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REMINDER: Adam Lambert’s guest-starring role on “glee” Starts November 7

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, October 09, 2013


Anonymous said...

I need no reminder but thanks anyways.

Anonymous said...

Good to post this so new people or those who only come by occasionally will pick up on Adam's Glee appearance. I don't want any fan of any level to let it get by them.

Anonymous said...


Good idea. I hope it is a big ratings night. Adam always says he really appreciates the support of his fans.

Anonymous said...

Thanks .... I don't need reminding but good idea to alert new fans and/or people who are curious about Adam.

Anonymous said...

Thank you - You never know when I could go brain dead so thanks for reminding me. If I miss Adam on Glee, I will not be happy although I can always watch it the next day because I have XFinity (comcast). You can bet I will watch Adam over and over on his debut on Glee and all the other episodes with Adam on the show! Adam will be epic on Glee!>>>>>>>>>>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

This is kind of confusing, The Producer said that Adam is joining the cast of Glee for Season 5. It sounded like a more permanant role then just guest. I don't really know; As long as he is on there; I will be happy. Roles change all the time. Could always be extended; accdording to upcomings obligations of Adam's on the outside.

Anonymous said...

It is confusing. I'm gonna do what I normally do, follow Adam. If he isn't on Glee or whatever, I won't be either.