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Lucky Fan!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, November 3, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, November 03, 2013


Anonymous said...

Adam just really care and love his fans!!!:)

He knows that millions of his fans will asked for the same attention!!:)

How can't you love Adam Lambert eh!!!:)

Till death do us part YAY!!!:)

Lucky girl!!!:)


Anonymous said...

well I hope she enjoyed it for a day. I follow her and many other fans on twitter and I enjoy twitter so much because of them.

Anonymous said...

Adam is sending tons of dm's to this fan? lol

daydreamin said...

No I believe she is getting dm's from people she follows.

Anonymous said...

what's a dm?

Anonymous said...

@1:23 PM

No, others that heard about it are all excited and they are dm'ing her. This is the kind of excitement Adam brings. Wow, what a guy. The handsome devil, so beloved.

glitzylady said...

A "DM" is a "Direct Message" on twitter. It is a "private message" that no one but the recipient can open and see.

We "regular" people on twitter can only send a DM to someone who is "following" us. Those people with "Verified" those who are celebrities, those who are famous, and who are "verified" to be the person who they are purported to be ie not a fake or impersonator of a famous person... can DM anyone. But unless that person (the recipient) is being followed by that verified acct., they can't DM back.

:))) In other words, Adam can DM anyone, but unless he follows you, you can't DM him back.

Lucky lady for sure! And so sweet for Adam to DM her, and answer her tweet.

Anonymous said...

AL won't follow anyone unless they are his famous guys and gals. right? normal people won't get followed. That is good reason for not having TWITTER. they won't give a twit unless you are a celebrity.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:46 PM
That's your choice of course. Most big celebs probably don't follow fans, or only a select few. But you CAN tweet to Adam by using @adamlambert in your comment, and he sometimes answers. He's answered me, much to my shock and delight. He also may at least see your comment to him. He reads many comments....good enough for me...

I can't imagine why he'd follow every fan on twitter. That would be completely crazy. Considering that over 2 million twitter accts follow him. It's probably hard enough for him to sort through all the tweets from the people he actually follows, not to mention all of the @adamlambert mentions that come onto his twitter "feed" at any given moment. It has to be impossible for him to even see at times. I only follow accts. I want to follow. Why should Adam be any different???

I enjoy twitter and learn a lot about what's happening in Adam Land. I also follow other people, etc. that I'm interested in. But it obviously isn't for everyone.

Anonymous said...

Had to unfollow? I stopped caring a long time ago who Adam follows or tweets. Now it only amuses me how bad his craydar was back in the days. Btw, Miami Laurie (THE Tommy fan) was at the ball last night. I saw close-ups of Tommy and Adam with her watermark on them. I heard Suz who used to film the gnt vids is now a Monte fan. Fans come and go.

Anonymous said...

Has she said why Adam dm'd her?

Anonymous said...


glitzylady said...

@Anon 2:30 PM
Read the tweets that Admin posted as the thread topic. He unfollowed her because he "didn't want to be unfair to the other fans"...He doesn't follow fans as a general rule. This is NOT the same as "blocking" someone if some are confused about what that meant.

@Anon 2:12 PM
The comment above about Adam blocking crays etc. had nothing to do with this. This particular fan (that Adam unfollowed) was tweeting a lot of the pics coming out of the Miami Make A Wish concert and perhaps he was enjoying seeing them. She's loyal fan and was doing a great job. Or perhaps he followed her on accident and very sweetly told her why he was unfollowing her again.

Re Suz:
Suz is still an Adam fan. She's been very busy in her personal life. .

Anonymous said...

2.12please stop cluttering up these sites with your nasty remarks. Who cares! Adam has fans for four years that are not going any where any time soon. Wishy washy fans come and go not fans that are really a caring fan of his. Any fan that went to Monty after all the trouble he caused Adam I say who needs them at all. If in fact that is what happened.

Anonymous said...

Why was he following her to begin with?

HK fan said...

Its probably just as well that Adam unfollowed her, I saw quite a few tweets from people that were non too happy about it, and lots of tweets to Adam begging him to follow them..i.e if you can follow her then you must follow me...
even put out a tweet asking no one to retweet any of crystal Days pictures...

and at 12.12pm
Suz is still a big Adam fan.

Anonymous said...

Real fans don't come and go!!!!:)

If you really a dedicated fan you stick with it!!!:)

There are millions of fans around the globe are loyal and dedicated to Adam so no worries!!!!:)


Anonymous said...

I think in this world, you can be a fan of more than one person. But, I never believe people who runs around saying that other people are not fans of someone; they are usually lying.

Sue, has always been a dedicated fan of Adams. She will probably be right there taking video's whenever she can. If not, that is ok too. Adam has lots of fans who take video's of his shows.

Anonymous said...

@2:12 PM

You are just filled with all kinds of juicey little information aren't you? You are just all over the place. Did you get all your fustrations with Adam off your chest yet, or are there more little morsels to come?

Anonymous said...

We have to swear allegiance.

Anonymous said...

Poor Adam, he just can't seem to win with this fan twitter thing. Bless his heart; he loves his fans so much and really trys to please them when he can; without wanting to hurt any feelings. Any mature person should understand this. This crying about it is just ridicules. I bet he gives his fans more attention than most when he can.

Don't most people just DM their personal friends or acquaintance they wish to communicate with. I am not on twitter, so just asking.

Anonymous said...

@4:48 PM

Yes, to the Flag.

Anonymous said...

@4:52 Someone can design a flag. What would be the name of our nation? Also, TJR army already exists. They will demand self-governance or we might end up in civil war.

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like Adam accidently followed that fan and when he realized it he needed to unfollow her and was nice about how he did it.

What was wrong with what 2:12 said and what is up with people jumping all over another commenter lately?

Please stop assuming everyone here is insulting Adam just because you don't agree with something they said. Trolls should be ignored and Admin will delete the ones she thinks are insulting Adam.

It is true fans come and go from any celebrity or performer. They change or you change. Nothing wrong with that, it's just life.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, I think our nation is already named...The Fighting Glamberts. Too bad........JAK