of Adam and his female friends and Sauli standing in front of a club; I think it was last year; and Sauli was smoking. Also have seen Sauli in pictures with drinks.
Some people may call that sleazy.

This name calling is stupid. Just because Adam is not with people that others want him to be with, he and his friend(s) get pounced on negatively. This is childish and just plain stupid.

Each time Adam is seen with men or a man; the crazies come flying out of the asylum. Please people, take a chill pill; or perhaps a smoke or drink; If, it's not to sleazy for you.

Anonymous said...

@12:31 PM I doubt that. I think Bridger is Adam's type, remionds me of Cheeks.

Anonymous said...

12:27 pm what is coming:)

Anonymous said...

Yes I know bridger is Adams type. The question is whether adam is Bridgers type.

Anonymous said...

Adam surely knows what love is. Trespassing is full of love songs. I wish Adam finds his special person again. Bridger, or whoever. As long as Adam is happy. Leave Sauli out of here. No need to be mean. They had their time. Now is now

Anonymous said...

@12:11 PM

Do you know what love is; does anybody? Love means something different to different people. Many people search until they find the one they feel is right for them.

You mentioned that Adam had a hard time being committed; maybe Sauli had a hard time being committed.

No one knows what went on in their private life, and no one knows why they broke up. You can guess all you want, but it is a good thing that Adam and Sauli decided to keep their reasons private. No one's business anyway.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so beautiful; no wonder so many people love him. He is kind, loyal; most of all truthful. Just a wonderful man. Oh, did I say talented and handsome to the core. Sure seems like his life is full of joy; and he is getting one wonderful gig after another. It just brings a smile to my face whenever I see a picture of this fabulous man.

Anonymous said...

@12:31 PM

Oh you poor jealous fool, you are so wrong; and don't know what the hell you are talking about. But, dream on; and keep on acting like you do. You are not fooling anyone. I am going to take a wild guess here, and just say; "you are no fan of Adam's".

Anonymous said...

@12:44 PM

Well I think they will be able to figure that one out if necessary; so don't you worry your empty little head about. Believe me, you know nothing.

The question you should be concerned with, is who is your type? It hurts so bad doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

I read that Adam said he would have an album out in 2014, now this a guess, but do you think he is having some talks with a label, to be able to say that. He seemed fairly definite about it.

Anonymous said...

There are pictures of bridger at director Rolland Emmerich's pool several times this summer. A well known very rich and successful gay movie director with lots of rich friends. There is a picture of bridger a couple weeks ago in Palm Springs with a well known stylist who works for katy perry. There are pictures of bridger at two different fashion week events this past week with guys other than Adam. The point is, you complete dumb asses, that bridger is not waiting around hoping for adam to call. He is hanging out with richer, cooler guys like I said. But I am sure he enjoys accompanying adam to bars and having him pay for everything when he is free.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that Sauli is no longer a part of this discussion. Now it is part of Bridget parts. I hope they are happy and Bridger work better with a boyfriend role

Anonymous said...

@1:16 PM

Well, Adam and his Management always keeps these type of things close to the chest, until everything is settled. My guess would be, in talking to people who know a little bit about the music business; but, know nothing about Adam's situation. They say that sometimes singer/management are approached by different enities but, it may not be a good deal for the singer, and a good singer does not just jump to the first Company that approaches them; or vice versa, if they can't get the deal they want.

Also many entertainers are following other options to get their records out. I don't know anything about the music industry, just repeating what I heard. Perhaps others are more informed and may have more accurate information.

But, if Adam says he will have an Album out in 2014; I would take his word for it.

Anonymous said...

@1:33 Not sure if Brider is a boyfriend. Time will tell.

Anonymous said...

AL IG a picture, AL, JS and BC, small "corners" in Hollywood

Anonymous said...

@1:26 PM

You sound so silly. Adam knows a lot of rich people too. That means nothing. So he is with a stylist that works for Katy Perry. So what, Adam is a friend of Katy Perry's. Brian and Roger are very rich. Hanging out with rich people is no big thing.

Please, you know nothing about
their relationship or who pays for what. Apparently, Bridger and Adam are friends. They would both probably laugh in your stupid face if they heard what you were saying.

You sound like that tired old troll hanging around Adam sites trying to spread your green eyed monster jealousy about him. Why don't you go somewhere and "Lay down in Darkness", and tell us what you see? You silly, silly, willy.

Anonymous said...

