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Adam Lambert Music Video LOOKS

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Anonymous said...

I still give these views once in a while on Vevo and I hope others do the same.

Adamluv said...

All fabulous!!!!! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adam is an actor but his voice sometimes makes us forget. He is a true and magical shape-shifter. Just hoping he doesn't get too thin. He looks good both ways, but we need him to stay healthy cuz we are addicted to him.

Anonymous said...

He is indeed an actor, and has been for some time. Hope he gets to chance to hone his acting skills and do something that propels him into the public's attention. Oh, and I'm a tophat fan. I think he looks really sexy in it.


Anonymous said...

Adam is the spice I add to my dish; the spark that kick starts my heart; the paint that colors my wings; and the sound that lifts my soul. Do I make myself clear enough?

Anonymous said...

Every morning I have to have my Adam fix on 24/7. I will not say how many other times I check Adam out online in 24 hours. Adam makes my day no matter what else is going on in my life. He is my happy place and my shelter from real life when I need it.......nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Love these videos!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@ nancdruuu2
.....I'm with U
.....Adam's my happy place 2.