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Adam Lambert's Cute Faces!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, November 16, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, November 16, 2013


Anonymous said...

They are cute. They make me smile and say awwwwww. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Adam can be so animated and it certainly does make you smile. His stage performances and acting gigs are just the thing to showcase his mesmerizing presence. Adam is so great in front of the camera, and pics like these that stop the action so we can get a good look are really fun.

Boy, I've been on the Adam train lately ... I mean, more than usual. Ha!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Yes, all the faces are cute...but the last one far right is sweetly lovable !.........JAK

Anonymous said...

Those are cute pics. Love it.

Anonymous said...

such a cutie!<3<3 his facial expressions make me happy:)

Anonymous said...

@JAK ....... AGREE! :)