Look granny, you aren't too quick on the uptake or what the point is. But you are determined to be obtuse so I won't explain it to you again. I'm sure others reading this know what I am saying.

And please, stop projecting your issues on me. why would I be jealous of Adam? I feel sorry for him a lot. I feel embarrassed for him a lot. But certainly not envy. I wouldn't want to be him at all.

Anonymous said...

Usual shit here.

Anonymous said...

@12:11 PM Tell all of us what Love means.

Anonymous said...

@1:59pm. The point is bold. You are Adam hater and no matter what he does you come up with lies. You are the embarrassing one around here. Go hang out with your own friends. That's if you have any!?

Anonymous said...

So why hasn't Admin posted the pic of Adam with the performers from last nights jazz show? I think Admin likes the hits these types of pics get her. Is she still a fan or just after money from hits?

Anonymous said...

1:33 PM @ 1:41

Glad that you are happy that Sauli is no longer a part of the discussion. Now you don't have to worry about it anymore. As far as Adam; he has not revealed that he is with anyone exclusively. I think he is just a young man dating sometimes; and sometimes going out with friends.

Sometimes, uninformed trolls will find out name of a person that they see Adam with more than once, and start saying the person is Adam's boyfriend. Believe nothing you hear about Adam's private life unless it is from Adam himself.

Also, Adam is seeing many of his lifelong dreams come true. So many wonderful opportunities opening up for him. Be sure to watch him on Glee on November
7th. I am assuming you are a fan since you are on this site. So speard the word. Thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

I had to check Bridger's instagram. There are some picture where he is younger and looking beautiful. He is still young, not sure but is he 24 or 25 years old but IMO looking older. Maybe cause of those mustache?

Anonymous said...

@1:59 PM

Calling someone granny; is that all you got? Oh please, don't fool yourself; I am a part of the "others" on here; and I don't know what the hell you are talking about. It appears that you are just going around trying to insult people. Now, saying you feel sorry for Adam, Ha, ha; you have really gone off the deep end. Also, saying you are embarrassed for him a lot. I am just being honest here; I pity you. You should really, feel sorry for yourself; and you should be embarrassed for yourself.

You have a problem which you really need to face. You really need to stop mentally stalking Adam; or you are going to be in need of serious help, you may have already crossed that line.

You may tell yourself that you don't envy Adam; but anyone reading your post(s) will see differently. So go ahead keep calling people names; I think your are just crying out for help. I hope you have people around you that can help you, or get you some help. Good luck; and I really mean it.

Anonymous said...

JAK here...I'm late to this party...but wish to say to @12:47 and @ 2:05 PM..........does anyone know what love is? I do.
I could explain it in all it's wonder and complexities and it would be the longest comment of all time on this site. I've lived with love daily for 77 years 9 months and 21 days.

But of course I won't explain it......I'll just wish that all of you have love in your life, because to quote another tenor with a 4 octave voice..."Love is a Wonderful Thing".

Anonymous said...

@2:17 PM

On other sites he was posted as being in his early 30's. But, why is that being posted on Adam's site? Are all his friends, or dates going to be posted here? What difference does his age make anyway?

Anonymous said...

Oh lmao. I was on another site which includes people who followed adam during idol but don't pay much attention to him nowadays. And someone posted the queen iheart performance and three separate people said this was the first performance since idol that they didn't feel embarrassed for him. Because the way he usually performs is just cringe worthy with all his sexual posturing. Being embarrassed and feeling sorry for adam is not limited to me. It's pretty common among fans who are not crazy and can see how badly his career has gone.

Anonymous said...

@2:28 PM/JAK

@12:47 PM Responding - I was trying to make a point to the troll, in their rantings towards Adam, @12:11 PM.

But to your point, you are not alone; I have the same wonderful experience. Thank you for your beautiful post; I hear you.

Anonymous said...

Oh and just to add that site is college students talking about their school, jobs and lives. They aren't fans of any idol, before someone thinks its an idol site

glitzylady said...

@Anon 2:09 PM
These pics appear in other blogs as well, not just here. Most fans are happy to see pictures of Adam. Admin posts them here for our enjoyment, not to start fights. She's DEFINITELY a BIG Adam Lambert fan and is not getting rich from the hits off this blog, I can tell you that for a fact. But believe what you want to. I appreciate her efforts in keeping us up to date with all things Adam.

Anonymous said...

