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ANOTHER VERSION OF VIDEO: Adam Lambert on The Ellen Show 11- 5- 2013

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, November 11, 2013

Posted at : Monday, November 11, 2013

Adam Lambert as guest DJ on The Ellen Show 11-5-2013 talking about his upcoming appearance on Glee.


Anonymous said...

Oh finally I got the name of Red hair devil, it's Moosifer as in Lucifer. lol! This audio is clearer; I couldn't make it out in the previous one; not bad, interesting. Adam can add another expertise to his resume besides the latest, actor. Standup comedian who wails his jokes. lol! Well, everyone laughed. lol! Frankly what he wailed as jokes is actually brilliant Ellen says: beautiful phrasing.


Anonymous said...

Red hair devil

Horned Red hair devil or Moosifer
Arouses intrigue, an eye-catching Lucifer
Also Glampire fiend or elusive Lambjinni
In the blink of an eye, he's MetalVamp hippy
1st November, All Saints Day, my life-changing Baptism
Which may be moderately linked to Halloween
That Adam and folks celebrate with fanfare, whims and fancies
Strange it all seems, but beneath what meets the eye
It's fun, creativity and smiles
An ingenious way of expressing love
With a trick or treat or be wild for a while
Adam's devilish eye makeup is glamtastic
Painstaking work that can't afford a mistake
His horns will light up any child's face
Tickled by the quirky psychedelic interplay
Glee is up next...playful Elliot breaks a leg
Plops it on the table, incites a ghastly uptake
Twirls the chandelier to Marry the Night
Starchild undulates on the floor as his leggiero spews and strikes
Santana exclaims, Bravo ! but Kurt shrinks; his head shakes in fright
All is well that ends well, despite all the ostentatious swipes
It seems like a really good fit...he expounds
Summoning up his tricks and treats; sights and sounds
Adam the actor ceremoniously emerges profound
With a dramatic upsurge of Glamberts to wreathe the crown
Back to reality...Adam wails out advertisements
I wanna tie you up. It will set you free...he rock yells hilariously
Yea, Adam...singer/songwriter/actor, excels with flying colours
His powerhouse of a voice rises above others, soars into the ether


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think Adam said "Loose-i-fer

Anonymous said...

does anyone have vid of Monday's Ellen where he is wearing a suit

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:54 The Nov 11 vid has already been posted if you page back a little, hopefully you see it. Very handsome in his suit. :)

elizie said...

This is the first time I heard the Craigslist thing. Hilarious!

Anonymous said...

so quick-witted how Adam said, about the Craigslist thing, "Hopefully this will bring out the best..." So funny and sharp. :)

Anonymous said...

I think we all have to keep in mind how very awesome & amazing (I know I know, those "a" words are so over-used, but so fitting in regard to AML :))... anyway, how cool it was for Adam to be on Ellen in this capacity. Whether we think about it in these terms or not, these shows exist not only because of the charms & likeability of their hosts (Ellen, Kelly Rippa, Leno, Chelsea Handler, etc) & the ratings a popular host can command, but ultimately as MARKETING DELIVERY DEVICES and Adam doesn't have any new music to promote! Of course Adam had Glee to promote, but the other main, long running stars could have been booked for that too. I think Adam's booking on Ellen in this scenario speaks to a friendly relationship Ellen and Adam cultivated and a respect by Ellen for Adam as a performer (& human being). I am just throwing thoughts of there of course. I have no freaking idea, and certainly have no real basis for my musings, and I certainly don't know either of them and am not in the industry. I am just a pop culture observer, and it's no mystery that these shows exist by and large as marketing tools and it's not easy to get an appearance like that without a major project to promote.

Someone here or in another thread said Adam's actual on-screen time was actually minimal but holy cow what an impact he made!!! And tons of good informational tidbits actually as well!! Win/win.

Anonymous said...

Loosifer not moosifer.

Anonymous said...

I heard, moose, a kind of deer due to the horns on Adam's forehead. The moose has antlers, much larger horns. Why would it be Loosifer? What's the connection?


Anonymous said...

U r quite simply wrong Lam-my

Anonymous said...

