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Glee Executive Music Producer, Adam Anders: "Adam Lambert is one of the best singers you will ever hear in your life"

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, November 12, 2013


The Dark Side said...

Glamberts everywhere know this, but its nice to have it affirmed !

Anonymous said...

Finally, people are getting Adam!
Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

Anonymous said...

Hey did anyone hear Adam's name mentioned on Two Broke Girls last night. Couldn't believe it. Didn't quite understand what was said after his name mentioned.Anyone hear it

Anonymous said...

Today "Marry the Night" available from Amazon- Glee Cast Version feat. Adam Lambert by Glee Cast

Anonymous said...

3:28, the joke was they hoped their gay buzz lasts longer than Adam Lambert's did. Before people freak out two minutes later they made a joke about Matthew McConaughey and his fake hair. It's good when Adam is well enough known to be used as a punch line in a sitcom.

Anonymous said...

Leaked pic of Adam on Glee:

@NayaIsMySun: New pic of Demi Lovato, Adam Lambert, Naya Rivera, Chris Colfer & Lea Michele "Puppet Master":

Leaked song for episode 9:

Anonymous said...

Glee's EXECUTIVE MUSIC PRODUCER said this?! Now THAT is high praise!

Keep watching ... Adam's going to rule the world. :)

xo laura

Anonymous said...

When high praise comes from outside the regular fanbasse, that's the best news! More and more people in the business who get to know him are praising him. The word is spreading.

3:40, I don't watch Two Broke Girls, but I'm thinking that the Adam comment wasn't meant to be negative. Adam's "gay buzz" is pretty much over. Everyone knows he's gay and it's old news. More and more, it's his music, voice and talent that's talked about. I don't really know the context since I didn't see the show. But you're right; it's great to know that Adam is thought of as someone that everybody knows, and they will get the joke. That's a good thing!!


Anonymous said...

All this awesomeness for Adam is well so awesome....I just don't have words to express how delightful this is,..Adam is so beyond words talented.

Anonymous said...

Funny. I uttered the same praise with almost the same content just a few threads back. Nobody 'yuhuu'ed'... :)))

Have said this many times during these 4-5 years. Unique. Rare talent. That he truly is.

Aren't we long time fans lucky, we are avantgarde fans, we said this day would come, we saw to the future... And we ain't seen nothing yet, he's only just begun... YAYYYYYY!

Anonymous said...

Nice to see Adam's talent recognized and acknowledged!

Wheels are definitely turning in the right direction. Love all the positive tweets from non fans after his Glee appearance.


Anonymous said...

Now didn't we already know that!!!! A very rare talent!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Adam Anders has so few followers on Twitter. He has mega accomplishments.

Anonymous said...

I have loved being a mega Adam fan the last 4 plus years and will continue forever...Adam is such a mega star and this is a glorious time ....I am relishing every second of it

Anonymous said...

Adam has had his obstacles, but he has pushed on, so brave and strong; with his faithful caring fans right there by his side. One thing he always showed was the love he had for his fans; and the appreciation for their support.

I have never been so proud of this one of a kind man. He is unwavering in his convictions, and faith in himself. His inner and outer beauty, just leaves me speechless. He is honest, some say to a fault; but I love his honesty, and his beautiful soul.

I am just going to continue to watch him expand his many talents; and still assist as a fan, in any way that I can. At last all the things that Adam has always worked hard for and deserved, are finally coming his way. I feel the best is yet to come, and is well on it's way to our BB. I as a long time fan, am over the moon!

Anonymous said...


I agree with you about the "Two Broke Girl's" comment. Great when Adam's name is used on a popular show such as this. I took it that it was not a big deal that he was Gay; and that is why the buzz was so short lived. I did not take it as negative at all. The writer is probably a "Glambert." Adam is becoming a household name in a good way. No complaints here.

Anonymous said...

@6:02 PM

There are quite a few accomplished Executives that are not on twitter. But, get many awards in their field. Some I believe, just don't want to be bothered with twitter; but, communicate in many other private ways. They really don't need twitter to help them succeed and make the big bucks. They are quite different than entertainers that need and depend on fans.