@2:42 PM

Why are you coming on here with all that crap. Sounds like a group of you and your homophobic friends. Adam was actually the most popular Idol on that season; that is when he won the hearts and minds of the world.

You are taking a positive post about how Queen and Adam's set was one of the best of the Iheart festival; Many people said that Adam was great on Idol; and today has matured into a superstar. Please, stop lying and twisting stuff around. Evidently, the people you are talking to, if any, are not real fans. Oh, I get it now; you and your cohorts don't like the sexual stuff. Then, case closed. You better follow someone else. Adam is a very sexy man, getting sexier and sexier with each passing day; better leave now and take the so called fans that you say he makes cringe with you, before you guys heads explode.

For the record; yes, being embarrassed and feeling sorry for Adam is limited to you and your kind. Ha, ha, I am not going to even comment about, you and those idiots you are making up in your head saying that Adam's career is doing so badly. Check Adam out; you will find that is the biggest lie you could ever tell yourself. You are so confused. Your hate runs deeper that your crazy rantings sound. I know you will keep running back with more stupid lies. Everyone on this site now knows that your problem is that Adam is too "sexy".

glitzylady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

@2:47 PM & 2:42 PM

Now you are saying the crazies are college students; stop making up lies, if that is the case; they sound as crazy as you. Hope they are doing well in their studies; sounds like a very homophobic site you are visiting, being college students don't make them smart.

If they are who you are talking about in your @2:42 PM post; they should stick to school, jobs and their own lives.

Apparently, Adam is too sexy and cringe worthy for them as you stated in your previous post. I think it is all in your mind.

Just what are you trying to prove? Saying things, does not make them true. Look, you are not going to change anyone's mind here. I think you are here just to let out hate rantings against our beloved adam, because no one in the real world will listen. Get help.

glitzylady said...

My comment was for the second @Anon 2:09 PM BTW

Anonymous said...

Adam lives such a beautiful life. So very proud of him; fan for life.
Off to real life.

Anonymous said...

Ok my last comment. Anyone who thinks adam is a superstar, that Adams career is going well is just not living in reality. Anyone who can't see he has failed miserably and at 31 years old is too old to get another chance to prove himself does not have any clue about pop culture. No one is homophobic in the site I am referring to. In fact there are many lesbians and they are totally into gay fiction. That has nothing to do with Adams awkward attempts to act sexy.

I come here cause its like a parody of an fan site where everyone is crazy delusional and I find it funny. That's all.

Anonymous said...

@3:48pm thanks for declaring that you are a hater. Now go on take care of your own reality life affair of reading gay fictions with your so called college lesbian buddies.

Gush you contradict yourself so much with your made up comments just to say that you are a hater.

Anonymous said...

To the 2nd anon @2:09, I think the admin. of this site is a fan, but she also seems to have a very smart business sense. I like the threads that have interesting comments and different opinions. It's called Adam Lambert 24/7 News. I take that to mean anything related to Adam's life might get posted here. That includes family and friends and, yes, gossip. I'm sure there are other sites that concentrate only on his career. And there are some places where the talk is only positive. One is on Amazon. If you have an account with, type in "Adam Lambert". His CD's will pop up on the screen. If you click on the "audio CD" for "For Your Entertainment" a lot of info on the CD will come next. Scroll down to "Forums". There's one called "For Glamberts Only - No Trespassing". Everyone is nice and friendly and when a troll comes in, they do the smart thing and put them on ignore. Ends all problems. The trolls that used to visit left.
They tend to stick to only the positive aspects of Adam's career. And they are usually up to date on information, too.

Anonymous said...

This is 4:22. I meant my comment for the first anon @2:09 that questioned this site's admin's motives.

Anonymous said...

3:48, I'm not gonna comment on whether you are wrong or right but you mentioned one of the only things that I'm worried about Adam's career atm, the age... I guess Adam is doing good atm but he needs that hit now, or it's not gonna happen. I feel like every year glamberts expect something grand and huge. The fanatic fans paint these huge dreams that only end up disappointing the rest of the fandom.

Last year at this time we were so excited about Trespassing remix EP. I spent a lot of money on our "glambert campaign" making that song top the charts. We managed to do that but it changed nothing in the long run. I'm now at the point where I will always continue to support Adam but I will no longer worry about him becoming or not becoming a superstar. What will be will be and us glamberts will not be able to affect that.

Anonymous said...

