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Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Anne Marie said...

You have to check out Adam Lamberts Fan club, talking about Adam Lambert balls of steel. The article is hilarious, and a must read. It's about when he was on AI, very talented writer.

Anonymous said...

I remember this clip...I saw it a few months after Idol.I thought at the time...I'll bet they are wondering why Adam wasn't considered the find of the decade or century...they certainly saw his talent and potential in the early days. I hope they are still fans...........JAK

Anonymous said...

Yes I remember this interview just before his audition; whoa, so much water went under the bridge since then. And even as early as this stage of Idol, he already caused quite a stir. In the room, the judges were practically quarrelling; Kara said it was like "pulling teeth" lol! directing it at Simon. You should watch Simon's expression when Adam sang...he looked so intense as if Adam just descended from the sky. lol! Adam was looking quite nervous but calm at the same time when Simon said he was theatrical; and interjected with: "Is there something else I can sing..." lol! Not only that, after they squabbled and Adam had left the room, the blind behind where they were sitting literally crashed down and someone quickly came to fix it. It was controversy right from go. lol! So looking back, I always joke, perhaps Adam's voice/vibrations caused the blind to drop....quite an auspicious sign, I'd say on hindsight. lol!


Anonymous said...

Actually when something crashes, it is generally not an auspicious sign as far as my experiences go. And so it has come to pass, the rug was pulled from under Adam's feet. He slipped but got back up real fast and out-ran everyone, till this day.


Anonymous said...

Shead a few tears watching this...
ADAM, so precious from the get go!

Anonymous said...

That was interesting.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for explaining it to us Lam-my.

Anonymous said...

You're most welcome... :)


Anonymous said...

Just read that "Ghost" the movie with Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze is being rewritten for a tv series. Would love to see Adam as Sam. It's being produced by Paramount TV. Think it would be really good because of many different stories about Sam trying to find his killer. Kind of like the Fugitive with David Janssen so many years ago trying to find the one armed man who killed his wife.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure we have one of the living dead on this site...someone who never sleeps but posts alot.

Anonymous said...

Adam sure had me at Hello. I wanted to hear him speak - to stand beside him. You knew he was someone great!
Yes, that's our Adam. He has not changed to this day. sigh..........

HK fan said...

Here's the link for The Balls of steel musings....

Anonymous said...

Oh how I miss that hairstyle!

Anonymous said...

Adam's confidence has served him well. :-)

Anonymous said...

Adam has that aura that says: Look at me. I am somebody!!!

Anonymous said...

When all is said and done, Adam worked very hard to be discovered. Notice seems to come much easier now, and he is so fantastic on so many levels, but we forget how hard he worked to get there. Now he has over 2 million Twitter fans. Luck or hard work, or both??? Both, of course. But at the end of the day, what I appreciate more is that he is so well grounded. Real, and plans to stay that way.

That's my thought for the day. . . .

Anonymous said...

This man is remarkable, always has been; always will be; he was born that way!

Anonymous said...

Oh my God; this video is remarkable. Wish everyone could see it.

Anonymous said...

Adam had them at "hello", but he had most of us at "mama..."


Anonymous said...


We who have been here from the start (meaning Idol; some have been fans even longer than that...) we forget NOTHING...We've followed his every step, every struggle, every victory big or small, as close as it is possible via modern media and without being a stalker (and not belonging to his close glamily and friends). We've seen all his promo tour vids, all his concert vids, many live performances from up close or from a far... We know where each outfit was used, how was this and that concert, which songs he saaaang, what has been written about them & him. We remember the prizes, acknowledgements and think he deserves way more than he has received so far. The minute or second we see a pic, we know whether it's new or old or new/ The second we hear his voice, we get this FEELING... wherever we are...It's ADAAAMMM!!!

No, we never forget how hard he has worked. We know how hard it's been and will be. It's a tough & ruthless business.

AND there is so much more we never forget, but this post would be too long to tell it all!

Sincerly Adam's,

Anonymous said...

Yep that's our boy. Loved him from the first few notes.

Anonymous said...

I remember this interview so well. There was a shyness amid the confidence. Love the twinkling humor in his eyes. He knew nothing was guaranteed in the Idol competition. Love Slezak's comments. He has been such a supporter of Adam since the beginning. He recognized the greatness, just as so many of us did. I love how Michael felt Adam's "presence" and said that he felt cool just standing next to him. Greatness in the making.

