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Roger Taylor and Brian May: "We Love Adam Lambert to Bits!"

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, October 4, 2013

Posted at : Friday, October 04, 2013



Anonymous said...

That really says a lot that Roger and Brian want to perform their music with Adam. Adam definitely makes them to feel rejuvenated.

Anne Marie said...

It's great to hear how much Roger and Brian love Adam. But I wish there was some hope of them collaborating again. Didn't seem that there was anything in the near future. Brian and Roger, are going to be busy with the new film, for a while.

Anonymous said...

This is an older interview done right after EMA's and before they did the mini tour with Adam.

Anonymous said...

If you click on the above heading, you will see that this is not and older interview. It was after the Vegas gig.

Anonymous said...

Roger talked about Queen Ext. performing in LA and I saw a post of it on Queen FB page. So yes this interview is very much recent. We have more Queenbert coming soon.

Anonymous said...

Guys, no, @8:40am is right -- if you listen to the entire interview Roger says at 2:10 in the interview "we worked with Adam Lambert the other day at the VMAs" and then later talks about offers to do concerts "next summer" -- those are the Kiev, etc. ones with Adam. Yeah, they posted it on FB but it's old. But, that's ok, we have plenty of current wonderful comments from them both.

Anonymous said...

@9:11 The article is recent , but it is an old interview. Queen Extravaganza started last year and he did refer to the Ema performance as recent.

Anonymous said...

I so want to comment about Adam's bits and pieces (a British term) but I won't. It would be lewd and rude. : )