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All of The Pics So Far of Adam at FREEDOM TO MARRY Event

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, November 17, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, November 17, 2013


Anonymous said...

In the second picture which is also the featured picture, Adam looks like a movie-star. Adam is a very intense kind of actor; a special type story-line with intensity acting required will bring Adam as an actor to the forefront. Perhaps Glee is his stepping stone.


Anonymous said...

Website of the organization Adam was supporting. They are working across the nation to bring the freedom to marry to everybody. See how they are working in your state and how you can support them:

Anonymous said...

thanks for the link. Nice pictures, I sure am glad people are generous with them.

Anonymous said...

Lam-my, you know, I thought the same thing. Totally looks like a movie star!
I think that he will eventually do a musical on film.
So many things this man can do!

Anonymous said...

The thought just came to me when I saw this picture of Adam. Movie stars have this kind of charismatic appeal, I guess. :)


Anonymous said...

We can bask in his success. It is so rare that a "star" is such a wonderful person. He was gutsy to support the gay cause without hesitation. Doesn't seem so gutsy now, but it was after Idol. I think the stigma of being the "gay" singer is fading, and now his star rises. We should all have such courage in our lives.

Anonymous said...

OT .....
Don't know if this has been posted ....

"What celebs really think of Miley Cyrus" with a yummo pic of Adam!

Anonymous said...

He's my Prince Charming.

Anonymous said...

Yea Prince Charming
Though so disarming
Knight of the night
Angel of music
Another song, another stride
Into the darkness or light
Love, hate, embrace or slight
Whichever it may be
That's how this angel
Resumes control, scores, takes flight


p/s Thanks Anon for the word, disarming, and DRG for Prince Charming

Anonymous said...

More acting at this point?
Means less singing.
Not many singing role movies or musicals worth doing/watching.
Just acting. Me no likey.
However natural and talented he is...His VOICE combined with his persona is too unique!!!
MORE MUSIC worth HIS VOICE, that's what I'm hoping - don't sprinkle Adam in all directions, not now when HIS VOICE is finally been heard and hopefully more appreciated also in his home country.... To make it in music business is hard enough!