It's an open interpretation as this is a Halloween dress-up. There's no right or wrong! A real example: Adam says the rocker costume is heavy-metal vampire; but I also saw someone naming that as leather vampire. So who is right and who is wrong in this case? I suggest you open the window of your mind a little wider and let new ideas flow in. Also if you deem something wrong, you've got to substantiate it or explain why it is wrong! Got that?


Anonymous said...


I'm going to substantiate and explain why you're wrong. It's because he said "Loose cifer" that's why. Get it?

Anonymous said...

Well, as I've said I heard Moosifer because of the horns of a moose! It's not wrong! to interpret something as one sees or hears it as long as there's a reasonable explanation; as this is a Halloween dressup that allows for varied interpretations. And don't repeat after me! Got it? It's not, get it! in this context. You also repeated my words "substantiate and explain". You are MFG, my stalker, who always repeats my words back at me, just like right now. When you pointed it out the first time, I ignored it and then you came a second time and now you want to carry this on and on...stalkish!
MFG, my stalker of 2+ years also known as Laurie@MiamiGlamGirl...forever banished from Twitter, thrown out by Adam, and other sites! Please don't waste my time!


Anonymous said...

Oy vey!

Anonymous said...

Oy means love in Cantonese.


Anonymous said...

Ya'all best give up. She's determined to have the last word. Oopidstay!

Anonymous said...

Yep, same old rebuttal after two years of stalking...always harping on and on about "last word". As I've told you before, it's my prerogative to have the last word or not. And so why are you still so addicted? There won't be any last word if you stop picking on minor insipid details and trying to always prove me wrong! Also, you have this stalking habit of always writing immediately after my comments, pretending to call out or praise someone just so you feel one-up. Even that silly question-mark right after my poem above is yours! And followed up with other silly interjections. You seem sooo need! I'm not going to swallow you up! Relax.


HK fan said...

Why would he say mooseifer, what on earth does his costume have to do with a moose....he is dressed as the devil, who is also known as Lucifer....

Anonymous said...

@1:27 Lam-my can't read pig latin. Good on ya!!

Anonymous said...

Firstly, I did not say Adam said the word, moose!! I specifically stated I heard! moose, which came through my speakers or could be due to the recording.
In any case, in the first few lines of my above poem, I described Adam's Halloween do with 3 different names...Red hair devil, Moosifer and Lucifer. In fact, I used the name, Lucifer first and both of you quickly jumped on it; as usual nothing original, always banking on other people's brain cells!! So Moosifer which I still like a lot because I like animals especially deer, in this case, sparked my brain and I've said, that was what I heard regardless what was said by Adam.
Earlier on there was another controversial Halloween do that showed a guy in diapers and holding a walking-stick...Some said disrespectful and some said it was funny; but I feel it was okay to feel either way, depending on how one wants to view it as.
Similarly, I much prefer Moosifer because of the horns of an animal depicted. And who says a devil looks like what is perceived, with horns? Have you seen a devil with horns or for that matter have you ever seen a devil? lol! At least a moose has horns; my interpretation of Moosifer is a lot more accurate than what one or both of you nincompoops think that's what a devil looks like!!
Even though I used Moosifer, I also called it Lucifer...Take your pick!! What's the big problem? Ignite your shrinking brains!! Both of you!!

By the way, my 2-year+ stalker...Laurie@MiamiGlamGirl is an elderly woman, in her own words and not any glam girl as seen in her Twitter photo!! Goodness gracious.


Anonymous said...

Lam-my in a previous post you said the way to win a debate is to never call your opponent names and yet you call them nincompoops with shrinking brains. I think you lost that debate. And really, who cares about your made up stalker? You may write those posts yourself to garner sympathy.

Anonymous said...

lol lol lol lol lol lol

Anonymous said...

This is not name-calling...these two particular persons have always frequently asked me to explain things that can be thought out by themselves and so it is accurate to use the name, nincompoops and as for shrinking brains...this is also a fact; all our brains do shrink as neurosurgeons have studied with specific data to prove that; so again not name-calling; perhaps tying to allude that some brains shrink faster if they don't use it and always depending on others to explain what I am doing now; so might I need to include one more or have you already been included?


Anonymous said...

Actually Lucifer is often depicted with horns.

Anonymous said...

6:52 Don't write that to Lam-mmy, she'll jump you with interpretations of what horns look like. haha

Anonymous said...

12:58 should be Lam-my