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Latest Picture! (at Bootsy Bellows)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, November 16, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, November 16, 2013

VIA molldoll64:
6 hours ago · Bootsy Bellows
So hype! Lol!


Anonymous said...

Isn't this an old picture?

Anonymous said...

He parties too much. Get your ass in the studio and put out some actual normal music that people will buy - then you can celebrate.

Anonymous said...

he's playing really hard. the girlies are really enjoying it.

Anonymous said...

7:31 AND 7:31 omg you couldn't even wait one minute between your dumb comments.You really have some issues.

Anonymous said...

ADMIN. - please do something about the remark made by 7:31 AM - so negative

Anonymous said...

the one girl looks like Carmen Diaz on the right.

Anonymous said...

This chat line here sounds like a bunch of high school girls tattling on each other or admonishing the one who has an opinion they don't like, and the one with the opinion sounds like someone's mother.

Anonymous said...

A lot of beauty in one picture!

Anonymous said...

he would devour all three.

Anonymous said...

anon 8:02 stow it.

Anonymous said...

It's called club promoting, folks.

Anonymous said...

anon 7:54 u are a big bully with a big trollophobia. u don't know shit

Anonymous said...

looks like the troll is back ): Don't you know it's against the rules to post such hateful remarks?I hope admin.does delete you,and soon!

Anonymous said...

9 41
No, that's bullshit. I didn't write the comments above and he can party all he wants as far as I'm concerned but don't start with this bull that's he is networking or promoting. no, he is just drinking with his friends as he does on a very regular basis.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam had a stress free, relaxing night at Bootsy's. He's looking delicious as always. ♥

Anonymous said...

Well, I think Adam is a club promoter. Adam would think it's a great idea.

Anonymous said...

anon 7:54 omg omg omg sounds very valleyish.

Anonymous said...

I say sit on it.

Anonymous said...

some waiting ten min. to answer their own comments. funny!

Anonymous said...

anon 9:46 you would make a good assumptionologist.

Anonymous said...

I thought he was supposed to be up really, really early today and tomorrow for filming for Glee, was supposed to be putting in long hours. Do we know if this is an old picture.
Speaking of old pictures, it's time to change the feature picture, with the white hair. It's been there over a week now, this is the second week.

Anonymous said...

Stop being so bitchy and judgemental. Boys just want to have fun! Worry about your own life and just let him enjoy his own.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear 7:31am what did u have for breakfast, fire vitamins !!!
It's just a lovely pic of Adam w freinds, fans enjoying themselves :) That's call YOUTH:)
U were young 2 once upon a time no?


Anonymous said...

Adam has been in the studio working music. He just said so.

It's Cameron Diaz.

glitzylady said...

Just a couple of comments: Admin can post whatever pics she wishes..including the "Featured" picture.. (which I think is just fine by the way. It's a "look". Big deal..). I don't think it's up for a vote as to how long the picture stays up. :)) I just appreciate the effort that goes into this blog. Every day...Just sayin'...

As for the pic of Adam at Bootsy Bellows... Yeah, maybe it's an old pic. Or a new one. I think its an old one but.. Whatever. Either way, so what. It's the weekend. People go out on the weekend, if they so choose. Especially if they are hot, young, and single. I'm none of those things, but I'm going out tonight to party with friends (and my hubby). Is that okay with all of you here?? Sorry, I know that's a little sarcastic, but sheesh....

Adam is working on music. He's on a TV show.. and who knows what else is going on in his professional life. We don't have any idea really, and we don't need to. He'll let us know when the time is right.. Until then: his business. He's told us more than once he isn't going to be as forthcoming with every little detail this time around. And thank goodness he can have some fun too.

Anonymous said...

Omg much more pleasant places than this site. I guess you have been on set all day then should stay in. Come on. Plus u have to rent studio time. That costs.

Anonymous said...

9:56 So? what's the problem either way? Are you sharing a liver with Adam?

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, you are sure in a bitchy mood today.There have been several complaints about the featured picture, mostly because it is one of the few we don't like of Adam. Admin can change it any time, and it won't be soon enough.As for Adam working this weekend it was stated from Glee members, that there several of them working Saturday and Sunday, with long hours. You don't always know what you are saying, only some of the time. :)))

Anonymous said...

I think this may be an older pic,or at least,it looks so familar,but who knows for sure.

glitzylady said...


Anonymous said...