IMO we all should go to the following site since Adam is paying for this site and you never know he might even pop in to say hello. Post all current news and keep trolls out of site. One needs to create one forum to keep it active with daily news and invite all fans to visit this forum for updated daily news.

Anonymous said...

@3:48pm,i find it funny for u to come to this site just to throw yo fit about ' adam delusional fan'.Yeah we are proud of adam success until now.There are many more to come.for ignorant people like u,anything adam does is just a 'meh'.Do we care? WE DONT CARE AT ALL coz we know very well that these ignorant or unbelievers people is full of envy and ill heart towards successfull artist like adam.Adam just laugh his ass of counting money in his bank while YOU and your entourage busy attacking adam's fansite for your hit.Who is the looser now?

Anonymous said...

Robin Thicke is 36 years old and he got himself a hit song Blurred Lines and successful album. So is John Mayer. He is 36 and he is doing very well. Michael Bubles 38 years old. JT is 33. PSY is 36.

Men are like Persian carpet. The more you step on them the more precious and valuable they become. Plus men's singing voice gets better and better and better with age. With looks they become more good looking as well.

Anonymous said...

I said it before. The negative commenter is Sauli's fan. From her comments, that is mostly about Adam's relationship, she probably used to read a lot of fan-fictions and they all went to her head as reality. That ship sailed out and she doesn't have her daily delusional stories to cling on. She is upset about it and she spreads lies and rumors to get her daily satisfaction. She got deleted from other fan sites, twitter, and other social medias. Unfortunately she found her home here and admin won't delete here IP address.

Anonymous said...

You make sense 4:40. His career is not dead just because he doesn't have a song on the radio. My daughter and her friends listen to and pay a lot of money to go see artists that never get radio play. They are all in their early 20's, and they say that the crap on the radio today is not cool anymore.

Anonymous said...

5:19 I've only seen one Sauli-related comment in this thread and even that had nothing to do with bashing Adam. You are the only one bringing Sauli and his fans (who also support Adam) into this.

Anonymous said...

Am proud what has adam been acheiving for 5 years.just look at his wiki page.can u see any of his alum friends from S8 doing what he did?sadly they are still struggling to keep up in this entertainment will come and walk away from this fandom...this is normal to any artist.adam cant inssist u to be his fan if u cringe to his style.Like his said if u dont like him ,dont buy his record ,please buy other guy record.this is clear that he knew he is polarising.whoever understand him will stay behind his back.if any of u frustrated that adam is not big like gaga/katy/ blieber...have to accept that adam path is different from these artist.why carrie and kelly successful?carrie is barbie american idol and into country music.conservative people loves country music and support her.kelly is first alum of original american idol.while adam is gay and polarising like male lady gaga,either u hate him or like him.most gay dosent gets him,conservative people clutching pearl.sadly his old label & management failed to see his potential.He did right move to stay out of closet( probably one reason his obstacle to gain big fan base).now he is under DMG and free.His management will do what the best for him.This is new era and am optimistic that he will bring something new to the table.for those who doubt about his future,shake it off.He has so many years ahead of him to experiment.he has voice that make him famous.He got his name branded in this industry.He will be safe.

Anonymous said...

IMO fans should support Adam more than ever before cause he doesn't have two big corporations on his shoulders any more. He is with a nice size successful management company that caters the best to their clients. I'm sure they'll find him a great label. He is keeping himself out in the public as well. If he makes a great album next year, most of the money goes into his pocket instead of two big corporations. No more big corporations with their stupid politics. God I can't stand big corporations.

Anonymous said...

So many stackers.

Anonymous said...

glitzylady claims she isn't Admin's mouth piece yet she knows so much about what is going on with Admin. Very odd to me. I also questions Admin's continuing interest in this blog. Just not sure how glitzy fits into being the know it all.

Anonymous said...

5:26 PM

daydreamin said...

@Glitzylady as well as myself and probably others communicate with the admin here from time to time.

Anonymous said...

Come on, Adam! Tell us already. Bridger has been with you half a year. Sitting next to you in the car (there is the whole good pic in Adamtopia); and older friend Ferras on back seat. Bridger is your bf, right? Tell us. Everyone (almost) will calm down and this fuss about your private life will settle down. We all love Bridger and start making fanfics of you two. He seems to be a likable and handsome guy. Why keeping him still secret?

Anonymous said...

How quickly Adam moved on to a new boyfriend after Sauli. It won't be long when Adam moves on to someone new after Bridger. He is definitely a downgrade from Sauli. Adam is quite a player!