Anonymous said...

It's about time that people are finally realizing what an amazing vocal talent that Adam Lambert is. Hey, I knew that from the first note he sang on Idol as did all those who became instant fans. I am so glad that Adam's appearance on Glee is getting others to recognize that he is the best singer in music today. There is something so special about him that is both mesmerizing and tantalizing. . Can't wait to see him on Glee on Nov. 28th.

Anonymous said...

There was a time when Adam felt like he wasn't cool enough, stinging from the cold shoulder of celebs he'd approach on the red carpet. Now, it's Adam who's sought, whose name is celebrated, the one that's cool to be with, to know, to love. The slog to this tipping point and vindication that he's no flash have been gratifying, but slow. When I agonize at the pace of Adam's climb,--his orientation aside--I have concluded that it must be this: Adam's brilliance is so bright, people tend not to believe the superlatives entirely, as if the adoring OTT kudos re: his vocal virtuosity were flights of fancy confounded by his obvious sexiness and striking beauty. The reports of Adam must be exaggerated hyperboles, too improbable as to be unbelievable that they understandably invited skepticism, even cynicism from even the most sane of us. That is, until Adam is witnessed in action first hand. Then, it's crazy epiphany, like this music producer's Eureka moment. Others: "Now I get Adam!" "Golden angelic voice". "OMG, Hot Adam", and "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven, Adam?" Me? I go with Lady Marmalade's line: "Voulez vous coucher avec moi, ce soir, Adam?" This perfectly sane lady can hope, n'est pas?

Anonymous said...

Please accept the edits: "flash-in-the-pan" in place of "flash" and
"believable" instead of "unbelievable". Sorry folks, also for such a long comment, that's what I get for being in a hurry. To borrow Hemingway's explanation for writing such a long letter to his friend, "I didn't have time to write a short one", or something like that.

Anonymous said...

@6:37 PM
You make good sense.

Anonymous said...

Have been saying that for a loooooog time! FINALLY!!!!!
Adam is a a 'rare' treasure.

Anonymous said...

Adam's always been 'cool'!

Anonymous said...

You don't have to be in the industry to gut feeling know that Adam Lambert is a phenominal entertainer. OMG people are waking up!

Anonymous said...

Credit well deserved for Adam.
{Just adding family in the Phillipines are safe. Thank God! Love and prayers sent out to those surviving terrible conditions and heartache.)

glitzylady said...

And another tweet from Adam Anders: I agree, because Adam Lambert and Lea Michele are the two singer/performers on Glee who are most closely matched in vocal ability....I sincerely hope they will at least get an epic and awesome duet sometime this season.....

Okan İDUĞ ‏@Okanial 9h
@AdamAnders if you can choose two glee stars to have a diva-off who would you choose?

Adam Anders ‏@AdamAnders 9h
@Okanial Rachel and Elliot

leilani Aloha said...

Ditto!!! Anon 6:21pm :)
Adam's got us all under his spell with his awesomeness, voice, charisma, compassion, positivity, etcccc:)

Anonymous said...

Nice compliment!
Abt the 'gay buzz joke' a glambert tweeted something about sending the clip to Glaad, which is stupid IMO..peeps should lighten up,truth is I like the fact that the gay buzz is over (m not homophobic) its better people see adam as he is ; a talented and creative artist, than a gay musician (which isn't bad) but he is so much better than that description.
Some Glamberts (poop english I know) should lighten and stop embarassing adam, and the unneccesary attack,
Every publicity is good!

Anonymous said...

Everyone wants a piece of Adam now that the word is out! Adam is fabulous, but there are those people who want to jump on the bandwagon. Call them fair weather fans, but I don't care! Everybody JUMP for Adam Lambert - the Star of the Century!

Anonymous said...

After hearing Adam do a duet with Angie Miller last season, I would love to see him do one with Lea Michele. They both have a theater background and very strong voices
that would blend well together. But I don't care who he sings with as long as we get to hear him several times during the episodes in which he appears.

Anonymous said...

8:06 PM
.............Ah non......desole pas un hasard !....dommage