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GLEE Instagram Page Promotes Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, November 14, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, November 14, 2013


kitty said...

so looking forward to seeing Adam on GLEE again.

Anonymous said...

I like this somewhat antiquated Adam persona a lot; it's like he is bridging the past with the present, very handsome Adam with depth. And oh that Starchild performance is one of a kind! Although the intention in that Glee scene was to portray a flamboyant, over-the-top Starchild caricature, I perceived Starchild as a professional, highly-skilled singer/performer; from the classic fashion to the Gaga dance movements and the floor undulation which was absolutely sexciting lol! And subsequently, when I saw Starchild stripped to the bones as Elliot in the cafe and dormitory scenes, my heart sank. lol! Not to worry, let's wait for Puppet Master to literally pull everyone's strings...especially Kurt's...oooh-la-la! Bottomline, I like this Adam antiquated do, helluva lot! lol! Hey, still watching the MTN Starchild video...sort of difficult to part with Starchild so soon. lol!


Anonymous said...

I liked that scene. It made me sad and I wanted to hug Starchild when his mouth drooped after being insulted by Kurt.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Doesn't Thursday, have an S in the middle. Fox on Thurday, LOL

Anonymous said...

I watched tonight's episode of Glee but I kept missing Adam too much. For me tonight's episode was no where nearly as exciting as last week's Katy or GaGa ...we ll it couldn't coz no Adam.


Anonymous said...

Until I see Adam again, I will continue to watch over and over his Starchild MTN performance, my vitamins, minerals, and drug.

daydreamin said...

Anon 11:21 I am doing the same thing:)

Anonymous said...

I truly hope Adam never regrets or is ashamed of his love for glam & glitter or the performances, outfits and make up (especially the eyes!) he wore while singing during the Idol tour and the GNT... He brought so much joy and rapture to so many peoples' lives with his enthusiastic, fierce & sexy, "loving you all" performances! Some renditions of (okay,!) e.g. WLL, Starlight, Bowie medley, ROF, Sleepwalker, Fever, SFW, Aftermath, Broken Open...ooh fudge, all the songs he sang during those shows...should never be forgotten!

I understand movin on, development and change, but never regret or be ashamed of anything as EYE OPENING, touching, beautiful, sexy & mesmerizing and - for many even life changing and LIFE SAVING - unforgettable experiences you brought to this world with your VOICE, performances and kind & loving, disarming attitude!!!

Always in your debt and a loving fan.

Anonymous said...

I think at the end of the day elliot will parted with kurt due to creative differences.kurt too concern about keep the band identity within mainstream acceptance which is boring and outdated.Elliot thought the band will be suceed and getting many gigs but actually is remaind me the situation between adam and citizen vein where he found they cant click together n not having sucessful band.

Anonymous said...

That is quite interesting but I feel it might gel as a great band because I heard Elliot and Kurt will be doing a duet and that is another great performance I feel. And that episode is called Frenemies...sounds like enemies becoming friends, suggesting the band might work. But speculation on the final Season 6, is Kurt will be sent off to Russia and here Elliot and Kurt might part ways or might not, depends on the plot. So sad, please Glee, send Elliot to Russia too. lol! I like these two guys, they have affinity. lwl!


Anonymous said...

3:56am, what i feel sad is RM concentrate too much at HS plot started from 1 till now.Since some of memorable character already moved to NY which is new environment from HS, isnt better to extend more their role and find plot that involve their struggle in NY in order to find sucesss in their respected field.Isnt interesting to have 'adult GLEE club' at NYADA.

Anonymous said...

Watched last night - the dance history lesson was a bit OTT. I don't remember anyone thinking the Twist was immoral but I was a little kid. No one got upset when we did the Twist.

I want to keep up with plot to see where Adam fits next.

Anonymous said...

I watched Glee last night too, for the same reasons to keep up with the plot and to try and understand some of the other characters on Glee, but I sure missed Adam, I keep going back to watch last weeks episode with Adam making his amazing debut.

Anonymous said...

11:28pm ...

What a sweet post!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

11:28 pm and 10:21 am

I agree with everything you both said because we are diehard fans and Adam can do no wrong in our eyes. Unfortunately not all who went to a GNT concert "got" the over the top eye makeup that our boy is slowly putting behind him except for Starchild and Halloween. IMO he is trying to look more mainstream so as to attract the more concervative fans who liked him on Idol but clutched pearls over the AMA. I hope this makes sense.

Anonymous said...

:( :( :( All I see is a large blank space. :( :( :(

Anonymous said...

@laura 10:21
Thank you, I mean it from the bottom of my heart, to me he is a life saver and true inspiration; - and always a pleasure reading your posts.

@Anon 1:37
Thank you. And I hear you, :)

Have a nice weekend!

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:37
your comments does makes sense,