I just see the most beautiful, most talented man in the world with three extremely beautiful women who seemed overjoyed just to be in his presence.

Adam is on his way to the big time now. All the deserved adulations are finally coming his way. I feel that next year will be very big for him. Now, he has the beginning of the Glee acting gig under his belt; and rave reviews are still coming in. He is returning for several episodes.

His skit of the Guest DJ on The Ellen Show, one week after the other was great; she gave him the platform to announce to his fans and the public in general that his third album was well on it's way to completion; and that he is in talks with big name producers. He also said he has been approached by, and is in talks with several record labels. After that, Ellen had him on the skit show, called Ellen's Bro show; He was a blast on that; so funny. Ellen seems to love Adam so much, and always gives him such a wonderful opportunity and great platform.

He is invited to so many exclusive networking events. Thrilled he was able to meet Lenny Kravitz at the exclusive invitational event the other night; his first time meeting with him; although they both have said to have deep respect and appreciation for each other. They would be a great collaboration if it were to ever happen.

I hope Adam can still find the time to be out and about among personal friends when he is not networking. But, Adam is such a people's person; hopefully he is enjoying all aspects of the life he has chosen.

Adam's version of "Marry The Night"; has over a million and a half you tube views.

As Queen's Brian and Roger always says, "Adam's voice is one in one hundred billion! The wonderful news is the three of them are trying to get something going for a few gigs for 2014. Brian said that after the Iheart Concert in Las Vegas with Adam as lead singer, a couple of months ago; his phone has not stopped ringing for requests for them to do something with Adam in the states; hopefully soon in 2014 if they can all work it out.

Well, I have news for some of you dreamers; for some of you saying, "why are these hateful jealous people always throwing crap his way; well get used to it, the more popular Adam Lambert gets; the more men and women who want to be seen with him; the more green slime will be anonymously thrown at this artistic genius of our lifetime. The shit will star raining down like hail, as his star continues to rise. So as you continue your undying support; get out your umbrella's, get out your shit proof raincoats; don't forget your silver studded boots with the bright red soles; and we can all celebrate and dance with the most talented deserving man in the world; Mr. Adam M. Lambert.

The haters and agitators; can just continue to lay down in darkness alone and tell themselves what they can truly see; quite sure it won't be pretty!

Anonymous said...

New flash; no need to argue. Old Picture; check gallery; but, what difference does it make. Nice beautiful picture anyway. Just pretend it's new; no big deal.

Anonymous said...

9:56 -- Are YOU the same person that has been tracking everything about Adam for the last 5 years and putting him down on every site you visit? Because I remember clearly your comments way back (5 years ago) on youtube denigrating Adam all the time because he went to clubs. You MUST be the same angry person :), right? But, the real question for you is WHY continue? Adam is a megastar and there is nothing that you have done in the past on these blogs that prevented him from becoming a megastar. In fact, the MORE you put him down, the bigger star Adam Lambert becomes. Isn't it ironic???? ::)))))

Anonymous said...

GlitzyLady and 11.45 you said it all beautifully. 11.45 absolutely completely true to the last word. No need for me to say more you said it all I so agree.
Only thing I will say I pretty sure this is a old picture too! I believe Adam quite busy today. But he alway also deserves to have a life. He does network and he met LK the other day first time. Someday something may come if that.
Adam done a lot lately and continues to do a lot. However some of you are only interested in jumping at a chance to be nasty not any thing else. No one should have to wear a rain coat to avoid the shit on this site but I agree you have to. The more good stuff he Adam does and appears on the more the trolls try to bring him down it ain't working and never will and never has.
Adam has fans that will love him until the old Angel takes them home he has fans few have.
Admin does a fantastic job I never meant to say anything else. But, when you tell everyone that negativity and nastiness not going to be tolerated you have to follow through. I know it's hard to do that say to day but its just a few of the same people for the mist part if they are finally removed it will be peaceful. Yes there will be one here and there but mostly it the same people over and over. There suppose to have three chances and out they have used those up long ago in reality.

I know what I say will have no bearing but I had to say it not going to say it anymore no one listens. I do really appreciate what the administrator does I could never do the job she or he does. At least ill try not to say anymore I won't promise that at all however. Sue

Anonymous said...

@ Sue
Nothing to complain about with your comment, just a question. Who is the old Angel, who will take them home?

Anne Marie said...

For those who are interested, and I know some are, Sauli and Nea tied for first place this week in DOI. :)

Anonymous said...

he might be hanging with some burlesque dancers. BB is a chick club that entertains men.

