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Adam Lambert and Ellen's Twitter Conversation

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, November 14, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, November 14, 2013


Anonymous said...

two people with a wonderful sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

makes him feel like a man's man.

Anonymous said...

ewwww to Kale chips. They really give a person bad breath.

Anonymous said...

Ellen has a soft spot for Adam; she'll provide the platform for Adam to advertise, diffuse or just sing-talk. Yea Ellen is Adam's go-to person for help if required; but so far as I see it, Adam stands on his own two feet, scales uphill, doing helluva of an excellent job...enjoying himself thoroughly along the way. lwl!


Anonymous said...

Yes, kudos to Ellen for her love of Adam. She knows a master of talent when she sees one.

Anonymous said...

Loved it! Hey, this is my type of impeccably groomed, fashion iconed, oodles of class, sweet smelling to the max real 'man'!

Anne Marie said...

It was too short a spot. But then I find everything Adam does is too short on time. Loved his bare ankles, as some one said "porn ankles" LOL

Anonymous said...

Loved Adam on the Bro Show....Adam was hilarious!


Jadam NZ said...

OT. A few threads back I mentioned trying to buy the Glee EP and Marry the Night single on Amazon, which wasn't available in Nz.
Some one suggested iTunes NZ it isn't on iTunes because the TV programme isn't on here. But thanks for the reply and suggestion.
The reason we aren't getting Glee 5 at this time is the TV Channel that show it is in financial difficulty and unless it is picked up by a free to air channel, we are going to miss out.
I do have Adams Marry the night and Roar on my ipod though so that's something.

Anonymous said...

I would have snapped up them there kale chips. yummo

Anonymous said...

he was even drinking the beer with sophistication. lol lol lol

glitzylady said...

I don't know if it's possible or will help, but I have bought from Amazon UK (I live in the US...) even though I don't live there, in order to get the UK versions of Adam's albums (FYE and Trespassing..with the extra bonus tracks not available on the US versions: why they weren't on ALL version, I don't know, but that's another conversation :))) Anyway, I wonder if it's possible for you to get a US Amazon acct.. I have no idea if that would work, but maybe worth a try!

Jadam said...

Glitzlady, Now I think of it I did get the UK version of both albums from Amazon UK. Yes will try it. Will let you know how I get on.

Anonymous said...

Jadam, you can also create a US iTunes account. I haven't done it in a while but I think I made a gmail account and used that with a fake US zip code or something when creating the US iTunes account.