Anonymous said...

Hope Adam keeps his private life private. As it should be. No one should cross that line. As it's his business.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is hanging all the evenings and nights in clubs etc. thats very sad.

Anonymous said...

11:05, yes a night hanging out with other celebrities and singers and performing for them. Just sad that it only shows more people his great talent.

Anonymous said...

daydreamin, next time you talk to Admin tell her she needs some kind of registration or moderation of comments and blocking of IPs or nobody sane and nice will be left at this site.

Anonymous said...

I think some desperados blame Sauli because they are not happy with the situation but do not dare to blame anyone else. Sauli was free game when he was with Adam. I think fans are nowadays more tolerant with the new guys that Adam is seen with. I think it is a good sign although it could be self-censorhip. This fandom is the most xenophobic I have ever witnessed.

Anonymous said...

Yeah...Adam was out last night celebrating one of the biggest Jazz night with tons of other celebs. in the house and he performed as well. You fans of others are jealous and will say all kinds of rumors and lies to bring down Adam. He is in entertainment business and part of his job is to go to all these exclusive places to meet and network with people in his business. Jealous much!

BTW aren't Adam fans voting for Sauli on his DOI that moved him from fourth place to first place? Is this a thank you Adam gets by bashing him? They both said they are in good terms as friends and they are both single. So they are free to date whoever they want. Why is it hard for some to understand?

Anonymous said...

Nobody is blaming Sauli. Maybe one or couple of Sauli's fans are still in fantasy world that they should be together and they talk bad about Adam. Bashing him by spreading lies.

Anonymous said...

Keep it coming. I feel very zen.

Anonymous said...

@10:31 Adam's and Sauli's relationship was over on February, so it's already 9 months ago. That's when they started to move with their own friends and not together.

Anonymous said...

@12:14 What do you mean from his fourth place to to first? Sauli has been twice first, once second and once third if you are referring points from judges.

Anonymous said...

How did Sauli get dragged into this? Trolls are trolls and not necessarily Sauli fans.

Anonymous said...

We are dealing with a committed Finland hater.

Anonymous said...

Oh goodness, what did the resident hater do? Released all of her cohorts from straight jackets!? Or did they get bored of reading all of those creepy fan fictions?

Anonymous said...

12:14 AM
FYI: Foreign fans of Sauli (and Adam) can not vote for him. There are judges votes and Finnish people's phone votes. Then there is a "home judge" in PC but you can give points through that only during the performance which people abroad can't see. The meaning of the home judge is minimal.

Anonymous said...

And to add: Each performance is judged after the show and one couple drops every week, so Adam's fans have not lifted Sauli anywhere. He hss been top three every time. Twice firsr. And the judhes have the last word who is dropping.

Anonymous said...

I live in Ukraine. I saw Adam fans were tweeting links how fans outside of Finland can vote for Sauli on DOI. I will post it next time when I see it.

Anonymous said...

Some fans of Adam are also fans of Sauli and some fans of Sauli are also fans of Adam.

Anonymous said...

Luckily Bridger doesn't have fans. Not yet anyway.

Anonymous said...

If Adam and Bridger are raelly boyfriends what will be the nama of that ship? Adbrig? Adbri? Adabri?

Anonymous said...

How about Adridge?

Anonymous said...

2:27 AM
They must like Sauli a lot if they spend their money on voting. Aren't they then Sauli-fans also? Or do they vote because they want Sauli to stay as long as possible in Finland so that he is not distracting Adam's life in LA? Or what is the point of voting him? I like his skating. He is so energetic and full of joy. That is why I vote him. Some of the skaters are quite good but bland.

Anonymous said...

What about Adacle? Or Lambcle? Bridgbert? Bridam?

Anonymous said...

@3:58 Agree. Sauli's skating is joy to watch! Not only cause he is talented in skating but also cause of his joyful personality. Lifts are difficult for him cause his partner is almost as tall so he can't shine on that.

Anonymous said...

Why you don´t let Sauli be, he decided over half year ago his lifes direction.

Anonymous said...

12 14

I will call you the jealousy troll, thinking everyone is jealous of adam being at a D list event with a group of nobodies! Omg hilarious.

Anonymous said...

@6:24am good for whoever you are fan of, hanging with a list people. Don't worry we vote for him, though.

Anonymous said...

Is this Adams new bf?