Anonymous said...

LOL, trolls, insulting comments about Adam and long lectures from more than just glitzyladay.

ADMIN, time to delete stuff or close the comments.

Anonymous said...

No matter where Adam goes, what he wears or who he is seen with, there will always be those who have to criticize and post/write negative comments. I guess it comes with the territory of being a celeb and taking all the "slings and arrows" thrown their way. But the only one who has to deal with this is Adam and he seems to be handling any of the critiism quite well. He looks better than ever, seems happy and relaxed and is enjoying some new opportunities with his appearance on GLEE. We also learned he is working on a new album and with some great producers all while looking for a new record label. That interests me the most. His personal life should remain as private as possible unless Adam wants us to know or see something. I think those of us who have been fans only want the best for Adam in his personal life and with his career. Hopefully 2014 will bring that for him.

Anonymous said...

1:27 nice to hear!!

Anonymous said...

@Ann Marie 1:27
Thank you for these excellent news, YAY!!!

Anonymous said...

1.24 old Angel? What I meant was most of us will be fans until the Angel brings us home. That was a nice way of saying most of well at least I will be a fan until we die and we can't be any more! Sue

Anonymous said...

1.56 all this site needs is the nasty remarks and trolls removed. Long time fans of Adam have every right to complain about those nasty remarks. In fact everyone does.
No one is lecturing, they are simply stating there feeling.
Since when is having Adams back on these nasty comment's filed under a bad remark.
People also have the right to request they be removed when we are told they will be.
Nasty remarks are not opinions. Keep those remarks off it will be a peaceful comment section. There no need to remove the comment section if nasty remarks against Adam are not Allowed!! You also will see less complaints period if they happens.

Anonymous said...

anon 4:24 you got a foreign tongue don't u?

Anonymous said...

4:24, Of all the comments to complain about, you sure made an odd choice.

Anonymous said...

A message to all who love ice dancing and Sauli & Nea in DOI - and especially to those who always tell people posting something about Sauli to go away from this site...

Go to Adamtopia or Sauli's Corner to watch Sauli's & Nea's performances from tonight! Especially #2, so so beautiful and touching! Got on of the judges teary eyed and he gave a 10!
#1) Madonna's Vogue
#2) Me & Him or Me & Her (Sauli's theme song by a very popular Finnish singer, but it does not matter that the song is in Finnish, just enjoy the performance!)

Sauli & Nea were so touched & happy. Oh how I wish Adam sees these performances, too! Sauli is so skilled already and looking so hawt!!!

Anonymous said...

Boring. Not much variety in his life these days.

Anonymous said...

anon 11:20 get out of the valley

Anonymous said...

I hear skating causes pigeon toe. not attractive

Anonymous said...

I wonder if there are any other clubs in LA. At least it looks like BB is the only one.

Anonymous said...

I've always found it's best to ignore trolls. When you respond to them, it's exactly what they want. It makes their day! I know it's hard to ignore but we have done it in our threads. It works! They get don't get the attention they are craving. hahaha on them!

Anonymous said...

@ 4:54 PM EVERYONE has a foreign tongue.

Anonymous said...

5:35pm ... I know! Mine's from Planet Fierce!

Sorry, totally dorky.

xo laura

Oh, yes, YEA for Sauli! Hope he takes the trophy!!

5:04pm ... That's news to me. If anything, pro skaters - like ballet dancers - turn their feet out. From a doctor: the best stance is feet pointed straight ahead, no pigeon toe, no duck feet. And from a guru ... when asked what the best yoga posture is, he answered "your own two feet planted squarely on the ground." Love that!

Anonymous said...

the foreign tongue explains all the jibberish on this blog.

Anonymous said...

So admin isn't going to delete insults anymore?

Anonymous said...

please remove posts made by 7:31AM.

Anonymous said...

@7:09pm at least we understand more than two languages.

Anonymous said...

@. 9:22 P.M.......Touchรฉ ! Good point....... : )) ......JAK

Anonymous said...

4:54 and 7:09
You give love a bad name...
Your comments are so NOT what Adam represents!

Anonymous said...

Quit your whinging, everyone. Admin will remove posts as he/she sees fit, not because someone posts something someone else doesn't like.

Anonymous said...

If that's Cameron Diaz in that pic, she looks gorgeous as a brunette. And our guy looks mighty fine!