Adam's LTAF, you are so right. We are so closely imbedded in Adam's everyday life, personal and professional. It's because we love him and recognize his special uniqueness on and off the stage. We've been there through his ups and downs. You are so right about the FEELING we get when we see him, hear him, experience him.


carolynj said...

One of the reasons that I never doubt Adam's decisions, work ethic, and future is that I re-listen to some of his interviews. His love of music and his dedication are deep in him. He has a path--the Adam Lambert path--and it is leading him to amazing opportunities.

glitzylady said...

About the "Balls of Steel" blog from back in the days of Idol Season 8: LOVED the sentiments expressed in it...and felt like I was right back there at Rock Week with Adam..(and there a couple of comments from a couple of regulars here...)

I really liked him up to that point... I mean REALLLLLLY liked him (from the first second I saw him on Idol...), but his "Whole Lotta Love" performance completely did me in..and I'm still here four plus years later, loving the heck outta this amazing and supremely talented man.. Anyone who could watch Adam that night and not be completely in awe of him, not to mention smitten for life, has no soul :))) In my opinion of course...

And the clincher was his performance at Fantasy Springs in early 2010 (I was OMG! moment for sure!). His sexy, sultry, slow, ultimately "Big O" inducing version of WLL is still my "go to when I need a little...pick me up" song :)) ooops, did I just say that??


Anonymous said...

roll eyes

Anonymous said...

Come to think of it, Adam perked me up at Cher's, I Believe in love...At that moment...I realised he was a Top 3 and yes that came to pass. At Satisfaction, I mumbled: Win already! At Whole Lotta Love, I said: Looks like Elvis. So he didn't get me at Mama. lol! But not so fast...Adam did get me at Mama at the Kiev concert.


glitzylady said...

I have to say that I knew immediately when I saw and heard Adam that he was the best of the best..and would win, no contest. Well..he should have won anyway :)) Water under the bridge. There was never any doubt in my mind that he would have no competition whatsoever. But WLL certainly tipped me over the edge, from fan to fan-for-life! I didn't see the show until Top 13, Black or White.. because real life kept me busy with other things. I've since watched all of Season 8, since then, and I can say that you are exactly right... I would have known Adam was something and someone very special no matter when I first "met" him on the show. I do have to say that having seen even it after the fact, Adam singing "Satisfaction" was one of the sexiest things I've ever seen. Ever. Ever...ever....And that would have done it for me, right then and there. And it still does :)))

Anonymous said...

You know why Adam didn't get me fully at the audition...the AI contestants are by-and-large superb singers until Adam came onto the scene and that scaled up my expectations. And so now I only watch AI at Top 5, who are comparatively excellent, using Adam as the benchmark. But none so far in reality has even come close...Angie is outstanding. Like the latest Starchild performance...that is totally a different class altogether. Coming back to WLL, if you were wild enough at that concert you might have participated at throwing a dildo or whatever that were hurled at him. lol! I like how he whacked off one dildo that landed right in front of him, Beckham style, back into the audience, simultaneously fun to watch that video. He did give a friendly warning in other concerts, not to throw things directly at him. lol!


glitzylady said...

There was no sex toy throwing at the first Fantasy Springs concert as far as I remember (the one I was referring to)..fairly tame show in that regard :))) ***As if an Adam Lambert concert can ever be called "tame"*** (And my husband was there so I had to behave myself. Mostly.) But FS #1 (2010) was pretty mild compared to FS #2 (2012) for sure, if you may recall :) And my husband wasn't there at that one :))))))) But I was..... LOTS of fun...

The closest that I ever came to interacting with Adam at a concert was when he touched my hand at one of the GNT shows. Better than a sex toy for sure... Don't you agree???

glitzylady said...

Oh wait...I think that may have come out slightly wrong :))) Ooops!!!

Anonymous said...

Mmm treading on thin ice, not sure about agreeing or not, didn't experience either. lol! More towards agree...always believe in genuine toys. lol! Oops thin ice is cracking, better tread lightly. lol!


Anonymous said...

Satisfaction describes the man! All the way. That was my "O" moment, :)))))!!! First of many...

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